Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hi Sharkdiver, sounds like the B vits have lengthened your cycle! Hope AF stays away

I'm 6DPO. Had spotting since 1DPO this month. It's a little lighter than last couple of months (but starting to get worse) so not sure if that's because of the B50. Hopefully it is and then it'll continue to get better!

Going to the doctors tomorrow to ask again about the spotting. I've been awful this week with the bleeding, but also cramps and crazy moods. Think it's PMS gone crazy!
Hi Sharkdiver, sounds like the B vits have lengthened your cycle! Hope AF stays away

I'm 6DPO. Had spotting since 1DPO this month. It's a little lighter than last couple of months (but starting to get worse) so not sure if that's because of the B50. Hopefully it is and then it'll continue to get better!

Going to the doctors tomorrow to ask again about the spotting. I've been awful this week with the bleeding, but also cramps and crazy moods. Think it's PMS gone crazy!

I Hope so! since I am a super over-analyzer when it comes to charts, I've been studying all my previous charts to see if I can find any patterns, and one theory I came up on is this:

all my charts since June have been steadily getting better, and I'm hoping it's my cycle still normalizing after my Mirena removal in March - but looking at last month (without B Vits) there is 10 days exactly between end of AF and Ovulation, then another 10 days exactly from 1dpo until I started spotting on 11dpo.

I'm hoping there is a connection between those sets of numbers (10 and 10!)

so this month, I see there was exactly 13 days between end of AF, and Ovulation day, and I am hoping that means the B Vits lengthened my LP by 2 days (well, really, I'm hoping I'm PG, and I won't find out at all...LOL) BUT, if this is an accurate assumption, 13 days exactly from 1 dpo to 13 dpo would put AF due on Thursday 10/ I'll plan to test on Thursday if she hasn't shown by then. Say a prayer for me!
spoke too soon, just started spotting :(

looks like the B Vits didn't affect my LP at all.
my LP didnt lengthen the first month; +2 days on month 2; + another 2 (total of +4) on month three - keep the faith, Sharkdiver, it could be a combo of coming off bc and building up B Vit in your system!
my LP didnt lengthen the first month; +2 days on month 2; + another 2 (total of +4) on month three - keep the faith, Sharkdiver, it could be a combo of coming off bc and building up B Vit in your system!

I'll try for another month, and see how it goes...I am also planning to schedule a sperm analysis for DH as soon as AF comes on full force, because There is a question about his swimmers (he went through chemo radiation when he was 8 for brain cancer) so before I spend another 7 (this was cycle 7 for us!) months driving myself insane, I want to make sure his sperm is actually viable!
Hey ladies :)
Im jus checkin in to see how u all are! Ive not been on here for a while as im tryin to have a stress free cycle...i did do opk but havent temped (i started then decided against it)...i think im about 9dpo and i took vit B 100 till about 3dpo so im jus waitin to see wat happens now! I feel so much better without the stress of charting and symptom spotting!

How is everyone and where r u upto? x
SD, definitely sounds like you need to SA doing. If B vits didn't make your cycle worse, then there's no harm in carrying on for a few months and hopefully you'll soon see an improvement like HWPG did.

HWPG, what does your username stand for? I vaguely remember it being something quite cool! Hope you're well

Bubbles, glad you're feeling more relaxed! Fx for you

AFM - I'm 7DPO and went to my doctor this morning who did an internal due to my abnormal bleeding in the luteal phase. She said all looked ok and is sending me for an ultrasound! Just going to hope it sorts itself out in the mean time but not expecting a BFP anytime soon.
LP was 11 days last month. Hoping for the same or longer this month.
Hoping, Wishing, Praying, Googling. (still all true!)
Just out of curiosity - did any of you normally have AF cramps with previous MP's before taking B Vits, and then find that there was no AF cramps while taking B Vits?

