Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I actually think b6 is messing with my cycles and I am not even sure I am ovulating.
I never use to spot before but first cycle I started taking b6 I spotted on day 25 and had a 27 day cycle (use to be 33)
Second cycle, no spotting BUT I was taking EPO as well (30 capsules which have now run out and I didn't buy anymore) so I this could be why I didn't spot.
Third cycle, I am now on day 22 and spotting. This is just crazy!!!

hi hereshoping, just wanted tell you epo should be used till o day not for the whole cycle! hope that helps you!
Update: upped my dosage of b complex from b50 to b100 this cycle, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to ovulate early. The first cycle I charted, I was not yet using b complex, and I started getting highs on my monitor on cd 15, and I ovulated on cd 18. The next cycle, I used b50, got my first high on cd 13, and ovulated one day earlier, on cd 17. This cycle, I'm taking b100, got my first high on cd 10, and got a + opk tonight on cd 13. I expect to get a peak tomorrow in cd 14, and ovulate by cd 15.

Here's another update. I got my first peak on my CBFM today, on CD 15. I still think I will ovulate today, as it's been over 36 hours since my first + OPK.... This means I'm ovulating 2 days earlier than last month, and three days earlier than the month before that. I really think it's the B complex... I'll let you all know how my LP turns out. It used to be 11 days without B complex. After 2 weeks taking it, it went to 12 days (still with 1-2 days of pre AF spotting though). Last month it went to 13 days, but I was also taking progesterone cream, and I still had the preAF spotting. I am not taking the cream this cycle, since I am having my progesterone tested, and so I'll get to see how long my LP is, now that I'm on B100. Hoping, of course, that I'll never know, because I'll get a BFP instead! FX.
Update: upped my dosage of b complex from b50 to b100 this cycle, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to ovulate early. The first cycle I charted, I was not yet using b complex, and I started getting highs on my monitor on cd 15, and I ovulated on cd 18. The next cycle, I used b50, got my first high on cd 13, and ovulated one day earlier, on cd 17. This cycle, I'm taking b100, got my first high on cd 10, and got a + opk tonight on cd 13. I expect to get a peak tomorrow in cd 14, and ovulate by cd 15.

Here's another update. I got my first peak on my CBFM today, on CD 15. I still think I will ovulate today, as it's been over 36 hours since my first + OPK.... This means I'm ovulating 2 days earlier than last month, and three days earlier than the month before that. I really think it's the B complex... I'll let you all know how my LP turns out. It used to be 11 days without B complex. After 2 weeks taking it, it went to 12 days (still with 1-2 days of pre AF spotting though). Last month it went to 13 days, but I was also taking progesterone cream, and I still had the preAF spotting. I am not taking the cream this cycle, since I am having my progesterone tested, and so I'll get to see how long my LP is, now that I'm on B100. Hoping, of course, that I'll never know, because I'll get a BFP instead! FX.

Hi DaisyQ,

Glad you got your peak, there's nothing better than seeing that little egg on the monitor!!!

I was hoping I could pick your brain about B100 complex? Each cycle for the past four now I start spotting on cd22 (regardless of o day - this month I'm 4dpo and today is cd22). I read loads of positive stories on this thread about ladies who've had lots of success with B50 complex and I took that for the whole of this cycle but it obviously didn't make much difference. I noticed you take B100 complex and I wondered if you noticed much difference from the B50 and if it was worth a shot at taking that next cycle? I just wish something would put an end to this dreaded cd22 curse -I'm willing to try anything. :nope:

I noticed you found B100 brought your o forward - the B50 I took delayed mine by a day. I suppose we're all different! Has anyone else found B100 has brought their o day forward?

Thanks for your help! :flower:
Hi Happenstance! It's really hard to know for sure why our cycles vary month to month, and what exactly causes the variations.

In my case, it could just be that my cycle is going through an adjustment period since coming off the pill 6 months ago, and my ovulation date is moving up on it's own. It's possible. I do however tend to think it's the B vitamins.

I did just up my dose this month from B50 to B100, and my ovulation came 2 days earlier than last month. The B50 did move my ovulation up one day (from CD 18 to CD 17). Perhaps if I had stuck with it, it would have continued to move up ovulation, extend LP, and help with spotting, but I am an impatient girl, and since I kept seeing spotting with B50, I decided to try the B100. I have no idea yet if it will help with my LP or with the spotting - I'll let you all know how it goes. I usually spot for 1-2 days before AF shows, usually around CD 11. The fact that my O date is SO early this month (CD 15), really makes me think that the B100 is definitely more powerful than the B50...

