Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

hi i have a lp defect and also o,late .when i was ttc my last baby itook ac and b50 complex and it moved my o, from cd23 to cd17 and it increased my lp from 9 days to aroun 11-12 days and i fell pregnant on the second month on them,im ttc again and im on my 2nd month again and 1st month i o, cd 15 instead of cd26 and my lp was 9 instead of 8 days and this month ive o, cd17 and im 5dpo at the moment , but it has really helped me in the past,ive upped it to 100mg bcomplex this month to try and lengthen my lp a bit more i will keep you updated on it if anyones

:hi: quail:
what days during your cycle did you take AC/Vitex? and how much did you take? I took this herb b/c I heard success stories but I think it gave me the opposite effect and made me O much later but hey Im willing to give it another try... LOL

:hi: i take ac up until o,and i take 2 tablets i think they are 500mg but i will check 2moz for you,its really helped move my o, forward and it supposed to be really good for regulating your cycle.xx

thanks! :hugs:
I may start taking it again then as I hear it takes time to get into your system. I am definitely taking my B vits too... I feel like I have more energy when I take them.... FXd you get your :bfp: keep me posted... :hugs:
CRC - For me, on B6 my ov was 4 days earlier and I got the best +OPK i have seen in a long time.

I have read (can't remember where tho) that B6 stimulates progesterone but also inhibits estrogen. For a lot of us with low progesterone that is a good thing - but may be in your case you actually have low estrogen already and that's why you're seeing this effect? It's a total guess hun - no idea if it's right. :hugs:

Hi magicvw, thanks so much - that's really useful to know. I've tried to google it but I can't find anything (although I need to stop as I'm driving myself mad!). I guess the bottom line is some things work for some and not for others. For not I'm taking a break from the B6 and the herbs I was taking and just waiting for my hospital appointment. Thanks so much!
Heyllo CRC- That so sucks about our OPKS. I surely know how you are feeling. I use the IC's and have used pink and green. The pink ones always had 2 lines, but I could clearly tell the positive ones. These green ones are stark stark white and last month i had 2 dark lines for 2 days but other days they are stark. So they are easy to read but easy to miss also. I know this isnt the maca thread, but im thinking of keeping vit B next month and starting maca. I am wondering if my EPO didnt do all this? I will try quitting that first cuz I started it first. This should be interesting because if the vit B is lengthening my cycle, MACA is supposed to shorten the cycle. Lol. I could be a walking contradiction soon we shall see. Least i'll be horny all the time. Haha. sorry, too far!

Are those clear blues very sensitive or not? And how often a day are you testing? I do know that its easy to miss the surge for women with a shorter surge. Which i've heard to be common on vitamin B. that they are short, strong surges so can be missed. IDK. I hope thats the case.

Also- as for going to the docs. I'd keep the vit B and actually ask them about it. Tell them you originally started them because they boasted to help with PMS symptoms and give energy and lessen stress. but ask if they are messing things up. And then let me know. Lol. Im 29 but OH is 34 so im getting scared but not interested in medical intervention yet. Sigh.

hi Nypage1981, I've got to be quick as late for work.... I've decided this mornign to stop taking my B6 and the Red rasbperry. I'm putting them aside in a cupboard and trying to just get back to normal and stop driving myself mad about it all. We've got exactly 2 weeks until our hospital appointment and I want to try and chill out and get my cycle back to its natural form so that I arrive at the hospital not looking like a bag of nerves!!! I love your suggestion for what to tell them as to why I started taking B6 - great, thank you! I will of course let you know what they say. As for the O tests, they say on the packet to test in the afternoon - something between 2-6pm is the best and you only need to do once a day. You also should not pee for 4 hours before testing if you can help it. They say don't test in the morning and don't test after 9pm. Hope this helps. Have you had a posititve O test yet this week? x
CRC- no positive:( I was told to test 2 times a day cuz surge can only happen for like 12 hrs and would be missed. I did one friday b4 new york and it had a faint 2nd line, then when I returned tuesday it was almost gone, now today totally just 1 line no sign of a 2nd. SO, maybe I did O over the weekend but didnt test cuz was gone. Let me know how you come along without taking stuff. If you go to another thread because not on B vits anymore lemme know where you head off to. I'd like to continue mine, but hear how your's changes when you are not on the stuff since we've had kinda the same thing going on. Ciao!
quick question, i started vit b6 at the begining of this cycle and ive finally made it to 12DPO and im still in the game! woo hoo, usually get AF 9-10DPO so really excited. i tested 9 and 10DPO stupidly and got BFN so ive managed to find a bit of will power to not test till im late. my question is cd14 is sunday, can vit b6 make your LP go over 14 days? i just dont want to get excited if AF hasnt shown up by monday morning, test and get a BFN! if i know i may go over by a few days then it wont be as disapointing.

