Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hi Everyone

So I did my OPK yesterday at 2pm and I think it was positive but not 100% so I did it again at 8pm and it was negative. But I didn't hold off on the liquids for that one, so it could have been diluted. Going to try again today at 2pm. Do you guys think I could have missed my surge? And that my real positive was around yesterday morning? I can never tell with these darn IC tests. I think next month I'll buy a pack of digis and if I get an almost positive on the IC I'll double check with a didgi, what do you think?

Lisaf you say you get a nice dark line, I never get that do you think it could be the brand I'm using or maybe the line I get is 'my body's' version of positive. Here is the pic I took:

I just need to know what to put into FF cause I find it affects the day they say my O was. Anyway....

P.S. WOW Mrs F that temp is huge! Yeeeeehaaa\\:D/
Hi all!

Congrats Crissie and Lisaf on your positive OPKs! Bring on the big O!
Merry I'm so sorry about your DH's SA. I have heard plenty of stories about sperm improving dramatically after taking zinc and vitamins etc. And since he already has a child there is plenty of hope! Also we know you can ov so if you don't ov yourself this month (which is looking optimistic with your CBFM signs) all they docs will need to do is give your hormones a kick start with clomid or something. I'm sure in a few month you will be up the duff, as we all will!
Indechick so mad at the doctors for saying those things to you. That is surely bordering on discrimination!! :growlmad: Feel free to rant away.
Crissie thanks for noticing my high temp!! I was so so pleased with it this morning. Yay!! :happydance: OPKs are so hard to figure out aren't they. I only just became sure of my ov date yesterday and am now 4dpo. I think just keep BD'ing until your temp goes up, because its the only sure way to tell! I think your OPK looked positive yesterday so I'm sure you will get your temp rise soon.

Go team B Vits!! We will succeed!!! :dance:
PS Crissie yeah I discarded that CD18 temp, I just hated my chart looking so ugly! Much better now :winkwink:
Hey all,

Thank you every one for your postive comments yesterday, I feel a lot better today, much more positive. On my CBFM today I had another high reading, so thats good. I'm so afraid it might go back to low whithout peaking that every time I see a high I'm so relieved.

Im on CD13 today, and I have a pain in my left pelvis area. I'm really hoping this could be ovulation cramps, it's about 11cm in from my pelivis bone and about 5cm south of my belly button. Do you think it could be? Last time I was hoping for ov. cramps it was actually AF. But it can't be that on CD13 surely. Do you guys get ov. cramps and are they often before you ovulate and if so how many days before. I think that maybe I'm being a bit hopeful but there is definatly a pain there!

Glad that your chart looks good Mrs. F, guess your in the 2 WW. Crissie know very little about OPK's generally but I think having a digi one handy might be a good idea. I like the CBFM as it tells me things, no guessing where a line is there or not. I hope that your temps in a few says will show that you have ov.

Well with Mrs. F. ovulating, Crissie having a positive, Lisaf scan showing 4 follicles ripe and ready I really want to join the ovulating party. Fingers crossed for all of us.
Merry xx
Hi everyone, how r u today Merry? A colleague said to me "have u ever thought about children or can't u have any?" I'm desperate for a baby what could i say? "maybe one day" which is true but my business. Don;t think she meant to upset me she didn't know.

Oh inkdechick rant away it's okay. Hope u feeling ok today.

On the b vit subject i am more weepy & mood swings r terrible on cd 20. so that is different.

I hope that your mood swings lighten and that you feel better soon. I think maybe if some thing is different it could be a positive sign? I don't know, but fx crossed.

I guess with people asking they don't mean to be rude or any thing, they just make you deal with the situation when you aren't ready to handle the emotions that come to the surface when they bring it up.

I do feel better today and will not wallow, DH is reading up on how to improve his SA so it makes me happy that he is trying to sort things out.

Hope every one has a good day
Merry xx
When people ask me about kids, I sometimes tell them the truth of what I'm dealing with.... only strangers though like hairdressers, lol. I just need to let it out sometimes and kind of educate the world in general that guess what, hey, its not that easy for everyone to get pregnant. For people I know better I just say 'when the time is right'... because of course the timing has to be right for the sperm and egg to meet and implant etc... lol

Mrs F - beautiful temp rise!!! :)

Crissie - well you're using the light green OPKs which are supposed to be better than the dark green ones. I would actually count that as positive I think, especially if it got lighter (wait for today's test to be sure though since you may have been diluted last night). If today's test is lighter, then I'd mark it down as positive and wait for the temps to confirm for sure.

