Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Great discussions by the way, I'm really finding the posts amazingly helpful!
Hi Girls,

I'm new around here, but I've gone through this thread from top to bottom. It's taken the better part of a week, but I think I've learned almost everything I could possibly know about b6.

I do have one question though, does anyone know the advantages to taking a time release over regular? I have a short LP (around 8 days) and am taking B50 complex this month. Over the course of reading this forum and talking about the neon pee :haha: I started wondering what the point of taking so much of the vitamin would be if I was just peeing it out. I have been taking half a pill in the mornig and half in the afternoon. Does anyone know if this might help with absorbing more, or do you think it might not work so well by doing this? I am totally clueless, but I feel like I should be absorving more that way. Any thoughts?

Hey the time release ones just means that your system absorbs more as it's released more slowly. I'm not sure if the half a pill would make any difference to absorbing more or not to be honest. If you have an LP of 8 days though you would be better taking a higher does like the B100's. Hope this helps! :thumbup:
xo Jen
Hi girls! I tried to read the whole thread, got to page 40 and couldn't read any more!

I started with B50 complex in addition to my prenatal last cycle. My ov moved forward 2 days but it seemed my LP shortened too! Was about 8/9 days last cycle with spotting the last 3 which was worse than the cycle before. I am hoping it wasn't the Bvits because I am going to up it to 100 this cycle. Do you think this is a good idea or am I likely to bugger things up further?
I used agnus castus the cycle before and had funny spotting throughout the cycle and terrible ovary pains so I don't think I will use it again. I am also trying 120mg of soy isoflavones on CD 2-6 which shouldn't be taken with AC anyway. I read that another cause of low progesterone/short LP is the corpus luteum not being healthy enough because of not having strong enough ov or having oestrogen dominance. Hope I am not talking utter rubbish here! :doh:

The b100's sound like a good choice for you. If your LP is only 8/9 days then the B100's would be best to up it more. B50's are usually good to take if your LP is 10/11 days. Hope this helps!
XO Jen
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me
Hi Girls,

I'm new around here, but I've gone through this thread from top to bottom. It's taken the better part of a week, but I think I've learned almost everything I could possibly know about b6.

I do have one question though, does anyone know the advantages to taking a time release over regular? I have a short LP (around 8 days) and am taking B50 complex this month. Over the course of reading this forum and talking about the neon pee :haha: I started wondering what the point of taking so much of the vitamin would be if I was just peeing it out. I have been taking half a pill in the mornig and half in the afternoon. Does anyone know if this might help with absorbing more, or do you think it might not work so well by doing this? I am totally clueless, but I feel like I should be absorving more that way. Any thoughts?

Hey the time release ones just means that your system absorbs more as it's released more slowly. I'm not sure if the half a pill would make any difference to absorbing more or not to be honest. If you have an LP of 8 days though you would be better taking a higher does like the B100's. Hope this helps! :thumbup:
xo Jen

OK, thansks for that. I guess I'm in a roundabout way trying to make them time release on my own. Maybe for my next bottle, I will try buying those.
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Congratulations on your :bfp: Cla!!!! It's weird, because I've been reading old forums while I've been on here, so all the people that announce their bfps have done so awhile back. This the first announcement that I've actually seen in real-time. I'm very happy for you!
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Woohoo!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: That's brilliant Cla!!! How exciting!!!! I'm absolutely delighted for you, after all these months of heartache!! :hugs: I guess you're going to be moving onto the trimester 1 forums now :cry: You'll have to come back and visit! Well my head is completely done in, my charts are showing that my temperature is rising really slowly but no sign of ovulation yet, however my CP is really high and soft and CM is wet. Don't know whether I'll ovulate or not this month. If not I'm sure the herbs and acupuncture will start working really quickly, especially going by Muncho's progress on the tcm thread. Congratulations again missis, I'm sure you're still in shock!!! :hugs:
Xo Jen
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Woohoo!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: That's brilliant Cla!!! How exciting!!!! I'm absolutely delighted for you, after all these months of heartache!! :hugs: I guess you're going to be moving onto the trimester 1 forums now :cry: You'll have to come back and visit! Well my head is completely done in, my charts are showing that my temperature is rising really slowly but no sign of ovulation yet, however my CP is really high and soft and CM is wet. Don't know whether I'll ovulate or not this month. If not I'm sure the herbs and acupuncture will start working really quickly, especially going by Muncho's progress on the tcm thread. Congratulations again missis, I'm sure you're still in shock!!! :hugs:
Xo Jen

