Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hi there Gals
Hope you have all had a lovely Xmas
Cla I am so relieved for you that everything is ok - H&H rest of the pregnancy.

Well I am here to say that I think the Vitamin B complex is begining to work for me - I had really strong O signs, CM, SHOW, pain, positive OPK and Temp rise, I am now 5DPO and still no spotting (last cycle it begain at 3DPO) so that is a start - have had minor lower abdo cramping on and off today so hoping AF stays away till at least 10DPO. I have been taking 50mg Vitamin B complex since 14th Novmember. Saw the specalist who wants me to start Clomid next cycle which I will be if we don't get a BFP.
All the best to everyone
happy christmas bells! its certainly looks like good signs for you that it is working, what was your lp before? I got an increase of 2 days in my first month, I think its likely to stay at that for this month too though i'm only 5dpo like you are today so can't know for certain yet.

I've been really relaxed this month, not bd'ing much just because of ovulation then not for 3 days after ov as I was out and stuff, I just wanted to drink alcohol, be merry and not obsess over christmas so not expecting a bfp this month.

Hope you had a lovely day yesterday xx
Hi Jojo-m
Xmas was lovely - had to work in the afternoon as am a nurse but it was a Merry day at work with the patients. It is what you make of it. Hope yours was lovely. My LP had gotten shorter over a period of a few months. After having M/C and D&C in May it was 11, 9, 5 then the last cycle before taking vitamin b it was 3!!! So today is 6DPO and still no signs of spotting - keeping my fingers crossed X. Will just be happy with an increased LP, would be over the moon with a BFP+ We BD after getting a +OPK in the PM, used preseed and I used a soft cup to hold the spermies in place overnight so hope it worked - not sure but as have no pregnancy signs or symptoms yet and my temp dropped this am (not very far but still a drop) will see what I get in the AM - hope for a temp rise and a BFP+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Hi agian bells, what kind of ward to you work on? I'm a student nurse, going to be starting my final placement for 2nd year soon then after the holidays i'll be in my final year eek!

sorry to hear about your mc, I hope you get that bfp really soon, then the lp won't mean a damn thing :winkwink:

Have you tried reflexology? I had my first session couple of weeks back and have another in 2 days time, she says she can help the hormonal imbalance which creates LPD, I certainly have felt so much more relaxed this month, it was worth it for that! I was an emotional wreck the month before and spent a lot of it in tears!

I got christmas off but I'm do a bank support worker shift today, Its been lovely
Hi jojo-m
I work in a small country hospital so work in all areas- emergency, ward1 and ward2 (general medical/surgical) and in theatre. Good luck with the rest of your study - I found 2nd yr the hardest and longest.
I have an appointment with a TCM practitioner on 6th Jan so looking forward to that as I have heard so much positive stuff about it. I am also due to commence Clomid this next cycle from days 2-6 50mg, then bloods on Day21. That is if I don't get a BFP this month I am 7DPO today and still no spotting I am so happy - have had mild lower abdo cramping on and off since 5DPO and am bloated today but could be PMS. Oh yeah - my temp today not only rose but hit its highest mark yet!!! Fingers crossed but not getting my hopes up. Baby dust to you for your BFP+++++++++++++++++
Hi there, I thought i'd just come and add to this post as witch just got me, but on a happier note, it was 2nd cycle using bvits, I did take AC too till just before OV and still ov'd cd18 and LP was 11 days again this month (same as last month and 2 days longer than before vits) but this time I didnt' have 3 days of spotting, infact I had no spotting at all! Course i'm not sure that was down to bvits or AC or even reflexology so i'll just do all 3 again this month

How are rest of you girls getting on?
That's brilliant Jojo! Happy days! Well I'm really delighted, it looks like I ovulated on CD14, the acupuncture and herbs are definitely working! Absolutely delighted really hope I get to 14dpo or a BFP either this month or next FX'd!!! Hope everyone else is ok!
XO Jen
wow thats amazing jen, I really wish I could afford the acu, or ov naturally on cd14 of course. Looks like your body is ready for that bfp Jen, I doubt you'll be waiting very long!!!

