Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Aww, happenstance, that sounds like a really frustrating experience. I'd be especially frustrated about taking the hormones, as that will likely mess things up a bit in the short term. Grrr! That's so annoying. I would call the doc and complain that he said transvaginal, and they did the other thing, and ask was there a miscommunication? I would communicate your frustration so they don't continue to "mess you about," as you Brits say!

My DH just gave a sample for SA yesterday. Don't have the results back, so I can't help there. I would start a new thread perhaps?

AFM, the doc doesn't seem too concerned about my spotting, although I'm not sure I even really discussed it with him. He said he's not sure LPD even exists (say what?). I think with my 11+ day LP, he's just not too concerned about it with me. I was taking progesterone cream (topically) last cycle, but I think I will forgo it this cycle so I can see what the B100 does on its own.
Oh Happenstance - That sucks! :hugs:

Daisy - I really wouldn't worry too much about the spotting if your progesterone is ok. In the long term I don't think it'll stop you getting pregnant.
Yes - ng/mL. I think... she didn't specify units, but I think that's how it's measured here? Thanks for the feedback 254!

yeah, I think that's the way it's measured in the US!

6 sounds low... do they think you are actually ovulating?

It's officially near the bottom of the 'possibly ovulating' category, but I'm a long-time charter (almost 4 years!) so know I'm definitely ovulating (bar one random cycle the one after our early miscarriage). My test was done earlier than 7dpo in the end (they're a bit inflexible here, and don't seem to 'get' that not everyone ovulates on Cd14 ;)), so don't think it's totally accurate to determine 'peak' progesterone level... although I think it does show my levels are low in general, which isn't a surprise given my teeny LP. :wacko:

When we see the fertility specialist, I'm going to discuss progesterone supplementation and ask for tests every few days in my LP to get a clearer picture. However, that's not standard procedure for NHS fertility treatment, so we'll see what sort of reaction I get...!!

Happenstance... what a frustrating experience :( :hugs:
Hi Ladies, i have a short LP (6-8 days) so i am going to try taking B50 from the start of my next cycle.

I dont have spotting or light periods which i know are the other two symptoms, but i need to do something to lengthen LP.

I ovulate approx CD20 every month, currently CD14 on cycle 10.

Fingers crossed i see a difference - there are lots of positive stories about it working on here! x
Hey Miss Broody! Were you on BCP before TTC?

If I was you I'd take B100. You can take 50 -200mg. With a LP that short I think I'd go with a slightly higher dose and go from there.
254 -

im from north yorks and honestly the dr nearly threw me out of his office when i started discussing LPD, and asking for tests. He told me i was "too technical" and had been reading the internet too much!!!

hahahah i changed dr's. i have paid my taxes all my life and never claimed anything. i think some doctors get annoyed if you try to know 'too much'

good luck and dont give up. i started taking b50 and got my bfp that month

254 -

im from north yorks and honestly the dr nearly threw me out of his office when i started discussing LPD, and asking for tests. He told me i was "too technical" and had been reading the internet too much!!!

hahahah i changed dr's. i have paid my taxes all my life and never claimed anything. i think some doctors get annoyed if you try to know 'too much'

good luck and dont give up. i started taking b50 and got my bfp that month


Thanks and congratulations on your pregnancy!

Yes, doctors don't seem to acknowledge it can be an issue, although I'm sure it is, at least with an LP of under 10 days. I conceived twice with an 11 day LP - once after 6ish months ntnp/1 month ttc (sadly ended in MMC at 12 weeks) and after that in 5 months. This time it's been 17 months with a 6-8 day LP and just one early MC (cycle 13)... I'm sure it's not coincidence...!

Good on you for changing doctors!! My GP was pretty good, although she accepted she wasn't an expert so knew very little about potential luteal phase issues... referred me on, though.

Unfortunately supplements have done very little for me :( Currently on 120mg B6 (including what's in my prenatal) and only just made it to an 8 day LP last cycle. Hmph!

We'll see what the fertility specialist says...! I'm a bit of an old hand at 'going against the system' as we turned down dates-based induction a week before L was born, so am going to stick to my guns and not be fobbed off with 'automatic' clomid... I want them to treat me as an individual.

