Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

How long have you been on the b100's abi? Are you not tempted to up the dose? Like Jen said the acu sounds really positive and shouldn't be too long before you see some results from that!

Hope you not feeling too low about the AF, I always feel really crappy then drink some alcohol then feel much better until the month after lol. Big hugs hope the LP is longer next cycle!

Jo x

LOL, that sounds like a plan Jo! Abi I would swing by the off licence on your way back from your accu appointment! Either that or :munch: on lots of nice (but bad!!!) food! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a 2010 bfp for us all!!:hugs:
xo Jen
So the :witch: is here......

Today was the day i was finally over it all and i wanted an answer i usually get my period on 10DPO and i was at 16DPO with nothing but neg preg tests, and i was telling hubby that i searched all the women who got a BFN on 16DPO and went on to become pregnant (around 9%) but then 30% of those end in miscarriage, so i just wanted an answer!

Well i got AF and now i feel like shit, i want to be pregnant! i don't want to try another cycle.......... i want a baby now! i don't want to not have that news on Xmas day......... :cry: i don't want to deal with the pregnant woman at work anymore while i'm not pregnant. i don't want a september baby i want an August baby. :cry:

Well to keep this post B6 related as this is what its really for and shouldn't be a thread we all go to just talk. I'm going to change my 100mg to 75mg just incase thats what made it so long.

oh betheney :hugs: I was just coming on to see how you were getting on since site had been down a few days. Thats rubbish news I thought it was your turn this month! You need to have your cry, dust yourself off and do something you enjoy that you wouldn't have been able to do if you had been pg. (Me and my sparkly dress had a fabulous night on the town on friday)

August is a hot month anyway, maybe september babies sleep better???

Try stay positive hun, be our turn soon
So the :witch: is here......

Today was the day i was finally over it all and i wanted an answer i usually get my period on 10DPO and i was at 16DPO with nothing but neg preg tests, and i was telling hubby that i searched all the women who got a BFN on 16DPO and went on to become pregnant (around 9%) but then 30% of those end in miscarriage, so i just wanted an answer!

Well i got AF and now i feel like shit, i want to be pregnant! i don't want to try another cycle.......... i want a baby now! i don't want to not have that news on Xmas day......... :cry: i don't want to deal with the pregnant woman at work anymore while i'm not pregnant. i don't want a september baby i want an August baby. :cry:

Well to keep this post B6 related as this is what its really for and shouldn't be a thread we all go to just talk. I'm going to change my 100mg to 75mg just incase thats what made it so long.


Oh pet, :hugs: I honestly know how you feel, I went through a minor meltdown at the start of this cycle (see previous posts!!) I was honestly fed up to the backteeth of everyone getting pregnant around me, they so much as sneeze and they conceive:grr: So frustrating! Have you thought about trying acupuncture at all? (I know I'm always pushing it!! LOL!) Honestly Betheney, I really think that it will help you. I was feeling so emotional and hypersensitive just from the sheer heartache of AF coming every month but as soon as I had my first acu session last week I instantly felt so much more relaxed calm about all this TTC business! I really think it will help you as you seem to be so stressed and having such a tough time of it at the moment. My DH can barely believe how much calmer and chilled I've PMS or any sort of mood swings at all. I really, really, really think you should head to your nearest TCM practitioner and get some acupuncture. :hugs::hugs: Hope your ok! No doubt I'll be joining you in your despair on Sunday as the dreaded AF is due!
xo Jen
Thanks guys. You're right Jen - I was just replying to Betheney in my journal and said that it doesn't seem as bad now I'm in the hands of Quing. Still disappointing, but not hopeless. Yep, think I'll up it to 150mg - Betheney suggested that too.

I'm sorry Betheney. Lets plan on september babies then; deal? Jen's right, you should really try acupunture/TCM. Check out our thread - The Really USeful TCM Thread to see what it's about. HElps mentally as well, even if just because you knwo you're being looked properly. WHy not get a copy of The Infertility Cure bu Randine Lewis? All about Trad Chinese Med.

Abi x
Jo, Jen & Abi

Thank you for your words of support. To have to wait another month is just so damn unfair. I'm going to start AC and EPO today,

Jo - i've decided i'm getting wasted tonight, i know thats not very responsible nor is it the right action when dealing with bad news but bugger it! But i'm such a cheap drunk anyway that after a couple of drinks i fall asleep wherever i'm sitting, hubby has agreed to eat junk food and watch Dawsons Creek with me tonight, which is very lovely of him as i know this baby making process doesn't affect him as it does me.

I always had a problem with other people getting pregnant it just drives me insane, but i was never bitter about you girls on here getting pregnant...... but now i am, another girl i talk to on here had her first month off BCP and had sex once around ovulation and now they're pregnant. URGH!

Jen our AF are only 5 days apart and i usually ovulate later around CD18 so next month our 2WW could be a joint-venture, that is if your unlucky enough to not receive a BFP this month.

Abi & Jo - I know Acu COULD work wonders but i'm not kidding when i say i hate needles, i go into this blubbering mess when i have to get a needle, i'd probably try and run away mid session if i got Acu.


