Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I have been taking pregnacare healthy and B6 . I have been taking the pregnacare for 3 years and B6 now since start 2nd week in july and since the 12th july i have had a constant headache. On the 21st july i suffered a very severe migraine and am now awaiting a cat scan to find out why i had this so bad!. What i want to know is do anyone think the extra B6 may be the cause of these headaches. I am not pregnant as far a i know as i started to bleed on the 5th aug and am still bleeding as of today so it cant be pregnancy as far as i know , so could it be the B6 ????? anyones info would be greatly received
It seems that people have said that it is recommended to take the B-vitamin complex instead of taking just one B-vitamin. They said that taking all of the vitamins, which are in the complex, allows them all to be absorbed and not wasted. They said that when taking B6, it is best to also take B12. I'm not sure why. The B-Complex contains both B6 and B12 as well as the other B vitamins.

Did you ask your doctor whether or not your headaches could be caused by taking B6 alone? Did you ask your doctor about the vitamins you are taking and whether they could be the cause?

What happens when you stop taking B6?

When i stopped taking B6 my period extended in time and lasted 6 days, and my headaches immediately stopped am seeing doc on tues next week so i am hoping that he agrees and maybe prescribe something else to stop the early m/c instead, am still bleeding today day 6 they normally stop around day 4 so i will have to wait and see. But i had an internal scan done last week and she said that my lining was really thick so expect a longer and heavier period and she was right so i am not too worried just looking forward to it stopping now !.... I already task Pregnacare Healthy conception and i have to take asprin 1 x a day because of svt ( heart complaint) so i dont think i will be taking anyting else unless he can prescribe something i will have to wait and see on tues.
Best of luck xx
Hi girls, just thought i would let you know that i have had to stop taking B6 as it has caused severe headaches, not sure why but thats what i have just been told so i stopped taking it this morning and i feel so mych better its unbelieveable, so be careful it doesnt suit everyone apparantly.
Just thought i would share ! x

Glad your feeling better, it's odd that it would affect you so dramatically when others it doesn't affect and others has a huge benefit. You think they are just vits but they obivously they can have negative side affects as well as benefits. I haven't noticed any side effects but will keep an eye out.

Even if your not taking vit b's inkdchick don't be a stranger ont his thread!! We would miss you.

I've been to bath today, highly recommend the Spa there. Was so lovely bathing in the warm waters and looking around the old Roman Baths. Lots of fun, told DH that he has to take me there for the weekend soon, I think a romantic weekend could help with the baby making:winkwink:

Hope that your weekends where as nice :)
I promise to not go and i am taking vits in a different way im taking Pregnacare Healthy conception so i am getting b6 and b12 in that so i wont leave u hun u can always private message me cant u xxxx :friends:
Hey guys
Love the Vit B poll medicine, looking forward to seeing more results.

I am so confused about ovulation this month. I had EWCM on days 16 and 17, and postive OPK on days 17 and 18. Fainter line this morning (CD19) on OPK so take that is a negative. My temps went up and down over the weekend as I temped late on Sat and got no sleep Sat night. But temp was 29.9 this morning so take it I haven't ov'd yet?? So maybe ov today? This is weird because my EWCM went away 2 days ago so I don't feel particularly fertile!! Well anyway, guess I will just see what happens with my temps over the weekend. Got a lot of BDing in but will probably all be for nothing unless my LP improves!

Everyone sounds like they had a wonderful weekend. I love Bath. I went there a few months back and got a couples deal at the spa there, we had a spa session and dinner, was so relaxing - love that rooftop pool! :thumbup:

Inkdchick, glad you are feeling better, sorry you had such a bad reaction to the B Vits! :nope:
Hi Mrs F

Your chart is looking good, +OPKs, I would bank on Ovulating either today or tomorrow. Don't stop BDing.....

Have you had a look on the chart galleries on FF, there are loads of woman that fall pregnant with short LPs. And since you are just off BCP you can't really know for sure that you have an LPD. Might just be our bodies adjusting. You are lucky you get EWCM, I have never seen the stuff. Since yours dried up, have you been drinking enough water? I'm positive for you this month! Just don't stop :sex:.

The nice thing about having a short LP is that there is no 2WW :haha: So we'll know soon enough if you get your BFP! 6 or 7 days is bad enough, can you imagine 2 weeks!
Hi Mrs F

Your chart is looking good, +OPKs, I would bank on Ovulating either today or tomorrow. Don't stop BDing.....

