Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Wow its been quiet on here lately. Any updates?

On cd 16 myself, still getting highs on CBFM but hopefully will get my peak soon.

Other than that, getting ready to go back to University :coffee:
I was about to post the same thing about it being quiet, Kiara. Glad the fertility clinic has been able to shed some light on some potential problems for you - it's the first step to answers!

I'm 19 DPO today and temps are still steady. Hcg has been measured 3 times now: 14 DPO = 350, 16 DPO = 749, 18 DPO = 1493. Fingers firmly crossed. I'm almost considering putting a ticker in my sig!
I was about to post the same thing about it being quiet, Kiara. Glad the fertility clinic has been able to shed some light on some potential problems for you - it's the first step to answers!

I'm 19 DPO today and temps are still steady. Hcg has been measured 3 times now: 14 DPO = 350, 16 DPO = 749, 18 DPO = 1493. Fingers firmly crossed. I'm almost considering putting a ticker in my sig!

Thats great news Khloeee. The figures look good and hopefully you can relax and enjoy the pregnancy :happydance:

Bubbles: You should be around 10DPO by now... any news? Are the vits keeping the spotting/AF away? Or is a possible BFP on the cards? :thumbup:
Hey everyone :-) I agree, its very quiet on here!

Khloeee - Im really pleased for u! I hope they continue to check ur bloods n anything else that you want to help to ease ur worry x

Kiara - its great news that uve finally been seen at the fertility clinic n that they are investigating further! How long have u been TTC and how long did u have to wait for your referral?

Yes I'm 10dpo today...nothing else is really happening. I normally spot from about 11dpo so ill see what happens tomorrow but the vit B stopped the spotting last month - didnt spot til 16dpo n AF came the day ive still potentially got another week before AF is due.

I did have some strange pains was like a twinge/pulling sensation at the bottom of my stomach (where it meets the pubic hair) - sorry I dont know what to call that area lol - and it was slightly to the left. These twinge like feelings were on and off all day n as much as im trying not to get my hopes up this month i did consider that it could be implantation. In my last pregnancy I felt this same feeling at 6dpo and put it down to implantation but it only lasted for a few minutes n not all day....altho i was defo pg that time i do wonder now if 6dpo was too early for implantation?

Has anyone else ever felt implantation? x
Hi everyone, new poster here! I hope it's okay if I join you.

I found this epic thread during a google session and read up to page 115 over about a week! Then skipped several hundred and read the last 20 or so.

I'm on my second cycle TTC and have recently come off the pill. Both cycles have been identical so far - ov on day 19, and an 8 day LP. I'm 7 DPO today and hoping I can hold out for a second 8 day LP (although by the gurgling going on right now, I suspect not!)

Although concerned about the short LP, I'm more worried about the amount of spotting I've had - from 2DPO to AF. I wouldn't call it spotting though... it's basically a light period, but brown. Went to my GP last month who said to let it settle down but it was worse this month. She said to go back after a few months if it doesn't get better and she'll do tests.

I've struggled to find anyone describing this level of spotting in the luteal phase and it's certainly getting me down. I'm assuming it is due to low progesterone although obviously don't know.

I've bought B50 to start on CD1 and hoping to see an improvement.

Sorry for the long introduction! Looking forward to chatting with you all x
Welcome YomsYoms - The B50 may well help your spotting and help balance your hormones after coming off the pill. It is perfectly normal to have unusual cycles in the first few months after coming off the pill, so try not to worry that something is wrong. I reckon your body just needs a few more months to adjust. Good luck!