Each woman has a different level of surge and peaks for different lengths of time. Over at she took several OPKs... 11pm almost positive, 10am positive, 4:30pm positive, 8pm negative. Meanwhile I usually have a strong surge for at least 24 hours. However, my strongest peak is at 11am always. So 2pm may be too late for you? (I buy a few of the IC midstream tests so I can smuggle them in and test at work for my 11am test).
Here was my 11am test on CD13
And here was my 11am test on CD14

I should add that I tested at 11PM on CD13 and got a strong positive.
So maybe you were peaking starting the day before, it got nice and high by the evening, peaked in the morning, and your 2pm test was the down-swing?

Lots of people get the digis and confirm with the smiley faces when they get a strong IC. Its usually a pretty good system, especially if you're not entirely sure about your lines. Keep in mind, that they may have different sensitivity threshholds though. I have read that SOME brands consider the darkest part of the testline as what you should be comparing, some brands don't though.

I know when I got a dark line like my CD14 line up there, I used a First Response one I had lying around and it was 'almost' positive. So the brand can make a big difference.

AFM - I had a nice temp rise this morning. Waiting for tomorrow for 'official' confirmation. Getting such a nice rise though gives me really good hopes for nice progesterone levels!
Merry - I almost forgot you! :) Glad you're feeling a bit more positive. There are LOTS of gals on here with male-factor problems you can probably go pick their brains on :D
I guess the other thing to make sure of, is that DH had refrained from 'all' activity there for 2-3 days, but no more than 3 days, right? I had to remind DH to go clear the pipes 3 days before his test... he thought saving it up for longer would be better and I had to set him straight on that score.

I'm sure you guys did it right, but you never know, it would be great if it was just as simple as that, right?
Thanks lisaf, I tested again today and there was no test line at all. Guess my surge was CD 12? Anyway I marked yesterdays as Positive. We'll soon see in a few days with my temps. FF sugested I start opk's on CD13 but maybe I'm O-ing earlier this cycle. Wonder what that's all about? Oh well, it's all good either way.

Mrs F what a beautiful Avatar, how long have you guys been hitched?
Merry - I almost forgot you! :) Glad you're feeling a bit more positive. There are LOTS of gals on here with male-factor problems you can probably go pick their brains on :D
I guess the other thing to make sure of, is that DH had refrained from 'all' activity there for 2-3 days, but no more than 3 days, right? I had to remind DH to go clear the pipes 3 days before his test... he thought saving it up for longer would be better and I had to set him straight on that score.

I'm sure you guys did it right, but you never know, it would be great if it was just as simple as that, right?

We had slightly different advice of a gap of 4 days, which there was but next time we will give a 3 day gap to see if that helps matters. I might go post a thread asking for advice on the assisted conception board.

Today at work another work fellow asked me if I was pregnant, she told me the office down the hall had been discussing it! I mentioned feeling sick at work a few weeks back, I had a slight stomach bug. At the time several others also felt rough but the seemed to draw this conclusion. She asked me and I snapped, I told her that I wasn't and that I wanted people to stop asking and discussing it. She sensed it was a sore point. She's a nice girl and I didn't mean to snap but I couldn't take it any more! We had a short discussion about it, she apologised for being insensitive. Hoping that she can guide the others to stop asking. I think as one of the guys at our place is about to be a Dad it's on all their minds and seemingly I'm the only married woman who is in a position to have kids, so they discuss it. Hopefully it will now stop.

Sorry for the rants and long posts, this week has been hard but I appreciated all you comments. Also sorry for the spelling but am on iPhone which does odd things. Xx
Merry - the iphone is SO hard to use on this site, lol, and I write longer posts than anyone, lol.
My doc definitely said to not hold back more than 3 days... so maybe, just maybe thats all it is? I'm just looking for a way for everything to be ok for you, you know? FX'd!

Crissie - keep testing for a few days, especially as long as you are seeing fertile CM. Its possible you missed your surge or it might even just be that your brand isn't sensitive enough for you... like first response wasn't sensitive enough for me, lol
Merry, I forgot to add that I get cramping for several days around ovulation.
My ovaries are located pretty low in the pelvis, at least on me... and not sure where your bellybutton is, lol. When they do the ultrasounds, I swear they are no more than 10cm in. I get cramping for days before ovulation, during and even afterwards. Though the clomid makes it more noticable. I remember feeling lots of cramping on my cycle where I ovulated late.. as if I was trying to and couldn't quite get it.
aww hope everyone ok today and good to see so many positive ov'ing vibes. Good luck & nothing to report until weds.
I've read that your body needs B-complex vitamins (particularly B6) in order to produce the optimal amount of progesterone. It didn't say how much you need to take, but I think's it's covered somewhere here....