Hi girls just thought i'd update as i've been kind of MIA recently.

Been taking my B-vits and they must of changed something this cycle, the last 2 cycles i had ov on CD17 even (i started CD12 last cycle) this month FF is telling me my ov day was CD19!! a total 2 days later...... who thought my corpus luteum would need 19days to let go of an egg..... anyway also my first month on EPO and i pretty much had NO EWCM i never paid much attention to it before but this month i got right up in there and investigated, i read somewhere that it could just have sperm in it which is why it is white and creamy it may still be EWCM but mine wasn't stretchy it was pretty much always watery. I was trying not to be a control freak psycho to my husband this month i was trying really hard to just CHILL about the whole baby making process but as a result we pretty much just had no sex at all....... and very little sex around Ov time so i think my chances this month are fairly limited. ALSO can you Ov the same day as your temp rise? FF is saying i did but i find that a bit funny

Hi girls just thought i'd update as i've been kind of MIA recently.

Been taking my B-vits and they must of changed something this cycle, the last 2 cycles i had ov on CD17 even (i started CD12 last cycle) this month FF is telling me my ov day was CD19!! a total 2 days later...... who thought my corpus luteum would need 19days to let go of an egg..... anyway also my first month on EPO and i pretty much had NO EWCM i never paid much attention to it before but this month i got right up in there and investigated, i read somewhere that it could just have sperm in it which is why it is white and creamy it may still be EWCM but mine wasn't stretchy it was pretty much always watery. I was trying not to be a control freak psycho to my husband this month i was trying really hard to just CHILL about the whole baby making process but as a result we pretty much just had no sex at all....... and very little sex around Ov time so i think my chances this month are fairly limited. ALSO can you Ov the same day as your temp rise? FF is saying i did but i find that a bit funny

Well girls hope everyone is ok! I've decided to up my dose of vitamin b's from today to 150mg...thought I had ovulated but haven't so if my egg isn't releasing any earlier (if at all this cycle) then I may as well give my luteal phase every chance of getting a few days longer by upping my b vits. I did increase them for the whole of two days but chickened out at the thought of nerve damage. I couldn't care less anymore...we'll see what the rest of the month brings...hopefully not sodding AF on 8dpo!!!
xo Jen
I am wondering if anyone else has had the first half of their cycle extend after taking B6...

Seven out of the last eight months I have had a positive opk on cd 14. The one month I didn't was the month after a chemical pregnancy so I think that was what threw my body off. This is my 2nd month on 100 mg of B6. Last month I had a positive on day 14 as usual, but this month I am just getting a positive on cd 18! Has anyone else had this happen? Is it from the B6? My luteal phase was improved last month (14 days long with 2 days of spotting) so I am a little torn on whether they are helping or harming. I really didn't want to extend the first half of my cycle.
lisa if your lp was already 12 days honey thats more than adequate, i'd only worry if under 10. And also ovulatig on cd14 sounds perfect to me so I don't think I'd take them personally. Of course its a personal choice so you must do what you feel is right for you!
Hello ladies, I hope you dont mind me joining in. My background is that I have been on Vit B100s since last month after finding out I have a short LP. I sadly lost my first baby (beautiful little boy Gabriel) at 22 weeks of pregnancy in August 09. Since then my cycles have gone v short (22-25 days) with a 6-8 day LP. Prior to my pregnancy they were perfectly normal (28 days, ovulate on day 14). This is now my 5th month of ttc. My period arrived on Sunday 11 dpo so I am glad to say that it looks like the B vits are starting to work. However, it seems to have changed my period - whereas it would normally last up to 12 days with lots of spotting it seems to only have been 3 days. Has anyone else found the Bvits change your period? Sorry if tmi. I know I'm not pregnant so it can't be implantation or decidual bleeding which I did have with my first pregnancy. I'm finding the whole ttc very stressful. Thanks very much and good luck to you all on your ttc journeys. x PS - I am also having weekly acupuncture and using TCM. x
Hello ladies, I hope you dont mind me joining in. My background is that I have been on Vit B100s since last month after finding out I have a short LP. I sadly lost my first baby (beautiful little boy Gabriel) at 22 weeks of pregnancy in August 09. Since then my cycles have gone v short (22-25 days) with a 6-8 day LP. Prior to my pregnancy they were perfectly normal (28 days, ovulate on day 14). This is now my 5th month of ttc. My period arrived on Sunday 11 dpo so I am glad to say that it looks like the B vits are starting to work. However, it seems to have changed my period - whereas it would normally last up to 12 days with lots of spotting it seems to only have been 3 days. Has anyone else found the Bvits change your period? Sorry if tmi. I know I'm not pregnant so it can't be implantation or decidual bleeding which I did have with my first pregnancy. I'm finding the whole ttc very stressful. Thanks very much and good luck to you all on your ttc journeys. x PS - I am also having weekly acupuncture and using TCM. x

