Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Sorry been MIA again.

Joey's - your timing sounds perfect. Everything crossed hun!

LLPM - How are you feeling hun? Are you seeing your GP tomorrow? Hope it all goes well.

Sotired - Yay to second trimester!! Glad your Grandpa is on the mend. Did you book your scan? Mine is on the 8th August.

Hey Lindblum - How are you?

AFM - All good. Heading home tomorrow for my mum's 60th. A bit worried about seeing my SIL and Bro for the first time since their loss. But it has to be done and I think we'll all feel better once it is. They are grieving so much. My heart breaks for them.

On a positive note, so happy to be in the 2nd trimester. :happydance:
Hi bean, wow it's been quiet on here! I'm going well - have been away as its college holidays! Yay for 4 weeks off! :) hubby & I had a weekend away while his mum had the kids!
I had my dr's appointment yeah, she was really understanding but said she doesn't want to try clomid yet - she feels until all the tests have been exhausted she can't justify putting me in it. She was lovely about it and said she'd be wanting the same as me if she were in my position! So she sent me for another blood test to check for PCOS (even though I don't have any other symptoms!!) and she retested all other hormone levels during the follicular phase just to cover all bases. Haven't got the results yet as we're away and they won't give them out without seeing the dr in person, so I'll have to wait til next week sometime. If those tests come back fine then she said hubby needs to do a semen analysis - just to rule that out too! I'm pleased she's proactive, as frustrating as the waiting is as least she's trying things! she also said not to take any meds apart from folic acid too.
I've stopped charting too, we're having a relaxing month - no meds, no charting, BDing every other day, no more no less for the whole cycle (dr's orders!!) so we'll see. My friend had a baby last Thursday, went to visit them this morning - made me so broody cuddling the teeny little bub! Hope you're all having a lovely week.
LLPM good luck with all the tests that is always the hard part. We did all those tests and she didn't put me on clomid but i am on letrozole it is suppose to have less side affects than clomid.:hugs:
Hi ladies

I've posted on this board a couple of times and got some fantastic advice (thanks Bean!!!). Very pleased to report that yesterday after 13 months TTC I finally got a positive pregnancy test :happydance:. Very very early days so I'm still cautious but just wanted to share what we've been doing (besides the obvious!!). There is such brilliant advice on this site and I don't know if its a coincidence or not but wanted to share in the hope it may help someone else. Big apologies to all of you who know all this already!!!! Since TTC I've taken a variety of different supplements but not always at the same time. This is what I've been doing;
Started 2 months ago: Taking daily - B Complex 150mg, evening primrose oil, multivitamin, agnus castus 1600mg, folic acid, aspirin 75mg. Using progesterone cream from 3dpo (until AF arrived last month)
Started last month: 300mls daily of grapefruit juice

This cycle we BD'd from CD9 until CD 13 (ovulated CD13). Kept legs in air for 5 mins afterwards

The grapefruit juice and aspirin might sound a bit weird. The aspirin is supposed to help with implantation and the grapefruit juice with CM.

Again I don't know if its coincidence or maybe this combination just worked for me. Either way, yeyyyyyyy!!!!!

Good luck to all you ladies trying. I know how it feels, month after month - its horrid. Don't give up xxx :hugs:
Wahoo August, that's such exciting news - congratulations! Glad it finally happened for you :) fx'd it goes well for you!
Bean how are you?
Joeys - where are you upto?
I'm on CD16, so just still waiting to O (around cd24!)not stressing, BDing every other day and just feeling chilled!
Hello All,
i found this site about 3 days ago after another failed month. another day of tears. another journal entry of "what am i/we doing wrong?". after reading (almost) all 500+ pages, i was saying, "yes, this is me! i'm not the only one!". i thought spotting before AF was normal, like a warm-up, and now i know that it can be a symptom of LPD.... and then looking back thru my charting, i did this :dohh: thank you thank you everyone for posting your advice and your struggles because without it, i would continue to be lost and sad, with no direction to start in. i started my Vit B complex today (CD 2) and i'm hoping *something* happens - longer LP, no spotting..... btw, my username is "hoping, wishing, praying, Googling!" - hahaha!
Hey HWPG, glad you've joined! :) good luck, hope the vits work for you! How long have you been TTC? The problem with vits is they arent a quick fix. They regulated my cycle over 3 months but did nothing for my LP. I found it pretty stressful because I expected them to be the miracle cure, so as much I hope they work for you, remember to be realistic with expectations. I'm now back on the med-free approach!
So sorry to have disappeared!!

Congrats August!! Fab news!!

