Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Thanks Liz. AF was due a few days ago. Test has got lighter, I'd barely call today's positive. It was FMU too.

Hoping this cycle doesn't drag out too long.

I know we're nearly, my cycles have definitely turned a corner. Just waiting for my sticky bean.
Bean, :hugs: really hope that was a crap test, and AF stays away.
congrats 254 x

bean66, are you bleeding? I also had tests getting lighter and it turned out ok, hope its the same for you xx
Hi ladies! :hi:

Time for my super duper monster catchup. L and I have been down visiting my parents but are back now!

A belated thank you for all the congratulations, everyone. I'm now 5+5 and things seem to be going OK. I'll be able to relax a bit more once we've had a scan but in general I feel calm and positive! And a little bit sick. ;)

If a potential LPD was caused by extended birth control use, and was then corrected/addressed by 100BComplex - if I were to stop taking the BComplex, would my nice long new luteal phase continue, or would I revert back?

Hmmmm.... can't say for sure on this one, but I were you, I would gradually cut back on the B100 over a few cycles, and monitor the effect. I think if you have a LPD caused my BCP, once it's well and truly out of your system, things should be 'normal' again. Fingers crossed for you!

ddas, the utility of charting becomes greater, in my opinion, the longer you've been doing it, because clear patterns definitely emerge. It's hard to draw conclusions from one cycle, and based on this last one, there were some conflicting signs in terms of your ovulation date - creamy CM before O, EWCM after O, etc., So I think as time goes on, you'll have a much clearer idea of what your body is doing, and how long your LP really is. Hopefully you'll get your BFP soon though, and won't need several months of charting to figure out your patterns!

Totally agree with Daisy! It's easy to come to conclusions after just a cycle or two of charting... but it's better to do it for a good 4+ cycles before concluding anything about your cycles. Charting is a learned skill... it takes time to really start to understand your body.

I'm 33 and this is our 3rd cycle trying for baby #2. I had a chemical way back in Jan 2008 and then I conceived our son in the Nov of that year (bit of a surprise as we weren't trying then!) Due to the previous chemical and then the last two cycles charting it seems I have a short LP (10 days and 8 days recorded in last 2 cycles) and for the last couple of months I have had some spotting in the lead up to AF which isn't usually normal for me.

So I have been taking B6 vits for the last couple of months in the hope that it might go some way towards increasing my LP/progesterone and this month since O I have also been using natural progesterone cream. I am 9dpo today with no spotting so far so looking good! Am dying to test but trying to wait until Saturday at least!

How are you doing? I was also ttc #2... Bvits didn't work for me, but I think natural progesterone helped us conceive after 18 cycles.

hi, i have question if any one can help me. yesterday, i got my progesterone level on cd 21 that was 21. is it good? dose it show when i might ovulate? because i thought that i o'd on cd 18. was that possible? most cycles i have ewcm around cd14 but ovary pain on cd 16-18 or this time 20. when i don't have anymore fertile cm.
lots of :dust: and :baby: wishes for all

I think Canadians use the same units as in the UK. 21 sounds a very good level for 3dpo.

Hi ladies, quick update from me, af arrived for me today, don't feel too bad as don't think we bd'd enough was only 3days before I and the day of I, even so still had that glimmer of hope!
Good news is I think my lp was 13 days if I o'd when I think I did or if not was definitely 12 so think I am seeing a difference two cycles ago it was 11 days then 12 now 13 so think the vitex/b bits r working, also this cycle I used a b-vit complex as before was just b6, so although I am a but gutted I am glad lp is extending as feel have more chance of implanting, it is the spotting that always arrives 7dpo that concerns me most, may try and get another prof test done when I am actually spotting to see results then

Great that your LP is increasing! How short was it before? How long did you chart for before concluding LPD?

I am now CD23, and doctor just called me with the results. They are as follows;

Prolactin - 541

Progesterone - 45.6

Testerone - 1.2

Doctor says he's a bit concerned about my prolactin levels, though, as they're high. So he wants to repeat the test in a month or two. I'm so worried now, I am so worried, I'm in tears :cry:

As you may know, high prolactin levels can cause infertility. I am beside myself right now. What if that's what it is?

I have very regular, normal periods. I ovulate. I have a 15 day LP and my BBT charts are normal. Just the prolactin levels are really high.

I just can't stop crying and panicking :(

Sending you huge hugs. Your progesterone levels seem really good! And as the other ladies said, prolactin may be on the higher end of normal, but there's a normal 'range' for a reason. I really don't think it seems concerningly high. High prolactin can reduce progesterone... and it certainly doesn't seem to be doing that for you! It doesn't sound like you have a 'fertility issue' on that front... ttc is so stressful, but it could well just not have been your time yet. I hope it comes soon!

