Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I had a temp dip at 7 dpo and another yesterday at 11 dpo.

My Ovulation Chart
I normally have a 12 day lp so would normally start spotting today and full AF tomorrow so was expecting temp to keep dropping.
Just seen your chart that you got a positive test! Woo, congratulations!
Hi all!

I've been reading this thread for DAYS, lol, but I finally wanted to join in, since this is my first cycle taking B50 complex.

a little background:

I have Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism (diagnosed Oct 2010, taking Levothyroxine 112mcg)
after a few months after being diagnosed, my dosage stabilized at 112mcg, and for the last year and a half, my TSH and FT4 have been smack dab in the middle of normal. My thyroid level was also just checked as recently as 2 weeks ago, again, still perfectly normal.

I started taking BCP at age 17, and took them for 7 years straight, until I was 24. I finally came off of them because my libido crashed completely. I was off of them for a few years, and my libido seemed to come back to life mostly. I got Mirena in 2007 (age 27) and had that in for the full 5 years. again, my libido is non-existant...LOL. I really didn't get MP's while on Mirena, except maybe one day of light spotting, just letting me know it was "my time of the month"...not even enough to even need a pantyliner.

DH were married last year, and decided to have the Mirena removed in March of this year so that we could start TTC our first.

since Mirena has been removed, MP's came back consistently, though they varied on cycle length, and the date of Ov, and LP length. One thing I certainly CAN recall from my teen years before BCP's, was that I always had longer MP's, like 7-8 days, with a pretty heavy flow and really awful cramps. I always thought my cycles were pretty average length though 28-30 days.

DH and I have been seriously TTC our first since April 2012, so this is our 6th cycle.

statistically I had:

4 day MP, Ov on CD 17/18, 4 day LP, 22 day cycle (not surprising, this was first full cycle after Mirena removal, not counting the bleeding that happens right after removal.)

5 day MP, Ov on CD15/16, 18(!!) day LP with 3 days spotting prior to AF, 33 day cycle.

4 day MP, Ov on CD14/15, 13 day LP with 3 days spotting prior to AF, 27 day cycle

4 day MP, Ov on CD15, 11 day LP with 3 days of spotting prior to AF, 26 day cycle

5 day MP, Ov on CD16, 11 day LP with 1 day of spotting prior to AF, 27 day cycle.

September - FIRST MONTH taking: EPO 500mg per day, B50 Complex 1 per day.
began EPO on CD1-CD15, and B50 on CD4.

7 day MP (!!) which was Much thinner than the previous MP's, and brighter red.
Ov seemed to happen much later on CD21 -but compared to August's chart, it only seemed later because my MP was longer, it was still @ 11 days after MP finished, same as august. Because I thought it was delaying O, I stopped the B Vits on CD18, then had first +OPK on CD19, and again on CD20, then O'd on CD21....I'm CD22 today, and back on the B Vits.

I decided to continue taking the B Vitamins, because I did realize that O was still 11 days following my period, so the B Vits didn't neccessarily delay O, but I think it did make my MP longer, but as I mentioned, this seems much more the normal length for me from back when I was a teenager! except, the cramps are practically non-existant, and it's less...clotty (sorry for the TMI!). I also thought, I'd give it a try for a full cycle to see what happens. I thought at first it was the EPO that had delayed O, but maybe not. I did drink a crap load of 100% white grapefruit juice (Oceanspray) starting on Sunday CD17, and I had a TON of really good quality EWCM, much more than usual. After I O'd, I got back on the B Vits right away...I also started eating pineapple core...can't hurt, right??

at first I was worried that I might have screwed everything up by taking supplements this cycle, but If things take a week longer and ensure a higher quality egg and Corpeus Luteum, I'll take it! I am looking forward to seeing how it handles my LP. I have my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that I get my BFP this cycle!

Hello sharkdiver! Wow, that was a mega long post!!!

