Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

aww i hope he is feeling better too Merry that eggy will be caught im sure xx
Yay Merry!!! (I have to say you gave me a start though since all my OPKs are green and my HPTs are blue... so I thought you were posting a BFP! hehehe)
Congrats on ovulation! :) Only us crazy TTCers would understand how exciting this is... :haha:

Sorry to give you a shock but the Tesco OPK are blue, I will hopefully be posting a BFP soon, as with any luck will all of us!

I'm so excited by my positive, had so much bad news recently that I was getting down but wit ovulating on my own has really given me hope that a bfp is in my sights. The other half is feeling better too, so all happy here.

Hope that your ok and enjoying the weekend.
Hey guys

My temp dropped by miles this morning. Am on 7dpo. Last month I had a 6 day luteal phase. AF hasn't arrived, no spotting or anything yet. I don't know whats going on. Sat night I had a really bad nights sleep because I was boiling hot, temped at 8.45am Sunday morning and my temp was 37 degrees. This morning it was 36.4?!?! Not sure if this is related to having a deep sleep after a bad nights sleep or what. PRAYING AF doesn't arrive I am so scared I am going to have another 6 day luteal phase!!

This is the ultimate torture!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mrs F, you are not out yet! The witch has not shown her face....:af:

And if she does you'll already have gained one day on your LP. Maybe it's an implantation dip???:shrug:

Anyway, I don't know if it's the Bvits, the Maca or just my body bouncing back from BCP but I apparently O-ed on CD14!!!! How text book is that, I can barely believe it. I almost missed it :dohh:, so I hope we caught the eggy and BDed enough :-k FF says our timing was 'good' has anyone had better than just 'good'?

Anyway I'm 3DPO, if I have a 10 day luteal phase again my cycle this month will only be 24 days! So if I don't get a BFP, I hope I have a longer luteal phase or at least no spotting before AF.

Hope everyone is doing well today! :kiss:
Hey guys

My temp dropped by miles this morning. Am on 7dpo. Last month I had a 6 day luteal phase. AF hasn't arrived, no spotting or anything yet. I don't know whats going on. Sat night I had a really bad nights sleep because I was boiling hot, temped at 8.45am Sunday morning and my temp was 37 degrees. This morning it was 36.4?!?! Not sure if this is related to having a deep sleep after a bad nights sleep or what. PRAYING AF doesn't arrive I am so scared I am going to have another 6 day luteal phase!!

This is the ultimate torture!!!!!!!!!!

Try and stay positive, in all the books that I have read they say that some times you get strange hotter and colder readings for no reason. :flower: So see what the temp is tomorrow, it might go back up to 37 and the witch may never show her face! I can understand the torture. My fingers are crossed for you. On the positive side you did gain an extra day, so hopefully next month you'll get another day or so and you'll have a longer Lutal Phase in no time,

Today my temps are still cool, 36.4. My CBFM said high, not a peak like I was expecting after my postive OPK yesterday. So today did another OPK, just to compare and contrast with yesterdays. There wasn't a testing line at all today, where as yesterday my test line was darker than the control. Do they lines normally go away as quick as this. I'm so hoping yesterday was a real postive and that I has the LH surge and not just a faulty stick or my bosy playing tricks on me. :shrug: Guess I have to wait a few days to see if my temp changes.

Good luck ladies :coffee:
Hi Merry, I have the same thing, I get a pos OPK and then even a few hours later nothing! I think you can have a really short surge or sometimes it's affected by your liquid intake or the time you take it etc etc. As long as you got the positive I wouldn't worry too much.

And they say that you could O up to 2 days after the positive OPK, so I'm sure it's still coming, keep BDing! Last month I only O-ed on the second day after the + OPK.

All very exciting!

Congrats Crissie on your CD14 ovulation - that is awesome!! Merry I think your O will happen in a day or so, keep :sex: !

