Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I agree with Khloeee - fertility friend is a great site and their charting course is really helpful!

So I am now on CD17 and my temp didnt go back up so prob going to O today (had another positive OPK)....not really sure how I feel about it all at the moment! In one way I'm really annoyed that the vit B has made me O even later (normally O on CD14 or 15) but in another way if I do O today then at least we did BD yday (I think day before O is the best day).

All this is making my cycles longer and really difficult to predict O :( I know its a good thing that the vit B stopped me spotting last month but I dont know what to do...last month when O was confirmed I stopped taking vit B and started again on CD4. Do you think I should stop again at O?? I'm worried that if I take it for all my cycle then it may extend my cycle even more!

Any suggestions/advice would be welcome xxx
I don't know bubbles, I'm so new to all of this myself. But I do think that the positives outweigh the negative of a later OV, and you probably need at least 3 months of B6 to asses the overall effect on your cycle. I was about ready to ditch the B6 altogether when OV was late (and very unclear on OPKs) this cycle, but now I'm in 2WW I feel much calmer about taking the B6. I'm still taking 100mg (after deliberating whether to take 50mg instead), and I do think it's helping. Annoyingly for us, only time will tell.

Personally, I would finish this cycle taking the B6 every day, including after 0. Then if it's made your cycle longer than you are happy with, decide whether you want to only take it for half the cycle, or certain days next cycle.
Kholeee thanks alot. I will go through the site , I hope I am smart enough to understand the steps ;)

how is everything with you so far?
All good here. 2WW has gone fast enough so far. 8 DPO today and no period yet (it's usually yesterday, today, or tomorrow). Last time that happened though (last month), I thought my cycles were sorting themselves out, but actually my longer LP was actually a pregnancy....which ended a few weeks later due to short LP, so either way it's waaaay too earlier for me to get my hopes up yet.
hi everyone - just popping in to say this was my second month on Vit b complex (100mg) and ignoring my loooooong cycle and laaaaate O (which i think was due to other factors like traveling and such) - my LP went from 11 to 13 days. so although i'm saddened that AF arrived, i'm pleased by the extra two days. IMO, as discouraging as it can be to wait for O, i think the VitB helps in both phases of getting your body ready.
Thats good to hear HWPG. From reading lots of posts here seems like vit B really works good
Great news HWPG! Can I ask, did it increase your LP at all the first month you used vit B?
to be fair, i dont know. that being said, here's how i explain my answer of "no" for month 1:
i started actively charting (temps, cm) in june. i had been using a calendar to mark my cm before that (starting in january), and using opks since april (tracking cm and pos opk) [side note: i naively thought it would take us "no time" to get preggers, so i tapered into charting, thats why the delay] - so using my june chart as a reference, comparing it with past fertility signs - i was regular regular regular from ewcm to af - could count the days - and the same for ewcm to pos opk to af. based on that math, my first cycle with FF of 11 day lp was SPOT ON for how i would have expected it. this last cycle, i thought af would come at 11dpo - i did have a little blood at the bathroom, but not enough for even a liner - so the fact that it was 13 days is an improvement.
i hope that long answer was helpful and not TOO confusing. or rambling. i tend to do both :)
hi everyone - just popping in to say this was my second month on Vit b complex (100mg) and ignoring my loooooong cycle and laaaaate O (which i think was due to other factors like traveling and such) - my LP went from 11 to 13 days. so although i'm saddened that AF arrived, i'm pleased by the extra two days. IMO, as discouraging as it can be to wait for O, i think the VitB helps in both phases of getting your body ready.

That is exactly my theory HWPG, the delayed ov we all seem to be experiencing, for me I'm putting down to a combination of other factors such as illness and travelling, but also that the Vits are helping to get the egg and body as ready as it can.

I also gained 2 days on LP, never been so happy to see AF (whilst also slightly disappointed)
9 DPO and getting a faint line on internet cheapie. This is exactly what happened last month at exactly the same time. It will most likely end in bad news (don't think my LP will have changed drastically from 7 - 8 days in one cycle) so not treating this as anything yet.

I really thought the B6 might have been working its magic as I usually see AF by now. But no, it's probably just another chemical delaying AF rather than my LP actually lengthening. But I had to test, because I had to know whether it was pregnancy or the B6.

Can't get excited about this, but at least it means i'm moving forward either way. GP will refer me for tests if this winds up a chemical.

I guess the results of my progesterone test I had 2 days ago will be irrelevent now?
Soooo its CD18 and my temp didnt go back up so I havent O'd yet! I'm so mad!!! I know its great that vit B stopped me spotting last month but this really isnt going to work for me....its bad enough trying to pinpoint O and get OH to BD as it is and now I feel like its been for nothing and I'm going to have to moan at OH again to BD...I know I shouldnt have to moan at him but thats the way it is as he doesnt think we should have to BD on set days :( If I cant pinpoint O then the vit B is really not any use for me as if Im not BDing on the right days then Ive got no chance :(

Am defo going to stop taking it when O is finally confirmed and I think next month ill have to not take it or try 50mg.....sorry for the long moan!

Good luck Khloeee I hope u get a BFP this month...I looked at ur chart and ur not far away x
We must have posted at the same time, bubbles!

