Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Yeah BF is not usually a problem, but there are a small minority who find their cycles don't return or find it difficult to get pregnant whilst BFing. There's a chance I could be part of that small minority, but I really doubt that's my problem. Tecnically nothing is stopping me getting a BFP, I've been doing OK on that front... just can't get past 6 weeks.

I've got a doctor's appointment this time next week to go over the results of my blood test (they are testing for thyroid problems and a few other things to indicate kidney and liver function... I did notice that prolactin was on the list actually). I'm going to ask then about getting the 7DPO test.

Have you been tested for Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome? I have it and it causes recurrant pregnancy loss. It's easily treated with aspirin and/or heparin.
hi! i have a question for you ladies - this is my second month taking Vit B complexx (100). i went off BC in jan, although i only started opks in may and temping in june. every month has been beautiful: ewcm, 2 weeks later AF. in may and june, ewcm, pos opk, AF (although i felt that 10/11 LP was shorter, hence the VitB). this month, ewcm, NO pos opk, and now i'm cd 30 with no symptoms of anything! i think i may not have ovulated - but what i'm wondering is if the VitB had anything to do with this? is it crazy to have a random anovulatory month? sorry for the long post - i'm just SO frustrated!

If you look at my recent posts, I questioned the same thing. But I THINK I've O'd late and possibly had a delay from illness and travelling earlier in cycle. I'm going to see what happens with this cycle and maybe next, but if it keeps happening and there are no other factors in future cycles I'll probably come off Vit B

You may still O late. I gave up but on cd42 I had ovary twinges and did an OPK and it was pos
thanks kiara - i didnt realize how long into your cycle you were. i've been down that road before but it just seemed so out of synch with how nice my cycles have been. ugh. i hate my stupid body.
LOL I get exactly how you feel. You may have an annovulatory cycle in the end but until either a new cycle starts or O gets confirmed... I would treat yourself as potentially fertile.

I was reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility book by Toni Weschler and I learned from that that even the slightest bit of illness or stress or anything out of the ordinary really can make your body react and delay O for anything from a few days to several weeks. Its a self defence mechanism really - to make sure everything is perfect for conception. Quite clever really but frustrating for us. It what made me look at my cycle this month to see if I could see any potential bumps and low and behold travelling to Italy and pleurisy/lupus flare probably caused a delay :hugs:
i did travel for 10 days starting on cd1... i guess we'll get back to bd-ing.... i repeat "i hate my stupid body"....
Have you been tested for Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome? I have it and it causes recurrant pregnancy loss. It's easily treated with aspirin and/or heparin.

No I haven't been tested. I am taking a baby aspirin every day though as I heard that was good for lining, etc. Could I have this syndrome when I have carried a healthy pregnancy in the past?

Honestly, I think the main problem leading to my miscarriages/chemicals is my LP. From everything I've read, an LP of 7 or 8 days is no way long enough to sustain a pregnancy, so it's no wonder they have been failing! Little bit confused as to how I'm even managing to get positive pregnancy tests at all with an LP that length!

First MC, I had heavy bleeding when AF was due, but I also had a positive pregnancy test at the same time. HCG levels were tested and were doubling. I stopped bleeding. Then 3 weeks later (when I was 6.5 weeks) I got more bleeding over the weekend. By the time I got down to the EPU on Monday morning, pregnancy tests were coming up negative.

Second MC had a BFP at 9DPO. No bleeding apart from teeny IB. Two weeks later when I was just 5 weeks, I started bleeding. I knew it was a chemical because the pregnancy test lines had been getting lighter and were negative within two days of bleeding.

I would have thought with an LP of 7-8 days there wouldn't even be time for implantation/time to get a BFP before AF showed up again, but I'm not an expert so only have my experience to go by.
hi! i have a question for you ladies - this is my second month taking Vit B complexx (100). i went off BC in jan, although i only started opks in may and temping in june. every month has been beautiful: ewcm, 2 weeks later AF. in may and june, ewcm, pos opk, AF (although i felt that 10/11 LP was shorter, hence the VitB). this month, ewcm, NO pos opk, and now i'm cd 30 with no symptoms of anything! i think i may not have ovulated - but what i'm wondering is if the VitB had anything to do with this? is it crazy to have a random anovulatory month? sorry for the long post - i'm just SO frustrated!