This is my first cycle on B vits too, and also started taking EPO 1500 mg three days ago (although not had any EWCM yet - probably/hopefully kick in next month)

I'm also wondering if B50 might delay my ov a little. I'm CD15 and usually starting to build up to ov on CD19... but nothing yet. Also agree though - if it makes for a better ov, then I don't mind if it's a little later.

Interesting that you say your AF was thinner and brighter red, as my last one was too! Although as only started B50 on CD1, I don't know if that would be the reason. I'm on my third cycle off the pill so still settling down.

Hope the B50 helps stabilise your LP. It seems very up and down. My first month was 8 days and second month was 11, so quite different. 18 days is VERY long though!

Keep posting on your progress :)
kiara, how did you get on with your test? when do you get the results?

have any of you who temp experienced a lower temp since taking B vits? Mine has been really low this last week and not sure whether it's the vitamins or just the colder weather!?

Hey YomYoms

Well my tests were confusing. I was told last month that I didn't ovulate with the first +OPK because my progesterone was 1.2 and they like to see 10. The second (very late!) +OPK for that cycle correlated with a progesterone level of 45 and lovely increased LP of 12 days. Fab!

This month, much earlier ov, monitor OPK and temp rise all in sync and my progesterone is 20.9. Was told that I probably hadn't ov because they look for 30. Whaaa?!! FF moved my ov day forward by 2 days so repeat the test to which my result is 11.8. Questioned why normal was 10 last month and is 30 this month and was told that basically 10 is almost certainly no ov and 30 is almost certinly ov - anything inbetween is uncertain! FF then moved my ov day back to original 2 days earlier. Then FF moved ov date forward 2 days AGAIN!!

Currently on either 10 or 12DPO (depending in FF making a decision it sticks to), getting negative pregnancy tests, tiny bit of spotting since yesterday but that actually came from a smear test 2 days ago which was so rough, bright red blood was on the test thing they use. Getting bit of cramping so I think I'm out and most likely take a break from TTC for a couple of months. Been at it for nearly 3 years now solidly and if I don't recharge, I'll drive myself insane.:nope:

I will still be in and out on here and checking to see how everyone is getting on.

How is everyone else doing? And welcome to the new posters, I will try and read your posts properly and comment back. :hugs:
Oh goodness kiara. How utterly confusing. That's crazy that between 10 and 30 they have no idea if you've even ovulated! Are they going to do scans to work it out instead then? What is the next step for you? Just looked at your chart and FF doesn't seem to know with the dashed-line crosshair. I hope you get some clarity soon. x Totally understand why you'd need to take a break after three years! It's only been three months for me and already lost the initial excitement

AFM, it's CD17 and building up to a +OPK so expecting to ovulate on Wednesday. So three months in a row of ov on CD19. Thought it would change this month with the B50 but doesn't seem it's had any effect either way. Kind of expecting that there'll be no improvement in luteal phase either, so should be spotting by Friday :(
In good news though, evening primrose oil has given me EWCM which is a first! So one improvement this month I suppose.
Well AF got me. Given that my progesterone test based on cd24 ov was 20.9 and cd26 was nearly half of that.. I adjusted my chart to cd24 as the higher result seemed right for peak at 7DPO with the lower result showing falling levels. Also backs up an LP of 12, which has been my magic number since starting B vits. I've gained 4 days altogether which is amazing. I'll review how I feel in 4-6 weeks I think xx
Sorry AF got you Kiara :( Great LP now though. Can't complain with 12 days. How much B complex do you take, and do you take it the whole cycle?
I'm taking B50 for just the first half. Don't know if it'll help at all.

Does seem like a low prog result. What happens now for you?
Thanks for the welcome yomyoms!

I am 6dpo today, and normally I don't symptom spot, because really, I usually have a bit of O tenderness @ O day, and then really nothing until I usually start spotting before AF.

