Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Khloeee - I don't really understand how progesterone works! Does ur body make more of it when it knows ur pregnant or does it gradually increase everyday anyway n just doesn't stop because u are pregnant? I hate not knowing these things! N I didn't know there was anythin in vit B complex that u shouldn't have in pregnancy...I wish it was easier to find this type of info. Hope it feeling ok n staying positive x

The niacin thing... the 'safe' recommendation is no more than 35mg. My B-complex has 100mg in it. It is suspected that high levels of niacin in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy can be linked to birth defects, but as they can't test these things out specifically, I can't find conclusive info on this. As wih taking most things in pregnancy, the general advice is to err on the side of caution and NOT take anything questionable. My plan is to carry on taking 100mg B6 and 100ug B12 for a week or so (if I make it past my usual danger zone), then I will slowly reduce the quantities until I reach 50mg B6 and whatever amounts of B6 and B12 are in pregnacare. I've also stopped taking the cod liver oil pills, as that is also questionable in the first trimester.

The progesterone increase.... I think it's a gradual thing. Once you get past the first few weeks of conception, you produce more, and once the placenta fully takes over progesterone production in the 2nd trimester, you are producing large amounts. In the 2WW, it won't be massively high, but it just needs to be high enough to stop the corpus luteum from breaking down - triggering shedding and the onset of AF (this is where I suspect things have been failing for me). Although, I am definitely no expert and am just guessing... it might not affect my progesterone bolod test results at all.... only time will tell, really.
Hey Kiara - OH did agree to go for SA...I know he is slightly worried about it but I don't think he is the problem to be honest..I just wanted him to get it done so we knew for sure. Nothing has changed n we conceived within 2 months last yr but had an MC n we seem to have really struggled since then :( We didn't argue about the SA it was something else n I'm still quite annoyed with him...if I ever calm down I'll prob book another GP appointment but I'm starting to think all of this stress is not doin me any favors. I want a baby so much but feel like its never goin to happen again :(

Khloeee - how long is it before u can be sure that it's a BFP? I really hope this is it for u n it sounds like uve been researching so much into all this! FX for u n keep us updated x

I'm 3dpo today - well I didn't actually temp this morning but I'm pretty sure I Od so I put a fake temp in so FF would confirm it! I've kind of given up this month..kind of given up full stop at the moment. x
Hey Kiara - OH did agree to go for SA...I know he is slightly worried about it but I don't think he is the problem to be honest..I just wanted him to get it done so we knew for sure. Nothing has changed n we conceived within 2 months last yr but had an MC n we seem to have really struggled since then :( We didn't argue about the SA it was something else n I'm still quite annoyed with him...if I ever calm down I'll prob book another GP appointment but I'm starting to think all of this stress is not doin me any favors. I want a baby so much but feel like its never goin to happen again :(

I'm 3dpo today - well I didn't actually temp this morning but I'm pretty sure I Od so I put a fake temp in so FF would confirm it! I've kind of given up this month..kind of given up full stop at the moment. x

Sorry Bubbles, got the wrong end of the stick there and assumed that your OH was unhappy about the SA :dohh:

I understand how you feel about it taking forever, we been trying for 3 years and most times things are good but my OH hates talking about things to do with TTc and its getting on my nerves because apart from on here, I have no-one else, no good friends, no sister and my mum has her own stuff to deal with. I sometimes feel that if I didn't have here to come too, I'd drive myself even more mad, plus seeing BFP's in people who are fighting the same battle TTC as me gives me hope.

Don't give up yet, it will come x

Khloeee - congrats on your BFP, really hoping it sticks for you this time x
Khloeee - how long is it before u can be sure that it's a BFP? I really hope this is it for u n it sounds like uve been researching so much into all this! FX for u n keep us updated x

Well, I tested again yesterday morning and got a stronger positive. So it's definitely a BFP but I guess I won't hope for it to be a viable pregnancy until / unless I get past 6 weeks. The EPU will give me a scan at 7 weeks (if I get that far).
How is everyone today?

My 7 DPO progesterone results are in: 19 (UK measurement). This is low, right?? So worried about this pregnancy : (
How is everyone today?

My 7 DPO progesterone results are in: 19 (UK measurement). This is low, right?? So worried about this pregnancy : (

Its not low. There can be huge variations but they look for a level of 1 in a natural cycle and 15 if on clomid and your level is above that so I wouldn't read too much into it. Speak to your doctor if you are worried but even with the pregnancy, if impantation hadn't occured at 7DPO, the blood test results would be reading as a non-pregnant womans in which your level look fine xx
Oh really? Thanks Kiara, i really dont know much about his stuff. I just thought it was low because on my results form it says 'anything greater than 30 indicates ovulation'. The unit measurement is in nmol/L
My GP just called. Can't believe how unsympathetic she was, especially considering I went to her with my last 2 MCs.

