Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

DONT stop taking the B-Vitamins. I got my BFP on 11/20 after using B100 complex for the first time since CD6 and I had been ttc for over 15 months. I just miscarried two days after stopping my B vitamins :( They checked my progesterone level after my us and it was 4.5, I miscarried 2 days later. I'm so mad the Dr. didnt even offer to give me any progesterone supplements even when I asked. He acted like I didn't know what I was talking about. I asked him to check my progesterone levels the day I found out and he wouldn't so when I started to spot I INSISTED and he finally checked them but wouldnt prescribe me any supplements because this was my "first" miscarriage and they dont do that until at least 2 or 3. I'm DEVASTATED>>>>>>>>

That's what happened to me too! :-( I'm sad to hear about your mc. But did you still take B6 when your progesterone was that low? Or was your progesterone that low when you had stopped taking B6?
I had a missed misscarriage i w 11. I didn't bleed or anything. The featus just stopped developing 4 days after I quit my B6 (because the doctor told me to stop taking it). Stupidass doctor!! :-( Ah well, I'm on it again. Eating B6 and I won't tell a soul that Iäm using it!
Just a quick post to say my lp was 11 and I took B50 for the first time this month (all through my cycle). My lp this month was 13 with a some spotting on 12.

Sadly this is our last month of trying and didn't end in a bfp but I wish all you ladies lots of luck.

I will be continuing with my B50 until we see the ACU about our IVF/PGD.

also a quick post, my lp was 9 days and this month of taking vitb6 100 for the whole cycle it increased to 11 days
Congrats on the lengthened LPs you two! Sorry you didn't get a BFP butterfly - good luck with the IVF/PGD.
Abi x
Hi, I wonder if anyone could shed some light on this. I have only been TTC for 3 months. Prior to this I really didnt take much notice of my periods but they were around 28 days, give or take a couple of days. 1st month no symptoms, no BFP (cant remember exact cycle length). 2nd month - strong pg symptoms, cramping 6dpo, spotting 10dpo, AF 13dpo. This month - really strong pg symptoms, cramping 6dpo, spotting 8dpo, AF 10dpo. Due to the symptoms the last 2 months, I really belive I conceived. Though I never got even a faint 2nd line with a FRER on either month, I'm almost certain they were chemicals. Before this AF was light and a bit crampy, the last 2 motnhs it has been heavy and very painful which also leads me to believe - chemicals. If this is the case, could Vit B6 help ??? if so, when and how much should I take ? I'm CD1 today :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I have had 1 'normal' pregnancy but that was 19 years ago and I'm now 36 so perhaps it's an age thing ???
Thanks xxx
I am kind of in the same boat you are. I have a regular 29 day cycle, ovulated on CD17, and started spotting 9DPO. I have been reading a lot about Vit B6 to stop the spotting, so I started taking 50mg on what I thought was CD1. Now AF has all but stopped (very light spotting). advice would be to ask your doctor. I'm freaked out I have screwed up my cycle. Maybe you are supposed to start Vit B6 after AF?? Does anyone know?
Lets hope someone can give us some answers... to be honest I would trust the ppl on here more than docs after reading some of the posts x
I am kind of in the same boat you are. I have a regular 29 day cycle, ovulated on CD17, and started spotting 9DPO. I have been reading a lot about Vit B6 to stop the spotting, so I started taking 50mg on what I thought was CD1. Now AF has all but stopped (very light spotting). advice would be to ask your doctor. I'm freaked out I have screwed up my cycle. Maybe you are supposed to start Vit B6 after AF?? Does anyone know?

To both of you:
I have read a lot and I don't see any harm in start taking B6 anytime during the cycle. I don't think that you have screwed up your cycle. Give it another cycle eating B6 and lets hope it work out for you.

About chemicals. I had a chemical in june and I also think I had one in the end of august and then I got my BFP the first month of BG on oct 1st. I don't see any harm in TRYING B6 for a few month. Start with a low dose like 50mg, that can you keep eating during a pregnancy as well!

Good luck to you two!
This was my first month on B6 and i usually have a 10 day LP so i started taking B6 in 50mg tablets and a combination B vitamin which contained 50mg of B6 but the other B vitamins such as b12 are probably 2-3 times more than what you find in the B complex hence how i beleive its ok to have the straight 50mg B6 tabs because my version of B complex has quite a large amount of the other Bs.

Anyway my LP is usually 10 days and i'm now on day 15...... can you possibly extend it too far? i wouldn't think so because B6 is suppose to help the corpus luteum work properly so if it extends it too far then that doesn't really make much sense. i thought i remember a few old posts about people who extended it too far but i can't find them. I feel as if AF is right around the corner but i've felt like that for about 3days, usually before AF i feel like that for 2 days. I'm definitely not preggo, so where the fudge is my AF???
Betheney your deffo NOT not pregnant until your AF arrives! Good luck for that bfp, you never know, you could have got lucky this month and the hcg is taking its time in showing up???!!!

