Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Sorry meant to say we have been here for 2 years, not 2 months!
just an update girls..1st month using b vits but very low dose...CD 20 and major PMS. Due on Weds. Think i'm out. again.

good luck everyone
Awwww, sorry you're out. :nope: :flow:

Why don't you up the dose? I think the starting dose is B50 - 50mg of all bvits. I'm on that and I have had no side effects, my last LP was no different but they say it could take a while to build up in your system so I think this cycle will be the test for me.
Sorry to hear that star-bex. How long was your luteal phase? I am taking Vit B 100 Complex and my ov date moved forward 3 days and my temps look better. But that could be my body still sorting itself out after the pill. Also I could still have a lousy luteal phase again, I'm just waiting to see now.
Ha Mrs F, I noticed you discarded that Sunday temp. See your chart looks pretty again :haha: not that it matters...
Thank u both. Tesco own brand only 2.00mg so i think i will start 50 complex next month. I am keen to see if it comes on time on weds or if it does anything to my LP. I think 3 months is a reasonable time to evaluate & I am going to see my dr in sept. again.

How r u all feeling?
Hey guys, well my cbfm said high again today so that's good and will hopefully go to peak in the next few days.
With the DH SA the doctor was supposed to call this morning but didn't, we managed to track him down a few mins ago. He said that 2 of the factors where low, one (spalls I think he said) was 3% not 10% and motility was also lower than normal. He wants another test in 3 months to see whether it improves or was just a one off. Bit upset as I thought he would be ok, as he already has a child. Guess things change in 12 years.
So status as it is, I don't ovulate regularly, his swimmers are not swimming and I feel like crying. Am on a train so won't, other commuters won't like that.
I feel so dis-heartened like I won't be having a baby any time soon and with out lots of help:( will just have to see what the infertility specailist says.
Oh Merry my heart goes out to you but he can help his sperm with taking ZINC as this helps no end and drinking plenty of water and wearing no under wear at home !!!, it works believe me , my DH is 46 and it helped him and now the tests are better than they hoped so all good but its still gonna take us a long time coz im 43 but there you go .
:friends: :hugs: xx
Crissie - CM is really tricky and I still don't feel I have the hang of it. Every now then then I go 'oh yeah.. thats Creamy/lotiony!' but most of the time I'm a bit more confused, not quite sure.

Merry - is there anything in DH's lifestyle that might have diminished his sperm quality? (legal or illegal substances, smoking, drinking etc?) Has he been sick any time in the past 3 months?
He might do a lot better on the next test, and even doctors find that guys who should have a lot of difficulty getting a girl pregnant seem to have no trouble at all.
Also, those percentages are affected by the total count. If a guy has 3% normal morphology(? not sure if thats what the factor was that was low) and has a 50 million count, that means he has 1.5 million normal morphology sperm. If he has a 200 million count then he has 6 million normal morphology. So his total # of sperm can make a big difference with those percents....
I've also read that technicians who analyze the semen have gotten stricter and stricter, but the 'normal' range hasn't exactly changeds... so guys seem to be getting poorer ratings than they would have under the old methods.

Not sure if thats any comfort at all, I mean obviously if you have more than one factor working against you its a big deal and you can't hide from that, but it doesn't mean that its hopeless or even as bad as it may seem right now.
inkdchick - I'm so mad at your doctors for ruling your out for your age. If anything, you should be getting more help/treatment because of your age. Around here, they seem to dismiss you if you're young because you have 'plenty of time' but they wheel you right in for priority treatment if you're over 40, and 43 is not impossibly old. :hugs: Wish I could help somehow.
Merry I just wanted to say that my OH s/a motility just 1% at one point & I felt what is the point in continuing with it all. He has been so good because he would lie in bath for an hour now takes showers, always wore thick pants now boxers, never took vits, now takes zinc, vit c & bark extract & after the 3 months his rubbish swimmers + okay swimmers amounted to 37%!!

Just wanted to say I know its hard & u feel low. I have had rubbish news in the past & find it so difficult some days. Hang in there. :hugs:
the ironic thing is that i should have posted is that now his swimmers are ok we were told in april that my eggs wont be any good anymore at 43 so to go away and just give up and that was from the doc and the specialist - i mean where do they get off !!! sorry needed a rant !
Inkdchick both mybparebts were born to women in their 40's so it's not too late at all!
My DH is the healthiest guy ever, he never smokes, drinks or even drink caffiene. He does personnel fitness training, so exercises and is fit and healthy. Since we have been trying he has been taking baby making supplements on top of the normal lot he takes. He hardly ever wears underwear as it is! Not sure what else he can do:(
I also got asked today at work by a collegue if I was pregnant, I mentioned I had a head ache and that's what she asked! I was so annoyed, why ask such an insensitive question. She keeps asking every few mins. Just want to snap at her but haven't as yet.
Tell her you have a headache from shagging all night.. that will shut her up!

