Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Thanks MrsF, I think I have low progesterone, and would just like to try to keep that at bay.

We went to see our doctor this week and he has already referred us to a FS, but for the time being i would like to do as much as I can naturally!
Just stalked your chart Mrs F, looks like O is round the corner for you Fxed! Merry do you use Fertility Friend? Like Mrs F I love to stalk other peoples charts :)

I also find my shift not very significant but they say that a rise of .2 or more would indicate a thermal shift. Maybe my eggies are not so good either? There is sooooo much to think of and worry about. I'm sure if we were ovulating early and had irregular LPs or super long cycles etc etc (I could go on and on) we would always find somthing to worry about.

Anyway, I've finally finshed the summer school, on the train home to London. Still another 3 hours before I get to my front door... *sigh* but somthing to look forward to, we are off to see my sister in France for the weekend and I get to see my nephews again yay!

Goodluck TaNasha hope the Bs help. :dust:
ah bit disappointed today as have started spotting brown this morning and still not come on - was hoping not to have spotting again this month :o(

However did make it to 12dpo unitl spotting started which is better than my usual 10 dpo but still abit bleh

Tanasha, I think I have low progesterone too due to my spotting. do you know any other symptoms of it?
Crissie hope that you had fun at your summer school and the train ride goes quickly. A weekend in France sounds lovely, hope the weather is nicer than here.

I have uploaded my data on to fertility friend for you guys to have a look at and see if you can make better sense of it than me. I think I ovulated in May but not since then, which is unfortunate but gives me hope that I can ovulate and the Dr. may give me drugs to make it occur more often and more predictably.

I'm at home on my own tonight as DH is away, going to make a nice stir fry and crash in front of the tv, may also dance around to my ipod :). What are you guys doing to try and increase your fertility apart from vit b's? I've put on a bit of weight to ensure that my body fat percentage is over 22%, taking flaxseed oil, fish oil and avoiding eat soya while increasing the amount of honey, cinnamon and protein that I eat. Basicaly if I hear of some thing that is upposed to help then I try to incorparate it.
Hi Chrissie, just had another look at your chart, I think your thermal shift looks good, you've got some good high temps there, and your temp goes up quite high right after ov. If you look at my chart it just kinda crawled up and stayed quite low, and the same temps, before AF - something wasn't working right thats for sure. I think your chart looks very near to normal you just have a bit of spotting that you need to get rid of, I read that for people who have luteal phases just a little bit short that pregosterone cream can help get them over the line? I'm sure your eggs are fine and healthy! I don't even know if my short luteal phase meant my egg wasn't healthy, I don't even know what I'm talking about don't listen to me!! lol

Hope your train ride home isn't too boring, have a great weekend guys! xx :flower:
ah bit disappointed today as have started spotting brown this morning and still not come on - was hoping not to have spotting again this month :o(

However did make it to 12dpo unitl spotting started which is better than my usual 10 dpo but still abit bleh

Tanasha, I think I have low progesterone too due to my spotting. do you know any other symptoms of it?

I think it's positive that it's taking 2 days later to start spotting, maybe next month it will work even better. I would also be interested in hearing other low progesterone symptoms.
I am not too sure about the other symptoms of low progesterone, i think irregular cycles might be 1?

I will hear at my next appointment at the FS and let you ladies know.
Hey Merry had a look at your chart, I think you def ovulated in May. Your other charts look like your AF come on before it got to the ovulation point, as you ov'd quite late in your May cycle. Are you just off B/C?
Hey Merry had a look at your chart, I think you def ovulated in May. Your other charts look like your AF come on before it got to the ovulation point, as you ov'd quite late in your May cycle. Are you just off B/C?

Came off b/c October last year, so 10 months ago. Before my cycle was around 28 days or so. The doc when she looked at them thought that it was I ovulate irregularly and my hormones need a reboot!

I have no idea what I did differently in May to any other month before or since so that May was the only month that I ovulated. I wish that I did know as then I would continue to re-do it!! Hoping that the b vits might work and any thing else that I can think of. :flower:
Hey guys, I'm Hoooome! And on a decent computer finally...:happydance::wacko::winkwink::thumbup: So much easier to use the smilies hehe

Merry your evening sounds great! I love dancing to my ipod, what you listening to? I had a look at your charts, I would have given Soy a go, did you ever consider it? They say it's the 'natural clomid'. There is a thread on it. Might need something a little stronger than B vits :huh:? When is you doc appointment again? If you Oed in May there is always hope this will be your month to O again! We all have FXed!!!:flow::friends:

ticktock :af::af::af::witch:! 12 days is def a positive though!