GP "Your progesterone level is low. You haven't ovulated".

Me "OK. Well, what does that mean if I've been getting positive pregnancy tests?"

GP *saarcastic voice* "Well, I'd say it means you're pregnant".

Me: "Um, I meant in terms of the really low progesterone. How is that going to affect things?"

Gp "It's normal. The reason your progesterone levels didn't spike is because you had already conceived when you had the progesterone test".

Is that a load of crap?? I thought progesterone increases in the luteal phase regardless of pregnancy? Surely you NEED the spike to sustain a pregnancy?! She's really upset me now.

In the meantime, I took myself down to the early pregnancy unit and had another blood test to check HcG and progesterone now that I am pregnant. Not yet sure when I will get those results.
khloee, sorry you had such a bad experience with your GP - is she always like that? if yes, i would suggest switching. if no, i would def say something to her - then again, i'm pretty confrontational about these things (it is MY body but she's supposed to have the info i need) - will you be switching to an OB/GYN? you should definitely "shop around" if you are switching and find someone who fits you.
that being said, your GP did say it was normal, and you're having more bloodwork done, so keep us posted on the results. every body is different! GL!
Hi HWPG, no the weird thing is that she is usually very nice. She's the most senior GP at the practice, so I figured she might have a better idea about these things, but I guess she doesn't because the more I think about it, the more what she said about progesterone in the luteal phase sounds like absolute bull.

We don't do OB/GYNs in the UK. We see GPs to confirm pregnancy, then they refer you to midwives for all follow up appointments and antenatal care. I wish I could see a medical professional that knows more about this stuff!
i agree - from what i've read it seems like progesterone is supposed to be the dominant hormone in LP (corpus lutem and all that). and even if you were already pregnant at the blood draw, your prog should be high - hence why we take our temps every day! i dont actually know where your number is on the scale (hi, med, low) but i would hope that your GP would take you more seriously. maybe at the next conversation you can be a little more assertive and ask these questions ("i thought progesterone should be higher" "what are normal ranges?") and make sure she gives you answers!
My GP just called. Can't believe how unsympathetic she was, especially considering I went to her with my last 2 MCs.

GP "Your progesterone level is low. You haven't ovulated".

Me "OK. Well, what does that mean if I've been getting positive pregnancy tests?"

GP *saarcastic voice* "Well, I'd say it means you're pregnant".

Me: "Um, I meant in terms of the really low progesterone. How is that going to affect things?"

Gp "It's normal. The reason your progesterone levels didn't spike is because you had already conceived when you had the progesterone test".

Is that a load of crap?? I thought progesterone increases in the luteal phase regardless of pregnancy? Surely you NEED the spike to sustain a pregnancy?! She's really upset me now.

In the meantime, I took myself down to the early pregnancy unit and had another blood test to check HcG and progesterone now that I am pregnant. Not yet sure when I will get those results.

This makes no sense. Stupid doctor!!

Firstly congrats!! You chart is looking good so don't panic. And your line s getting darker.

Glad you are getting another progesterone test. If it's low insist on progesterone suppositories.

Good luck!
Hi HWPG, no the weird thing is that she is usually very nice. She's the most senior GP at the practice, so I figured she might have a better idea about these things, but I guess she doesn't because the more I think about it, the more what she said about progesterone in the luteal phase sounds like absolute bull.

We don't do OB/GYNs in the UK. We see GPs to confirm pregnancy, then they refer you to midwives for all follow up appointments and antenatal care. I wish I could see a medical professional that knows more about this stuff!

My friend is a GP and she didn't even know what a luteal phase was. When we were TCC I mentioned that mine was short and that we were wondering if my progesterone was low and you looked at me like I was talking a foreign language. Scary really.

Can you ask if there is a doctor who specialises in gynae stuff?
Thanks Bean, I guess sometimes we know far more than the GPs. Although it does shock me that they can believe such inaccurate information.

I'm trying to calm myself down by telling myself that progseterone levels are individual, and if I managaged to ovulate AND conceive with a level that usually indicates no ovulation, then maybe that level will be high enough to keep me pregnant too. Although the negative voice in my head is saying that conceiving is clearly not my problem and this pregnancy is likely to go the way of the last two I've had recently.

But you are right, my chart looks right. My pee stick tests look good so far. Temps are still up there. All I can do is wait.

Yes, if today's progesterone test comes back low I might well go and beg my GP for progesterone suppliments - although judging by her cluelessness on the subject I doubt she'll be willing. I looked up the cost for a private GP & prescription...... wow, could never afford that! May well be too late for this pregnancy anyway, if my progesterone has been low all along this bean might already be on the way out.