Hey Lulu
It sounds more like the herbs and acu are working on your period rather than the bvits. I'm on herbs and acu as well as b vits too but I have to say I've not noticed any difference in taking the b vits hence upping the dose to 150mg, the herbs and acu on the other hand I've noticed lots of changes, ovuation pain has disappeared, breakouts have disappeared and painful AF has more or less gone too. My cycle seemed to have become 5 days, it usually lasts at least 6, I think it sounds like the herbs and acu are working! You should check out the really useful tcm thread on here, all of us are trying the tcm approach!
xo Jen
Thanks Jen. I will check out that thread too. It's really good to have some support from these forums. x x
Terribly sorry for your loss, lulu79. I'd imagine it will take your cycle quite a while to get back to normal. I'm not sure the B-vits have done all that much for me yet, but I only started taking them on 24th Oct. I'm using TCM like Jen - check us out on The Really Useful TCM Thread and contribute to it yourself. I have a short LP (weak kidneys and cold uterus in TCM speak). Have you got Randine Lewis's book The Infertility Cure? My TCM prac recommended it to me and I recommend it to everyone I possibly can. Its explanations of TCM and its effects in fertility are wonderful. Can't recommend it highly ehough!
Abi x
Hi All,
I posted here last cycle and have been getting the updates. I started spotting last cycle at 9dpo, so decided to start with vitamin B-6 (50mg) and some progesterone cream. Even with both the B-6 and progesterone, I am yet again spotting on 9dpo, 10dpo, 11dpo, etc. AF isn't due for another couple of days. So frustrating. Maybe I need to up the dosage? I also had strong cramping starting on 8dpo. I am scheduled for bloodwork in a couple of days to check my levels. Should be interesting :)
Thanks Abi. I think I will have a look for that book on Amazon as I dont have it. I put a post on the TCM thread. Here is to BFPs to us all! Love Lisa x
Hi All! I'm a newbie, just starting to convert from a lurker to actually starting to post things! :blush: I wanted to share my experience of BVits:

My cycle is normally 26/27 days and I Ov on day 15 (my luteal phase 11/12 days). I've been charting and taking Pregnacare vits for a few months, I also started taking Vit B-Complex "50" last cycle on CD2. When I hadn't ov'd by CD17 I panicked a little and stopped taking the tablets to see what happened, I spotted on CD19 & CD20 (which never happens) and got myself pretty upset that I had messed up my cycle altogether - I decided not to continue with the B-Complex and stopped over analysing my signs (it was almost Christmas so decided to relax and try to enjoy it!). I eventually got AF on CD37!! TCOYF chart software reckons I O'vd on CD24 (from my temps) but I'm not 100%, Af was lighter (with none of the usual cramps).

I don't know if I messed up my cycle by taking the B vit complex or by stopping taking it mid-cycle, now afraid to start it again!! What do you think??? Am continuing with the Pregnacare tabs so am covering the basics for TTC. I was only taking the extra Bvits to extend my LP but I guess 11 days is enough? Arghhhhh! It's so easy to get yourself into a dizzy spin over this stuff!! :wacko:

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