Have you only been trying 5 months? This is a short time (although I know this isn't helpful to hear) but it by way means you are going to have fertility issues it just may not have been your time yet.

Wise words from a wise lady!

Hello everyone,
Is anyone trying Wild Yam supplements in addition to B6, I've heard it's good for Progesterone production, my doctor told me it contains progesterone I am taking this in addition to progesterone supplements my doc prescribed, alternating every other day, but I just don't feel any side effects at all. No sore bb's, nothing... :shrug: And my insurance doesn't cover infertility testing, so it's not an option right now for me... sigh.

Some natural progesterone creams are made from wild yam... so yes, it can help progesterone levels. But I' say you probably don't need to take it as well as prescribed progesterone. How long/short is your LP? :hugs:

AFM: I had my private NT scan yesterday. Or, at least, I tried to! Baby has to measure at least 45mm and mine is just 43mm so I have to go back a week on Sunday to try again. I'm so glad I decided to book this scan as my first midwife appointment isn't until I'm 16 plus 2 and there's no way I could wait that long to see baby! Although she couldn't do the test yesterday, I still got to see baby and he/she seems to be doing fine. Despite the spotting! I've attached a couple of pics (they're not great quality as they're pics of pics) but the first one you can see its hand brushing its face and in the second it's kicking a foot up! Well ladies, it's no longer a blob!!! :happydance:

So glad all is still going well for you! I'm glad you had a positive scan and hopefully baby will be big enough to do all the NT stuff this weekend. :)

P.s just wondering if anyone has any experience with AC/vitex or any advice? I have been using it the last few cycles along with the b vits and have seen an improvement with my lp but am running low on them now and wondering whether to have a break and just use the b vits but obviously don't want a bad cycle, so just wondering if anyone knows whether you should just keep taking it indefinitely or if ur body kind of resets itself hormonally and will stay with a good lp! As have been using two supplements not sure if it's the AC, b vits or both that are helping!
Any opinions greatly appreciated thank you!

It's your call! Supplements are supposed to take a few months to have an effect, but I haven't seen any 'evidence' either way on whether the effect continues if you stop. It could be worth stopping the AC when you run out, seeing what happens, and then restarting should there be a drastic negative effect? It's best to be on as few supplements as possible, so it's probably worth a try reducing if you can...? Good luck!

I came across this board researching B6 and LP, and I'm so glad to have found it! I conceived my first with a 14 day LP, but that month I noticed EXTREME tenderness the day I O'd (anyone have this?). Like I sat across the arm of a sofa and had to get up. I've always been curious what caused this because it's only happened one other time in my life. Anyway, now, I find my LP is only 11 days (my cycles are 3-4 days shorter than before). So ... I think B6 is called for!

I really, really wouldn't get concerned about an 11, or even 10 day LP. 14 may be deemed 'average' but there's nothing wrong with it being a bit shorter than that... I think it's very important to be careful with supplements and only take them if it seems absolutely necessary, as they can bring negative side effects if they're not definitely required.

To give you some positivity... I have conceived 3 times with an 11 day LP (this time it was only 11 days for one cycle before we conceived... it was <8 for the 17 months before that)! Good luck!

I really hope this works and helps us get a BFP this month! I know 7 people who got pg on their first try this month (one was this morning!), and it has me so discouraged. :cry:

Ah yes, I know that feeling!! We started ttc 18 months ago and I know several people who started trying at the same time who now have 9 month old babies!!

looks like af got me today! :cry:


Thanks for the good wishes for my scan. you can see the picture in my avatar, my little person has arms now!!! It went well, they have said i do have a biocornerate uterus but it is a very mild heart shape and they dont think it will cause me any issues carrying the baby to term or at least close to! Very relieved!

That's great news! A mildly bicornuate uterus shouldn't cause issues... woohooo. And wooohooo for your little person having arms! :D

a little about me, i'm 23 years old TTC#3, i've been married to DH for 4 years & we have 2 little girls.
since weaning DD2 my cycles have been a bit crazy, long, late ovulation, short luteal phase. i've been reading through this thread and started taking B-complex 100 today (i'm on CD5). i went to see Dr last week and she said there was no such thing as LPD?! after reading this i'm starting to think she maybe doesn't have a clue??

How old is your DD2? It's common to have a short LP while breastfeeding, and even for a bit after finishing... so it could be just a bit of time is all you need to 'fix' the issue. Just keep a close eye on your cycles, any spotting etc, to make sure B100 isn't having any negative side effects... Good luck!