Mrs F, this will really be the test this month, maybe I'll have my BFP. :)

Have a great weekend all, I'm off to France tomorrow. :wine::wave:
Hey guys, I'm Hoooome! And on a decent computer finally...:happydance::wacko::winkwink::thumbup: So much easier to use the smilies hehe

Merry your evening sounds great! I love dancing to my ipod, what you listening to? I had a look at your charts, I would have given Soy a go, did you ever consider it? They say it's the 'natural clomid'. There is a thread on it. Might need something a little stronger than B vits :huh:? When is you doc appointment again? If you Oed in May there is always hope this will be your month to O again! We all have FXed!!!:flow::friends:

ticktock :af::af::af::witch:! 12 days is def a positive though!

Mrs F, this will really be the test this month, maybe I'll have my BFP. :)

Have a great weekend all, I'm off to France tomorrow. :wine::wave:

I haven't given soy a go yet. I've heard the docs apparently don't like you to be on Soy/herbal supplements when you go for your appointment and have blood tests. So don't want to start any thing really and get on the wrong side of the docs. My appointment is 9th Sept and should find out about DH tests at the end of next week. I'm taking Vitex at the moment but will stop at the end of the month so not taking it when I see the docs.

I'm happy I have a doctors appointment but am still hoping for a :bfp: this month, I know I have ovulated in the past so I must be able to this months. I think I won't start on any meds from the doc for at least two cycles, by the time I get my appointment, blood tests etc. So as I see it I have two more chances on my own before I get help. Just trying to remember what it was in May that I did that made me ovulate! I weigh the same now and then, eating more or less the same things, lived in the same place, same work etc. Just have to cross my fingers for this month.

I have loads of stuff on my ipod and it's on shuffle, but favs at the moment are the Glee sound track (sad I know), Matchbox 20 and Rob Thomas. Been dancing like a crazy person, lots of fun :happydance:
I have been taking pregnacare healthy and B6 . I have been taking the pregnacare for 3 years and B6 now since start 2nd week in july and since the 12th july i have had a constant headache. On the 21st july i suffered a very severe migraine and am now awaiting a cat scan to find out why i had this so bad!. What i want to know is do anyone think the extra B6 may be the cause of these headaches. I am not pregnant as far a i know as i started to bleed on the 5th aug and am still bleeding as of today so it cant be pregnancy as far as i know , so could it be the B6 ????? anyones info would be greatly received
I have been taking pregnacare healthy and B6 . I have been taking the pregnacare for 3 years and B6 now since start 2nd week in july and since the 12th july i have had a constant headache. On the 21st july i suffered a very severe migraine and am now awaiting a cat scan to find out why i had this so bad!. What i want to know is do anyone think the extra B6 may be the cause of these headaches. I am not pregnant as far a i know as i started to bleed on the 5th aug and am still bleeding as of today so it cant be pregnancy as far as i know , so could it be the B6 ????? anyones info would be greatly received
It seems that people have said that it is recommended to take the B-vitamin complex instead of taking just one B-vitamin. They said that taking all of the vitamins, which are in the complex, allows them all to be absorbed and not wasted. They said that when taking B6, it is best to also take B12. I'm not sure why. The B-Complex contains both B6 and B12 as well as the other B vitamins.

Did you ask your doctor whether or not your headaches could be caused by taking B6 alone? Did you ask your doctor about the vitamins you are taking and whether they could be the cause?

What happens when you stop taking B6?
U may remember me a while back begining my cycle & fed up. Took the advice to read the WHOLE THREAD...just finished & lots of ppl pregnant - very encouraging.

After 20 mths of nothing I have NEVER taken any vitamins or supplements how silly am I?

Anyway, I said I would update.... I'm on CD 14 taking Tesco B Vit complex for the first time & hoping to legnthen LP. I usually get +opk on CD15 & AF CD25 so I think I have finally realised the problem is ME!! Hope the B vits work.

Crissie - I'm 30 & with The OU too!

Really enjoyed reading ur posts as we r all looking for the same answers. thank u:hugs:
I made a poll about B-vitamins based on this topic.

