Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

It drives me nuts when doctors are dismissive. I've gotten such different opinions/attitudes from each one I've seen. If its so normal for it to take up to a year, then how come every single friend I have has gotten pregnant in well under 6 months? thats regardless of age or history... at least one of them was supposed to have trouble.
Well the b vits didn't work this cycle for me:( instead of ovulatibg today liked Ild hoped my temp went down to 36.1 and I started bleeding this morning:( I'm only on cd 23 so have no idea what that means. The vits are supposed to take a few months to work though so will stick with them. Feeling a bit down though. Another cycle with out ovulating, I feel so far away from ever having a child. Dealt with it the only way I know how, a cry and a brownie for breakfast. It was a gluten free low gi brownie my husband made for me yesterday but it was great. At least I have him, he's lovely
Aw sorry to hear that Merry, damn :witch:!

Have you thought of trying Soy or Vitex? don't know a whole lot about them but there are a few forums that I've read through and they've helped quite a few ladies to ovulate when they're not. You've probably heard of them, but just thought I'd mention it.

hey Lisaf, I'm not sure how long it will take me to fall pregnant and I pray I'm one of the lucky ones, but after all the research I've done to prepare, I have a new found respect and connection with loads of woman who've been trying for a while. My sister is 39 and was trying for her second one for 3 years. I was not in the TTC frame of mind then and couldn't sympathise like I could now. Now I feel sorry that I wasn't there for her more, wasn't more supportive. Took 2 rounds of IVF for her to have little Leon. Which now when I look at him, I can truly appreciate what a miracle he is :)

And as things happen in cycles everyone around me is having babies left right and centre, I have three friends who've just had their babies and it took a whole year for one of them who's 29, just as she had made appiontments to get tested she fell pregnant, she thinks it's because she handed over the burden to the doctors and thought 'somthing' will be done now. And the other two friend took 3 and 6 months to get there. So who knows...

Don't loose faith though gals! It will happen, keep willing it to :thumbup:

Merry your DH bakes! Wow lucky fish hehe, anyway cheers for now.

Sorry for the long post, but I probably won't get another chance today. And please excuse any typo's I'm on my phone...
Yeah my dh bakes, he needs help and makes a big mess, he knocked a jug of whisked eggs over on to the floor, but he is very sweet. Word of caution though, brownies for breakfast leads to sickness feeling.

I'm also taking vitex and flaxseed oil as well as the vits, may try soy at some point. I was thinking about calling the doc tomorrow, see if he will help me as haven't ovulated since May.

Hope your course is fun, I like to study. Though music is hard! Good luck:)
Nobody said that this would be hard or that the odds would be wrong let alone the age of who conceives and who doesnt conceive.
I have been taking pregnacare vits now for three years you would have thought i would be ok by now but i dont know and tbh am fed up of thinking about it now.

inkdchick - have you been tested for that condition where your body doesn't metabolize the folic acid right? (sorry to butt in as some kind of 'expert' .. I know how that can be sometimes when people ask or suggest things that you addressed ages ago).
Hey ladies
Sorry to hear the stories of your unsupportive doctors. Thats terrible!
I am on CD12 and have been having cramps for the last few days, although they are nearly gone now. Its not ovulation, temps are down and no EWCM so not sure what it is. I'm hoping I ov a bit earlier this month. Last month I ov'd on CD21-22 with EWCM starting CD19, and then started spotting 5 days later with AF the day after. Really hoping something improves this month. I was wondering also if I should try progesterone cream?

Crissie my pharmacist also told me that too much VitB can cause nerve damage but I think thats in higher doses than what we are taking. I think anything up to 200 mg is ok.

My cramps did start the day after i took 200mg as well as my prenatals, so thats a fair bit of folic acid I took, wondering if this relates to the cramps. Not sure. I'm only taking 100mg from now on, as well as prenatals.
I'm off to see another gp today, not sure what she will say but can't be any more unhelpful than the other guy. I agree with the max of 200mg of vit bs btw, too much more can affect your nerves.
Will tell doc about taking vit b and see what she says. I'm hoping she will give me some tests/ ovulation meds but will see.
My af this time round is really light and I feel so sick, no cramps or any thing though so that's good. So am on cd 2 and really hope this time round some thing happens.
Good luck Merry, hope you get some good advice from the doctor xx
good luck Merry!

