Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I hope so Cla, sooner rather than later though! Wish my FS appointment would hurry up and come through! It's at times like this I wish I had loads of money so I could just go completely private...that would at least speed the process up a lot!
xo Jen
Hello! Just popping in briefly to say hello - will write more later on.
Sorry the hag got you Jen - but remember, this time last month you'd been told you weren't ovulating and... you are!! Hang onto the positives. What did your acu prac say about it? Don't tell me - I'll look on the thread... The more I hear/think about it, the less faith I have in western reproductive medicine. I think the acu will sort you out. We'll both get there soon, I know it :hugs:

I've been taking B-100 since Oct 24th, after an 8-day LP and my last 2 have both been 9 days. I'm carrying on with the B-vits, as I've only been taking them 2 cycles and it may take a little while for them to work. Think I'm relying more on the acu now. Am stopping taking the AC today as I ov on day 18 and have a 27-day cycle (this is what seems to be the case regularly now) and I think AC can lengthen the follicular phase. Will elaborate on this on the TCM thread.

Hello HatterasSarah, welcome to the thread - will reply to you later x

Hey bells, laummatt & katy, how're you all doing?

Cla, pleased to see you're still popping in to say hello. How's your pregnancy going? Very exciting! The first B-vits pregnancy since I joined the thread!

Abi x
Hi Girls

Jen - Im so sorry the witch got you, 8 day LP is sooo demorialising isnt it?? Spend all month working up to it, all that BD and then boom, its over again. Are there other things that can cause a LPD other than progesterone? I thought someone had said earlier about the lining of the womb not being sufficient and Co Enezmye Q10 helped.. I will try and look again later.

Abster - I will probably not be able to get to acu till the NY now but I think that its something to look forward to - DH thinks I have gone mad - but even he was disappointed this month.

Off to the Dr tomorrow, have a small list of things to ask about and have made sure I got an appt with an approachable Dr. so fingers crossed, even to know what Im dealing with would be good.

Only on CD4, bored of waiting already

Jumping in here -- sorry -- but wanted to say that a friend of mine (older, like me at 38) had GREAT success with the vitamins from Looks like it's all about menopause but really about regulating hormones. She did TONS of research -- she's a PhD -- and now has the two most gorgeous toddlers you have ever seen. So I'm trying the basic daily vitamins, and credit them with giving me (fairly) regular cycles after 20 years on b/c pills. So fwiw...

Baby dust to us all!!!!
Hi Girls

Jen - Im so sorry the witch got you, 8 day LP is sooo demorialising isnt it?? Spend all month working up to it, all that BD and then boom, its over again. Are there other things that can cause a LPD other than progesterone? I thought someone had said earlier about the lining of the womb not being sufficient and Co Enezmye Q10 helped.. I will try and look again later.

Abster - I will probably not be able to get to acu till the NY now but I think that its something to look forward to - DH thinks I have gone mad - but even he was disappointed this month.

Off to the Dr tomorrow, have a small list of things to ask about and have made sure I got an appt with an approachable Dr. so fingers crossed, even to know what Im dealing with would be good.

Only on CD4, bored of waiting already

You're right that other things can be involved Laummatt:
Studies have shown that as well as low progesterone, impaired follicle development and impairment of FSH or LH levels are involved. Jen and I have both been diagnosed by our acu pracs with the same things - weak kidneys and cold uterus (this is right, isn't it Jen?).
Kidney yang deficiency indicates a problem only with the luteal phase (it not follicle development or FSH/LH levels) and a cold uterus requires requires warming. Of course this sounds like complete gobbledygook if you have no experience of TCM and you haven't read the book we 've ben gong on about!
Got to go - #1's nappy needs changing
Abi x
Hi Girls

Jen - Im so sorry the witch got you, 8 day LP is sooo demorialising isnt it?? Spend all month working up to it, all that BD and then boom, its over again. Are there other things that can cause a LPD other than progesterone? I thought someone had said earlier about the lining of the womb not being sufficient and Co Enezmye Q10 helped.. I will try and look again later.

Abster - I will probably not be able to get to acu till the NY now but I think that its something to look forward to - DH thinks I have gone mad - but even he was disappointed this month.

Off to the Dr tomorrow, have a small list of things to ask about and have made sure I got an appt with an approachable Dr. so fingers crossed, even to know what Im dealing with would be good.