Poll: ""

I wanted to know the success rate of B vitamins with actual numbers. It seems to work for some but not for others. It would be good to know how many it worked for compared to how many it did not work for or how many it made things worse for or how many it did nothing for.

I also made a poll about Soy Isoflavones, wanting to connect actual numbers to the success rate of Soy Isoflavones. It works best for some, but not for others, or it may make things worse for some or could do nothing at all for others.


I wanted to compare B-Vitamins to Soy Isoflavones. Each are best used by different people with different problems, so I also wanted to sort out who each are best used by.
Hi girls, just thought i would let you know that i have had to stop taking B6 as it has caused severe headaches, not sure why but thats what i have just been told so i stopped taking it this morning and i feel so mych better its unbelieveable, so be careful it doesnt suit everyone apparantly.
Just thought i would share ! x
Hi girls, just thought i would let you know that i have had to stop taking B6 as it has caused severe headaches, not sure why but thats what i have just been told so i stopped taking it this morning and i feel so mych better its unbelieveable, so be careful it doesnt suit everyone apparantly.
Just thought i would share ! x

Glad your feeling better, it's odd that it would affect you so dramatically when others it doesn't affect and others has a huge benefit. You think they are just vits but they obivously they can have negative side affects as well as benefits. I haven't noticed any side effects but will keep an eye out.

Even if your not taking vit b's inkdchick don't be a stranger ont his thread!! We would miss you.

I've been to bath today, highly recommend the Spa there. Was so lovely bathing in the warm waters and looking around the old Roman Baths. Lots of fun, told DH that he has to take me there for the weekend soon, I think a romantic weekend could help with the baby making:winkwink:

Hope that your weekends where as nice :)
Hi Everyone :hi:

inkdchick, I have heard that excess amounts of B vits can be harmful to your cycle and can cause nerve damage. And medicine is right, you shouldn't take B6 on it's own. How much were you taking?! I'm taking B50 which is a complex of 50mg of each B vit. I think that is where most people start and then go up to B100 if B50 if not helping. I think anything more than 200mg might be too much and I would chat to a doc about taking that much.

medicine, As far as I know from doing a bit of research, B vits are only really used to lengthen your Luteal Phase if you have a short one (less than 10 days). I found this interesting info on this website: "So why does B6 work? Well, B6 is a very complex vitamin and has many actions in the body, but the most likely explanation is that B6 lowers the amount of prolactin in the system. Prolactin is a hormone that, in excess amounts, interferes with ovulation and the regularity of cycles. The majority of women that I have talked to encountered a LPD after coming off the birth control pill. Birth control pills cause a deficiency in B6, which can make your prolactin levels rise, which can in turn lead to a luteal phase defect. Supplementation with these large doses of B6 corrects the deficiency and the timing of ovulation hopefully goes back to normal." I also know that B6 does not work for everyone. And it sometimes takes a while to build up in your system.

Where as Soy is normally used as a natural way to induce ovulation , if you are not ovulating, or you think the quality of you eggs are poor or you ovulate late (normally after CD20). It is also sometimes used to increase your luteal phase but is obviously not as mild as taking vitamins, which are usually water soluble (any excess is usually pee-ed out). Soy is a plant-based source of estrogen which has a direct effect on your cycle. Hence why they call it 'Nature's Clomid'.

Hey 678star-bex, hope the supplements help, it's definitely time for you, Fx-ed! Are you taking Folic Acid? What are you studying at the OU?

Merry, I love Bath! I think it is a beautiful city with all the bright white lime stone buildings and houses. Very romantic indeed... :winkwink: My weekend in France was nice but exhausting! After my week at summer school and now a weekend with my hyperactive 5 year old nephew and cooing over my 4 month old nephew, I'm officially pooped! :sleep: and I think I've put on like 5kg with all the cheese I ate lol. You soo lucky you don't have to worry about that :munch:

Anyway sleep tight all.... :hug:
How is every1 doing 2day?

Thanks 4 that Crissie. I was on the pill for more than 10 yrs & I can't believe it's taken me sooooo long to realise my LP is so short. (+opk cd15 AFcd25). I have started with tesco cheapies complex but only 2.00mg b6 which is 100% rda so I have ordered some from Holland & Barrett.

First month doing temp. Not doing too well keep forgetting. Also had a bee sting yesterday so not feeling great. :dohh:

I am doing young ppl studies & interested in art thru the ou. Yes Merry Bath is a lovely place full of culture & glad u had a nice spa.

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