Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Well I'm only on CD4 - I went to the docs yesterday because at CD3, I figured I might be able to get a blood test there and then. But appparently, they do that first test on CD2 here! Doh, bummer. So I have to wait for the CD21 and then CD2 next cycle. I'm thinking, though, about how to try and wangle a second blood test at a 'true' 7 dpo (i.e. CD27 for me), because my understanding is, that that is the crucial point - being 7 dpo; CD21 is just based on most women ovulating on CD14. As much as a test on CD21 will show low progesterone for me, and that might be enough to get me in to the specialist, I would still like to know the true results, and I presume the specialist will too, to really find out the cause of any issue.

Soooo... that will be interesting! Will see what fast talk I can do at the testing place and/or GPs ;-)

Your cysts sound a bit alarming! is it relatively straight forward to get them removed? In some ways it must be good to find out a cause so you can fix it eh... good news that you don't have to wait TOO long for your appt!

I guess the only thing you can do is to keep explaining that to the dr and see if they finally get it! Do they know where you are in your cycle? Could you tell that you are not as far on as they think? Would that work?!

As for the cysts - I'm a bit in the dark until I see the gynae. From what the dr said it looks like one ovary is poly cystic (as in PCOS) but it is not too enlarged (whatever that means!). The other one has what she referred to as an endometrioma on it which (from what I have read since) seems to infer that I might have endometriosis and that has led to a cyst in my ovary. So....I am being investigated for both PCOS and endo but I don't really know any more at the moment. I don't even know how big the cyst is (but I can feel it now and again). I guess I need to write a list of questions to ask the gynae when I get there. From what I have read, surgery may be an option but then so is 'waiting and seeing'.

I guess I'm just glad that I am being investigated and hope that the solution is straightforward - no point worrying too much until we know the extent of the problem!
Just checking in to say hi!

Unfortunately we didn't bring back a little extra traveller form our Canadian trip... my period rudely arrived on the day we landed back in the UK, meaning after my one single 9 day LP cycle (after months and months of 6 days) it's back down again, to 6 or possibly 7 days.

I've been on B vits for months - 50mg and then 100mg - plus agnus castus, and they don't seem to be having any effect whatsoever. So in order to keep myself sane, I'm taking a break from all the supplements and just taking prenatal vits this cycle.

We're onto cycle #10 of trying... all around me people seem to be falling pregnant, yet we're no closer than we were almost a year ago. I know it'll happen one day, but at the moment that day seems so far off, and I'm finding it a bit tough to see so many people with children L's age or younger getting pregnant again. I know I am so lucky to have my wonderful girl when many people are yearning for their first, so I'm trying not to moan... but I hope you guys may understand that 'yearning'. We so want to have a big family and a <2 year age gap between our first two, which now can't happen. Every time I come across people with a close age gap between their children in feels like a punch in the stomach. :(

I'm really not feeling toooo low... but I know I need to look after myself as with such a prolonged short LP, it's likely to take us a long time yet to conceive, so I need to be mindful of that. I'm focusing on enjoying all my time with my little girl, and thinking of all the positives of a larger age gap... not two in nappies etc etc!

So... one big step back from me. I'll still chart (mainly because I definitely want to know my ovulation date if conception happens, so I don't have to trust a dating scan's estimated gestation) but other than that, we're going 'au naturelle' for a while. And if nothing's happened in 2 more months, when we've been trying for a year, it's off to the docs for a fertility-chat. Eek!

Good luck to all you lovely girls here! I'll check back every so often even though I'm not a B6-er at present.

Boo to AF showing up so rudely. Are you still breastfeeding your baby? Is your LP linked to that do you think i.e. when you wean will your LP go back up? I do hope it happens for you soon x
So I have a general B-vit question for all here -- especially those who have been taking B-vitamins for some time! -- have people noticed improvements EVERY cycle? Or is it a one-step thing for you... so does it appear to have a cumulative effect, or more of a one-step bump? I took B100s for the first time last cycle, and my LP went from 8 to 9 days... which is ok... just wondering if I should expect/hope for another day this cycle, so 10 days, or whether that day increase is all I'm ever going to get? (bit depressing, but just managing expectations here! and/or wondering how aggressive to be trying other stuff).

