Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Just wanted to add another anecdote to this thread as I found it 11-12 weeks ago and decided to try B6.
I had been having painful ovulation (bad cramping for a day or so before--so bad I actually burned myself with a hot water bottle and didn't know about it until I saw the blister:o) at 14-15 days with a 10-11 day luteal phase. I started taking 1 full pill of a B complex with 50mg on about day 2-3 of my cycle. The B6 made the painful ovulation go away the first month and lengthened my ovulatory phase to 18 days. After I ovulated I dropped down to half a pill per day (and am still taking that amount). No idea on how it effected the luteal phase as it worked the first month for me though I thought I was starting to spot at 12dpo (which would have been a 1 day improvement).

Thank you for your msg it was very sweet 10DPO is today and another neg preg test as well, but i've had my big cry and am starting to feel better considering it means my LP is extended by at least 1day because AF was due today and i'm sure i'm going to get more than one day because i don't even have AF cramps yet. I went out and bought more drugs today it always makes me feel better shopping, i currently have B complex, B6, Cranberry Tablets and Elevit (pre-natal vits). I never saw the point in buying EPO because i have plenty of CM but i read this morning it can give you more meaning the spermy can last 5 days rather than 3 so i went out this morn and bought some EPO more Elevit and some AC as well. I also bought a preg test just to torture myself further. I feel in my heart of hearts i'm not pregnant this month but thank you for your kind words.


I tried to research if lack of symptoms could mean pregnancy, because i don't have implantation spotting or cramping but i don't have AF cramping either but i keep putting it down the the fact my LP is extending so AF cramping will come in a few days. Is it really possible to have no symptoms? i have a very week stomache going on and off the pill makes me nauseous, taking vits with no food makes me nauseous and ovulation makes me nauseous so i'm sure if i was preg i would at least be sick. I know alot of woman claim no symptoms but aren't those usually the woman who weren't trying so they didn't think to look? i mean they might of thought they were nauseous because of something they ate, or they could of missed implantation bleeding because they just weren't looking and it was only a few specs. Did you get no symptoms even tho you were looking?
Cla, I've heard that OPKs can show a positive if you're pregnant... or they could be dodgy... I know, from yhe sublime to the ridiculous!
Abi x

Oooh Cla, that could be why??? FX'd! :happydance: XO Jen
Betheney, the nausea doesn't generally kick in for a while - definitely not til after implantation and generally not til a few weeks in. Once I started charting in august I started feeling little patches of nausea straight after ov most cycles. A lot of it is your body playing naughty tricks on you. The best thing to do is avoid symptom spotting, because you'll just drive yourself loopy.
Abi x
Hey Girls:hugs:
It's been a while since I last popped onto this thread....hope you're all ok:hugs:

Well it's fast turning into a cycle from hell here and I haven't got a clue what is going on in there:dohh:
Last cycle I spotted from O to the :witch:....this cycle loads of spotting and cd47 today and still no O. I've been to the docs and he's given me a blood test form with about 5baseline tests on it but I need the :witch: to arrive to be able to have them:hissy:
Anybody else had a cycle like this?

:hugs: and :dust: to you all xx
Hi Welsh Rose. It looks like your body's tried to ovulate twice but not managed it yet. Have you ever had an anovulatory cycle before?
I can recommend trying acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in general, to sort out your cycle. There's a book my practitioner recommended to me by Randine Lewis, called The Infertility Cure and I think it's fantastic. She originally trained in western medicine before qualifying as a TCM practitioner so she comes at everything with a lot of knowledge in a very balanced way. She's helped women with all sorts of problems to conceive and the book is inspirational. I've started a thread on here with a couple of friends who've also recently started TCM treatment called The Really USeful TCM Thread, becasue we thought it might be very helpful to other women on here. Check it out and see if you think it's for you.
Abi x
Thanks Abi hun,
I will check it out and pick the book up as well....definately could do with some inspiring it's been a long 17mths and we're so desperate for #2 that it prevents me from giving up....somedays I just wish that I could give up thou.

