Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I think 11/12 days is quite adequate yes. I guess all you can do is dont' take anything until you feel your cycle is more like your normal. and keep tracking your cycle of course.

Are you pretty sure it was AF you got? you mention it was lighter, was it enough to call AF?

sorry not much help all you can do is give it time I guess, its addictive when you start posting, i'm hardly off here these days lol.

hope your cycle sorts out soon
Hi jojo... It was enough to be AF, just lighter, brighter, a bit shorter and 'new' type flow (sorry TMI!! :blush: ), normally it is darker, heavier 'older' looking, and I get quite crampy (again sorry for tmi!). I thought it would have been the other way around as my cycle was much longer.

Thanks for your advice, very kind :) I think I will just leave the extra Bvits alone for a while and hope that all is back to normal this cycle!

Hey girls, think almost 3 months of B-100 (started on Oct 24th) and lots of acupuncture are paying off! My CP has started changing - was high, soft and medium yesterday, CD8, and it never usually does anything this early. Hurrah!! I need to ov on about CD 12/13, as I have a 27-day cycle. Hurrah!!! :happydance:
Abi x
Wow. i think I have low progesterone.
I want to try this B-6 thing.
I don't want to read through the whole hundred-odd pages of this thread, but could somebody tell me what the deal is with needing to take "equal amounts of other b vitamins"?
Is this necessary? Could I just get a B-6 supplement?
I've read that B-12 can be pretty toxic in high doses, B-6 not so much.
At worst, B-6 can cause some temporary nerve issues- tingling in extremities- which goes away as soon as the dosage is lowered or discontinued.
B-12, on the other hand, can cause permanent damage and/or kill you, if you're not careful, is my understanding.

So, do they sell a B-complex pill and if so, is that the one I need to take?
Or will it work for me to just take the B-6?
What would the potential consequences be, if I only took B-6?


so, I looked online; Walgreens has a "Super-B-Complex" vitamin, but it only has 2 mgs of B6 in it.
So, should I buy this, and then also buy the 100 mg B6 tablets, and take one of each?
Or could I just take my prenatal vitamin with a B6 tablet?
Not sure if your in UK or not but in UK Holland and Barratt do a b-complex in either 50mg or 100mg. Thats the kind of thing you need. Start off with 50mg and see if you see a difference with that.

Abi thats great news!!! I don't think you'll be long getting that bfp I really don't! Sounds like your body is responding great!
Okay, ladies.
I just got back from the drugstore.
I bought:

1. Evening Primrose Oil, 500 mg gelcaps

2 "B-100", a B-Complex which includes 100 mgs of B6 and 100 mcgs of B12, among other things.

3. 500 mg Vitamin C tablets, for general health (we've had colds lately)

4. Two boxes tampons (because they were on sale and because I believe in hedging my bets).

I certainly hope this will stop the premenstrual spotting.
I can't believe my gyno thought it was no big deal! Of course, I wasn't trying to get pregnant at the time... in fact, I believed I was done having kids forever.
But still, fertility aside, it can't possibly be healthy to go around month after month with a hormone imbalance. Progesterone deficiency means too much unopposed estrogen, which can lead to breast cancer and other bad things.
I can't believe my doctor never even brought up the possibility of a hormone imbalance when I described my spotting to him and expressed concern about it.
Now that I read the symptoms of Luteal Phase Deficiency/ progesterone deficiency, my symptoms fit the description to a tee: short luteal phase, with 3 to 5 days of pink-brown spotting before AF arrives.

Why would a gynecologist think this was no big deal, especially when I told him I hadn't always had these symptoms but that they just came on three or four years ago??

Arrgh! Doctors!! :wacko:

PS: the EPO, of course, I won't start taking until the 1st day of my next cycle, and I'll only take it up until ovulation.
(except I admit, I cheated and took one just now... just wanted to see how it would make me feel, lol. I'm naughty)

The B-Complex, I'm starting today and will take one every day.
If side effects begin to occur and I want to cut back, is it safe to just bite the tablets in half?
They say they're timed-release, so I don't want to mess that up, but I also can't really afford to go buy a lower dose (and I didn't see one at the store,anyway). Grrlmom is not a wealthy woman, and I've pretty much exceeded my "home remedy" allowance for this month.
What do you think? Safe to cut pills in half?
I would guess that you're safe to cut them in half chick. It's only a vitamin, so it can't harm anything right?!

I started EPO for my fluids and B-vitamins this month to try to lengthen my 9 day LP. Fingers crossed!!!
Hi everybody,

It's been quite some time since I last posted, but I was feeling a bit glum.
As I posted somewhere else, as we have officially passed the one year mark, my boyfriend and I went to a fertility clinic and have been tested. It turns out that I have hypothyreodism, meaning an underactive thyroid gland. This is probably causing my short luteal phase. I had some more blood tests done last week, I will get the results early next week and hopefully some meds to help sort this out.
I also tried B50 complex but this prolonged my luteal phase to almost 20 days, not exactly what I wanted...
Perhaps this is useful for somebody else?

Take care,

I would guess that you're safe to cut them in half chick. It's only a vitamin, so it can't harm anything right?!

I started EPO for my fluids and B-vitamins this month to try to lengthen my 9 day LP. Fingers crossed!!!