As for the high doses - I know when I bought B6 (before I read this thread and switched to B-100) I was worried because it had like 1000mg of B6. My daily multivitamin had something like 2mg and I was worried about taking too much. The pharmacist chuckled and said it was fine. No that it doesn't make me nervous to take mega doses of anything, but just thought I'd share that.
well ive been for my internal scan today and all was brilliant, but she said that she couldnt see anything and coz my periods are only 24 days long and coz i am only cd23 today she says that i will have to wait another few days if my period doesnt show as she says that at 3 and half weeks nothing would show,but says that my lining is nice and thick and she says that if anything is there then it will have a good start to get imbedded.
So overall i feel quite happy but now i have to sit and wait.

How did you get on Merry?
Good Luck everyone xxxx
I posted a thread called going to the docs on the main board but basically she thinks that I need some sort of help to conceive, so am going to the infertility clinic in Sept for tests. Which is good as it will get stuff sorted but feel really upset that I need help to conceive, which I know is stupid, but I just feel usless. She agrees that I don't ovulate and probably won't with out help :(
I guess what is worse is the other half told people we were trying, one of which is a couple that is due in December which makes it worse. So they will all know some thing is wrong with me as he already has a child, so it won't be him it's me. Though they want him to go for tests too.
I asked her about the vitamin B thing and she said it was a myth, going to use up my supplies, I have ebough for about another month and see if any thing happens though.
My fingers and prayer are with you inkdchick, I hope this month is your lucky month!!!
Great news inkdchick! Hope there's a sticky bean nestling in as we speak :D will you be testing if AF dosn't arrive tomorrow?

Hey Merry look forward to hearing how the doc's went?

Lisaf what supps are you taking?

Hey Mrs F, sorry to hear about the cramps, wonder what that's all about? How long have you been charting and TTC?

Anyway, this course is seriously intense, I'm pooped!!! Only 4 days to go :wacko: off to chamber choir practice now till 9:30pm, then I'll fall into bed.

Chat soon
Sorry guys, Merry just saw your post. Not easy posting on my mobile. :wacko: Hey at least the doc was a little more helpful, and now you can get the ball rolling. You are not alone in needing help, don't beat your self up about it! :hugs: who knows, with that little nudge in the right direction you might have your BFP before you know it.:flower:

BTW Mrs F, just stalked your chart, no sign of AF?
Hi ladies, I've just ordered some B6 and was wondering if I stop them once I've ov'd or do I continue to take them?
Thanks x
pink - The B vits are safe to take in pregnancy so you shouldn't have to stop at ovulation(though if you're taking more than 200mg you should check with your doctor). Its usually best to keep taking them through your cycle and not stop unless there is a possible concern of risk to a baby (certain drugs like Vitex shouldn't be taken after ovulation or if there is a possibility of pregnancy).

Me - Right now I'm on a daily multivitamin (didn't want to overdo the folic with my B vits, the prenatals made me sick, and pharmacist said they are a ripoff and to take the womens multivitamins). I take a B-100 complex (just switched to a timed release formula). I also take Omega-3 oils.
Right now I'm on a clomid cycle, so I'm not supposed to take any of the herbal supplements my acupuncturist tried.
My FS has told me not to take advil, aleve, motrin etc... to stick to tylenol and aspirin since those other painkillers can interefere with ovulation. I don't take it often but Advil was the only painkiller that works for me. Might have been contributing to my problems ovulating etc. Funny enough, he told me to take some motrin before my HSG this week, so it must be only a bad thing when near ovulation?