(changed to CD to DPO haha)
Do you mean dpo not CD? Dpo is after ovulation days....i'd say if you make to 14 Dpo and dont have AF yet, either way you should get a nice BFP by then!
ha ha yeh i ment DPO!!! can it make you LP a bit longer though? just to prepere myself for the worst if i get that far and no BFP or AF!
ETA baby dust to you also, noticed youve only got 3 days left. xx
Oh yes, vit B is meant to try and make luteal phase longer thats why lots of women try it! So dont worry if it does that, its a good thing. It is a bit alarming to have a longer cycle though just to warn you. My ticker is wrong because last cycle was long and almost a week late! I figured it was the vitamin B making my LP longer I hope! ALtho, didnt make a bfp:)
oh god i hope it doesn make it that much longer ha ha! we'll see what happens anyway, at least AF hasnt arrived yet and thats all that matters at the moment. thanks. x
well i just caved and tested- BFN!!! thought if it might be that long i might as well know now rather than wait ha ha! so taking it as im out. what happens if i stopped taking the B6 (then restart it next cycle) will it make AF turn up sooner that if i carry on or will it not make a difference. im just dreading the thought of waiting round for AF for ages.
CRC - try this page

"Vitamin B6 reduces blood estrogen and increases progesterone."

"American women are so deficient in vitamin B6 that it was discovered back in the early 1940’s. The process of refining flour eliminates the B vitamins altogether, B6 is destroyed in cooking and canning, and when foods are packaged. Pregnancy and birth-control pills also cause a B6 deficiency."

Low estrogen is more usual in older ladies (menopausal or premenopausal).
This page is useful

Some tidbits:

"Women report forgetfulness, insomnia, lack of sexual desire and painful intercourse when estrogen levels are low or begin to decline. Irregular menstruation or lack of menstruation occurs. Bladder infections and headaches might occur. Mood changes that lead to crying, feelings of depression and irritability are also symptoms. Bone loss also occurs that leads to osteoporosis. Inability to become pregnant can signal low estrogen levels in younger women."

"Other conditions that cause low estrogen levels in younger women include excessive exercise, eating disorders and too little body fat. Extreme exercise, just before and during puberty, such as gymnastics and dancing, can cause estrogen levels to be low, delaying normal female development. A symptom of low estrogen in younger women is delayed development and lack of menstruation (amenorrhea)."

But I think it's probably unlikely that you're estrogen is low (but I don't know how old you are). :hugs:
Wow great info magic. Im 29 so seems I may not be estrogen low. At first I was like- yea im tired and irritable! But it doesnt seem to fit me well. Thanks a lot for that info.

Sorry ljo about bfn:( I also dont know about the quitting b vits and brining on AF. I really wanna know that answer though too thats a great idea if it would actually work. Doubt it though. While back in this thread Lisaf was saying that the b vits amount dont make HUGE differences in our cycles or bodies so wouldnt think it would bring AF any sooner. Just guessing though.

Does everyone take b complex or are one of the b's better to take more of or am I good with just 50 b complex?
i might give it a go as an experiment! although saying that if i did come on soon, how do i konw that wouldnt of happened anyway! ha ha! why do our bodies have to get so complicated! i dont like it ha ha. xx
hi i have a lp defect and also o,late .when i was ttc my last baby itook ac and b50 complex and it moved my o, from cd23 to cd17 and it increased my lp from 9 days to aroun 11-12 days and i fell pregnant on the second month on them,im ttc again and im on my 2nd month again and 1st month i o, cd 15 instead of cd26 and my lp was 9 instead of 8 days and this month ive o, cd17 and im 5dpo at the moment , but it has really helped me in the past,ive upped it to 100mg bcomplex this month to try and lengthen my lp a bit more i will keep you updated on it if anyones

:hi: quail:
what days during your cycle did you take AC/Vitex? and how much did you take? I took this herb b/c I heard success stories but I think it gave me the opposite effect and made me O much later but hey Im willing to give it another try... LOL

:hi: i take ac up until o,and i take 2 tablets i think they are 500mg but i will check 2moz for you,its really helped move my o, forward and it supposed to be really good for regulating your cycle.xx

hi,lisa ive had a look at my ac and this is the info on it,
agnus castus[chasteberry]
berry extract 100mg
equivalent to dried berries 1000mg
on the front it says agnus castus 1000mg
i take 2 of these up to o,
CRC - try this page

"Vitamin B6 reduces blood estrogen and increases progesterone."

"American women are so deficient in vitamin B6 that it was discovered back in the early 1940’s. The process of refining flour eliminates the B vitamins altogether, B6 is destroyed in cooking and canning, and when foods are packaged. Pregnancy and birth-control pills also cause a B6 deficiency."