thankyou. im not going anywhere i really want to see you get :bfp: you deserve it. i just cant remember what to do know is been that long. do you know if i should still take the vits.:hugs::hugs:
Can I ask you ladies another question please?
So I am now on 100 mg B complex and trying 120mg soy days 2-6 to try improve my ovulation/increase progesterone & LP.* I took EPO last cycle and don’t know if that contributed to my “oestrogen dominance” but I did notice ferning on my microscope (showing high oestrogen) and loads of EWCM from CD 8 even though I only ovd CD22.* Do you think EPO is good or bad when trying to improve progesterone?
Secondly I was wondering, if phytoestrogens found in soy/linseed help decrease oestrogen, then why not take them after ov to give progesterone a chance?* I have seen some people take linseed oil after ov.* And what about progesterone creams?
Aaaarrrgh!* It is all so confusing to know which one to take I wish my doctor would just listen and help me :cry:
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Congratulations on your :bfp: Cla!!!! It's weird, because I've been reading old forums while I've been on here, so all the people that announce their bfps have done so awhile back. This the first announcement that I've actually seen in real-time. I'm very happy for you!

thankyou. if its happened for me and ive been like this for about 3 years it gives everybody else hope. that it can happen:hugs:
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Woohoo!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: That's brilliant Cla!!! How exciting!!!! I'm absolutely delighted for you, after all these months of heartache!! :hugs: I guess you're going to be moving onto the trimester 1 forums now :cry: You'll have to come back and visit! Well my head is completely done in, my charts are showing that my temperature is rising really slowly but no sign of ovulation yet, however my CP is really high and soft and CM is wet. Don't know whether I'll ovulate or not this month. If not I'm sure the herbs and acupuncture will start working really quickly, especially going by Muncho's progress on the tcm thread. Congratulations again missis, I'm sure you're still in shock!!! :hugs:
Xo Jen

thankyou. im not going anywhere i really want to see you get :bfp: you deserve it. i just cant remember what to do know is been that long. do you know if i should still take the vits.:hugs::hugs:

Yeah the B vits are safe to use during pregnancy, they are usually prescribed for morning sickness and help alleviate that so I would keep taking them. Plus there was someone else on this thread awhile back who stopped them after seeing her doctor or midwife as they told her too and she ended up miscarrying! Woohoo!!! So excited for you!!! :happydance::happydance:
xo Jen
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Cla you got a BFP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! that is so flippin sweet!!! Thats just so fantastic! i'm so excited for you!!! you have a baby inside you now! you get to be a mummy! i'm just so happy for you


You should now post a summary of everything, like how long you were TTC what meds you took how long you were on them then how long from that it took to get your BFP, great encouragement for the rest of us

Can I ask you ladies another question please?
So I am now on 100 mg B complex and trying 120mg soy days 2-6 to try improve my ovulation/increase progesterone & LP.* I took EPO last cycle and don’t know if that contributed to my “oestrogen dominance” but I did notice ferning on my microscope (showing high oestrogen) and loads of EWCM from CD 8 even though I only ovd CD22.* Do you think EPO is good or bad when trying to improve progesterone?
Secondly I was wondering, if phytoestrogens found in soy/linseed help decrease oestrogen, then why not take them after ov to give progesterone a chance?* I have seen some people take linseed oil after ov.* And what about progesterone creams?
Aaaarrrgh!* It is all so confusing to know which one to take I wish my doctor would just listen and help me :cry:

