Hi ladies, welcome bbbunny! I agree with hwpg, take the complex but allow a while for it to work - for me it just made me more regular rather than lengthening ny LP!
I'm pretty sure I've ovulated just not sure when exactly, just going with the flow - I'm guessing we'll find out next week sometime
I've had a stressful few days, my baby (16months old) has bowed legs which we were told isn't a problem but have been referred to a paediatric orthopedic surgeon - anyway last night we were at a friends house, she is a peadiatric orthopedic physio and asked if she could have a look at Maggie, well she noticed her legs are different lengths which shows she may have undiagnosed hip dysplacia

it is usually picked up at birth but sometimes goes undiagnosed until later. I'm sick with worry and can't get in to the surgeon for a few weeks, going crazy as I know the later it is treated the harder and more unsuccessful treatment is!! I feel like the worlds worst parent, how could I not notice her legs are different lengths?? If it is that she'll need surgery and an immobilizing cast for up to 3months, my poor little bub!