I started spotting yesterday, but it's been watery pinkish/brown. This morning, I am still not ready to call it CD1, because it's not flowing out enough to really get onto a pad, it's mostly just when I wipe. I usually get unmistakeable AF cramps the day she shopws up in full force, but I haven't had any cramps that even come close to what mestrual cramps feel like (they don't even feel like the same kind of cramps if that makes sense, and I pretty much haven't had any at all today.)

the thing is, my temp has dipped 2 days in a row, and it's pretty much at my coverline now, so I am 99.9% positive, it's AF, but she's just taking her sweet-ass time. It just feels very different that it normally does, and I am wondering if it;'s just because of the B Vits....any info would be great!
hi sharkdiver. as i said before, my LP lengthened over 3 months. i found that this last month i had something similar to what you are describing - my temp had dropped so i knew AF was coming, but i had several (3-4) days of spotting (only when i wiped, as you described). i usually get pretty intense cramps also, esp cd1. this month it was significantly less. i was taking 100mg of the complex per day and after this cycle, i think i'm going to drop to 50 mg per day (i dont think i need longer than 15 days LP, yikes!). or maybe i'lll take 2x50mg.... not sure yet... either way, i'm staying on them!
PS - is any of this helpful? am i actually answering your questions or just babbling?
yomyoms, hows the spotting and LP?
I think so, I mean, this was my first cycle ever taking them, and I'm just surprised that I have no cramps...I've felt very wet down there, and gone to the bathroom, but there's barely anything there when I wipe. Part of me is like, "Is it possible at all that I'm having implantation bleeding, or some other kind of vaginal bleeding, and possibly pregnant?" but then the logical side immediately steps up and says, "No, temp was 97.68 this morning, spotting is right on time...even if it feels different, it can't possibly be pregnancy. also, no +HPT's yet (12dpo today).
yep, pretty much sounds exactly like my last cycle.... sorry :( .... but at least you got a couple days out of it!
yep, pretty much sounds exactly like my last cycle.... sorry :( .... but at least you got a couple days out of it!

Thanks for the info! I had no idea what to expect with the B Vits...I do think I'll stick with them AF cramps? HECK YES! :thumbup:
OK, so I am still only getting spotting. I didn't temp this morning, because I work up with classic signature AF cramps at 1:30am this morning, and got up to go to the bathroom, expecting to see a heavy flow, and Nope! horrible cramps, and just a tiny smidge of brown. still several hours later, the cramping was gone since early this morning, and things are still barely spotting. when I check my cervix there is some blood up there, but it's apparently not enough to be coming out like any kind of a flow, and my cervis is low, soft, and spartially open (which makes me think this has to be AF) Not sure what to make of it, since I took an HPT this morning, and it was Neg at 13 dpo. Guess I just have to keep waiting to see if this picks up, since I normally have a fairly heavy MP, or if I get a late BFP...since I didn't temp this morning, I'm not sure where I would've been today :shrug: I can't call this CD1 yet, because it's just not flowing!
HWPG, ahhh yes, that IS a cool username! I'd probably be GHGG in that case although have stepped away from the laptop a bit more this month compared to last. How are you?

SD, any flow yet? So annoying when temps are missing or unreliable. Makes it hard to analyse.

AFM - my temp dropped again this morning and spotting was heavier, although has tailed off a little this afternoon. Quite an odd temp pattern in my LP this month and not had any red spotting yet, which last month I had for three days before AF. So AF could turn up tomorrow or end of the week maybe, who knows!!
a little bit more info (and tmi, so heads up): i spotted on 13, 14, 15dpo last cycle before starting flow on 16dpo/cd1. i also had a neg hpt at 12dpo. my spotting was only when i went the bathroom and i was nervous about starting in the middle of a meeting or something, so i put in a tampon (i'm not recommending this for others, this was just me....). each time i took it out (every 2 hours because i was so curious), there was just blood at the very very end, and just a little bit. i'm actually not trying to dampen your hope, just giving you my experience, but dont forget you've already gained a few days in your LP!
I have already convinced myself that it has to be AF, but I'm just perplexed, because without fail, whenever I get those really bad signature AF cramps in the middle of the night, she's always without a doubt there in the morning, wioth a medium to heavy flow...I was expecting that 100% this morning after I had cramps that were unmistakeable AF cramps at 1:30am, espcially because I felt wet down there, and when I went to the bathroom, this was a tiny smidge of brown when I wiped, but otherwise, the TP just looked wet...this was after having already been spotting for 2 days. It's 1:25pm now, 3rd day of spotting, and it seems to be getting lighter - I haven't had any cramps since those bad cramps at 1:30 this morning, so I have no idea what's up - I did take an HPT this mornign for the hell of it at 13 dpo, and it was BFN.

I'm kicking myself that I didn't temp this morning! Ugh!

I mean, is there any chance this could be a BFP that is late in showing up, or is this super normal for the first cycle taking B Vits?
there is always always a chance for BFP if no AF.... got my fx for you just in case!

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