I have a few more questions, if you don't mind. I'm new to all these supplements. I have read somewhere that a woman knew several people who had messed up their ovulation by taking B supplements. Have you heard of this? It made me nervous to take my B50 yesterday! My LP is 10-11 days, which *might* be sufficient.

Also, I've read about a bunch of other supplements: Chasteberry, maca root and baby aspirin. I'm probably going to take the baby aspirin since it doesn't seem to hurt and could possibly help. I have read mixed things about chasteberry (this is agnus castus or vitex, right?). It seems to help regulate cycles, but I'e read it might mess up regular cycles? My cycle is generally regular (although it shortened in the last couple of months to 29 days from 33, cutting off my LP). I know nothing about maca root, but have heard it mentioned too. So ... anyone with knowledge about any of this stuff?

Sotiredmama - TBH I'd step way from the supplements. B complex shouldn't affect O. It's difficult because we take things and don't know if the change is a fluke. Stress is more likely to delay O than B complex. B50 should be fine. I wouldn't touch anything else just yet. If you have a history of MC then consider baby aspirin but if not it's probably not necessary. I wouldn't touch vitex/AC/chasteberry or Maca if your cycles are regular.

TTC can take time, it doesn't mean something is wrong. I think we all try to 'fix' ourselves and waste money when all we need is patience and time. I know I am the worst for this.

I totally agree with Bean!! It is very very easy when ttc to feel like you need to 'do something' - I have been there many times during our 18 month rollercoaster. But taking too many supplements can cause more harm than good... I do know of people whose cycles have changed for the worse (shorter LPs, increased spotting etc) when taking supplements. So just be wary of what you're putting into your body. Have you considered acupuncture? Or dietary adjustments? There are many ways to help improve fertility before supplementing... good luck!

I was just thinking about that, too (I can't remember who said it!). If only I knew I'd get pregnant in 6 months, I'd be fine with that. It's the NOT KNOWING that's maddening, right?

I totally agree!! It's the 'not knowing' that's so hard, isn't it? If someone had said to be a year and a half ago that I'd get pregnant in 18 months time, I'd've been a little disappointed it was so far off, but it would have made the last 18 months a lot... calmer. ;) I hope soon you're looking back and thinking 'well, it didn't take long at all!'

Thanks Liz. AF was due a few days ago. Test has got lighter, I'd barely call today's positive. It was FMU too.

Hoping this cycle doesn't drag out too long.

I know we're nearly, my cycles have definitely turned a corner. Just waiting for my sticky bean.

Sending you so many, hugs Bean. Sounds like you've got a good attitude to this. But having been through very similar last October, I know it's very hard. I hope you can take the positive that sperm and egg met, even if this just wasn't the right time. I hope that you get a stronger test tomorrow, and this is just a 'blip'... but if now, I hope your 'right time' is very, very soon.

DaisyQ - sending you lots of luck for this coming week!
Oh bean, I'm so sorry! I hope it's not the case ... you never know until AF shows up!
Thanks ladies,

Feeling ok. Just want the witch to arrive. Cm getting a little pinky and possibly slight cramps. I really know I'm out. Feel stupid for being fooled but seeing the words is so convincing. We're ok. We know our bits work and really feel we're close to getting our sticky bean.

I really hope it isn't much longer.

Thanks for all the support.
Thanks ladies,

Feeling ok. Just want the witch to arrive. Cm getting a little pinky and possibly slight cramps. I really know I'm out. Feel stupid for being fooled but seeing the words is so convincing. We're ok. We know our bits work and really feel we're close to getting our sticky bean.

I really hope it isn't much longer.

Thanks for all the support.
Hi Ladies,

Bean...i'm so sorry! will be thinking of you these next few days.

254, thanks. DD2 will be 1 next monday :D we have 21months between our girls and love it - they really are best friends already and wanting only one more child, it would be lovely to have a similar age gap so next bub can join in the fun too! good to know it can take a few cycles to re-regularise!!

my peiod was shorter this month (only 6 days as opposed to 10!) i was thankful for that and i'm feeling much less hormonal than the last few months.

went to the doctor this morning to get the results from my blood tests. my thyroid, iron, folate and all other levels are perfect except my Prolactin which came back LOW!! what's going on there?? she said normal levels are 83-110 and mine are at 56! she didn't really seem worried, but it doesn't explain the leaking. she said to retest in a month and go from there as it's a fluctuating hormone and we might have caught it on a low day! it'll be interesting to see what my progesterone levels are post ovulation. any thoughts on the low prolactin? anyone had the same?
Hi Everyone, i have been missing in action for a while, just trying to catch up with everything, i will write a longer message later but just a :hugs: for Bean, i hope that this is not really AF and that it is not a chemical, but IF it turns out to be then just keep thinking along the lines that your cycles etc are much better now and it should happen any time!!