:( I was hoping there would be some explanation in lifestyle for your DH's low count. Maybe research his normal supplements to make sure they don't affect the sperm somehow?
Tell her you have a headache from shagging all night.. that will shut her up!

:( I was hoping there would be some explanation in lifestyle for your DH's low count. Maybe research his normal supplements to make sure they don't affect the sperm somehow?

Going through his supplements is a good idea but I think they are things like cod liver oil and vitamins etc, will give them a sort through. It's just annoying that we both have such healthy life styles, we always have, yet we are having problems when others we know are so unhealthy and having babies accidently all over the place. Just praying the doc will be able to help us out.

How are you getting on lisaf?
I know what you mean! I've joked that crack must be a great fertility drug...

I'm doing really good this cycle. Hate to be all positive/happy/sunshine when you're dealing with your frustrating news.

I got a nice dark pos OPK yesterday and its nice and light again today (usually doesn't lighten up this fast - hope thats a good sign). My follicle scan on CD13 was terrific and showed 4 nice large follicles ready to go, and if I did O yesterday then thats the first time I hit CD14. Feeling very positive about this cycle.
I know what you mean! I've joked that crack must be a great fertility drug...

I'm doing really good this cycle. Hate to be all positive/happy/sunshine when you're dealing with your frustrating news.

I got a nice dark pos OPK yesterday and its nice and light again today (usually doesn't lighten up this fast - hope thats a good sign). My follicle scan on CD13 was terrific and showed 4 nice large follicles ready to go, and if I did O yesterday then thats the first time I hit CD14. Feeling very positive about this cycle.

No, I think it's great to hear positive news for you, you have been down a rough road your self. Just knowing that there is help out there, like Clomid, makes me feel better. That yes we on our own might not be able to do this but with the doctor's help we might get me ovulating and then we can find ways to help out the DH swimmers.:spermy: Also that it might not be a one step fixing process, that there are options, playing with drug dosages etc. I need to concentrate that it might be a longer road than I thought, but I will get there. I must keep faith that it will happen one day for me.

My fingers are crossed for you that this is your cycle, that you have your :bfp: I think as well that positive thinking does help, I have been talking to my ovaries telling them to pop out a nice healthy egg. (This maybe a sign of a mental breakdown though?:nope:)

I think if you know you have four nice eggs on the way, then you have to be positive and that will send nice positive hormones around your body and make concieving more likely to happen! :thumbup: I have been down in the dumps today but need to get back on my postive trains of thoughts.

I think one of the hard things for me is that I'm your classic over achiever, generally if I want some thing I work really hard at it and achieve it. However the thing I want most, my child, I can't work harder at. There is nothing else I can do but wait, and thats driving me crazy and getting me down.

My prayers are with every one on this thread
Hi everyone, Merry sorry to hear about the SA results, chin up though! It could have been a freak test and somthing was afecting it? The next one could be fine, you never know. But till then keep trying everything the girls have mentioned, I've also heard Zinc is good so I've made my DH take it too.

And don't pay any attention to your work colluege, I'm sure she's not trying to be insensitive on purpose, remember she doesn't know all the details.

I'm really looking forward to hearing about that peak on the CBFM, it sound really positive that you'll O this month. :hugs:

Lisaf you always have great advise and encouragment! Thanks!:thumbup:

inkdchick what the hell is wrong with these Docs, don't they remember they are treating Human Beings, not baby making machines! No one should be excluded! Unless they have medically ruled you out, but they haven't even bothered to try. Have you thought about going private? I don't know what the costs involved are?

Anyway night for now, sleep tight everyone. :sleep:
Merry - Thanks! :)
And I'm an over-achiever myself...(apparently my ovaries are too when properly stimulated.. hehe) when cutting out stencils for my friend's baby shower onesie project, I cut out 52 stencils... there were only 25 onesies and 14 girls!!! lol.. I just HAD to make sure everyone had a good selection/choice available. Bear in mind that some of these stencils were intricate and required 30+ minutes of diligent cutting out with an exacto knife.. and they are one-use only stencils....:dohh: I better have a boy because I have tons of cute ones left over!

I must be having a breakdown myself because I was talking to my eggs on CD13 and telling them to hang in there until the doctor's scan. I'd gotten a fairly dark OPK and was getting ovulation cramps, hehehe... I managed to convince them to hang in there long enough to get measured!

You're very luck you're in the UK and can get a lot of help without having to go private. IUI can help a lot if there is a male-factor since they can clear out the duds.
Hi everyone, how r u today Merry? A colleague said to me "have u ever thought about children or can't u have any?" I'm desperate for a baby what could i say? "maybe one day" which is true but my business. Don;t think she meant to upset me she didn't know.

Oh inkdechick rant away it's okay. Hope u feeling ok today.

On the b vit subject i am more weepy & mood swings r terrible on cd 20. so that is different.

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