No AF yet, not even a ghost of spotting. It is very difficult not to run to the bathroom every hour to check. All I want is a 10 day luteal phase with no spotting. Just 3.5 more days without AF. Can anyone tell me which god I have to pray to to make this happen? :winkwink:
I heard that af tends to start in the morning, so fx it won't show today at all! Did you have a chilly night, less bed clothes, drink wine last night or have a drink before you measured your temp? Just hoping there is some thing that will explain the low temp and keep your hopes up. I'm of the one god variety but st. Gerade is the patron saint of mothers, you could try asking him to pray for you. I'm catholic so know these sort of things.

Crissie glad that you opk do a disappearing act like mine. I so hope to ov soon, over 3 months is a long wait! I'm sure that you cycle will be great, all text book this month with a nice bfp at the end!

Merry xx
Hi Ladies :) Can I jump in for a quick question?
I just started using the Vitamin B comples (B 100) recently and they seem to give me acidy stomach. I feel hungry all the time and 1 evening I had a bit of stomach cramping. Is it just me or has anyone else had a similar experience? :)))
Hi Ladies :) Can I jump in for a quick question?
I just started using the Vitamin B comples (B 100) recently and they seem to give me acidy stomach. I feel hungry all the time and 1 evening I had a bit of stomach cramping. Is it just me or has anyone else had a similar experience? :)))

Hey skye,

I haven't experienced any symptoms like yours to be honest, are you taking the vits after a meal. The pack has suggests this and I've heard it helps with stomach issues with other vit pills?

I'm not sure I have had any side effects other than I think I might ovulate this cycle, Fx. :happydance: Hope that some others have a suggestion for you.:flower:

Hi Ladies :) Can I jump in for a quick question?
I just started using the Vitamin B comples (B 100) recently and they seem to give me acidy stomach. I feel hungry all the time and 1 evening I had a bit of stomach cramping. Is it just me or has anyone else had a similar experience? :)))

Hi Skye, bvits are renoun for increasing your appetite but I think after a while your body adjusts. And you definitly should take them on a full tummy. If I don't eat befor taking them I get heart burn and they repeat on me for hours.

Anyway are you taking them to lengthen your luteal phase? Maybe you should start on a lower dose like B50 and work your way up to B100 to let you tummy adjust?
Hi Ladies :) Can I jump in for a quick question?
I just started using the Vitamin B comples (B 100) recently and they seem to give me acidy stomach. I feel hungry all the time and 1 evening I had a bit of stomach cramping. Is it just me or has anyone else had a similar experience? :)))

Hi Skye, bvits are renoun for increasing your appetite but I think after a while your body adjusts. And you definitly should take them on a full tummy. If I don't eat befor taking them I get heart burn and they repeat on me for hours.

Anyway are you taking them to lengthen your luteal phase? Maybe you should start on a lower dose like B50 and work your way up to B100 to let you tummy adjust?

I did not know that they increased your appetite! I haven't been more hungry than normal I think but these things are hard to tell! I have been trying to eat healthly and this evening had sardines for tea. They were grilled and very oily, they tasted ok but had so many tiny bones.

I'm hoping that tomorrow either my temperatures go up or I get a peak on my CBFM. Temp high preferable but either will do! Not sure how long it takes your temp to rise after ovulating, think it might be a few days? Any one know? I must have a book around here some where wit this info in.:coffee:
I'm out. Started light bleed or spotting tonight, Not sure what to record it as but its stopped temporarily so putting spotting down, and will put AF starting tomorrow. Which means luteal phase increased by one day. Which is better than nothing I guess but a 7 day luteal phase still aint great.

Might try vitex as well as B vits next month.
Mrs F - I'm still hoping thats implantation bleeding and a nice implantation dip for you. Though of course thats not what your past cycles have shown so I understad.

Crissie - YAY for ovulation! :) I think I O'd CD14 but FF has me at CD15 this time, lol.
I have to say that this was the first time I didn't pos OPKs for 3 full days, I got an equal color OPK on CD13, a super dark on CD14 and C15 it was totally negative.

Merry - maybe your CBFM missed your peak somehow? Really hoping you see ovulation soon!! :D
FF says our timing was 'good' has anyone had better than just 'good'?