I haven't had an anovulatory cycle before that I know of anyway...been charting since nov last year. Usually I ovulate inbetween cd15 and cd20. I just wish I knew what all the spotting was drives me nuts:loopy:

Hope you're ok hun:hugs:
Cla, I've heard that OPKs can show a positive if you're pregnant... or they could be dodgy... I know, from yhe sublime to the ridiculous!
Abi x

Oooh Cla, that could be why??? FX'd! :happydance: XO Jen

hope you are ok. not long till thursday i bet you are counting the days down. my af was due today and there still is no sign, but i done another ovalation strip this morning and there was 2 lines again. i dont know what to think:wacko: surley it cant mean anything after all that spotting. help
Abster - Thanks for your msg. I just wrote my feelings about not thinking i'm pregnant on here so i could vent and get it out, I wasn't asking nor expecting everyone to reply with positive reinforcements. But thank you, it feels good to know that when your sure your out and there is no baby on the way that there are other lovely ladies out there who are more than happy to do the wishful thinking i wasn't prepared to do, and to give me the right amount of encouragement i needed so thank you!

i was quite happy being convinced that i wasn't pregnant, i had a giant cry! ate a butt load of chocolate and i rang my husband who asked "so you have your period" and as i reply "well no not yet, but i know its coming" he rather than laughing at me offered to take me out tonight to make me feel better so after all that i felt much much better.

But then i had to have cramps didn't i...... and not really AF cramps or i don't think that they're AF cramps, but they're more like a tightening in my extremely lower abdomen right on the line where my undies sit...... wouldn't my uterus be higher up? this might sound funny but wouldn't my Vagina still be at that measurement?? i fell asleep and when i woke up and went to the toilet i felt the tightening heaps and noticed it whenever i sit down rather than lie down.

ALSO everyone says they get sore BBs when they're pregnant, i haven't had that which was the major kicker that i wasn't pregnant to me..... but i take 100mg of B6 and 442mg of Cranberry.... i read TONIGHT that both those pills stop fluid retention, so maybe my BB aren't sore because the pills i'm taking stop fluid retention?????? although that means when AF is coming i probably wont know because my BB wont be sore then either..... and is this bad? is it bad to stop fluid retention when you could possibly be pregnant?

URGH why oh why am i doing this to myself? i had come to terms with the fact i wasn't pregnant this month and now i'm more geared up than ever. Its 10DPO and the last 2 days have resulted in BFN i bought 2 preg tests that were suppose to be for next month but will prob end up using them at DPO11 and DPO12

i found a site that says i still have a 62% chance of testing +

i hate this! its so emotionally traumatic....... i know i sound like a giant sook, but i am a very very emotional person, i get upset and cry easy and i go mental when i'm angry! URGH

Website that says i have a 62% chance after getting -tve on 10DPO

i was quite happy being convinced that i wasn't pregnant, i had a giant cry! ate a butt load of chocolate and i rang my husband who asked "so you have your period" and as i reply "well no not yet, but i know its coming" he rather than laughing at me offered to take me out tonight to make me feel better so after all that i felt much much better.

But then i had to have cramps didn't i...... and not really AF cramps or i don't think that they're AF cramps, but they're more like a tightening in my extremely lower abdomen right on the line where my undies sit...... wouldn't my uterus be higher up? this might sound funny but wouldn't my Vagina still be at that measurement?? i fell asleep and when i woke up and went to the toilet i felt the tightening heaps and noticed it whenever i sit down rather than lie down.

ALSO everyone says they get sore BBs when they're pregnant, i haven't had that which was the major kicker that i wasn't pregnant to me..... but i take 100mg of B6 and 442mg of Cranberry.... i read TONIGHT that both those pills stop fluid retention, so maybe my BB aren't sore because the pills i'm taking stop fluid retention?????? although that means when AF is coming i probably wont know because my BB wont be sore then either..... and is this bad? is it bad to stop fluid retention when you could possibly be pregnant?