Only on CD4, bored of waiting already

You're right that other things can be involved Laummatt:
Studies have shown that as well as low progesterone, impaired follicle development and impairment of FSH or LH levels are involved. Jen and I have both been diagnosed by our acu pracs with the same things - weak kidneys and cold uterus (this is right, isn't it Jen?).
Kidney yang deficiency indicates a problem only with the luteal phase (it not follicle development or FSH/LH levels) and a cold uterus requires requires warming. Of course this sounds like complete gobbledygook if you have no experience of TCM and you haven't read the book we 've ben gong on about!
Got to go - #1's nappy needs changing
Abi x

Yep Abi that's what I've been diagnosed with. I suspect since she is trying to bring forward ovulation that she doesn't see the LP as the problem but rather I'm ovulating too late. I think that's why she's up the dosage of the herbs this cycle. FX'd I ovulate on CD14 this month...that'd be amazing!!! :happydance: xo Jen
Hello! Just popping in briefly to say hello - will write more later on.
Sorry the hag got you Jen - but remember, this time last month you'd been told you weren't ovulating and... you are!! Hang onto the positives. What did your acu prac say about it? Don't tell me - I'll look on the thread... The more I hear/think about it, the less faith I have in western reproductive medicine. I think the acu will sort you out. We'll both get there soon, I know it :hugs:

I've been taking B-100 since Oct 24th, after an 8-day LP and my last 2 have both been 9 days. I'm carrying on with the B-vits, as I've only been taking them 2 cycles and it may take a little while for them to work. Think I'm relying more on the acu now. Am stopping taking the AC today as I ov on day 18 and have a 27-day cycle (this is what seems to be the case regularly now) and I think AC can lengthen the follicular phase. Will elaborate on this on the TCM thread.

Hello HatterasSarah, welcome to the thread - will reply to you later x

Hey bells, laummatt & katy, how're you all doing?

Cla, pleased to see you're still popping in to say hello. How's your pregnancy going? Very exciting! The first B-vits pregnancy since I joined the thread!

Abi x

hope you are all well. thanks for asking how im geeting on. iam 6 weeks today:happydance: still early days so im keeping everything crossed:wacko:
ive got my first scan 1st feb which seems forever away. jen are you feeling anybetter today:hugs:
Me too Jen! Quing said to me yesterday that I need to be oving on day 12/13 with a 27-day cycle (longest it's been in the past 5 months). Currently I ov on day 18. Hmmmm. Go, acu! I'm going to paste this onto the acu thread where it belongs...
Hello! Just popping in briefly to say hello - will write more later on.
Sorry the hag got you Jen - but remember, this time last month you'd been told you weren't ovulating and... you are!! Hang onto the positives. What did your acu prac say about it? Don't tell me - I'll look on the thread... The more I hear/think about it, the less faith I have in western reproductive medicine. I think the acu will sort you out. We'll both get there soon, I know it :hugs:

I've been taking B-100 since Oct 24th, after an 8-day LP and my last 2 have both been 9 days. I'm carrying on with the B-vits, as I've only been taking them 2 cycles and it may take a little while for them to work. Think I'm relying more on the acu now. Am stopping taking the AC today as I ov on day 18 and have a 27-day cycle (this is what seems to be the case regularly now) and I think AC can lengthen the follicular phase. Will elaborate on this on the TCM thread.

Hello HatterasSarah, welcome to the thread - will reply to you later x

Hey bells, laummatt & katy, how're you all doing?

Cla, pleased to see you're still popping in to say hello. How's your pregnancy going? Very exciting! The first B-vits pregnancy since I joined the thread!

Abi x

hope you are all well. thanks for asking how im geeting on. iam 6 weeks today:happydance: still early days so im keeping everything crossed:wacko:
ive got my first scan 1st feb which seems forever away. jen are you feeling anybetter today:hugs:

Hey Cla, yes I'm feeling loads better today probably from the acupuncture and double dose of herbs. How have you been? I didn't even ask yesterday coz I was so down in the dumps, sorry! :hugs: I really hope we'll get our BFP very, very soon Abi!! I have a good feeling about the TCM! Come on 2010 BFP's and early ovulation! :happydance:
XO Jen
Hey Jen, I didn't take ac yesterday evening or this morning, but I've just re-read something in THE BOOK which makes me think we should both be taking it. Check out p141, Kidney yang tonics. Man jing zi (chaste tree berry/vitex fruit) works on increasing progesterone by lowering release of prolactin, which inhibits ovulation. Read the rest of the entry, but I've taken it again this evening. She aslo mentions elsewhere that it has warming properties.

How did the doc appt go, Laummatt?

Abi x

My book still hasn't arrived! Probably after Xmas now.