Low estrogen is more usual in older ladies (menopausal or premenopausal).
This page is useful

Some tidbits:

"Women report forgetfulness, insomnia, lack of sexual desire and painful intercourse when estrogen levels are low or begin to decline. Irregular menstruation or lack of menstruation occurs. Bladder infections and headaches might occur. Mood changes that lead to crying, feelings of depression and irritability are also symptoms. Bone loss also occurs that leads to osteoporosis. Inability to become pregnant can signal low estrogen levels in younger women."

"Other conditions that cause low estrogen levels in younger women include excessive exercise, eating disorders and too little body fat. Extreme exercise, just before and during puberty, such as gymnastics and dancing, can cause estrogen levels to be low, delaying normal female development. A symptom of low estrogen in younger women is delayed development and lack of menstruation (amenorrhea)."

But I think it's probably unlikely that you're estrogen is low (but I don't know how old you are). :hugs:

Hi magicvw,
Thanks so much for the info magicvw, I am 36 so it is slightly possible that I could be pre-menopausal (funnily enough was reading an article on this only yesterday!) but I don't really have any of the symptons mentioned (although my husband my disagree especially on the mood swings and tears, haha!).

I also just read some other interesting things online on this subject, this: and this below:

Low estrogen symptoms are experienced by younger women as well. However their symptoms are usually different than low estrogen symptoms in older women. When younger women do not produce enough estrogen in their body for one reason or another there are low estrogen symptoms that will be noted. Not producing enough estrogen for young women can also signal the presence of adrenal cancer or ovarian cancer. It is important that young women who are experiencing symptoms of low estrogen consult with her medical doctor since symptoms of low estrogen levels can signal other health problems as well. A doctor can order a blood test done to test for estrogen levels. A test for FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) can also help determine a woman’s estrogen levels. FSH levels are low if estrogen is low. Excessive exercise can lower a woman’s estrogen level. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa can also lower a woman’s estrogen level because of the reduction in body fat where small amounts of estrogen can also be produced.

Low estrogen symptoms in younger women include:

Lack of menstruation
Delayed development
Frequent bladder infections
Painful intercourse
Decreased sex drive

Anyway, enough of worrying... I'm just going to stay off the B6 (unless I happen to get a positive O test tonight but I doubt it, its day 17 now and I've never had one that late...).

Thanks again!
well i just caved and tested- BFN!!! thought if it might be that long i might as well know now rather than wait ha ha! so taking it as im out. what happens if i stopped taking the B6 (then restart it next cycle) will it make AF turn up sooner that if i carry on or will it not make a difference. im just dreading the thought of waiting round for AF for ages.

Hi ljo1984, I've just stopped taking the B6 so I'll let you know what happens - I'm assuming my period will come back to be on day 26 rather than day 30 which it was doing with the B6 but I'll let you know (its about 10 days away for me though) but I also don't know how quickly B6 gets out of your body - it seemed to lengthen my cycle very quickly so I'm assuming it will also shorten it again quickly. I"ll let you know and if you try it then please also let me know.
CRC- no positive:( I was told to test 2 times a day cuz surge can only happen for like 12 hrs and would be missed. I did one friday b4 new york and it had a faint 2nd line, then when I returned tuesday it was almost gone, now today totally just 1 line no sign of a 2nd. SO, maybe I did O over the weekend but didnt test cuz was gone. Let me know how you come along without taking stuff. If you go to another thread because not on B vits anymore lemme know where you head off to. I'd like to continue mine, but hear how your's changes when you are not on the stuff since we've had kinda the same thing going on. Ciao!

Hi! I will stay on the post as I've enjoyed talking with you and the others and it does help to know we are not alone so I'll keep checking in but might only be once a week instead of every day. Sorry to hear you also did not get a positive O test, like you say maybe it happened while you were away. You can only hope! I will of course let you know what happens when I stop taking it and we can compare notes! Good luck x
well i just caved and tested- BFN!!! thought if it might be that long i might as well know now rather than wait ha ha! so taking it as im out. what happens if i stopped taking the B6 (then restart it next cycle) will it make AF turn up sooner that if i carry on or will it not make a difference. im just dreading the thought of waiting round for AF for ages.

Hi ljo1984, I've just stopped taking the B6 so I'll let you know what happens - I'm assuming my period will come back to be on day 26 rather than day 30 which it was doing with the B6 but I'll let you know (its about 10 days away for me though) but I also don't know how quickly B6 gets out of your body - it seemed to lengthen my cycle very quickly so I'm assuming it will also shorten it again quickly. I"ll let you know and if you try it then please also let me know.

thanks, im not taking it now until AF shows so will let you know when she arrives, then i'll start it again next cycle (unless it takes me forever to get AF then might see what my body does without or on a smaller dose.) was really upset this morning but already sorted out my plan for cycle #6, gonna try out the SMEP for a couple of months, and gonna experiment with grapefruit juice aswell ha ha.

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