Thanks and best to all!

My LP has gone from 9 days (with 2 days spotting) to 12 days (with spotting from 7dpo still). This is over one cycle - however, my cycle was very long (89 days) and I was taking 50mg b complex from about cd24. So although it was an improvement over one cycle I was taking the b vits for the equivalent of 2 or more normal length cycles!

It seems to be such an individual thing though.
So I have a general B-vit question for all here -- especially those who have been taking B-vitamins for some time! -- have people noticed improvements EVERY cycle? Or is it a one-step thing for you... so does it appear to have a cumulative effect, or more of a one-step bump? I took B100s for the first time last cycle, and my LP went from 8 to 9 days... which is ok... just wondering if I should expect/hope for another day this cycle, so 10 days, or whether that day increase is all I'm ever going to get? (bit depressing, but just managing expectations here! and/or wondering how aggressive to be trying other stuff).

Thanks and best to all!

My LP has gone from 9 days (with 2 days spotting) to 12 days (with spotting from 7dpo still). This is over one cycle - however, my cycle was very long (89 days) and I was taking 50mg b complex from about cd24. So although it was an improvement over one cycle I was taking the b vits for the equivalent of 2 or more normal length cycles!

It seems to be such an individual thing though.

Hey struth...I was just checking in and I saw you Oed....way better than last cycle!!! Good for you! 8 or9....not really feeling like this month worked...but we should know in the next couple never know! I haven't tested yet.....
I know! I'm a bit in shock and am now doubting my opks. My temp is high today as I had a drink last night (it was my b'day so I had a couple of vinos!) - I always have high temps the night after a drink. I'm thinking of discarding today's temp but I do have all the other signs of O so this really could be it. On cd17!!! Much better than cd76!

And Mum23 - you know what they say - you are not out until the witch arrives! FX'd for you :dust:
Bumping this back up - I am on CD15 now and I think I should be O'ing on Thursday. Cross your fingers for a nice LOOONG LP leading into a :bfp:!!

how's everyone else doing?
struth - That's a great improvement in your LP!
Bumping this back up - I am on CD15 now and I think I should be O'ing on Thursday. Cross your fingers for a nice LOOONG LP leading into a :bfp:!!

how's everyone else doing?
struth - That's a great improvement in your LP!

I have my Fx'd for you! I hope that this cycle is The One!

Indeed - it was a good improvement in my LP. I was really pleased. :cloud9: I do wonder whether my body is slowing getting used to being pill free (nearly 7 months) as I do seem to be having small improvements.

Mind you - I still need to work out how to stop the spotting at 7dpo! :coffee:
struth - I see that you also o'ed much earlier this month! That's wonderful news! you may be right about needing to adjust to being off the pill!
Struth - it does look like you might just've ovulated! Fingers crossed. Our daughter was conceived when I ovulated freakily early compared to my 'normal' cycles, so I hope the same happens for you.

Are you still breastfeeding your baby? Is your LP linked to that do you think i.e. when you wean will your LP go back up? I do hope it happens for you soon x

Thanks :) Yes, I'm still breastfeeding, and would like to let L wean when she's ready rather than impose it on her, as she enjoys it and it's still good for her and a great tool in my parenting toolbox! I can't imagine having made our big trip to Canada without breastfeeding - was so useful! My LP could be short because of breastfeeding, but it was on the short end of normal (10-11 days) when we conceived before, so I've ever had a securely 'long' LP! We've decided that we need to trust her... if breastfeeding is stopping us from conceiving, then that means L isn't ready to share me quite yet. It will happen (I keep telling myself that)! Still feel jealous of the many other breastfeeders I've come across who've conceived no probs, though. :shrug:

I'm feeling good this cycle... not necessarily about conceiving (I've accepted that we're likely to go over the year mark with no success on that front) but I feel good to have stopped supplements and charting and to be taking a step back. TTC can drive you a wee bit crazy sometimes. :winkwink:

Good luck everyone!
Any exciting/interesting updates anyone? I am on CD14, waiting waiting... usually OV around CD16-20 so still aways to go probably (although hoping for the earlier end of that this month). Gawd the waiting is a pain in the bum...!!
Hi googly! Nothing to write home about.... I'm 7dpo today and historically this is the day that I start spotting.