P.S i somehow forgot how freaking horrible AF pains are, i could barely get up this morning to find myself some pain meds. URGH!!!
Jo, Jen & Abi

Thank you for your words of support. To have to wait another month is just so damn unfair. I'm going to start AC and EPO today,

Jo - i've decided i'm getting wasted tonight, i know thats not very responsible nor is it the right action when dealing with bad news but bugger it! But i'm such a cheap drunk anyway that after a couple of drinks i fall asleep wherever i'm sitting, hubby has agreed to eat junk food and watch Dawsons Creek with me tonight, which is very lovely of him as i know this baby making process doesn't affect him as it does me.

I always had a problem with other people getting pregnant it just drives me insane, but i was never bitter about you girls on here getting pregnant...... but now i am, another girl i talk to on here had her first month off BCP and had sex once around ovulation and now they're pregnant. URGH!

Jen our AF are only 5 days apart and i usually ovulate later around CD18 so next month our 2WW could be a joint-venture, that is if your unlucky enough to not receive a BFP this month.

Abi & Jo - I know Acu COULD work wonders but i'm not kidding when i say i hate needles, i go into this blubbering mess when i have to get a needle, i'd probably try and run away mid session if i got Acu.


P.S i somehow forgot how freaking horrible AF pains are, i could barely get up this morning to find myself some pain meds. URGH!!!

Well Betheney how are you feeling today? You can get electro acupuncture which means no needles at all but yet still does the same job. As far as I'm aware most practitioners would do this as well as the traditional acupuncture so you could get that done instead if you really hate needles. :hugs: Thinking of you pet! I would really buy the book the infertility cure as well, it honestly is inspirational yet calming!
xo Jen
Hey girls hope your all ok. DH is booked in for his SA this morning. Does anyone know how long it takes to find out if everything is ok??? I'm not sure if they would test straight away and let you know or send a letter to your gp again. Thanks!
XO Jen
hope everybody is ok, i thought i would look in to make sure everbody is ok:hugs: jen how are you getting on
Hey Hey

Had a pretty sad day today obviously, but i feel much better now. Hubby is being supportive and told me hes upset too (I elaborate more on my journal)

i think i'm going to stick with the 100mg worth of B-vits after all rather then downing it to 75mg i meana LP of 17days.... meh 16 is normal and it was only just a smidgen more than that, and despite negative pregnancy tests i reckon i could of had a chemical, i mean this morning my period pain was really really brutal worse than i remember and also (if you wish to read something that is way TMI click on the following)
I have had really really chunky bits come out, like long goopy slug looking bits its super yuck.
I mean i could be having a massive over reaction but i just find my period over a week late a little suspicious and although my temps dropped at the end of my cycle after they had a rise post Ov they had a 2nd rise...... but then of course plummeted and along came my period, i dunno..... during chemicals do your temps drop as per normal???
hope everybody is ok, i thought i would look in to make sure everbody is ok:hugs: jen how are you getting on

Hey Cla
Glad you checked in! Are you over the shock yet???:haha: I'm ok, I doubt there will be any BFP this month for me as my chart just looks crap to be honest! Temperatures are starting to come down already but I did ovulate! Woohoo!!! :happydance: That is brilliant considering the gp didn't think I was. AF is due on Sunday so I'm interested to see if I get any cramps this month as I didn't get any ovuation cramps at all (must be the TCM working:happydance:) If I don't get any period pains this month I'll be well pleased as that means a definite improvment. Have more acupuncture this pm and prob more herbs...looking forward to it!
XO Jen
hope everybody is ok, i thought i would look in to make sure everbody is ok:hugs: jen how are you getting on

Hey Cla
Glad you checked in! Are you over the shock yet???:haha: I'm ok, I doubt there will be any BFP this month for me as my chart just looks crap to be honest! Temperatures are starting to come down already but I did ovulate! Woohoo!!! :happydance: That is brilliant considering the gp didn't think I was. AF is due on Sunday so I'm interested to see if I get any cramps this month as I didn't get any ovuation cramps at all (must be the TCM working:happydance:) If I don't get any period pains this month I'll be well pleased as that means a definite improvment. Have more acupuncture this pm and prob more herbs...looking forward to it!
XO Jen

im glad you are ok. im well over the shock now ive had to explain to myother half how it happened lol. i think he is still in shock he said he didnt think he had it in him:dohh: i only charted for one month and on that it said i didnt ovulate so i stopped that. thats great you ovulated:thumbup: thats more good news. as for sunday i am keeping my fingers crossed for you and everything else. good luck for thursday ***:hugs:
Hi all im new here.

Could you tell me does vitamin b6 delay ovulation? Or has it for any of you. Ive started using it this month. Today i would normally get a positive opk but its negative. Could this be the vitamin b6. Did it muck up any of your cycles?

Any responses would be great :) xx
Hi all im new here.

Could you tell me does vitamin b6 delay ovulation? Or has it for any of you. Ive started using it this month. Today i would normally get a positive opk but its negative. Could this be the vitamin b6. Did it muck up any of your cycles?