Jo x
Betheney your deffo NOT not pregnant until your AF arrives! Good luck for that bfp, you never know, you could have got lucky this month and the hcg is taking its time in showing up???!!!

Jo x


i wish i had the hope you have, thank you.

I'm late for my AF and then i think "woooooo preggers" but then i get a BFN and then my temp drops and then i get AF cramps and AF sore boobs....... and then i cry for hours and after that i feel better and come to terms with it. Then i'm late again the next day and go through this whole roller coaster of emotions again. I'm sure i'm not pregnant, i have no symptoms, no high temp and no BFP, and everytime i allow myself to think its a possibility i then get really really upset when i get a BFN and i know i should just straight out stop testing but i can't help myself. You should read my Journal, its like the diary of a major mood swinging maniac women. Right now i'm still set on not pregnant, i'm not allowing myself to think a BFP is an option because i can't deal with another bad day. So i'm just set on the B6 lengthening my LP too far. I sound so dramatic i know, i know i sound like a teenager. But i am a very emotional person *sigh* just one of my fun traits.

ah bless you! your a few days late now arent you? its really good your af isnt here but I see what you mean about the emotional rollercoaster. You try put it out of your mind and i'll sit here quietly in the background with my fingers crossed for you.

Hope you get an answer either way soon chick, sounds like its been a rough few days
Thanks jo

Your very sweet :)

It sounds like a plan, you sit with your fingers crossed for me and i'll try and think about something else. Hubby doesn't beleive i'm not pregnant and he keeps saying "you really think you are" and i'm always like "no, no, no i'm really not, my period is minutes away i'm telling you" and then last night he says to me "you say that but you wore white underwear to work today! you wouldn't do that if you didn't believe so" hahahahaha he got me there i guess, although i laughed and insisted it was because they were the only clean ones, which i swear was my thought pattern in the morning.


Hi Betheney, you're really going through it aren't you? I do feel for you.
I don't think it could extend your LP too far, for the reason you gave. You'll want to slap me, but you just need to hold on in there and see what happens.
It's possible that your LP is a lot longer this cycle but it's equally possible that your HCG level is just rising very slowly.
Fertility friend states that sensitive breasts aren't really a sign of pregnancy as raised progesterone levels (which is what we want on this thread after all) can also make them tender. It also says that if you're over 15dpo and keep getting BFNs you can ask your doctor for a blood test, which is more accurate than a urine test if your HCG is too low to register.
Hope you get an answer very soon!
Abi x

Thank you for your msg, i'm now DPO16 and AF is still not here..... Maybe i didn't ovulate this cycle maybe i had an anovulatory cycle which i've read that your period will come when the uterine walls build up and can build up no more. Wouldn't that be the icing on the cake? i didn't even ovulate. hahahaha. I'm sure i did though because i had my ovulation headaches and nausea and also the major ovary pain.

I tested this morning and got a BFN, But am slightly happier my older preg tests now have an evap line, i know this sounds silly but i had a major tantrum at my hubby the other night throwing all my old preg tests everywhere yelling that not only can i not get a positive i can't even get a fake positive i can't even get an evaporative line, so i started yelling and throwing them everywhere. But one of my old ones got an evap line this morning and that actually makes me quite happy, i don't know why it just does. I feel content that i have an evaporative line........ freak.

Just a word of encouragement...

I ran across this thread last month when researching short luteal phases. After 5 months of charting on FF, I realized that I was having a LP between 8-10 days. From all the good advice on here (I read through the WHOLE thread!!:shock:) I started taking a B-100 vit complex on CD1. My Ovulation Day was brought forward 2 days to day 13, and so far I'm on DPO12! No AF yet, BFN this morning with FMU, so either I'm preggo or the B-vits have worked to increase my LP by 2 days so far! Either way, it's given me hope to keep going after 20 months of nothing!

GL to all those trying! :flower:
Aaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Had another 9-day luteal phase and the witch got me this morning. I'm continuing with the B-100 and am starting the agnus castus and EPO again today but am really relying on the acu now I think.
Abi x
Aaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Had another 9-day luteal phase and the witch got me this morning. I'm continuing with the B-100 and am starting the agnus castus and EPO again today but am really relying on the acu now I think.
Abi x

:hugs: I feel your pain, mine was the same last month!!! I'm convinced the acupuncture and herbs will definitely work for us all! I have to admit I'm still finding it a struggle trying to avoid refined and processed foods (especially in the run up to Christmas with all those mince pies on the go!!!) Hopefully the acupuncture will relax you and make you feel better today! I'm convinced it's going to take at least 3 cycles before there will be any marked changes in our cycles. We'll just have to wait and see what 2010 holds for us! :hugs:
xo Jen
How long have you been on the b100's abi? Are you not tempted to up the dose? Like Jen said the acu sounds really positive and shouldn't be too long before you see some results from that!

Hope you not feeling too low about the AF, I always feel really crappy then drink some alcohol then feel much better until the month after lol. Big hugs hope the LP is longer next cycle!

Jo x

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