URGH why oh why am i doing this to myself? i had come to terms with the fact i wasn't pregnant this month and now i'm more geared up than ever. Its 10DPO and the last 2 days have resulted in BFN i bought 2 preg tests that were suppose to be for next month but will prob end up using them at DPO11 and DPO12

i found a site that says i still have a 62% chance of testing +

i hate this! its so emotionally traumatic....... i know i sound like a giant sook, but i am a very very emotional person, i get upset and cry easy and i go mental when i'm angry! URGH

Website that says i have a 62% chance after getting -tve on 10DPO

Oh Betheney
Don't be so hard on yourself. I was feeling exactly the same for the past 7 months. Trying not to symptom spot is a complete nightmare! Far easier said than done! If possible (and I know it's a big if) try to hold off testing until 14 dpo. I've wasted god knows how much money buying pregnancy tests (have never had a positive one, probably would faint from shock if I did!) Don't worry we've all been there, think ttc is enough to send everyone completely mad! Hope your ok! :hugs:
xo Jen
Cla, I've heard that OPKs can show a positive if you're pregnant... or they could be dodgy... I know, from yhe sublime to the ridiculous!
Abi x

Oooh Cla, that could be why??? FX'd! :happydance: XO Jen

hope you are ok. not long till thursday i bet you are counting the days down. my af was due today and there still is no sign, but i done another ovalation strip this morning and there was 2 lines again. i dont know what to think:wacko: surley it cant mean anything after all that spotting. help

How many dpo are you? Maybe you should wait another day and then try a pregnancy test?? I've cancelled my appointment for Thursday as I found another TCM clinic up the road from my work so I'm going there this evening at 6.30pm :happydance: Can ya tell I'm delighted?? LOL! Feel like I'm going to finally start getting somewhere! WOOHOO!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hope your head isn't too melted!!!! I figure hold out for one more day depending how far past ovulation you are and then do a pg test tomorrow! Good luck and lots of :dust:
xo Jen
Cla, I've heard that OPKs can show a positive if you're pregnant... or they could be dodgy... I know, from yhe sublime to the ridiculous!
Abi x

Oooh Cla, that could be why??? FX'd! :happydance: XO Jen

hope you are ok. not long till thursday i bet you are counting the days down. my af was due today and there still is no sign, but i done another ovalation strip this morning and there was 2 lines again. i dont know what to think:wacko: surley it cant mean anything after all that spotting. help

How many dpo are you? Maybe you should wait another day and then try a pregnancy test?? I've cancelled my appointment for Thursday as I found another TCM clinic up the road from my work so I'm going there this evening at 6.30pm :happydance: Can ya tell I'm delighted?? LOL! Feel like I'm going to finally start getting somewhere! WOOHOO!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hope your head isn't too melted!!!! I figure hold out for one more day depending how far past ovulation you are and then do a pg test tomorrow! Good luck and lots of :dust:
xo Jen

Hey girls
The acupuncture went really well yesterday! She gave me acupuncture and prescribed a herbal tea. I've another appointment next Thursday. So excited, really think this will sort me out! Any sign of AF yet Cla?? Hope your ok!
Jen xo
Hey girls
The acupuncture went really well yesterday! She gave me acupuncture and prescribed a herbal tea. I've another appointment next Thursday. So excited, really think this will sort me out! Any sign of AF yet Cla?? Hope your ok!
Jen xo

im really glad everything went well for , i bet its nice to feel you are finally getting somewhere. i hope it doesnt take you long to get what you want.
i still havent got my af, but i seem to have a lot of cm. i know i shouldnt but i done an OTHER ovalation test and the test line came up before the control line . i thought i had a preg test but i cat find it. i cant go out to get one at the moment because my son is bad with a stomach bug again. im just worried if i am pregnant will everything be ok saying that i spotted for so long. i dont would be nice to know if someone as been through the same and had a possitive test.
Hey girls
The acupuncture went really well yesterday! She gave me acupuncture and prescribed a herbal tea. I've another appointment next Thursday. So excited, really think this will sort me out! Any sign of AF yet Cla?? Hope your ok!
Jen xo