Any responses would be great :) xx

B6 helps your body work the way it is suppose to, so it helps your corpus luteum to work properly, so if its delaying your Ov day it means maybe previously you were Ovulating earlier than what would be best.

Also make sure your B6 is combined with other B vitamins, otherwise they wont be absorbed into the body properly and its generally not good for you. Try a B Complex.

Hey girls

I know this isn't the right thread for it but i can't find a decent thread and i know alot of you take AC. My question is has it worked for you girls? i'm finding a few posts where girls are really anti AC but none really have adequate reasons. ALSO how much do you all take? the bottle says 1-3tablets per day and that is a bit vague to me.....

Hey girls

I know this isn't the right thread for it but i can't find a decent thread and i know alot of you take AC. My question is has it worked for you girls? i'm finding a few posts where girls are really anti AC but none really have adequate reasons. ALSO how much do you all take? the bottle says 1-3tablets per day and that is a bit vague to me.....


Hey Betheney
I was taking agnus castus for a few months but stopped this month a few weeks ago as my gp said that my prolactin levels were low(a side effect of agnus castus hence why it's good for those with PCOS as their levels are usually too elevated and inhibit ovulation) It helps establish periods in those that aren't having any periods and basically regulates your cycle. I was taking 1 tablet of 1000mg per day and before I had been taking a tincture can't even remember how much i was taking per day think it was 15 drops or something. To be honest I wouldn't advise taking it without making sure that you definitely need too first. When I told my TCM practitioner I had been taking it she just shook her head and said that wouldn't resolve my problem of a short luteal phase. Sorry I can't be of anymore help!
xo Jen

I read one of your replies on another post while trying to hunt to see if you had a journal (obviously you don't) and you said that you weren't ovulating even tho you had all the symptoms that your body was gearing up for it but is wasn't happening. how would i know if this is happening to me? would i get the BBT rise after ovulation still? i mean if i get a rise is it safe to say i ovulated? my periods are irregular but nothing too drastic 26-30days, its so funny all these websites tell everyone to go on Agnus Castus to get your cycle in check while TTC but by the looks of it if your cycle is not too bad taking it just messes you up further, i took it on CD1 and have stopped CD2 and CD3........ but will start again if i think it will help (but all info points to no)
Hey Betheney,
I've just re-read your post with the chart attachment and thought I should reply to you about it. Your chart doesn't show that you were pregnant as your post-ov temps weren't high enough and kept bouncing up and down. So don't worry about having had a chemical.
I want to repeat what Jen1802 said about getting the Randine Lewis book "The Infertility Cure" being a really good idea and reassure you that it wouldn't do anything to worry you. In fact it's very reassuring, far more so than anything fertility-related that I've read from the point of view of western medicine and it has answers for the symptoms that you've mentioned in posts (clots in your flow, painful ovaries, PMT etc). It's not a scary book at all - I think it could really help you. Acupuncture is incredibly relaxing and helpful for you in a great many ways. I thoroughly recommend that you try traditional chinese medicine, or at least see if there's anything available in your area.
Check out our thread about TCM. Feel free to ask me or Jen any questions you might have. We're evangelical about it!
Abi x
lol betheney you sound like me, I've started and stopped th AC and read and read everything before deciding i'd give it a full go this cycle. If I ov late or not at all this month then i'll not take it again next month so just watch this space, my cycle sounds similar to yours.

Abi, jen i've just bought that book, so hopefully it will arrive before christmas. Shame I can't afford the acu but least the reflexology is nice and relaxing and feel its doing some good, only had one session, due another one next week.


I read one of your replies on another post while trying to hunt to see if you had a journal (obviously you don't) and you said that you weren't ovulating even tho you had all the symptoms that your body was gearing up for it but is wasn't happening. how would i know if this is happening to me? would i get the BBT rise after ovulation still? i mean if i get a rise is it safe to say i ovulated? my periods are irregular but nothing too drastic 26-30days, its so funny all these websites tell everyone to go on Agnus Castus to get your cycle in check while TTC but by the looks of it if your cycle is not too bad taking it just messes you up further, i took it on CD1 and have stopped CD2 and CD3........ but will start again if i think it will help (but all info points to no)

Hey Betheney, 26-30 days isn't irregular if it's always like that. Since the year before we had #1 mine have always been 25, 27 or 30 - never made a note of them before then. That counts as regular. Irregular would be weeks of difference, even missed periods, and no real pattern as far as I'm aware.
BBT temping will tell you you're ovulating. Di you get the FF coursenotes when you signed up? They explain everything really well. You can access them on the site as well. Your temps after ov should stay significantly higher than your pre-ov ones and shouldn't be going up and down much at all. Check out my charts - I always ov but until this month my period temps were too high (seems to be sorted now) and my post-ov temps not high or stable enough - low progesterone. This is what keeps my LP short. Hope fully my post-ov chart will be massively improved this time! I started acu on CD7 last cycle so this si my first full cycle. I'm interested to see what happens!
Abi x

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