So I went to the Dr... He was pretty good actually. I explained all and he didnt seem to think that there was a problem (shock!! jury out..) but has agreed to do the 21 day test first to see what that throws up but I dont get the impression he expects to find anything. He said the fact that Im having regular cycles and they are getting more 'normal' for me (I used to be every 23/24 days) is a good sign. He did talk about sleeping ovary something or other and wasn't sure if the really bad ovualtion pains Im getting for days on end are to do with my system getting back up and running, maybe I havent managed to kick out an egg yet but my body is trying, I guess the bloods will tell us more.

The one thing I ma still confused about is to do with the B50 complex. He said that I MUST continue to take my 5mg of folic acid but with Pregnacare and B50 that was too much folic acid. I dont want to stop my B vits tho this month, I want to know if they work... what should I do? Drop pregnacare and just take a mulit vit without folic acid in?

Hope your all well, abster your making me so curious about TCM and acu, I cant wait for the new year
If you can find a good multivit then I would say take that, plus your Folic acid and the B-50s. That's what I'd do, anyway. Having said that, are you sure you can take too much folic acid? Is it not like other B vits in that any you don't need is flushed out of your body? To be on the safe side, I'd go with what I said at the top.
Glad you had such a positive appointment.
You'll love TCM! Hopefully you'll get the book before Xmas.
Abi x

Have had a quick look on the net and it doesnt seem to be much of a problem taking that much folic acid, but it does make me nervous! It just says about it possibly masking a B12 defiency but I guess that cant be possible on the B50... Ohh what to do.
Most other multi vits seem to have folic acid in too....

Oh I'm not sure what to do Abi. When I mentioned to Cathy about the agnus castus she just nodded her head when I said about the prolactin levels so I've not taken it since. Saying that though when I was taking the AC I thought I was ovulating earlier. I think I'll leave it and keep taking all the herbs she's given me as I'm sure they work in a similar way. Don't want to overdose myself or mess up my cycle anymore either so I'll see what happens this month on the double dose of TCM herbs. I really, really hope I ovulate on day 14 this month. I know it can take up to 3 cycles to really see the benefits but I'm really hoping to see big changes this month or preferably a BFP!!! Hey Laummatt as far as I know the folic acid is the same as all the other b vits and the excess just comes out in your urine. If you are taking a vitamin b complex then the chances of you becoming deficient in b12 are very slim so I would just keep taking what you are taking...bear in mind this is the same person who has told you that there doesn't seem to be any sort of issue (how can he know that without the results of the tests???) I find sometimes that the medical profession isn't always correct, if you look back through this thread they advised one of the girls to stop taking the b vits straight away when she found out she was pregnant and she ended up miscarrying as a result so sometimes they can get it wrong too! Hope you's are all ok?
i thought i would pop by. well i started to spot a little last night, i have never been so scared in my life. i went for a emergency scan this morning and everthing seems fine:happydance: i saw the heartbeat which was great and they said i have a cyst on my ovary but they said it is normal in pregnancy so they will have a look at my next scan. hope you are all well:hugs:
i thought i would pop by. well i started to spot a little last night, i have never been so scared in my life. i went for a emergency scan this morning and everthing seems fine:happydance: i saw the heartbeat which was great and they said i have a cyst on my ovary but they said it is normal in pregnancy so they will have a look at my next scan. hope you are all well:hugs:

Oh Cla, that's so frightening! I'm so glad everything is ok though! :happydance: That's brilliant that you got to see the heartbeat and everything too, how exciting!!!! I'm keeping everything crossed for a healthy happy beanie!! :hugs:
xo Jen
i thought i would pop by. well i started to spot a little last night, i have never been so scared in my life. i went for a emergency scan this morning and everthing seems fine:happydance: i saw the heartbeat which was great and they said i have a cyst on my ovary but they said it is normal in pregnancy so they will have a look at my next scan. hope you are all well:hugs:

Oh Cla, that's so frightening! I'm so glad everything is ok though! :happydance: That's brilliant that you got to see the heartbeat and everything too, how exciting!!!! I'm keeping everything crossed for a healthy happy beanie!! :hugs:
xo Jen

thankyou that means alot to me:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Cla, so happy everything worked out just fine, how exciting to see the heartbeat, what a special early Christmas present. Continued health to you and the little one!
I want to say exactly what Jen and Bernina already said. It's wonderful to have had that unexpected look at your baby, even if you had to have a horrible scare before. Have a lovely christmas and keep coming back to say hello!
Abi x

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