Not sure how it might affect you though - only way to know is to try it. It's also hard to know if the B50 delayed your ovulation, or if it could be related to something else...

Good luck and keep us posted on what you do, and how it turns out!
Hi Happenstance! It's really hard to know for sure why our cycles vary month to month, and what exactly causes the variations.

In my case, it could just be that my cycle is going through an adjustment period since coming off the pill 6 months ago, and my ovulation date is moving up on it's own. It's possible. I do however tend to think it's the B vitamins.

I did just up my dose this month from B50 to B100, and my ovulation came 2 days earlier than last month. The B50 did move my ovulation up one day (from CD 18 to CD 17). Perhaps if I had stuck with it, it would have continued to move up ovulation, extend LP, and help with spotting, but I am an impatient girl, and since I kept seeing spotting with B50, I decided to try the B100. I have no idea yet if it will help with my LP or with the spotting - I'll let you all know how it goes. I usually spot for 1-2 days before AF shows, usually around CD 11. The fact that my O date is SO early this month (CD 15), really makes me think that the B100 is definitely more powerful than the B50...

Not sure how it might affect you though - only way to know is to try it. It's also hard to know if the B50 delayed your ovulation, or if it could be related to something else...

Good luck and keep us posted on what you do, and how it turns out!

Thanks DaisyQ, I'll look into B100 this month and see if it makes any difference. I'm going for tests next week to rule out (or rule in!) cysts, polyps or fibroids. I'm hoping they'll find the cause and be able to fix it, but I know it's not always that easy.

Have any other ladies gone through tests, been given the all clear and still have spotting?

Good luck everyone on getting your BFPs! :flower:
Hey happenstance.

Does the spotting continue from cd22 to AF? I have some spotting most months a day or two before AF. It has improved since taking B100. I had a lot of spotting this cycle from cd18 (o day) and had a chemical but I don't think the spotting is the cause. The spotting actually stopped for a few days at the same time I expected AF which made me test. So hopefully the spotting although annoying, hopefully won't stop you getting pregnant. Are you having blood work too?

I'm having blood work and scans this cycle. I'll let you know if anything is found.

Good luck.
Hey happenstance.

Does the spotting continue from cd22 to AF? I have some spotting most months a day or two before AF. It has improved since taking B100. I had a lot of spotting this cycle from cd18 (o day) and had a chemical but I don't think the spotting is the cause. The spotting actually stopped for a few days at the same time I expected AF which made me test. So hopefully the spotting although annoying, hopefully won't stop you getting pregnant. Are you having blood work too?

I'm having blood work and scans this cycle. I'll let you know if anything is found.

Good luck.

Thanks for sharing your story Bean66. :flower: And I'm so sorry to hear that you had a chemical pregnancy - that must be awful and I can't imagine what you must be going through. I hope you're taking it easy and letting DH spoil you. :hugs:

I reallt appreciate your comments as it's been a major worry to me whether I can get pregnant or not while I still have this spotting each month. Does your spotting start on the same cycle day each month or am I just weird?!

Yes, my spotting starts cd22 and continues to AF (getting slightly heavier as it gets nearer to AF). I've also got a bit of discomfort with it this month, a little crampy but not too painful. That's what makes me wonder if it's maybe cysts or polyps etc. I had bloods done last cycle (FSH and LH normal. cd21 test was 26 which apparently shows that I ovulated). I've got a transvaginal scan on the 16th (which I really hope will show something so it can get sorted!) and I'm waiting on the waiting list for an appointment with a gynecologist, but that could be in a couple of months time.

When are you booked in for your scan and what kind of scan is it? I wish you all the best of luck with it and really hope you get a sticky bean very soon. :hugs:
Hey happenstance.

Does the spotting continue from cd22 to AF? I have some spotting most months a day or two before AF. It has improved since taking B100. I had a lot of spotting this cycle from cd18 (o day) and had a chemical but I don't think the spotting is the cause. The spotting actually stopped for a few days at the same time I expected AF which made me test. So hopefully the spotting although annoying, hopefully won't stop you getting pregnant. Are you having blood work too?

I'm having blood work and scans this cycle. I'll let you know if anything is found.

Good luck.

Thanks for sharing your story Bean66. :flower: And I'm so sorry to hear that you had a chemical pregnancy - that must be awful and I can't imagine what you must be going through. I hope you're taking it easy and letting DH spoil you. :hugs:

I reallt appreciate your comments as it's been a major worry to me whether I can get pregnant or not while I still have this spotting each month. Does your spotting start on the same cycle day each month or am I just weird?!

