Yay, congratulations faithlovehope!!
Sorry to hear that joeys! Your time will come.
Can't believe your scan is that close Bean!!
Yeah I believe I have already O'd but FF hasn't confirmed it yet, my CM has been a bit all over the place though and had a few days lf ewcm then it dried up then had loads again yesterday. My temp hasnt shot up yet but is starting to rise slowly. This is my last cycle to get less than a 2year gap between dd2 and next bub! Only 2pregnant neighbours but there's 4 of us trying. (we live in a block of units with 8 other couples - were all very good friends!!)
my big girl turns 3 this month, can't believe how fast it's gone! Enjoy your pregnancies because before you know it that era is over and you have a bubbly preschooler running around, it all just goes incredibly fast!

are you going to find out what you're having bean & sotiredmama? We think we'll find out next time, we didn't with the girls (I loved the surprise!) but we have an abundance of girly clothes and if we had a boy the poor thing would be dressed in pink! Also hubby would love a boy and would want to know before delivery as he doesn't want to disappointed at the time baby would be born! Anyway we need to get pg first! Haha.