Bubbles - I can't say that I have felt ovulation, but I definitely had an uncomfortable ache in my abdomin with this pregnancy and with my pregnancy back in March. This pregnancy was particularly noticeable, on 5 DPO I felt very uncomfortable, achey and bloated - a bit like my period was about to come on. With my pregnancy back in March I had similar to what you described, twingy pains to one side. Can't remember how many DPO I was, but it was probably around 6 or 7.
Welcome YomsYoms :-) I think its defo worth trying the B50...I started taking B100 complex last month as was spotting from 11dpo (LP was 14/15 days) and it stopped my spotting and extended my LP to 16 days. If the B50 doesnt work for you then try the B100 before giving up on it x

Khloeee - have u had the same type of achy feeling or twinges in other months?? I dont think i have - well ive not noticed anyway - so im hoping its a good sign for me as they only happened that day but im trying my best to not get my hopes up...its like i feel like its never goin to happen! x
Hi there, i have a cycle of 24 days. I ovulate at day 12 or 13 every month so i have a lp of 12 or 13 days. The only problem is, i start spotting 3 days before my period. I'm worried that this might be stopping me from implanting. I've read alot of comments about the B-50 complex and was wondering if anyone knows if it will stop the spotting before my period?? This cycle was only 23 days and lp of 11 as AF arrived a day early today. I have just taken my 1st B-50 pill though
Bubbles - no, I've only ever had aches in months I get a BFP.
I got to say Bubbles, I do get aches most months but I ache from build up to ovulation until my period - I'm strange like that. If its unusual for you, it's more positive but I don't want to build your hopes up as you may have had it before but not as strong or not noticed because you were not paying as much attention. I think women become so much more sensitive to things they may have alway had but not noticed when not TTC, I know I do. Keeping everything crossed for you x

Welcome Mickellwife and YomsYoms, good luck with the vits. I've had a better LP for them as have a lot of women x

Khloeee - glad everything is still going well. Have you got a date for a scan or anything yet? x
For the last 3 months, i've had pregnancy symptoms and its so heartbreaking when AF shows up. I don't know how much more dissapointment i can take. It's so stressful TTC. Last month, my period was so heavy and was changing my pad every hour and instead of period pain, i had a pain in my groin that was really painful
I got to say Bubbles, I do get aches most months but I ache from build up to ovulation until my period - I'm strange like that. If its unusual for you, it's more positive but I don't want to build your hopes up as you may have had it before but not as strong or not noticed because you were not paying as much attention. I think women become so much more sensitive to things they may have alway had but not noticed when not TTC, I know I do. Keeping everything crossed for you x

I agree with all of this, Kiara. The only reason I noticed aches and pains is because I never get aches until AF is due (and sometimes even then I don't really get aches - never suffered much with period pain, etc). I also only noticed it because I am TTC.... didn't notice it at all with my son (who surprised us).

Yes, I do have a scan date - Thurs. I wanted to wait until later because it will be too early to see a heartbeat, but I don't get a choice in the matter and that's the date the EPU gave me. Might have to try and wangle another early scan in about 3 weeks time - don't think I can hack waiting until the 12 week scan after my previous losses.

Speaking of aches and pains, I'm feeling slightly on edge today as my tummy is quite achey and feels like it did the day before I started bleeding with my chemical pregnancy. Around the same gestation, and my temp had dropped a bit this morning (still above coverline but only just). I know it could be anything, and you get all sorts of aches and pains during pregnancy, but I can't help feeling uneasy.
Thank you for the lovely welcome everyone O:) Will take me a while to work out where everyone is up to I think.
I'm on 8DPO and expecting AF tomorrow. Had some red spotting today so think she's on her way. Grrr!

Khloeee, I hope you're right and the B50 helps. I agree that i'm a bit imbalanced after the pill but surprised cycles 1 & 2 have been identical. Would have expected a small change/improvement at least?! :shrug:
Congratulations on your BFP! I hope your early scan goes well and that your aches and pains are just normal pregnancy symptoms.

Bubbles, glad the B100 is helping you. I think I'll try B50 or two months and then increase to B100.