I just completed my first cycle with a 9 day LP. I'm going to wait at least one more cycle before taking any action as i only came of bcp last month.
I wouldn't cut a time-release pill in half. If there isn't a little notch down the middle that can be used as a guide for cutting, I don't think it's a pill that should be split. I used to work in a pharmacy a long-long time ago.

I read through this entire huge thread a couple days ago, and started on the B100 Complex! Here's hoping it will clear up all the spotting and lengthen my currently 8 to 10 day LP!!!! Thanks to everyone for this suggestion! It gives me a bit of hope that I have a bit of control over TTC... FX'd!!!!!!
I wouldn't cut a time-release pill in half. If there isn't a little notch down the middle that can be used as a guide for cutting, I don't think it's a pill that should be split. I used to work in a pharmacy a long-long time ago.

I read through this entire huge thread a couple days ago, and started on the B100 Complex! Here's hoping it will clear up all the spotting and lengthen my currently 8 to 10 day LP!!!! Thanks to everyone for this suggestion! It gives me a bit of hope that I have a bit of control over TTC... FX'd!!!!!!

Thanks for the advice.
I wasn't sure if I should cut a time-release pill in half, since the coating might be what makes it time-release.
I won't do it, in that case.

I'd say that even if the spotting does continue, if we can simply lengthen our luteal phases (either by lengthening our entire cycles or by making ourselves ovulate earlier in the cycle) it should be fine.
Many women not only spot before their periods but spot for the entire first trimester of pregnancy, apparently, and this is not considered a cause for concern (although personally, I never spotted with either of my pregnancies, and I'd be quite concerned if I spotted with any future pregnancy).
But I've read on various sites that spotting in early pregnancy is not generally a problem.
Hi All! I'm a newbie, just starting to convert from a lurker to actually starting to post things! :blush: I wanted to share my experience of BVits:

My cycle is normally 26/27 days and I Ov on day 15 (my luteal phase 11/12 days). I've been charting and taking Pregnacare vits for a few months, I also started taking Vit B-Complex "50" last cycle on CD2. When I hadn't ov'd by CD17 I panicked a little and stopped taking the tablets to see what happened, I spotted on CD19 & CD20 (which never happens) and got myself pretty upset that I had messed up my cycle altogether - I decided not to continue with the B-Complex and stopped over analysing my signs (it was almost Christmas so decided to relax and try to enjoy it!). I eventually got AF on CD37!! TCOYF chart software reckons I O'vd on CD24 (from my temps) but I'm not 100%, Af was lighter (with none of the usual cramps).

I don't know if I messed up my cycle by taking the B vit complex or by stopping taking it mid-cycle, now afraid to start it again!! What do you think??? Am continuing with the Pregnacare tabs so am covering the basics for TTC. I was only taking the extra Bvits to extend my LP but I guess 11 days is enough? Arghhhhh! It's so easy to get yourself into a dizzy spin over this stuff!! :wacko:

Just wanted to quickly update this, my cycle went back to normal this month - I Ov'd on CD14/15. For me, it certainly looks like he Bvit complex lengthened the first half of my cycle so I won't be taking them again, unless my LP drops below 11/12 days! :)

Good luck to all you lovely ladies :dust:
There should be a warning that comes with this thread. B6 is not as harmless as everyone thinks. And its all going to depend on how a persons body processes things, the recommended daily dose for one person can be too much for another and cause problems. B6 od can cause nerve toxicity, we are talking numbness to arms and legs, facial ticks, restlessness, blurred vision, sensitivity to sunlight, the list goes on. It may be a water soluable vitamin but its the only one that can do some damage, in some cases it can be irreversable. Please know what you are putting into your bodies and how it can effect you ladies!:hugs:
hey ladies, i am currently in the 2ww.. more like 11 day wait.. anyways, my lp is between 9 and 11 days and i wanted to start taking vitamin b6 supps but finding information specifically for ttc is hard online.
so here are my questions.. what should i take? just vitaminb6? and should i start taking it now or wait until next cycle? i know with epo you can't take it after O and i'm not sure if b6 is the same way.
oh and how quickly does it work? thanks in advance:)
I can give you the advice I got from reading this entire thread (it took a while lol) you should a b complex as this is safer, if you take too much you can get some nerve damage so you need to start off with a low dose. 50mg - 200mg is the norm on here, but everyone is different so like I said start lowest dose first.

My experience of bvits has been ok. I started on 50mg but had spotting still so increased too b complex 100 the next month. Right from month one I got 2 day increase from 9 - 11 days, its been 3 months and last month it went down to 10 so just monitorig at the moment. It is ok to take all way through the cycle too.

Hope that helps xx
hi girls...i dont know if its the vit b complex or the clomid i have been taking but this cycle i had just the tiniest & i mean hardly anything of spotting last sat & then i came on full flow sunday morning....i used to spot badly up to 4 days b4 my af arrived!!! xx
Hi everyone!

Just to let you know about my experience of the B50 complex. Started taking it 3 cycles ago for an irregular cycle and short lp (10 days.) First cycle on it was a NIGHTMARE! 89 day cycle! Still, I persevered and the next cycle was much better- 47 days and an 11 day lp. Well, the next cycle was fab- 30 day cycle and 11 day lp. So, it looks like something is working for me! Other pluses are improved skin and hair condition, weight loss and a feeling of general wellbeing. Any more success stories out there??

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