I'll try and get back on later to catch up. Been crazy busy. All good though.
Hi bean, wow it's been quiet on here! I'm going well - have been away as its college holidays! Yay for 4 weeks off! :) hubby & I had a weekend away while his mum had the kids!
I had my dr's appointment yeah, she was really understanding but said she doesn't want to try clomid yet - she feels until all the tests have been exhausted she can't justify putting me in it. She was lovely about it and said she'd be wanting the same as me if she were in my position! So she sent me for another blood test to check for PCOS (even though I don't have any other symptoms!!) and she retested all other hormone levels during the follicular phase just to cover all bases. Haven't got the results yet as we're away and they won't give them out without seeing the dr in person, so I'll have to wait til next week sometime. If those tests come back fine then she said hubby needs to do a semen analysis - just to rule that out too! I'm pleased she's proactive, as frustrating as the waiting is as least she's trying things! she also said not to take any meds apart from folic acid too.
I've stopped charting too, we're having a relaxing month - no meds, no charting, BDing every other day, no more no less for the whole cycle (dr's orders!!) so we'll see. My friend had a baby last Thursday, went to visit them this morning - made me so broody cuddling the teeny little bub! Hope you're all having a lovely week.

It has been quite. Sorry, I've taken a bit of a back seat from it all. No offence to anyone. I have been reading posts because they come to my emails but not had time to respond.

4 weeks holiday! Yay! My DH is a teacher so he has 3 more weeks at work then 6 weeks off. Very jealous, although I do have a massive list of jobs for him to do.

The doctor sounds great. I think it's too soon for clomid too. No harm in a SA. I think EO day and the relaxed approach is also a great idea. It will happen.

Hi ladies

I've posted on this board a couple of times and got some fantastic advice (thanks Bean!!!). Very pleased to report that yesterday after 13 months TTC I finally got a positive pregnancy test :happydance:. Very very early days so I'm still cautious but just wanted to share what we've been doing (besides the obvious!!). There is such brilliant advice on this site and I don't know if its a coincidence or not but wanted to share in the hope it may help someone else. Big apologies to all of you who know all this already!!!! Since TTC I've taken a variety of different supplements but not always at the same time. This is what I've been doing;
Started 2 months ago: Taking daily - B Complex 150mg, evening primrose oil, multivitamin, agnus castus 1600mg, folic acid, aspirin 75mg. Using progesterone cream from 3dpo (until AF arrived last month)
Started last month: 300mls daily of grapefruit juice

This cycle we BD'd from CD9 until CD 13 (ovulated CD13). Kept legs in air for 5 mins afterwards

The grapefruit juice and aspirin might sound a bit weird. The aspirin is supposed to help with implantation and the grapefruit juice with CM.

Again I don't know if its coincidence or maybe this combination just worked for me. Either way, yeyyyyyyy!!!!!

Good luck to all you ladies trying. I know how it feels, month after month - its horrid. Don't give up xxx :hugs:

Congrats again. Very happy for you. Thanks for popping back and updating us. H&H 9 mths.

Hello All,
i found this site about 3 days ago after another failed month. another day of tears. another journal entry of "what am i/we doing wrong?". after reading (almost) all 500+ pages, i was saying, "yes, this is me! i'm not the only one!". i thought spotting before AF was normal, like a warm-up, and now i know that it can be a symptom of LPD.... and then looking back thru my charting, i did this :dohh: thank you thank you everyone for posting your advice and your struggles because without it, i would continue to be lost and sad, with no direction to start in. i started my Vit B complex today (CD 2) and i'm hoping *something* happens - longer LP, no spotting..... btw, my username is "hoping, wishing, praying, Googling!" - hahaha!

Welcome HWPG! Loving the username!! How long have you been trying? Frustrating isn't it?! How long have you been charting? How long is your LP at them moment? DOn't be too concerned with spotting. This isn't always a problem. Were you on hormonal birth control at any point?

Good luck with the B Complex.

Hey HWPG, glad you've joined! :) good luck, hope the vits work for you! How long have you been TTC? The problem with vits is they arent a quick fix. They regulated my cycle over 3 months but did nothing for my LP. I found it pretty stressful because I expected them to be the miracle cure, so as much I hope they work for you, remember to be realistic with expectations. I'm now back on the med-free approach!

Yep, agree with this. It will happen.

Joeys - HOw are you?