Merry - Boy do I know how you feel. I had to talk myself into feeling grateful that my husband's sperm was ok. Truly, they can do so much for us women but when the sperm aren't so great, your options get limited FAST (and expensive).
Its so HARD not to feel like you are defective or something. And even in finding all the wonderful women on here for support that make me feel more 'normal', I still find that in the real world, I seem to be the only one with this issue.
Keep in mind that its almost never ever something you did wrong. If anyone knows you are having trouble, they should only feel grateful that they don't have the issue, not judgemental. The worst I guess when someone knows is bad advice... no judgement. I try not tell people though simply so I'm not being pestered often for news or flooded with unwanted and useless advice. I had 2 friends start trying right when I did, one was a year younger but had a blood disorder that was supposed to make it hard for her to concieve... 4 cycles later and she's pregnant (due first week of Sept). The other friend is several years older than me, underweight, doesn't eat right etc... took her only a few tries also and she's due at the end of August. Also just found out a friend of mine is 7 months along and her husband had a testicle removed due to cancer and she has numerous health problems herself. A few years back a friend with PCOS had an 'oops' baby.
Yet here I am with no obvious reasons to be struggling. I feel like a freak sometimes.
But keep in mind, nobody talks about these things. Its more common than you think. My co-worker told me how she had to use Clomid to get pregnant.

Hang in there, PM me if you want .... I wouldn't have made it this far in my TTC without these BnB ladies! I'm on another Clomid round right now, this time finally at a higher dose to hopefully get my progesterone up higher.
Today is a nightmare, another friend announced they are pregnant and stuck here at lunch with two guys, one who has just had a baby the others who's wife is expecting and they are talking about naming babies. God it sucks not being able to conceive when every one around you can!
I am handling it with a +ve air though. The dh is at the docs today for a SA, that should be ok though as he has a son already.
Hey Crissie, thanks for looking at my chart, do you mean any sign of ov? Because I am half way through my cycle. No sign of ov yet. I still have these mild cramps and it is freaking me out a little bit! Just had a look at your charts, your first cycle of BCP looks like my second cycle (which is the first cycle I charted). It looks look your ov date has gradually moved forward. Hope this happens to me. Looks like you just need to get rid of the spotting and add maybe 1 or 2 more days on to your luteal phase? You are nearly there! Alot better than my pathetic chart! :dohh: To be honest I am not feeling too optimistic. I know it is very early days for me as I am only in my 3rd cycle off birth control but it is depressing to find out your body is not working as it should be, and that it could take months to fix. I was reading the soy thread before, any of you ladies tried soy?

Inkdchick glad to hear your appointment was positive! Fingers crossed for you.

Merry sorry to hear you are feeling so sad, I hope they find out what the problem is in Sept and you get a speedy fix for a quick BFP xx
Hey Mrs F, sounds like we're in the same boat. Why didn't 'they' tell us it would take a while to get the BCP out of our systems? Everytime my O day moves forward I get all excited thinking this will mean my luteal phase will be longer but that's never the case. It seems like my cycle just seems to get shorter lol. And I've been on BCP since I was 18, mainly because I had acne and went onto Diane to contol it. It certainly fixed that problem. Now that's coming back! :blush: TMI! Greasy hair, zitty back and fat red spots on my face :( yuk.

Oh well, if it all ends in a :baby: it's worth it! Aug will be our acctual 1st month TTC officially so fingers crossed. Thought I'd give myself a few months to chart and get to know my body a bit, and lucky I did cause if we go by the 'textbook' days of when to BD it might never happen.

Mybe the cramps are O pains? I have never felt those so wouldn't know. Hope you O soon..., I'll keep an eye on your chart. :) I read the soy forum just out of interest, and I think I read that if you're ovulating and your luteal phase is of a 'normal' length then you shouldn't take it case it could screw things up. I thought of taking it to fix my luteal phase but I think I might give myself a few more cycles off BCP and TTC for a few months before I go down that route. It's a little more drastic than vit B and I don't want to mess too much with my cycle just yet.

Lisaf good luck with the higher dose of Clomid and the HCG!

Merry, hang in there, hope your DH's SA goes well, how long before you get the results?

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