Everything I have read says that it is not abnormal for the average woman to have a couple anovulatory months per year.
No I haven't been tested. I am taking a baby aspirin every day though as I heard that was good for lining, etc. Could I have this syndrome when I have carried a healthy pregnancy in the past?

Definately, you could have the problem while having a healthy pregnancy previouly.

Well my obstetric history is roughly this...

First pregnancy - miscarraige @ 10 weeks

Second pregnancy - girl at 37 weeks, gestational diabetes, placental abruption caused the sudden early birth

Third pregnancy - started as twins but one vanished at 7 weeks, gestational diabetes, girl born at 40 weeks

Fourth pregnancy - girl born at 40 weeks, premature labour from 19 weeks needing stopped regularly, anaemia

Fifth pregnancy - girl born at 39 weeks, premature labour from 22 weeks needing stopping regularly, anaemia, DVT

Sixth pregnancy - chemical

I was diagnosed after the DVT in my last pregnancy, and looking back the condition actually caused prem labour, placental abruption, DVT and anaemia but causes a variety of problems, including problems with implantation. It may be worth getting checked out for the sake of a couple of blood tests. The aspirin would help but maybe, if it is the problem, its just not enough and low dose heparin would be added which may make a difference. I found this article which supports impantation problems...

If they have you on aspirin, it sounds like the possibility is at the back of their minds but if its not been tested, its worth getting done because obviously the condition affects the people with it aside from pregnancy. I've had a blood clot on the lungs and a mini stroke SINCE my last pregnancy just because of the stickiness of the blood. Think about looking into it because if its that, its really easily treatable :flower:
Thanks Kiara. I will ask them about it when I see the doctor next week. I put myself on the aspirin, it hasn't been recommended by my GP. I've been told
once / if I have another MC, they will do all sorts of tests then, but they are not willing to do those tests before that point. But I'm really hoping that if I can lengthen my LP then that will be the end of my problems
Thought I'd share this link to an old discussion that I found on one of my recent google binges:

There's lots of ideas there for diet and suppliments to help lower excessively high estrogen levels (and in turn promote progesterone).
morning ladies! thanks for the info, Elt. i was pretty depressed yesterday - it feels like if you dont ovulate, you waste time, you know? anyways, i was confused abuot what was happening, so i did an opk yesterday AM - it was pretty dark, last night also. we dtd anyways, for fun (unheard of, right?! hehe), and this morning my OPK was SUPER dark! i'm excited! so we'll dtd again tonight, and tomorrow - i guess i just didnt ovulate earlier. oh well, going to make sure to get those guys in there the next couple days. thanks for all the support ladies!
hi! i have a question for you ladies - this is my second month taking Vit B complexx (100). i went off BC in jan, although i only started opks in may and temping in june. every month has been beautiful: ewcm, 2 weeks later AF. in may and june, ewcm, pos opk, AF (although i felt that 10/11 LP was shorter, hence the VitB). this month, ewcm, NO pos opk, and now i'm cd 30 with no symptoms of anything! i think i may not have ovulated - but what i'm wondering is if the VitB had anything to do with this? is it crazy to have a random anovulatory month? sorry for the long post - i'm just SO frustrated!

From what ive read vit B works great for some but can mess up cycles for did change my cycle slightly - I O'd a day late and OPK took about 2 days to get from a faint line to full positive (it normally takes about 8 hours) also increased my LP by an extra day but on the plus side i didnt spot until 16dpo compared to my usual 11dpo.

I would prob try another cycle of vit B as i think most ppl have an odd cycle at some point so it might not be the vit B. I had a 41 day cycle in May and altho i did O it wasnt until CD25 or 27 (FF wasnt sure which day) - I have never had a cycle that long and hope i never have another one lol but that was before i was taking vit B so ive no idea of the reason...I was on holiday at the time i was supposed to O so dont know if that delayed it but I go on holiday every year! x
Well I still don't get whats going on with my chart. I've now changed it to go by OPK as I was still not getting any cross hairs. Hopefully I can have my blood test Tuesday to confirm but I have cramps, a bit like AF at what should be only 4DPO. Feel really rubbish today
morning ladies! thanks for the info, Elt. i was pretty depressed yesterday - it feels like if you dont ovulate, you waste time, you know? anyways, i was confused abuot what was happening, so i did an opk yesterday AM - it was pretty dark, last night also. we dtd anyways, for fun (unheard of, right?! hehe), and this morning my OPK was SUPER dark! i'm excited! so we'll dtd again tonight, and tomorrow - i guess i just didnt ovulate earlier. oh well, going to make sure to get those guys in there the next couple days. thanks for all the support ladies!

