Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Fx for you SD. Remember to temp in the morning!

I will! This is just so bizarre, because I'm still only having brown spotting. 3 days of this, and none of it's red. It probably is just a wonky cycle, because other than on and off cramps, I'm not really feeling any other symptoms. I just wish she would show up all ready with her usual heavy flow if she's going to...I will be absolutely floored if this ends in a BFP, because every sign is pointing to AF, not a pregnancy. :wacko:
SD, I would take a test in the morning/now if it hasn't turned red. Unless it's red and flowing, it's not AF! I would say you are still 14DPO, not CD2.
Good luck!
Hey ladies :-)
Just popping back in to say hello! Hope everyone is well and not letting our journey get them down. Im really glad that I didnt temp this month, i feel so much more relaxed and i dont even know where im upto with my cycle most of the time lol I did use opk so have an idea of when i o'd. I reckon im 13dpo today and no spotting yet! I took vitB til a couple of days after +opk. Just checked thru my charts n normally spot from 11/12dpo apart from one strange long cycle which i disregarded n the first month i took vitB (didnt spot til 16dpo, day b4 AF). Anyway i wont be getting my hopes up!

Sharkdiver - I think its well worth trying the vitB for abit longer. They didnt work for me last month but did the month before and ive got at least an extra day without spotting this month x

YomYoms - when r u having your scan? Ive got one at the end of the month and am quite looking forward to it! It sounds daft but im happy to get any sort of answers at the moment x
Bubbles, that's great you haven't got any spotting at 13DPO. Think I'm going to stop a few days after ov this month too. Last month I stopped a couple of days before.

My scan is end of Nov, but that is before I ov so might ask if I can delay it. The letter also only talks about external scans but would have thought an internal would be better? It doesn't mention internal at all. I need to ring them. I also welcome it for answers either way.

Sharkdiver, how are you getting on?

AFM - 12 DPO and think AF is nearly here. All in all, this cycle has been an improvement from last cycle. Last month I had 11 day LP with sludge-like spotting every day from 3DPO. This month I had spotting from 1DPO but it only got sludgy about 9DPO. I think this means my progesterone has been higher this month.

I've upped my vitamin regime now and am joining a gym again, so will continue with B50 for another month. If I don't see an improvement I might try B100 after that.
Hey Yomyoms :-)
My scan is at the end of this month n they've sent a letter saying got to drink a lot of water an hour before for the ultrasound but letter also mentions that they may do an internal ultrasound as well. I wanted mine just before O so they could see the follicles but its gona be about 6 days before O so prob too early to see if they good enuff x

I'm 14dpo today n still no spotting so looks like vitB has done its job x
Hi all hope everyone is well. I have been taking 50mg of b6 and b12 for a Month now and it lengthened my lp from 9-13 days.....but a question if you don't mind. I got AF 14th of this month on a 31 day cycle rather than 28 day that I usually am. I don't usually get any spotting or anything at all just very light flow for 3 days but this one has been really strange!!!!! Just very light Brown.flow on day 1, then spotting for 5 days, then nothing for 2 but yesterday and today I have had the heaviest, bright red flow I have had in years????? Do I take 14th as day 1 of this cycle (altho it was so light for 6 days it is barely worth talking about) or yesterday where it was really heavy??? It was my first month on the b vitamin after TTC number 2 for 8 months without success so any advice would be really appreciated xx
MOMO, I would definitely count the day of red flow as CD1. B vitmains haven't made my spotting worse, but it's sometimes confusing to work out what is AF and what is not!
Do you temp/do opks? Temping helps see if it's AF as usually the temperature is still elevated when it's only spotting. Could you have ov later than you thought otherwise will that make your LP reeeeallly long?
Good luck x
Thanks for the response. I have never temped to be honest but I usually ov on day 19 or 20 so am quite late at that as far as I know...its just so difficult to get your head round lol. Have tried ov tests before but the issue was my lp was short hence trying the b vits but I have never spotted before which is what threw me. Will try the ov tests this month and see....what's the deal with temping? Thanks again for your response xxx
Momo I would count cd1 as the day u needed a pad/tampon. U might just be having a strange cycle as I think we all have one at some it might have nothing to do with takin vitB. It might be worth taking it for this cycle (I only take it til a few days after O) n if it does the same this month then stop taking it.

If ur interested in temping then go on Fertility Friends website...u can chart ur temps n they have lessons on charting that are really helpful x
MOMO - Temping is definitely useful, and the only way to really know exactly when you've ovulated. I'd definitely recommend fertility friend as Bubbles said, I knew nothing about temping but I followed their lessons that they send you by email and it was really easy to learn.

Hi all! Still plodding along with this pregnancy. Can't believe I've got this far, but with my issues with low progesterone I'm still very nervous of something going wrong and I won't feel out of the woods until around 14 weeks. I've had a couple of early scans now and seen heartbeat and movement, but annoyingly my '12 week' scan isn't until 13+3 so I've got an extra week to wait! Once/if I decide I'm finally safe with this pregnancy, I plan to write a post detailing everything I took/did that cycle which has led to me sustaining this pregnancy despite an 8 day LP.
MOMO - Temping is definitely useful, and the only way to really know exactly when you've ovulated. I'd definitely recommend fertility friend as Bubbles said, I knew nothing about temping but I followed their lessons that they send you by email and it was really easy to learn.

Hi all! Still plodding along with this pregnancy. Can't believe I've got this far, but with my issues with low progesterone I'm still very nervous of something going wrong and I won't feel out of the woods until around 14 weeks. I've had a couple of early scans now and seen heartbeat and movement, but annoyingly my '12 week' scan isn't until 13+3 so I've got an extra week to wait! Once/if I decide I'm finally safe with this pregnancy, I plan to write a post detailing everything I took/did that cycle which has led to me sustaining this pregnancy despite an 8 day LP.

That's great news so far Khloee! I can't wait to hear your story because I to have a 8 day LP. I'm actually getting my hormones tested today so hopefully they can fix it if something is off. Sorry you have to wait an extra week for your scan. I know that has to be so frustrating.
Khloeee Im sooo happy that everythin is goin well for u! Try n not worry too much x
Khloeee, so glad everything is going well. I heard that the placenta takes over from corpus luteum about 10 weeks so I really hope you're now out of the woods. It would be great if you could write a post on what you did as it will help us all to share in it. I'm sure there are a LOT of lurkers to this thread! (hello lurkers!)

MOMO, I also use fertility friend and find it very easy and informative. It sounds like your ovulation was delayed. I hope the B vits will help and are not hindering your progress.

Bubbles, hope you get a BFP soon! Are you testing tomorrow?
Bubbles, hope you get a BFP soon! Are you testing tomorrow?

Yes I'm hoping that I can wait til the evening tho as I really don't want to see a BFN! x
Thanks all for your suggestions and I hope you get a BFP Bubbles. Khloee lots of luv and patience for you waiting for the scan and belated congratulations. I will keep with the B vits one more cycle and have just got another months worth of ov tests so will introduce temping too....will try whatever I can!!!! I look forward to hearing what helped you get caught with an 8 day lo khloee xxx
Hey ladies :-)
It seems to have gone abit quiet on here! I'm jus popping in to let u know I got my BFP last night! I'd started to think it was never goin to happen for me but cycle 10 after mc n I finally got it! I'm really hoping this one ends well so ill be even happier when I get to 8 wks...I prob won't feel safe til 12 wks tho.

Wishing u ladies lots of luck for ur BFP x

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