Kiara, glad Bvits helped your LP too! I'm excited to see if they lengthen mine!
Welcome Mickellwife - Ive been taking vit B 100 for the 1st half of my cycle and last month it stopped the spotting so I hope it works for u this month. I agree that TTC is very stressful and disappointing x

YomsYoms - I think ur right to try the B50 first...I prob should have done that but i jumped in the deep end lol B100 has extended my LP by a day or 2 n i didnt want to do that but at least the spotting went x

Khloeee - good luck with ur scan! I'm not surprised that ur anxious at the moment but try n stay positive x

Kiara - I understand what ur saying and Im defo not gettin my hopes up as im past all that heartache...sometimes I dont know why I look for symptoms as even tho part of me hopes that they are a good sign, there is a bigger part of me that doesnt believe it anyway :( This is unusual for me tho...the only time Ive noticed it before was when I believed it was implantation in my last pregnancy....and Ive noticed every single ache, pain, symptom and detail of my entire cycle ever since the MC 10 months ago. Wow thats such along time ago now :(

Soo Im 12dpo today and still no spotting so it looks like the vitB has done its job this month :) hopefully the spotting will stay away n my LP wont extend to any more than 16 days!! If it does I might cut down to B50 next month x
I have to be quick here sorry. I will read posts and answer later but just want to wish Khloeee luck for the scan. Thinking of you and hope it goes well. Let us know how you get on hun xx
Aw, thanks for thinking of me folks.

Back from the scan. They could see a sac and a yolk, but too early to see anything else yet. They are booking me in for another scan in 2 weeks time. But the good news is that it's growing in the right place and all looks fine for this stage in pregnancy.
Khloeee I'm soo pleased for u!!

As for me it looks like I'm out this month :( 13dpo today but seen a slight tinge of spotting late last night...checked near CP to make sure n there was a tiny bit of pink blood...checked again today n now it's like a gungy brown colour mixed with egg white cm...wat the hell?!!!

So it looks like vitB hasn't done it's job this month n no idea when AF will come cycles seem to be all over the place at the moment..not drastically but my LP is ranging from 14-16 days n O is anywhere from cd14-17....n my stupid body seems to be playing a new trick on me every month TUT
Hey everyone :)

I finally got round to going back to GP today to ask her to redo CD3 bloods n it seems that she did do the right bloods but receptionist didnt print them all for me durrr! Anyway she says they are all fine....anyone know what the numbers mean??

Estradiol - 133 pmol/L
LH - 4.7 iu/L
FSH - 5.1 iu/L
Progesterone - 1.2 nmol/L

She also told me that cant refer me until TTC for 18 months!!!! I thought it was 12 months :( she said can start investigating at 12 months (bloods) but she done that early for me anyway....she has referred me for a scan to check everything looks ok but that is all she can do for now....she said HCG scan has to be req by specialist when referred. I know its not her fault as she has been great (told me to come bk in 5 months for referral which will be 2 months early anyway) but im really disappointed...its not fair! I went with OH to his GP today as well n had him referred for a SA so at least we are doing something....apart from that will just have to wait.

AF has still not appeared but spotting still there so am expecting it 2moro....hoping it is 2moro so can get next cycle started!

Sorry for the long is everyone else? xx
Bubbles - another quick post here but those blood figures look great. It is at 12 months we get referred here but it is dependant on area so it might be different in yours or recently changed protocol. The scan and SA will be the main thing next so at least the ball is rolling.

How is everyone else?

I'm on cd20 and still no ov. 10 days if highs on the monitors and lines getting slowly darker on OPKs. Feeling aching in my pelvis now so that's my cue its not far off. I'm getting impatient but would rather a cd20 something ov than another cd40 something. xx
Khloeee, that's great your scan went well and that you're booked in for another soon

Bubbles, Sorry the spotting and started and cycles are all over the place. I can't help with your results I'm afraid. Didn't know it was 18 months for a referral. I thought it was 12 months too :( I can understand why you must feel disappointed. Times like this when you wish you were in the US.

Kiara, hope you ov soon!

AFM, I'm not even taking bloomin B vits yet! Was waiting for CD1 but it's not here yet. First LP off pill was 8 days, but this one's been 11. Didn't think it could jump like that?! Have been having brown bleeding for 10 days now so getting a bit fed up and ready to get on with next cycle. Had brown spotting and cramping tonight though so think she's on her way.

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