Have you had a look on the chart galleries on FF, there are loads of woman that fall pregnant with short LPs. And since you are just off BCP you can't really know for sure that you have an LPD. Might just be our bodies adjusting. You are lucky you get EWCM, I have never seen the stuff. Since yours dried up, have you been drinking enough water? I'm positive for you this month! Just don't stop :sex:.

The nice thing about having a short LP is that there is no 2WW :haha: So we'll know soon enough if you get your BFP! 6 or 7 days is bad enough, can you imagine 2 weeks!

Thanks so much for the positivity Crissie! Thats so kind of you! :flower:

You might be right about the EWCM, I think I haven't been drinking as much water as I usually do, so it might relate to that. I do feel lucky that I have EWCM, and that I ov, but I wouldn't worry too much about not having any as I've had a look at a lot of charts on FF and it seems plenty of women get pregnant without it! I was just confused because last month my EWCM drying up corresponded with positive OPK and temp rise, and this month it didn't.

Just had a look at your chart, looks like your ov is coming up in a few days based on your previous charts. Just looked at your last months chart, was wondering why FF put your ov day cd16? Looks like it more likely happened CD15? Which would make your LP 11 days :thumbup:

Best of luck with ov'ing! And enjoy the Bd'ing :winkwink:
I never have hadEWCM but then I don't really ovulate that often so figures I wouldn't get it as it's a sign of ovulation. I read a scientific journal today called fertility ans sterility. They had interesting peer reviewed papers. One of vits, they said taking a multi vit every day increased chances of conception but couldn't figure out which vit was most effective. Another said that urine LH tests were the best for predicting ov, CM, temps and saliva tests were also useful at predicting fertile periods but not the exact day of ov. Just thought I would share the info that I read. My conlusion is that once I get any sort of fertility sign I'll be making love every other day til the fertile phase is over and a little extra on the end. If I do happen to ovulate I really want to catch the egg!

Today I joined the gym, want to do some yoga and pilates to get healthier:) I cycle to the station most work days but need to add some toning and stretching in to the workouts. I think my gardening is quite good exercise too but not quite the same, gardening is so relaxing and productive though.
I just wanted to say that I had a known b12 deficiency and maybe other vitamin deficiencies. So I was taking a multivitamin that had all the B's in it, and for the first time in a year, my cycle has gone back to 28 days (it has been too short). So it must have done something :D I am not TTC yet, but its good to get things in order.
I don't mean to barge in on the convo here but I think this is a good place to ask my question....

Does Vitamin B6 have to be in a 50 or 100 mg dose to make a difference or will the 2.6 mg my prental has (over 100% of DV) help?

Also, the first few pages of this thread it's mentioned not to take the supplements during your luteal it okay if I do?
Does Vitamin B6 have to be in a 50 or 100 mg dose to make a difference or will the 2.6 mg my prental has (over 100% of DV) help?
Perhaps the higher dose in the B Complex has a bigger impact than the smaller amount in the prenatal?

Also, the first few pages of this thread it's mentioned not to take the supplements during your luteal it okay if I do?
I will stop taking the B50 Complex during the luteal phase. The last day of the cycle I will take the B50 Complex will be one day after ovulation. Some say it is OK to keep taking them, but I'm not sure.

Also, the Prenatal vitamin I'm taking has the B vitamins, they are just in smaller amounts. So, the B Vitamins won't be totally eliminated, they will just be in smaller amounts.
I just wanted to say that I had a known b12 deficiency and maybe other vitamin deficiencies. So I was taking a multivitamin that had all the B's in it, and for the first time in a year, my cycle has gone back to 28 days (it has been too short). So it must have done something :D I am not TTC yet, but its good to get things in order.

That's really gd news & very encouraging. :thumbup:

Feeling very positive with these vits. Started on a very small dose so we'll see if it makes a difference. :thumbup:
From what I've read about vitamins, you cannot absorb all of them. So taking 100% of the DV sounds like a good idea, but you may only be absorbing 2% of that. So, with lots of vitamins, they put more than the DV in there so you absorb more of it and get closer to your DV. With ones like B vits where excess just comes out in your urine, its usually safe to take more than the DV.
Of course, as we've seen here, there CAN be some side effects if you're taking a high dose or are sensitive to it (I know the B6 that they sell on its own can be up to 1000... whereas the B-50 or B-100 complex is only 50 and 100 respectively).