Fingers crossed for you and lots of :dust:

Bean, just read your news. I'm so, so sorry that you're going through this. :hugs: I think you've got an amazing attitude and I just know that you'll get your sticky bean really, really soon. Just remember that we're all here for you so if you ever need to rant then we're here to listen. Sending you massive :hugs:
Thanks again ladies. Great having support around. Test is negative, maybe a tiny weeny line if I squint. I'm glad I was testing because I'm now prepared for the witch, it'll be gutting but it won't be a smack in the face. I just hope we catch a sticky bean next cycle. Really want a 2012 baby, even more so now that we were so close.

I just hope the witch doesn't keep me hanging. Annoyingly it looks like I'll be fertile whilst we're staying at my Bros and SIL. We'll just have to be very quiet.

Thanks again. Hope the rest of you are doing well. 254 good to have you back. Hope everything was ok at home and it wasn't too upsetting seeing your parent place. :hugs:
254, thanks. DD2 will be 1 next monday :D we have 21months between our girls and love it - they really are best friends already and wanting only one more child, it would be lovely to have a similar age gap so next bub can join in the fun too! good to know it can take a few cycles to re-regularise!!

went to the doctor this morning to get the results from my blood tests. my thyroid, iron, folate and all other levels are perfect except my Prolactin which came back LOW!! what's going on there?? she said normal levels are 83-110 and mine are at 56! she didn't really seem worried, but it doesn't explain the leaking. she said to retest in a month and go from there as it's a fluctuating hormone and we might have caught it on a low day! it'll be interesting to see what my progesterone levels are post ovulation. any thoughts on the low prolactin? anyone had the same?

How strange that your prolactin is low yet you're leaking milk! I know high prolactin can result in fertility issues, but I don't think low is an issue.

Happy Birthday to your daughter for next Monday! March birthdays are fab. ;)

Ah, you are SO lucky having 21 months between your girls... we started ttc when L was 6 months old and would have loved that age gap. Unfortunately the universe had other plans... :wacko:

Good luck in your quest for #3!

:hugs: to Bean
yeah i know! i think the doctor was a little confused too!:wacko: i had a quick look on the net for info on low prolactin but there is nothing about it anywhere! i guess i'll have to wait & see what happens.

thanks - pretty excited for her Birthday, although hubby will be away on her actual birthday so we're celebrating on friday instead. i'm really hopefull for this cycle for #3. We got pregnant with M during P's first birthday week so it would be amazing to have that again! it's all so unpredictable isn't it?! we have friends who have a 3.5 year old, they got pg with him really easily but have been TTC #2 since he was a year old. so disheartening for them.
i have to admit i was pretty naive to how complicated it all is until now. we concieved first cycle with both girls so i think i just expected the same this time. (not that it's been long at all!)
being on here though has shown me how tough it can be for people, it's really made me appreciate what i do have already! Lucy
P.S 254, where abouts in derbyshire are you? My parents live in Derby too. (I used to but moved to Australia in 2007!) :)
P.S 254, where abouts in derbyshire are you? My parents live in Derby too. (I used to but moved to Australia in 2007!) :)

We're in a village a couple of miles to the east of Derby!
We're in a village a couple of miles to the east of Derby!

wow, such a small world! :D my parents live in Stenson Fields, on the south derbyshire border.
bean i am so sorry to hear that. I hope this next cycle will be yours!!!:hugs:

i am taking the letrozole and i think i might have take a double dose on either sat or sunday and can't remember becuase i was suppose to take the pills today too but i don't have any more. :dohh: how could i have taken it again one of those days and not even know it. does anyone know will that be a bad thing?:shrug:
Joey - I have no idea sorry, can you call your doctor. Sure you will be fine, just not sure how it'll affect O. Are you sure one hasn't fallen out?

and thanks.
Joey - I have no idea sorry, can you call your doctor. Sure you will be fine, just not sure how it'll affect O. Are you sure one hasn't fallen out?

and thanks.

bean i am sure i will be fine to because they are not a high dose either. but yes not sure how it will affect O. :shrug: I go in for my hsg today. I think i will call the hurse and see what she says. i feel like such an idiot!:dohh: i can't believe i did that and yeah i am sure they didn't fall out. :nope:

So we have been having really warm temps for being north dakota. we had 3 days of record breaking temps of 80 degrees. I didn't think it was that warm out yesterday and ended up getting sun burnt in march. who would have thunk it!:nope: even with being sun burnt my temp was not very high:dohh:

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