im really glad everything went well for , i bet its nice to feel you are finally getting somewhere. i hope it doesnt take you long to get what you want.
i still havent got my af, but i seem to have a lot of cm. i know i shouldnt but i done an OTHER ovalation test and the test line came up before the control line . i thought i had a preg test but i cat find it. i cant go out to get one at the moment because my son is bad with a stomach bug again. im just worried if i am pregnant will everything be ok saying that i spotted for so long. i dont would be nice to know if someone as been through the same and had a possitive test.

I'm sorry I can't help with that one. I'm sure there are plenty of others on here though who it has happened too. How long it total where you spotting for? It is odd that you are still getting positive opk's as they measure FSH levels and they usually drop away after ovulation, the only cases I have read about where they remain elevated is either pregnancy or PCOS. Let me know how you get on! Fingers crossed for :bfp:
XO Jen
Hey girls
The acupuncture went really well yesterday! She gave me acupuncture and prescribed a herbal tea. I've another appointment next Thursday. So excited, really think this will sort me out! Any sign of AF yet Cla?? Hope your ok!
Jen xo

im really glad everything went well for , i bet its nice to feel you are finally getting somewhere. i hope it doesnt take you long to get what you want.
i still havent got my af, but i seem to have a lot of cm. i know i shouldnt but i done an OTHER ovalation test and the test line came up before the control line . i thought i had a preg test but i cat find it. i cant go out to get one at the moment because my son is bad with a stomach bug again. im just worried if i am pregnant will everything be ok saying that i spotted for so long. i dont would be nice to know if someone as been through the same and had a possitive test.

I'm sorry I can't help with that one. I'm sure there are plenty of others on here though who it has happened too. How long it total where you spotting for? It is odd that you are still getting positive opk's as they measure FSH levels and they usually drop away after ovulation, the only cases I have read about where they remain elevated is either pregnancy or PCOS. Let me know how you get on! Fingers crossed for :bfp:
XO Jen

there is only oneway to find out.i will let you know if anything changes:hugs:
Hi Cla, hope it's not melting your head too much. Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I'm thinking of you.

Jen it's great to see you so positive again!
Abi x
Hi girls! I tried to read the whole thread, got to page 40 and couldn't read any more!

I started with B50 complex in addition to my prenatal last cycle. My ov moved forward 2 days but it seemed my LP shortened too! Was about 8/9 days last cycle with spotting the last 3 which was worse than the cycle before. I am hoping it wasn't the Bvits because I am going to up it to 100 this cycle. Do you think this is a good idea or am I likely to bugger things up further?
I used agnus castus the cycle before and had funny spotting throughout the cycle and terrible ovary pains so I don't think I will use it again. I am also trying 120mg of soy isoflavones on CD 2-6 which shouldn't be taken with AC anyway. I read that another cause of low progesterone/short LP is the corpus luteum not being healthy enough because of not having strong enough ov or having oestrogen dominance. Hope I am not talking utter rubbish here! :doh:
Hi Girls,

I'm new around here, but I've gone through this thread from top to bottom. It's taken the better part of a week, but I think I've learned almost everything I could possibly know about b6.

I do have one question though, does anyone know the advantages to taking a time release over regular? I have a short LP (around 8 days) and am taking B50 complex this month. Over the course of reading this forum and talking about the neon pee :haha: I started wondering what the point of taking so much of the vitamin would be if I was just peeing it out. I have been taking half a pill in the mornig and half in the afternoon. Does anyone know if this might help with absorbing more, or do you think it might not work so well by doing this? I am totally clueless, but I feel like I should be absorving more that way. Any thoughts?

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