Miss Broody.... totally up to you, but if it were me I'd start with 50mg like you said, and then give it a few months and if you wanted to, move up to 100mg. When I first started on a B50 I got quite bad headaches from it (a common side effect, apparently) so glad I didn't go in too strongly! ;) Hope that your LP improves soon. Mine's also 6-8 days (just about reached 8 after 17 cycles) so I know how you feel... it's so frustrating. :(
Hi Laides, have been ttc for going on 8 months. was on bcp for 14+ years. Have been off for 2 years. This is our 2nd month of charting and temping. I believe I O'ed on day 18th and lp is 10. My prenatal i b6 2.6mg, folic acid 800mcg, b12 8mcg. multi vitamin b6 2mg, b12 10mcg , folic acid 400mcg. Should i be taking the b complex vitamin?:shrug::shrug:
Joeys, per the literature I've read, a 10 day LP is borderline.

Can I ask why you are taking both a prenatal and a multivitamin? I don't think you need both, and it's likely too much of everything (except, possibly, B6).

To increase LP, you would need to take ~50 mg of B6, or more, so neither your prenatal or your MVI has enough. My recommendation would be to take the prenatal OR the multi (not both), plus B50 complex....
Joeys, per the literature I've read, a 10 day LP is borderline.

Can I ask why you are taking both a prenatal and a multivitamin? I don't think you need both, and it's likely too much of everything (except, possibly, B6).

To increase LP, you would need to take ~50 mg of B6, or more, so neither your prenatal or your MVI has enough. My recommendation would be to take the prenatal OR the multi (not both), plus B50 complex....

Yes I believe my lp is borderline. Not sure if that is normal or not. Not really sure why taking both. I will just take my prenatal and get a B50 complex. I think that would help. How are doing DaisyQ?:hugs:
Hi Laides, have been ttc for going on 8 months. was on bcp for 14+ years. Have been off for 2 years. This is our 2nd month of charting and temping. I believe I O'ed on day 18th and lp is 10. My prenatal i b6 2.6mg, folic acid 800mcg, b12 8mcg. multi vitamin b6 2mg, b12 10mcg , folic acid 400mcg. Should i be taking the b complex vitamin?:shrug::shrug:


Just had a look at your chart and it looks like your last LP was 11 days...

11 days is rarely anything to worry about, so it may be you don't need any extra supplements? If it were me I'd chart for a couple more months just to be sure of my LP before adding in anything, as it's best to only take supplements when they're definitely needed, as sometimes they can wonkify cycles!

Completely up to you, though! Good luck! :)

And yes, I'd agree that you don't need the 'normal' multivitamin as well as the prenatal. :)
Hi Laides, have been ttc for going on 8 months. was on bcp for 14+ years. Have been off for 2 years. This is our 2nd month of charting and temping. I believe I O'ed on day 18th and lp is 10. My prenatal i b6 2.6mg, folic acid 800mcg, b12 8mcg. multi vitamin b6 2mg, b12 10mcg , folic acid 400mcg. Should i be taking the b complex vitamin?:shrug::shrug:


Just had a look at your chart and it looks like your last LP was 11 days...

11 days is rarely anything to worry about, so it may be you don't need any extra supplements? If it were me I'd chart for a couple more months just to be sure of my LP before adding in anything, as it's best to only take supplements when they're definitely needed, as sometimes they can wonkify cycles!

Completely up to you, though! Good luck! :)

And yes, I'd agree that you don't need the 'normal' multivitamin as well as the prenatal. :)

Oh well thank you and hopefully it stays this way and hopefully everything works out. I am going in on feb 2 to get some testing done to make sure everything is ok. Then will know if anything else is needed! Yes I am going to just use the prenatal! :dohh: Thanks again!!!
Oh yeah - looked at your chart. That's an 11 day LP (just like me) - which I'm told is sufficient to get pregnant. That being said, I'm taking B complex (B100) because I'd like it to be a tad longer as I feel like a little extra time for implantation to occur can't hurt... B50 I did for 1.5 cycles, and I did gain a day (LP 12 days), although I still had 1-2 days of spotting before AF. Last cycle I also tried progesterone cream along with the B50, and my LP was 13 days, but I still had spotting. This is my first cycle on the B100 (skipping the progesterone cream this time), so I'll keep you all updated.