I know it's so frustrating trying to get anyone to listen to your concerns! I've just finished reading a book called the infertility cure, the author said that phytoestrogens are good as they help oestrogen levels in the body but they are more natural as opposed to the ones in meat or diary products. They don't help decrease progesterone so I'm not sure why they are taking linseed after ovulation. It could be something to do with them having lots of EFA's which are essential for a healthy foetal development. I think that EPO is good as it's a necessary EFA but don't take it after ovulation as it can increase the risk of miscarrying as it stimulates contractions in the uterus in large doses. Saying that some people do still take it and have no problems. Have you read Zita West's book or the infertility cure? I would highly recommend the infertility cure! Excellent book!:thumbup:
xo Jen
hope everybody is ok. ive finally got the guts to do a test this morning and i got :bfp::bfp: my other half couldnt believe it so i went and brought a clearblue test and i got the same. i just cant believe it after all the spotting i have done and i still have got pregnant. there is hope for everybody on this thread if it happened to me

Cla that's fantastic news!! Congratulations! :yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin::happydance::happydance:
Abi x
Hi 2016, I think flax seed oil is good to take post-ov, once you stop the EPO. Def read it somewhere - prob on the Increase Your Fertility Chances Naturally thread - there's all sorts of good advice on there.
I also recommend The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis - was recommended to me by my acu practitioner. She trained in both western and eastern medicine and some of the stuff she said about eastern medicine's view of, and effects on, infertility are astounding. Should give you lots of answers - thought about trying acu? Check out The Really Useful TCM thread (traditional chinese medicine).
Jen, muncho and I set it up to spread the word.
From what I' ve read, I avoid progesterone creams.

Congrats again Cla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abi x
cla wow congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Look after yourself and hope you have a really lovely pregnancy, you really deserve this its been too long coming!!!!

Really really happy for you
JO xxxxx
DONT stop taking the B-Vitamins. I got my BFP on 11/20 after using B100 complex for the first time since CD6 and I had been ttc for over 15 months. I just miscarried two days after stopping my B vitamins :( They checked my progesterone level after my us and it was 4.5, I miscarried 2 days later. I'm so mad the Dr. didnt even offer to give me any progesterone supplements even when I asked. He acted like I didn't know what I was talking about. I asked him to check my progesterone levels the day I found out and he wouldn't so when I started to spot I INSISTED and he finally checked them but wouldnt prescribe me any supplements because this was my "first" miscarriage and they dont do that until at least 2 or 3. I'm DEVASTATED>>>>>>>>
DONT stop taking the B-Vitamins. I got my BFP on 11/20 after using B100 complex for the first time since CD6 and I had been ttc for over 15 months. I just miscarried two days after stopping my B vitamins :( They checked my progesterone level after my us and it was 4.5, I miscarried 2 days later. I'm so mad the Dr. didnt even offer to give me any progesterone supplements even when I asked. He acted like I didn't know what I was talking about. I asked him to check my progesterone levels the day I found out and he wouldn't so when I started to spot I INSISTED and he finally checked them but wouldnt prescribe me any supplements because this was my "first" miscarriage and they dont do that until at least 2 or 3. I'm DEVASTATED>>>>>>>>

That's disgusting! :growlmad: Can't believe you got treated like this! Although after my appointment trying to discuss short luteal phase/progesterone deficiency with my doc he just looked at me like I was mental :wacko:
Have bought myself a pot of progesterone cream (even though people give it mixed reviews) because I have convinced myself its what I need.
I am awfully sorry for your loss and the callous way you've been treated, wantabelly. Would you consider trying acupuncture? It's very good at balancing hormone levels - I've started a thread on here with jen1802 and muncho as we've all just begun acu - the really useful tcm thread - and I can recommend a book by Randine Lewis called The Infertility Cure. It's wonderful and really explains eastern medicien and its attitude to, and effect upon, fertility. Def keep with the B vits too.

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