Yes, my spotting starts cd22 and continues to AF (getting slightly heavier as it gets nearer to AF). I've also got a bit of discomfort with it this month, a little crampy but not too painful. That's what makes me wonder if it's maybe cysts or polyps etc. I had bloods done last cycle (FSH and LH normal. cd21 test was 26 which apparently shows that I ovulated). I've got a transvaginal scan on the 16th (which I really hope will show something so it can get sorted!) and I'm waiting on the waiting list for an appointment with a gynecologist, but that could be in a couple of months time.

When are you booked in for your scan and what kind of scan is it? I wish you all the best of luck with it and really hope you get a sticky bean very soon. :hugs:

Thanks :hugs: I've taken it well and seeing as a good thing that the plumbing is working for us both even if it didn't stick. I am not sure which scans yet. I have cd2 bloods today and go for results next week. When I get results doc will send me for appropriate scans. She is being very good. Was your progesterone level ok? How long have you being trying?

I hope you get your sticky bean soon. I am sure you will. From what I understand as long as your progesterone isn't falling you should be able to get pregnant even with spotting. Is your spotting brown?

Last cycle (before the chemical) I used natural progesterone cream (as well as B100 and vitex) and I had no spotting and my LP increased from 10 days to 13days. I used Emerita Pro-gest. It did give me crazy pregnancy symptoms but it seemed to help. Maybe worth a try if the scans don't show anything.

Good luck
Hi there

I've been lurking for a few months and decided to take the plunge and actually post.

Me and DH have just started trying this month and I'm 3-4 days into the TWW. Its difficult to tell when I ovulated since I don't temp(at present) and my cycle was really out of sorts this month! I know that CD1 is meant to be the first day of proper flow but that could be 23, 24 or 25th december. I got a positive OPK on 6/1/12 but not sure what cycle day that was.

In previous months I've always got the +ve OPK on CD12 but this time it seemed to be later than I was expecting! I've been keeping track of my cycles since september and they started off at 26 days down to 24 and then last month 21. I generally have 3-4 days of spotting before AF.

As we were starting to try this month I've been taking B50 complex and sanatogen prenatal vits from CD1.

Do you think the vit B50 has pushed ovulation back? I've had period pain types of cramps since 2-3 days before my +ve OPK - do you think this could be the B50? When on earth should I start testing - although I think due to my short cycles the appearance of AF will tell me before any HPT would!

I just wanted to say hi and wish you all lots of baby dust.

L x
No I think christmas and everything may have delayed O. A lot of women seem to have delayed O this/last cycle. I don't think B50 would have moved O.

As for testing after last cycle I have decided to wait until the witch is well and truly late. If you can't do this I'd wait until at least 9dpo bearing in mind that that is very early. I'd probably wait until at least 12dpo.

Good luck!
Hey happenstance.

Does the spotting continue from cd22 to AF? I have some spotting most months a day or two before AF. It has improved since taking B100. I had a lot of spotting this cycle from cd18 (o day) and had a chemical but I don't think the spotting is the cause. The spotting actually stopped for a few days at the same time I expected AF which made me test. So hopefully the spotting although annoying, hopefully won't stop you getting pregnant. Are you having blood work too?

I'm having blood work and scans this cycle. I'll let you know if anything is found.

Good luck.

Thanks for sharing your story Bean66. :flower: And I'm so sorry to hear that you had a chemical pregnancy - that must be awful and I can't imagine what you must be going through. I hope you're taking it easy and letting DH spoil you. :hugs:

I reallt appreciate your comments as it's been a major worry to me whether I can get pregnant or not while I still have this spotting each month. Does your spotting start on the same cycle day each month or am I just weird?!

Yes, my spotting starts cd22 and continues to AF (getting slightly heavier as it gets nearer to AF). I've also got a bit of discomfort with it this month, a little crampy but not too painful. That's what makes me wonder if it's maybe cysts or polyps etc. I had bloods done last cycle (FSH and LH normal. cd21 test was 26 which apparently shows that I ovulated). I've got a transvaginal scan on the 16th (which I really hope will show something so it can get sorted!) and I'm waiting on the waiting list for an appointment with a gynecologist, but that could be in a couple of months time.

When are you booked in for your scan and what kind of scan is it? I wish you all the best of luck with it and really hope you get a sticky bean very soon. :hugs:

Thanks :hugs: I've taken it well and seeing as a good thing that the plumbing is working for us both even if it didn't stick. I am not sure which scans yet. I have cd2 bloods today and go for results next week. When I get results doc will send me for appropriate scans. She is being very good. Was your progesterone level ok? How long have you being trying?