Nothing yet.... even if I don't get a bfp, I'll be happy if the spotting and LP are better again this cycle.

FX'd you catch that eggy!
I got an OPK+ today - at CD16, that's 3-4 days earlier than last month - really hope those days are added to my LP! (not sure if that's how it works but oh well, I can hope...)
Yeah for positive opks!!! Let's hope you get that long LP.

As for me - I spoke too soon. I'm spotting again - started yesterday at 8dpo and seems to be heavier than last cycle. Still only enough for a liner but I'm not sure whether I will last to 12 dpo again this cycle. I'm thinking that AF will be here in the next day or two which means another short LP :-(
Hello ladies, just thought I'd join you as found out today after my first month of charting that my LP is 7 days :( At least it explains why we are still not pregnant after 10 months of TTC/NTNP...

Anyway, I am going out tomorrow to buy a vitB complex, I shall not be defeated by my own body!! (still feeling a a bit down about it though, but I will be proactive about it).
Do you mind if I stick around here for a while? Could do with some moral support. Thanks!
Hey girls! I'm on 4dpo here. According to FF, my chances are "high" this month, but obviously we need to hope for the BVits to work! I o'ed on CD 19! Here's hoping for nice high temps that continue for nine months! At the very least, I'd like them to be at least 12-13 days since I had a major temp drop at 9dpo last month.
Hello ladies, just thought I'd join you as found out today after my first month of charting that my LP is 7 days :( At least it explains why we are still not pregnant after 10 months of TTC/NTNP...

Anyway, I am going out tomorrow to buy a vitB complex, I shall not be defeated by my own body!! (still feeling a a bit down about it though, but I will be proactive about it).
Do you mind if I stick around here for a while? Could do with some moral support. Thanks!

Welcome FrenchyMummy! I hope your stay here is short!
Yeah for positive opks!!! Let's hope you get that long LP.

As for me - I spoke too soon. I'm spotting again - started yesterday at 8dpo and seems to be heavier than last cycle. Still only enough for a liner but I'm not sure whether I will last to 12 dpo again this cycle. I'm thinking that AF will be here in the next day or two which means another short LP :-(

I'm sorry to hear about the spotting. Any updates?
Hello ladies, just thought I'd join you as found out today after my first month of charting that my LP is 7 days :( At least it explains why we are still not pregnant after 10 months of TTC/NTNP...

Anyway, I am going out tomorrow to buy a vitB complex, I shall not be defeated by my own body!! (still feeling a a bit down about it though, but I will be proactive about it).
Do you mind if I stick around here for a while? Could do with some moral support. Thanks!
Hi FrenchyMummy!

Yeah it can be a v disheartening but at least you know what it is now and can do something about it eh. I've done a fair bit of research since I discovered my LP was 7 days and yeah, it seems like there are quite a few avenues you can try (B complex, vitex, progesterone supplements, acupuncture etc) to get things moving. Mine has gone up to 9 days (so far, hoping for more this cycle) and that's just on B100 and vitex. Going to introduce acupuncture from next cycle and see if that can bump it up - if no BFP first of course!!

Good luck!
Hey girls! I'm on 4dpo here. According to FF, my chances are "high" this month, but obviously we need to hope for the BVits to work! I o'ed on CD 19! Here's hoping for nice high temps that continue for nine months! At the very least, I'd like them to be at least 12-13 days since I had a major temp drop at 9dpo last month.

Hi Chiclady! I am 3dpo so here's hoping we can both do some testing around the same time and get some good results! I'm only half hopeful this month - feel BD timing/frequency wasn't awesome, and temps so far haven't been hugely high... Still, you never know.

Good luck!!!!
Hello ladies, just thought I'd join you as found out today after my first month of charting that my LP is 7 days :( At least it explains why we are still not pregnant after 10 months of TTC/NTNP...

Anyway, I am going out tomorrow to buy a vitB complex, I shall not be defeated by my own body!! (still feeling a a bit down about it though, but I will be proactive about it).
Do you mind if I stick around here for a while? Could do with some moral support. Thanks!

Welcome FrenchyMummy! I hope your stay here is short!

Hello Chiclady! thanks for your welcome, hope my stay here is like my LP at the moment, short! Haha!

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