BUT - this cycle, I've had mild/dull cramping straight on SINCE O, I also noticed my nips are a lot more sensitive (TMI!!) which they never usually are, and I've had like NO CM hardly at all...usually, I get a normal amount of creamy CM or sticky CM through LP, but this cycle, it feels wetter at times, but I am not really seeing any CM, even when I check my cervix. I've also had a few food aversions where food I love to eat and eat all the time (like everyday) taste funny/different.

I had to throw out my fage greek yogurt with honey today (I eat these everyday usually!) because it just smelled and tasted like Goats...the actual animal! The sell by date was Nov 4th, and it didn't smell sour like it had gone bad, but I could just strongly smell the goats milk in it, which I NEVER can. Urgh.

I'm trying not to look into every symptom, but the ones I mentioned, I've never experienced before, so I am a little bit hopeful!
SD, even if they are not pg symptoms, they certainly sound like normal hormonal symptoms... so maybe your hormones are getting more balanced

I ov yesterday so just a waiting game now!
Sorry to butt in ladies! Shark diver...I have a friend on another thread who has just been diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism. They've had to put TTC on hold till she's on medication. I'm sure she'd be interested to hear your experience of living with it. :)
LLPM, did you just test positive? congrats!
hi ladies!
i just completed my third month of being on Vit B complex 100mg. my LP went from 11 to 13 to 15 days. can i be 100% sure it is Vit B? no. do i think it was the only vitamin i added to my mix (the only others i take are prenatal and fish oil)? yes. IMO, and for my body, i am going to stay on them. i'm just letting you all know that despite other side effects (i have not had any, but others have) i think they DO lengthen LP! GL to all!
HWPG, that's great the B vits helped you! 15 days is a fantastic length. Next step: BFP!
Sorry AF got you Kiara :( Great LP now though. Can't complain with 12 days. How much B complex do you take, and do you take it the whole cycle?
I'm taking B50 for just the first half. Don't know if it'll help at all.

Does seem like a low prog result. What happens now for you?

I take B100 and all the way through the cycle. Noticed the difference on the first cycle even though I only started when I was already part way through that cycle.

I'm not sure about what's next. I'm just going to enjoy the break and go back when it feels right :)
Hi everyone

I've stalked this thread for ages now but didn't want to post as I didn't really have anything of value to add and was trying really hard not to get caught up in the whole stressy TTC. But the info on here is amazing and more people should know about the success that you guys have had with the B Vits, and the support you give those trying to concieve.

I had a really short LP after 10 years on Depo injections (it was just 5 days in march, a year after I had stopped the injections, but after 2 months on B100 complex and three months of charting we finally have our :bfp:

Even though my OH has a very low SC (less than 5million) after a VR

So please don't give up hope ladies it will happen

Hi HWPG! Thanks Yep got my now 8w1day. After 9 months of TTC. I decided to try vitex and got pregnant that cycle. Not sure if that helped or not...guess ill never know! :) fx'd for you all x
Sorry to butt in ladies! Shark diver...I have a friend on another thread who has just been diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism. They've had to put TTC on hold till she's on medication. I'm sure she'd be interested to hear your experience of living with it. :)

LLPM - That's great that your friend now jhas a diagnosos - just liike regular Hypothyroid, it's "easy" to treat, and with medication, it shouldn't interfere with TTC. My levels were almost flatlined when I was diagnosed, but probably in less than a year, they had me up to a dosage that worked well for me - and I've been smack dab in the middle of "normal range" for the last 1.5 years.

I have yet to get a BFP though, even after 6 months of actively trying, but I honestly don't think my thyroid has anything to do with it...

I'm now at 11dpo, and had a BFN this morning, with a slight temp drop, but so far, no spotting! normally I would start spotting at the very least at 11 dpo, with full AF on 12dpo/CD1. So far, I don't have AF like cramps, no spotting at all...I hope that witch stays away! I'm not sure when to expect AF now, since this is my first cycle on B Vits.

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