Sotiredmama - How are you doing?
Yeah I understand Bean!
We just got home after a week away at the mother in laws! It's always kind of stressful so glad to be home, but we're only home for a couple more days then off on holidays again! Due to O at the weekend and we're super busy so hopefully that will be a distraction rather than a hindrance. I've felt good just sitting back and not thinking about it too much and starting to feel like a bigger gap between #2 and 3 will be better - isn't hindsight a great thing?! Hubby has exams in November, moving house (& city) in December and poppy will be starting preschool in jan, our lifestyle will change dramatically and if we'd have fallen pregnant before now the baby would have been born right in the middle of it all, it's going to be a hard enough time for the girls especially as they leave all their friends and having a baby wouldn't have been enjoyable! Even if we get pregnant this cycle the baby wouldn't be due til march/April by which time we'll be more settled! :) so feeling good generally!
Hope everyone is feeling Ok! I found out another friend is 9 weeks pregnant today, which makes 4! And 3 friends have had babies in the last week - its the season for it!!
Hello! thank you for the replies! back from a weekend away at my friends lake house with other friends including 2yo, 7 month old, 7 week old. got LOTS of time holding babies.... bittersweet but still lovely.
summary of my ttc - went of bc jan 2008 w/hubby, diagnosed infertile in aug 2008 (him), sister and 2 best friends announced their pregnancies in july 2008 (my sister didnt even get her period after going off bc!), counseling (me) and infertility appts until july 2009 - when he decided he "didnt need children, esp if they were not biologically his" - divorced in feb 2010. new bf april 2010 (back on bc). off bc jan 2012 - so we've been only ttc for 6 months, but man those old ghosts haunt you. first time i went off bc i was having 40-60 days cycles, ended up on clomid and progesterone just to jump start it. this time i was regular right away, but current LP (pos opk to full flow) is 11 days, but always with spotting starting anytime from 5dpo until AF. started counting days and bd'ing every other day and using opks since jan. this is first month i'm temping, and i've included B vits - why not?
sorry for the long post - just wanted to get the story out there.
my best of best friends is also ttc, and my sister is going for #2. it would be so awesome to all be preggers at the same time - here's to hoping!
:hi: bean! sorry was gone this weekend back on and took a test this morning and it was negative.:nope:
:hi: bean! sorry was gone this weekend back on and took a test this morning and it was negative.:nope:

so sorry to hear, joeys. hope you take a moment for yourself today.
thanks HWPG! yes i had a drink last night a caramel roll and caramel/vanilla chiller this morning to help ease my pain! :dohh:
Joeys - So sorry about the BFN. :hugs:

HWPG - Wow lots of info. 6 months of trying isn't long, esp if you only stopped BCP in January. I know it must be frustrating and scary when you've experienced infertility before. It is good that your cycles are relatively normal. 11day LP is fine but ideally spotting shouldn't start before 8dpo. However, I often had spotting and both cycles I got my BFPs I spotted. With the sticky bean I spotted from 7-10dpo. Good luck.
thanks bean how are you feeling?

af hasn't shown yet but might possibly be hear tonight or tomorrow.:cry:
sorry to give so much info in one post. i know 6 months is not long, but it was still eye opening to read about some of the things i was experiencing. any nudge/advice in the right direction is helpful, i say. thanks for the encouraging words!
joeys, hope you are doing ok.
So sorry joeys! Hope you're doing Ok?!
HWPG, wow that's An incredible story, what a lot you've been through. Hope it all happens for you very soon!
Afm...CD23 and absolutely no sign of O!!! I've been ovulating day 24 for the last few cycles so thought I was getting mor regular but no CM at all and only had slight cramps a few days ago!! I'm not charting either so im not sure what temps doing. Hope I see some signs today and O soon. We're away at the moment still - haven't got the results back from dr about PCOS and couldn't get an appt with her til 16th July. So we'll see.
So sorry joeys! Hope you're doing Ok?!

Afm...CD23 and absolutely no sign of O!!! I've been ovulating day 24 for the last few cycles so thought I was getting mor regular but no CM at all and only had slight cramps a few days ago!! I'm not charting either so im not sure what temps doing. Hope I see some signs today and O soon. We're away at the moment still - haven't got the results back from dr about PCOS and couldn't get an appt with her til 16th July. So we'll see.

Hi LLPM, it may sound crazy but I am convinced its the grapefruit juice that helped with my CM, my lack of it has been an issue since we started TTC. But started drinking it 2 weeks below ovulation and without sounding too gross - yep it definitely helped and yey got my BFP 10 days later (4 weeks and 5 days...... so nervous!!!!!). Its defintely worth giving it a try :thumbup:.
Sorry, I can't stop raving about my combination of things that are supposed to help you conceive, I know they won't work for everyone but they certainly worked magic for me :happydance:. Don't give up
Thanks August, i dont usually don't have any problem with CM though. We've all had gastro the past few days so I'm guessing my body has held off on ovulation for that reason (I've heard stress in your body can delay it??) so I'm now CD25 with no sign of O. Still BDing every other day just in case so fingers crossed it happens soon :)

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