While writing this I had a call from the EPU. They wouldn't repeat my progesterone test (apparently it's a rule that they don't repeat it if you've had a test in the last 4 weeks). So I have no idea if my progesterone has increased from 19 nmol/L. But my HcG is 347 (at 4+1) and going to be tested again in 48 hours. I had all this with my 1st MC and HcG levels were rising normally then I bled a week later, so this still doesn't give me peace of mind.
I understand how you feel about it taking forever, we been trying for 3 years and most times things are good but my OH hates talking about things to do with TTc and its getting on my nerves because apart from on here, I have no-one else, no good friends, no sister and my mum has her own stuff to deal with. I sometimes feel that if I didn't have here to come too, I'd drive myself even more mad, plus seeing BFP's in people who are fighting the same battle TTC as me gives me hope.

Kiara - I totally understand how u feel! I dont talk to anyone about TTC...theres only one person that knows im trying n i dont see her much. I dont mention much to OH i just about tell him when AF has turned up n thats only because i feel so sad :( Anything else I have to say to him i just mention it breifly as i dont feel like he understands. I come on here to get advice n because its good to actually have people that really understand x

I just thought it was low because on my results form it says 'anything greater than 30 indicates ovulation'. The unit measurement is in nmol/L

Khloeee - I dont know much about the levels but I wouldnt worry too much because you obviously ovulated as you wouldnt have got a BFP if u didnt! Its not fair that the GP wasnt understanding or knowledgable...I would try n stay in touch with the EPU and mither them as much as possible to get the answers/tests/scans that you want. If they know ur history then they should be understanding and at least they will know what they are talking about! If I ever get another BFP thats where i will be going! I really hope everything works out for u :hugs: xxx

I think im 5dpo today and based on last month LP could be 16 days but I wont be holding my breath for a BFP, I really cant be doing with the stress of it all. I stopped taking vit B at 3dpo as i didnt want to risk my LP extending further so ill have to just wait n see wat happens. I still need to go bk to GP and ask her to repeat the CD3 bloods as well - hopefully she will do them.

Sorry for being so negative its just all getting on top of me at the moment x
Oh really? Thanks Kiara, i really dont know much about his stuff. I just thought it was low because on my results form it says 'anything greater than 30 indicates ovulation'. The unit measurement is in nmol/L

Ah maybe your lab uses different units or ranges. I know with mine they were looking for 10 (not sure of unit) and my first was 1.2 and second was 45.

There are a couple of theories I have which may be the case or may not.

Firstly, you're GP is right about the spike and we've all just learned something new, which is the theory I have the least faith in.

Secondly, you ovulated earlier/later than you thought and the test was done early/late or during the second estrogen surge in the lp (the one which sometimes gives women a dip in their temps)

Thirdly, it was done during implantation. The implantation dip happens, from what I've read, because the progesterone dips and is "rescued" by the implanting embryo causing it to rise again.

I would try to relax, although I have been through what you have and know this is not easy.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
Kiara - I think you are in my head, hehe, I've had all of these thoughts too. Thank you, you've reassured me a bit.

The impantation theory is one I've been thinking about a bit. I have a few dips in my chart that could correspond with implantation, neither dip is on 7DPO (when I had the progesterone test) but I did wonder if implantation might affect my results.

My second favourite theory is that I ovulated a little later than FF thinks. My temp rise takes a few days, so it's possible I ovulated later. But looking at my chart it could only have been out by maybe one day... I don't know how much one day can affect progesterone results.

It's all speculation, which is very boring, but it's all you can do when you aren't sure what's going on. I'm going to keep temping, because as long as I know my temps are still high, I'm happy. I'd rather see my temps fall and anticipate bleeding than get surprised by bleeding.... had that last time and it wasn't fun.
That's fair enough. I'd probably temp till about 6 weeks or so myself just for peace of mind.

I hear what you're saying about your dips not being on 7DPO but I have a theory about that, haha.

So if you were to have a change at some point on 7DPO, say early afternoon for example, because you only take your temp first thing in morning, you wouldn't see the effect (ie the dip) until the next temp at 8DPO. And you did have a dip then.

I may be completely wrong but it just seems logical that could be what happens and how the cycle works.
So after our tests and consultation at the fertility clinic today the news is that things look fine from my scan and bloods and DH SA. They saw 7 small follicles on each overy and my monitor (which I resurrected for this cycle) has been high for the last few days so hopefully a shorter cycle for me!

Two potential problems highlighted:

1. Endometriosis and adenomyosis - long suspected but never had a laparoscopy to confirm due to nerves. Any experiences that can be shared would be very grateful, either here or via PM as I have been ordered to have one with hysteroscopy.

2. My cycles are still all over the place due to the effects of the implant I had removed 2 years ago. Dr said that although it is advised that everything goes back to normal almost immediately, this is rarely the case and she's treating a lot of couples whose fertility has been affect by this.

Argh I have a headache over this but hopefully it'll all fall into place xx

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