Yay, that sounds hopeful. I had a feeling that things were just a little delayed :winkwink:
Well I still don't get whats going on with my chart. I've now changed it to go by OPK as I was still not getting any cross hairs. Hopefully I can have my blood test Tuesday to confirm but I have cramps, a bit like AF at what should be only 4DPO. Feel really rubbish today

Hey Kiara - hope ur ok :hugs: Im not feeling great at the moment either...I was ok this morning but feel abit down right now :( I think all this TTC gets the better of me sometimes...its hard work n i feel like im constantly wishing my life away - waiting for O then waiting for next cycle...everything I plan or think to do seems to be affected by TTC! I have tried to tell myself to just live my life and the BFP will come when its ready but i cant do it Arrggghhhh

I had a look at ur chart and im not sure whats going on. I think FF waits for 3 higher temps before u get crosshairs but it might be waiting an extra day or 2 because u had the fallback....if ur temp stays high 2moro and the next day then try and change bk to advanced method n see if it gives u crosshairs then x
Well I still don't get whats going on with my chart. I've now changed it to go by OPK as I was still not getting any cross hairs. Hopefully I can have my blood test Tuesday to confirm but I have cramps, a bit like AF at what should be only 4DPO. Feel really rubbish today

Hey Kiara - hope ur ok :hugs: Im not feeling great at the moment either...I was ok this morning but feel abit down right now :( I think all this TTC gets the better of me sometimes...its hard work n i feel like im constantly wishing my life away - waiting for O then waiting for next cycle...everything I plan or think to do seems to be affected by TTC! I have tried to tell myself to just live my life and the BFP will come when its ready but i cant do it Arrggghhhh

I had a look at ur chart and im not sure whats going on. I think FF waits for 3 higher temps before u get crosshairs but it might be waiting an extra day or 2 because u had the fallback....if ur temp stays high 2moro and the next day then try and change bk to advanced method n see if it gives u crosshairs then x

Thanks for the glimmer of hope Bubbles. Deep down, you know this yourself and would advise anyone else but when its yourself and you're at the point of being sick of life repeating like this, its easy to forget your own advise.

I feel exactly like you do, I want to get somewhere now so I can get on medication which will actually help my Lupus. So much sacrifice goes into this and it gets too much sometimes. I'd be happy to a point if I could have sensible charts but false positive OPKS, an ovulation charts being taken away and then not getting one when you think you should - this cycle has been a little too much for me I think. Thank you for the help xx :hugs:
I got crosshairs! Optimistic again but cautious as I've had this already this cycle. Have my bloods on Tuesday. I will be 8DPO as I should be getting them on Monday but it's Bank Holiday. Do you think that will affect the readings? xx
Kiara, that one day should not be significant. I say this because you will or won't have progesterone levels to indicate ovulation occurred. As an example: I had bloods done at what I thought was 7dpo. I had not had a pos oppk and my temps had only risen slightly, but have been regular since jan so didnt think much of it. Results were 0.64 nmol. So so low, no ovulation. I did not get my period, but my temps crashed. Started opk again and got a positive (with, body?). So, for me, I think I did not ovulate like a normal cycle, and progesterone confirmed it. If I had, my levels would be greater then 6 nmol. When you get your results, just ask the nurse specifically if that number does or does not indicate ovulation. But as I said at the start, I don't think that one day will change the level dramatically enough to give you a false result. Sorry, long answer. Hope it helps.
CD14. I usually ovulate today or tomorrow. No signs yet, and no OPK lines either (I usually get a second line the day before the dark line on my OPK). Looks like O is going to be later this cycle, I was prepared for this anyway after the chemical. At least there's more time for the Vit B to work it's magic, I guess.

Good luck for your bloods Kiara, I think 8DPO should be fine.

Bubbles, I get what you are saying. It's really hard to take a step back and think "I'll let the BFP come when it's ready" when we know so much about our cycles, and are so invested in TTC. I find it impossible not to think about it. Even this month, where I am supposed to be taking a TTC break, I'm already thinking about timing BDing for my fertile window (because what if this is my month? I don't think we can ever shake that 'what if?' feeling).
Hi girls, just checking in to see how you're all doing and how everyone's weekend is going? xx

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