Otherwise Joeys - I'm doing well! I'm 9 DPO and keeping fingers and toes tightly crossed. I'm testing on Saturday at 12 DPO. Boobs are sore (normal for me during 2WW) and that's basically it, although I did have some cramping at 7 DPO.
Sorry to butt in but just wanted to agree with 254 and give my advise. I used to have a short luteal phase which vit b complex worked its magic on and I finally got a bfp. Since the MC I've had an 11 day LP and as I didn't get pregnant I tried vit b again to see if it was the "missing link". Its actually made my luteal phase shorter (could be other factors too maybe) so if you do have an 11 day LP my advise would be the same as 254... chart a bit longer but don't add any supplements you don't need as they may do more harm than good. xxx
Oh yeah - looked at your chart. That's an 11 day LP (just like me) - which I'm told is sufficient to get pregnant. That being said, I'm taking B complex (B100) because I'd like it to be a tad longer as I feel like a little extra time for implantation to occur can't hurt... B50 I did for 1.5 cycles, and I did gain a day (LP 12 days), although I still had 1-2 days of spotting before AF. Last cycle I also tried progesterone cream along with the B50, and my LP was 13 days, but I still had spotting. This is my first cycle on the B100 (skipping the progesterone cream this time), so I'll keep you all updated.

Otherwise Joeys - I'm doing well! I'm 9 DPO and keeping fingers and toes tightly crossed. I'm testing on Saturday at 12 DPO. Boobs are sore (normal for me during 2WW) and that's basically it, although I did have some cramping at 7 DPO.

OH awesome. You know that is a good idea too to give a little extra time. If I decide to take the B50 could i start taking them now or wait till beginning of next cycle?

Last cycle i had cramps from dpo 2-11 when I got my period. It was no fun at all! :cry: I hope this 2ww is for you! :dust:
Thanks Joeys. You can start taking it at any time. I've read it might take a few months to have an effect.
Hi everyone,

I'm pretty upset right now but wanted to share my news with my BnB buddies. So, after my scan on Monday I continued spotting and yesterday morning, for no apparent reason, I took an HPT (I'm still not sure why!). I woke up at 6.30, took my temp, went to the bathroom POAS and went back to bed. I left the test standing in the empty cup and went back to bed.

When I woke up again, I went back to the bathroom and saw a second pink line on the test. As it had been over an hour since I checked it, and because it wasn't lying flat, I assumed the dye had ran. So, I took another one. This time, a second pink line within 5 minutes. However, I had both tests quite close together and I've heard tests can sometimes pick up the dye from another test. So, I did a third test and made sure to follow all instructions and keep it away from the other HPTs. It was positive too. So I moved on from internet dip sticks and tried a supermarket's own test - positive. Then an FRER and the second line came up instantly. Then a Clearblue Digital - and this time no mistaking, it said 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks'.

Well, I'm now around four days late for AF but if you remember, I took those pills at the weekend to delay AF because I was positive I wasn't pregnant because I was bleeding. Well, today I'm still spotting and I think it's getting heavier and is moving from brown to red/brown and watery. I've been having weird feelings in my tummy but I wouldn't say they were cramps, more like a sort of stretchy feeling if that makes sense.

I'm going to try and get an appointment with the doctor today but with all the spotting/bleeding, it doesn't look good. :cry: I can almost feel AF on the way :cry:

I want this baby so much and I'm just praying it's not bad news. Please keep me in your thoughts and I'll update you all as soon as I know. :cry:
I started taking B6 50mg Jan 14th. I havent noticed anything different. Im doing it more for the Progesterone side of it than the LP, but it couldnt hurt. I have no idea if it will hurt or help, but hopefully help.

is 50 enough? should i up it?
Thinking of you happenstance. Some ladies do get bleeding so don't panic just yet. Don't stop the tablets yet though. Speak to the doctor first.

Got everything crossed that this is your sticky bean!

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