They even did a study of 753 women where 62% of them weren't able to conceive because they had low progesterone. The scary thing is that progesterone deficiency is also the #1 cause of miscarriages!

Taking B2 is great, but you also need magnesium. You can actually get both of these vitamins from certain foods: green leafy vegetables, nuts (almonds), seeds, beans and black strap molasses.
I've read that your body needs B-complex vitamins (particularly B6) in order to produce the optimal amount of progesterone. It didn't say how much you need to take, but I think's it's covered somewhere here....

They even did a study of 753 women where 62% of them weren't able to conceive because they had low progesterone. The scary thing is that progesterone deficiency is also the #1 cause of miscarriages!

Taking B2 is great, but you also need magnesium. You can actually get both of these vitamins from certain foods: green leafy vegetables, nuts (almonds), seeds, beans and black strap molasses.

I too have heard this and my supplement has magnesium in it. I am also trying to eat healthily, lots of nutrient rich foods like eggs, dairy (I have no intolerance issues), beans, nuts, fruit and veg. I am hoping that courgettes are good for fertility as I have about 20 currently growing in the garden!

Today my cbfm says high but I got some egg white CM! Not a lot, I'm not sure how much your meant to get. I've never had any before so that's very encouraging! Sorry if it's tmi, but I'm using positive mental attitude to get this body into gear.
I'm thinking of taking a prenatal all in one like pregnacare and hope it has enough b vit & magnesium. I will also continue the b-vits but maybe the 50mg ones. I really feel positive about making all these changes.

Great news merry, I have a cbfm and even if it says high & u get ewcm u should dtd. I also read it u get increased cm before ov & it dries up on the day of ov so get going now. good luck. will update u all on weds when witch face is due to ruin my week.
I'm thinking of taking a prenatal all in one like pregnacare and hope it has enough b vit & magnesium. I will also continue the b-vits but maybe the 50mg ones. I really feel positive about making all these changes.

Great news merry, I have a cbfm and even if it says high & u get ewcm u should dtd. I also read it u get increased cm before ov & it dries up on the day of ov so get going now. good luck. will update u all on weds when witch face is due to ruin my week.

thanks for the info, have been dtd every other day when it says high and will do every day peak days!

My fingers crossed for you that the witch doesn't arrive, look forward to the update.
Thanks lisaf, I tested again today and there was no test line at all. Guess my surge was CD 12? Anyway I marked yesterdays as Positive. We'll soon see in a few days with my temps. FF sugested I start opk's on CD13 but maybe I'm O-ing earlier this cycle. Wonder what that's all about? Oh well, it's all good either way.

Mrs F what a beautiful Avatar, how long have you guys been hitched?

Thanks Crissie :flower: I found it nice to put faces to everyone on here so thought I would put a picture of us up :thumbup: we got married in September.

Merry CONGRATS on your EWCM!!! O is just around the corner!! Wooohoooo!! :happydance:
I did post this on the main board as I wanted to hear peoples thoughts but my avatar is showing my first positive OPK!!!!! I was so sure that I was getting more ovulation signs, more EWCM and cramping in my pelvis. So I just had to take one, got it from Tesco's.

The test line was most def. darker than the control line, so I think my hormone surge is under way and am hoping to ovulate in the next 24-36 hours:happydance:. I was so happy when I saw the test line that I danced around the house! :happydance: The only think that is dampening my mood was the DH said he felt unwell this morning! If he comes home and is poorly we might miss the egg!!!:nope: I am praying he is feeling better and we can try :sex: to concieve tonight!

Hope everyone else is ok, Mrs. F I love your picture too.:flower:
I'm on the laptop today, hence the smilies
Whoooohooooo Merry! You are so gonna O! :yipee:

Oh I hope your DH is feeling better! :sex:! Catch that Eggie!:spermy:

GL :dust:
Yay Merry!!! (I have to say you gave me a start though since all my OPKs are green and my HPTs are blue... so I thought you were posting a BFP! hehehe)
Congrats on ovulation! :) Only us crazy TTCers would understand how exciting this is... :haha:

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