That is very annoying that you are still waiting to O. I don't think you are far though, hoping it will be in the next few days for you
Hey Khloeee - I hope it isnt a chemical and ur BFP stays! Im not too sure about the progesterone test but I would have guessed that it would still be relevant as it will give u some idea of how high or low it is....doesnt it have to be high enough to sustain a pregnancy?? Fingers crossed that u can get out of the nightmare of TTC x

Ive just been talking to OH and hes really not happy :( We've got a GP appointment today to refer him for an SA - im not worried about it but i know he is. Anyway he thinks i should stop all this charting, opk, vit B, coming on here!!!! He thinks it is all stressing me out and making things worse :( x
Yeah, it does need to be high enough to sustain a pregnancy. I'm worried that my progesterone levels will read fine for a non-pregnant person, but they are higher only because I'm pregnant, so could still be low for someone who is pregnant. Hope that makes sense... couldn't think of a way to explain it well.
Hello everyone, how are we all doing?

I am now on cd7. We have an appointment at the fertility clinic on Thursday which I'm nervous about.

Still taking Vit B complex and Omega 3, 6 & 9. This will be my first month having a go at checking CM. Ain't got a clue how to differentiate it from sperm but I'll try.

Starting seeing a new acupunturist, Zita West affiliated one. She's lovely and reminded me that I've been pregnant and delivered healthy children already so I need to trust my body more. She thinks the stress and worry is hindering me.

Fingers crossed for your O and this month is yours Bubbles. :hugs:

Khloeee - I understand your feelings, we had a chemical in 2010 and this last cycle also had what we were convinced was a really faint BFP which was negative again by the next day. I didn't really feel any sense of loss as I never really accepted it. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that it stays but wanted to remind you not to lose heart. :hugs:
Thanks Kiara, I'm not going to stress and test again every day. I'm just going to wait until 14 DPO when I will either have a stronger line, or no line at all..... or at least the plan is to wait until then! In the meantime I need to switch from b100 complex to just B6 and B12 - the complex has way too high a dose of B3/Niacin, which is not good to take during pregnancy.

I agree that it's really important to have faith in our bodies, I am trying to remind myself of this too. Your accupuncturist sounds really supportive.
Khloeee - I don't really understand how progesterone works! Does ur body make more of it when it knows ur pregnant or does it gradually increase everyday anyway n just doesn't stop because u are pregnant? I hate not knowing these things! N I didn't know there was anythin in vit B complex that u shouldn't have in pregnancy...I wish it was easier to find this type of info. Hope it feeling ok n staying positive x

Kiara - good luck with the acupuncture. I agree that stress can play a big part but I don't really understand how we can stop stressing about it especially when uve been TTC n it's not working no matter wat u do!
I check my CM sometimes but it is really difficult to tell the diff between dperm n egg white CM...if I've BD the day before then I just don't bother now coz I really don't know which it is!

So I'm on CD20 now n it looks like i finally Od n I'm 2dpo...FF hadn't confirmed yet but temp has shot right up n stayed for now. Didn't BD the day before O so I'm guessing I'll be out this month again...we did BD on morning of O n CP was very high n soft n lots of egg white CM but Im sure it's the day before that matters for me :( We had an app for OH to get a SA referral on Friday but we had a big argument n didn't go. I'm starting to think all this stress just isn't worth it n I'm just not ment to have another baby :(
Ok, quick update for me...I thought I was having delayed o because of the B complex but anov cycle as I have had brown spotting the last few days. I guess it is normal for one every now and then but I just wish some sort of "flow" would start, so I can be on to the next cycle!
Kiara - good luck with the acupuncture. I agree that stress can play a big part but I don't really understand how we can stop stressing about it especially when uve been TTC n it's not working no matter wat u do! I check my CM sometimes but it is really difficult to tell the diff between dperm n egg white CM...if I've BD the day before then I just don't bother now coz I really don't know which it is!

So I'm on CD20 now n it looks like i finally Od n I'm 2dpo...FF hadn't confirmed yet but temp has shot right up n stayed for now. Didn't BD the day before O so I'm guessing I'll be out this month again...we did BD on morning of O n CP was very high n soft n lots of egg white CM but Im sure it's the day before that matters for me :( We had an app for OH to get a SA referral on Friday but we had a big argument n didn't go. I'm starting to think all this stress just isn't worth it n I'm just not ment to have another baby :(

I can't tell the difference but I have to say, the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility has excellent photos of different variations of each type and is helping to pinpoint.

As far as the situation with OH. It took over a year to get mine to go for a SA. I needed him to go because he has no children and has not even had so much as a pregnancy scare in his life with anyone and he has spina bifida occulta which can have an impact on fertility. If you and OH have concieved in the past, he probably feels a SA is unnessessary. Has something changed which could affect his fertility?

Also with BDing, it can feel like a routine and its not fun, but I always point out to my DH that we made the decision to TTC together and I already do the hard work in the charting and monthly torture of the TTW, so occaisional well timed BDing is the little bit of effort needed from his side. The alternative is to make it fun and don't tell him where you are in your cycle so it feels a bit more spontaneous to him.

Hope things work out hun xx

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