I've gotten 'high' two times. First time, we BD'd every day for 8 days (and nearly died, lol). The next time it was just pure luck that we hit the days right. I just played with it for this cycle, lol.
In order to get a 'high' score, you have to hit O day and 2 days prior. If you hit 3 days prior and the day before, you get 'good'.. if you hit the day before and the day of, you get 'good', if you get 2 days before and the day before, you get 'good'.

I was determined that time we had the marathon to get the 'high' score (just the overachiever in me) but it didn't make us get pregnant that time... so now I settle for 'good'.
Sorry to hear that your out this cycle Mrs. F. Hopefully next month your lp will be even longer and your bfp will show then. I'm taking vitex, again not sure it's doing much as haven't ovulated yet but I'm willing to try any thing tbh.

Today my cbfm gave me a high Reading, not a peak :( Alsomy temp went down, not up:( hoping that I might ovulate today and it will rise tomorrow. Fx

I know what you mean about having enough sex to get the bfp, it can be quite tiring to know that you have to do it. We are doing every other night and have ben since cd 6. Which for some might not be a lot but it is for us especially as the pressure of having to do it.

Well fx for all of us xx I also updated my chart for you chart stalkers but I warn you it's not pretty
I came across this thread while researching whether B6 can increae your LP. I am on my 3rd month of charting and I believe I have a short LP (average of 10 days). I have been ttc for over 18 months now, so pretty desperate to try anything that will help.

I have been referred to a fertility specialist who wants to do re-do my blood tests as my GP took them at the wrong time in my cycle and the results were therefore meaningless. I have started taking 100mg of B6 but was wondering whether it will affect my blood tests that I am due to have on CD2 to check my LH and FSH levels.

Can any body offer any advice? Should I continue to take it, or stop until I have had my blood tests?
I came across this thread while researching whether B6 can increae your LP. I am on my 3rd month of charting and I believe I have a short LP (average of 10 days). I have been ttc for over 18 months now, so pretty desperate to try anything that will help.

I have been referred to a fertility specialist who wants to do re-do my blood tests as my GP took them at the wrong time in my cycle and the results were therefore meaningless. I have started taking 100mg of B6 but was wondering whether it will affect my blood tests that I am due to have on CD2 to check my LH and FSH levels.

Can any body offer any advice? Should I continue to take it, or stop until I have had my blood tests?

Hi! Sorry I'm not sure it would affect your results. I can't see how it can as it's just vitamins, but maybe Lisaf will know, she's our resident TTC Guru :friends:
FF says our timing was 'good' has anyone had better than just 'good'?

I've gotten 'high' two times. First time, we BD'd every day for 8 days (and nearly died, lol). The next time it was just pure luck that we hit the days right. I just played with it for this cycle, lol.
In order to get a 'high' score, you have to hit O day and 2 days prior. If you hit 3 days prior and the day before, you get 'good'.. if you hit the day before and the day of, you get 'good', if you get 2 days before and the day before, you get 'good'.

I was determined that time we had the marathon to get the 'high' score (just the overachiever in me) but it didn't make us get pregnant that time... so now I settle for 'good'.

Oh my word! How did you get DH to agree to all that! This month alone, our first month TTC, when I was keen to do 2 days in a row, he was already saying how he needs time to recharge the batteries :lol: :blush:
Sorry to hear that your out this cycle Mrs. F. Hopefully next month your lp will be even longer and your bfp will show then. I'm taking vitex, again not sure it's doing much as haven't ovulated yet but I'm willing to try any thing tbh.

Today my cbfm gave me a high Reading, not a peak :( Alsomy temp went down, not up:( hoping that I might ovulate today and it will rise tomorrow. Fx

I know what you mean about having enough sex to get the bfp, it can be quite tiring to know that you have to do it. We are doing every other night and have ben since cd 6. Which for some might not be a lot but it is for us especially as the pressure of having to do it.

Well fx for all of us xx I also updated my chart for you chart stalkers but I warn you it's not pretty

Hi Merry, your chart look good so far! Strange though that you didn't get a peak on your CBFM but I noticed you have two days blank?

But I think if your temp goes up tomorrow it could be a sign. :thumbup:

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