I hope you get your sticky bean soon. I am sure you will. From what I understand as long as your progesterone isn't falling you should be able to get pregnant even with spotting. Is your spotting brown?

Last cycle (before the chemical) I used natural progesterone cream (as well as B100 and vitex) and I had no spotting and my LP increased from 10 days to 13days. I used Emerita Pro-gest. It did give me crazy pregnancy symptoms but it seemed to help. Maybe worth a try if the scans don't show anything.

Good luck

That's a great way to look at it. If the plumbing is working then it won't be long till a sticky bean. :thumbup:

As for my progesterone levels, I dunno. I thought the figure 26 that I was given from my cd21 blood test was my progesterone level. Is this something else? I'm so confused by all these tests and numbers! :wacko:

And yes, spotting normally starts off light brown then goes to more red/brown . Some cycles it's been just dark brown up until af. Does the colour mean something? E.g. if it's brown, does that suggest low progesterone?

I've been tracking my BBT the past two cycles and this cycle seems to be a bit better. At least I get proper crosshairs from FF. I assumed that my temp would fall when my progesterone falls but I might have just made that up! Who would have thought making a baby would be so flippin' complicated! :blush:
Hey. 26 for progesterone is good! I'd try not to worry about the spotting too much. IS it heavy? THe scan will tell you more. If you're temps are staying up then that is a good sign. Brown blood means old blood, this is better than red blood spotting in terms of baby making.

Can you link your charts?
Hey. 26 for progesterone is good! I'd try not to worry about the spotting too much. IS it heavy? THe scan will tell you more. If you're temps are staying up then that is a good sign. Brown blood means old blood, this is better than red blood spotting in terms of baby making.

Can you link your charts?

Do you think so? I didn't know what it meant other than the fact she told me she reckoned I'd o'd last cycle. Thanks for that. My spotting is normally quite light on cd22, heavier cd23 and then almost period-like until AF actually starts. It's difficult to say when one cycle ends and the other begins. You can see my BBT chart in my sig (click on the Daisypath pic with the two people on it - I'm not sure how I did it, but that's where my FF chart is linked to!).

Do you BBT?

I really appreciate you being there for me today. It's made such a massive difference to how I've been feeling. :hugs:
No problem :hugs: It's great we're all here to support each other.

Can you add your other charts? You go to sharing, edit then at the bottom you can add previous charts.

From what I understand they look for 10 to confirm O and over 15 on a medicated cycle.

That is a lot of spotting you are having. Hopefully the scan will tell you more.
I reallt appreciate your comments as it's been a major worry to me whether I can get pregnant or not while I still have this spotting each month. Does your spotting start on the same cycle day each month or am I just weird?!

Hi Happenstance! I don't personally get more than a day of spotting, but just wanted to let you know that one of the ladies I know well on here - struth - has spotting that starts somewhere between 5-8dpo each cycle... she's now 8.5 weeks pregnant! I hope that gives you a little hope :)

As for my progesterone levels, I dunno. I thought the figure 26 that I was given from my cd21 blood test was my progesterone level. Is this something else? I'm so confused by all these tests and numbers! :wacko:

I've found this chart pretty useful... something to bear in mind on prpgesterone levels is in the US and UK they use different units when they measure... UK is nmol/L. My doctor told me 16-25ish in the middle of the luteal phase is classed as 'probably ovulating' and above 25 mean ovulation has definitely happened. We had tests a few cycles ago - now in our 17th month of trying - and me progesterone level was 19... which is reasonably low... but the test wasn't done in the middle of my luteal phase, when progesterone should be at its max, so it's not really that reliable. I know I'm ovulating from charting. So don't read too much into a single progesterone level... yours at 25 means it looks like you ovulated, but a single reading can't tell you whether your levels are 'low' or not.

Good luck!

And a quick update on me... I'm a bit of an 'old timer' here and most of my 'contemporaries' have now graduated (which I hope gives hope to everyone else posting recently!) - unfortunately B6 doesn't seem to do much for me, but I'm still persevering with 100mg 'just in case'. My LP is 8 days. We did conceive 4 cycles ago but had an early MC at 4.5 weeks. Still living in hope! We're off to our first fertility specialist appointment at the end of Feb, when we'll have been trying for 18 months - I don't see it as a 'magic solution' unfortunately, but worth a try. Would prefer not to have clomid (which seems to be prescribed very easily - not surprising when you see its price!) because I have an ovarian cyst, but am hoping that I will be able to give progesterone supplements a go. We shall see...
GL 254! Sounds like progesterone suppositories might be exactly what you need, and certainly something to try before Clomid. Has dh had a SA yet?