I'm tempted to stop taking mine just to see if things get worse, lol. I won't, of course... just tempted.
i dont know about lengthening your luteal phase but it certainly extended my period when i stopped taking B6 so i wont be taking it again as it didnt suit me at all
inkdchick - hmmm, since its supposed to help your progesterone level, and progesterone thickens your lining during the LP, I wonder if thats why you had the heavier cycles? Must have meant it was doing something for you, right? Just not what you wanted, lol.
No defiantely as it caused severe headaches and a very severe migraine which i never want again and the doc recons he hasnt heard of anyone having that bad in such a long time that he is organising a cat scan so am a bit worried as i have now had headaches for over a month so am just looking to see what happens but i wont take it anymore as i am getting it in the pregnacare and ive been taking that for 3 years with no problems so will have to see
I've been using the clearblue fertility monitor this cycle for the first time, I was interested to see if my hormones were doing any thing at all. Today the monitor gave me a reading of high! The first time ever! Now I know I shouldn't get too excited as that doesn't mean I'll ovulate but it's the first encouraging sign I've had in ages! I really hope the b vits are working for me and I'll get my bfp this month. At the very least it shows that the glands that produce my hormones are working:)
inkdchick I hope that the cat scan goes ok and shows you have a lovely brain. At least if you can link them to the vits and they have gone now you can try not to worry. My prayers are with you.
Dh should get SA results today, fx it's all ok
Merry thats fantastic - I hope ovulation is just around the corner for you!
My chart is looking a lot better this month. I don't know if its the Vit Bs or just my body adjusting from being off the pill. I'm not sure when I ov'd as I didn't temp very well on the weekend, FF put my ov date at CD17 (5 days earlier than last month!) and I think the latest I could have ov'd was CD19 (3 days early!) and my temps look a lot better. Also everything feels different this month, last month I had a lot of pain during ovulation, this month none, and also my boobs are a bit sore (sorry if TMI!), I heard this is a normal sign of ovulation, I just feel like everything is working better.

So fingers crossed.

Thanks calm for your encouraging story as well! :thumbup:
Merry thats fantastic - I hope ovulation is just around the corner for you!
My chart is looking a lot better this month. I don't know if its the Vit Bs or just my body adjusting from being off the pill. I'm not sure when I ov'd as I didn't temp very well on the weekend, FF put my ov date at CD17 (5 days earlier than last month!) and I think the latest I could have ov'd was CD19 (3 days early!) and my temps look a lot better. Also everything feels different this month, last month I had a lot of pain during ovulation, this month none, and also my boobs are a bit sore (sorry if TMI!), I heard this is a normal sign of ovulation, I just feel like everything is working better.

So fingers crossed.

Thanks calm for your encouraging story as well! :thumbup:

Whoohooo Mr F! :happydance: CD17! Your chart looks fab! Hope your Luteal phase is extended, that's if you don't get a BFP! Did you get lots of :sex: in??
I've been using the clearblue fertility monitor this cycle for the first time, I was interested to see if my hormones were doing any thing at all. Today the monitor gave me a reading of high! The first time ever! Now I know I shouldn't get too excited as that doesn't mean I'll ovulate but it's the first encouraging sign I've had in ages! I really hope the b vits are working for me and I'll get my bfp this month. At the very least it shows that the glands that produce my hormones are working:)
inkdchick I hope that the cat scan goes ok and shows you have a lovely brain. At least if you can link them to the vits and they have gone now you can try not to worry. My prayers are with you.
Dh should get SA results today, fx it's all ok

That's fantastic news! =D> Let us know if you have a peak tomorrow!

Fx for the SA results and I'm staying positive that you'll O this month, get :sex:

I'll be starting my OPK's tomorrow just to be on the safe side. It's CD13 tomorrow and the earlierst I've O-ed is 16 so Fx-ed.
No defiantely as it caused severe headaches and a very severe migraine which i never want again and the doc recons he hasnt heard of anyone having that bad in such a long time that he is organising a cat scan so am a bit worried as i have now had headaches for over a month so am just looking to see what happens but i wont take it anymore as i am getting it in the pregnacare and ive been taking that for 3 years with no problems so will have to see
Maybe it would have been better if you had taken the B-complex that has all of the B vitamins together instead of you just taking B6 by itself, which many people have suggested not to do since taking B-vitamins by themselves in excess can cause problems.

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