Afm, just got confirmation that I o'ed on cd 15, super early for me. Yay b6! Hoping long a nice 12-14 day LP with little or no spotting (please be a bfp!!!).
I reallt appreciate your comments as it's been a major worry to me whether I can get pregnant or not while I still have this spotting each month. Does your spotting start on the same cycle day each month or am I just weird?!

Hi Happenstance! I don't personally get more than a day of spotting, but just wanted to let you know that one of the ladies I know well on here - struth - has spotting that starts somewhere between 5-8dpo each cycle... she's now 8.5 weeks pregnant! I hope that gives you a little hope :)

As for my progesterone levels, I dunno. I thought the figure 26 that I was given from my cd21 blood test was my progesterone level. Is this something else? I'm so confused by all these tests and numbers! :wacko:

I've found this chart pretty useful... something to bear in mind on prpgesterone levels is in the US and UK they use different units when they measure... UK is nmol/L. My doctor told me 16-25ish in the middle of the luteal phase is classed as 'probably ovulating' and above 25 mean ovulation has definitely happened. We had tests a few cycles ago - now in our 17th month of trying - and me progesterone level was 19... which is reasonably low... but the test wasn't done in the middle of my luteal phase, when progesterone should be at its max, so it's not really that reliable. I know I'm ovulating from charting. So don't read too much into a single progesterone level... yours at 25 means it looks like you ovulated, but a single reading can't tell you whether your levels are 'low' or not.

Good luck!

And a quick update on me... I'm a bit of an 'old timer' here and most of my 'contemporaries' have now graduated (which I hope gives hope to everyone else posting recently!) - unfortunately B6 doesn't seem to do much for me, but I'm still persevering with 100mg 'just in case'. My LP is 8 days. We did conceive 4 cycles ago but had an early MC at 4.5 weeks. Still living in hope! We're off to our first fertility specialist appointment at the end of Feb, when we'll have been trying for 18 months - I don't see it as a 'magic solution' unfortunately, but worth a try. Would prefer not to have clomid (which seems to be prescribed very easily - not surprising when you see its price!) because I have an ovarian cyst, but am hoping that I will be able to give progesterone supplements a go. We shall see...

Thank you so much for your post, 254 :flower: I've been blown away by the support I've received from this thread and I really, really appreciate it. I'm delighted to know that others with spotting have managed to conceive, I was starting to wonder whether I should stop TTC for a while till they find out what's wrong - it's heartbreaking to know that I'm going to bleed after 22 days each cycle. But that's given me real hope and I'm going to continue :hugs:

Thanks as well for clearing up the progesterone issue. When I saw my doc she said my test were 'clear'. I was like :saywhat: It was only with a bit of probing that she told me my LH and FSH levels were 'normal' and that my cd21 number was 26, which meant I'd ovulated. Gee, thanks for all the info doc!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about your early MC, I really hope that the fertility expert can offer you some solutions. Has the B100 helped your luetal phase at all? I went out today and bought some to try next cycle anyway.

I don't know how everyone else feels, but each month I feel like I need to try something new...just in case. Next cycle I'll be using the CBFM, OPKs, BBT, EPO, B100 complex and decaf green tea (and will be taking out a second mortgage to pay for it all!) Unfortunately, I think that's me ran out of things to add!

254, thanks again for all of your help and explanations and I wish you all the best of luck at your appointment in Feb.

You ladies are the best! :hugs:
Happenstance, you are just like me - I've been adding new things every cycle, and now I'm at a point where there's nothing more to add, pretty much. Now I'm changing things up by taking things away!! :haha: I think we all need to feel "in control" to a certain extent, and manipulating our TTC techniques is the only way for us to maintain that sense of control.
No problem :hugs: It's great we're all here to support each other.

Can you add your other charts? You go to sharing, edit then at the bottom you can add previous charts.

From what I understand they look for 10 to confirm O and over 15 on a medicated cycle.

That is a lot of spotting you are having. Hopefully the scan will tell you more.

Sorry Bean66, I'm a complete dunce when it comes to this! I tried to share the charts but can't see how to do it. I'm only have a basic membership with FF, would that stop me from sharing my charts? :wacko:

Hope you're doing well. x

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