Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Awwwww Mrs F, that darn :witch: :growlmad:

You know... not sure what my LP will be this month but I'm wondering if the Maca didn't make me O early? Maybe you could try that? How long have you been taking the Bvits now?

I'm curious to see if my LP will lengthen... ahhhggggg this waiting is driving me :loopy:
As I update it from the phone it doesn't let me add the fertility monitor, so I do that once I get on the lap top. must have missed them out, sorry. They where highs though, had lows highs but no peak:(
I'm still getting ewcm so am hoping to ovulate this month still, maybe even today! The highs and lows of ttc are really hard to deal with. Was so happy at the positive opk but starting to think it might be an error.
I have my fx for the rest of the cycle. Waiting is sooooo hard!
If you're getting multiple highs on your FM then it's not an error. Do you have an Iphone? I prefer to use the actual FF website rather than the 'so called' phone friendly version. Then you have all the options available.

Anyway don't lose hope yet, I still think you will O, if you haven't already. But I know what you mean - patience is definitely a virtue! :coffee:
Yep got an iPhone, I'll try using the real site in the future maybe.
Waiting is a killer but we must remain positive.
I like the iPhone as I can check this site at work while waiting for the computer to load up files.
Merry I have been stalking your chart looking for your spike, I hope it comes tomorrow for you! Maybe your body is gearing up to O but the egg is having a little trouble getting out of the gate, fingers crossed tomorrow you get your rise.

Crissie was so pleased you ov'd early, you have inspired me to try maca. Not sure what it is but there is a health food / vitamins store up the road from my work (very handy). Will check it out after work. Also bought some magnesium today to take with all my other pills lol.

Lisaf thanks for your PMA around my spotting and temp dip, I must confess I did try to hold on to the hope that it was implantation bleeding / dip but nope AF came this morning in full force. I did improve a bit this month, I ov'd 3 days earlier, got better temps, and started spotting one day later.

Anyway off to meeting, keep me updated ladies xxx
Hey :wave:, you can't seem to find Maca on the high street. I had to order it online and the cheapest/best one I found was on Biovea (they say it should be organic). It's 500mg but 4:1 so technically 2000mg which is the recommended dosage. But apparently you can take as much as you like as it has no side effects (i.e. you can't OD). I'm making my DH take it too.

Still don't feel any different but maybe that's what's made me O on CD14? I think if my luteal phase is still only 10 days, of which 3 days are spotting then I'll be peeved, cause that will make my cycle only 24 days, apparently classed as short.

But then again if I get no spotting on Sat when I'm supposed to start I'll be getting my hopes up for a BFP, but it might just be my luteal phase lengthening. Oh boy, talk about friggin catch 22! :bike:

Us TTCers will always find somthing to worry about...:dohh:
Hey :wave:, you can't seem to find Maca on the high street. I had to order it online and the cheapest/best one I found was on Biovea (they say it should be organic). It's 500mg but 4:1 so technically 2000mg which is the recommended dosage. But apparently you can take as much as you like as it has no side effects (i.e. you can't OD). I'm making my DH take it too.

Still don't feel any different but maybe that's what's made me O on CD14? I think if my luteal phase is still only 10 days, of which 3 days are spotting then I'll be peeved, cause that will make my cycle only 24 days, apparently classed as short.

But then again if I get no spotting on Sat when I'm supposed to start I'll be getting my hopes up for a BFP, but it might just be my luteal phase lengthening. Oh boy, talk about friggin catch 22! :bike:

Us TTCers will always find somthing to worry about...:dohh:

Thanks for the info on Maca! Will have a look online. If I ov'd on CD14 and had my 6 day LP my cycle would be 20 days!! :dohh:
Hey Merry I just read this on the FF comunity fourm, somone posted:

'Just to throw a monkey wrench in there you may get a + OPK and not ovulate, so temping is really the only way to know for sure. Your body may "gear up" to ovulate (+OPK) and then "back off" and not actually O until a later time, where you will get another +OPK to indicate possible O. So using OPKs exclusively won't tell you when/if you O'd. Temping really confirms it for you.'

So maybe you should try do a few more OPKs? Like Mrs F said maybe your body is gearing up and is taking a little longer to pop that egg out. Fxed you'll get the FM peak, or your temps will show a rise! I can't wait for tomorrow :) I'm a bona fide chart stalker!
Hey :wave:, you can't seem to find Maca on the high street. I had to order it online and the cheapest/best one I found was on Biovea (they say it should be organic). It's 500mg but 4:1 so technically 2000mg which is the recommended dosage. But apparently you can take as much as you like as it has no side effects (i.e. you can't OD). I'm making my DH take it too.

Still don't feel any different but maybe that's what's made me O on CD14? I think if my luteal phase is still only 10 days, of which 3 days are spotting then I'll be peeved, cause that will make my cycle only 24 days, apparently classed as short.

But then again if I get no spotting on Sat when I'm supposed to start I'll be getting my hopes up for a BFP, but it might just be my luteal phase lengthening. Oh boy, talk about friggin catch 22! :bike:

Us TTCers will always find somthing to worry about...:dohh:

Thanks for the info on Maca! Will have a look online. If I ov'd on CD14 and had my 6 day LP my cycle would be 20 days!! :dohh:

:rofl: Mrs F, you so funny! You see - we are loony about this stuff. :tease:
Hey :wave:, you can't seem to find Maca on the high street. I had to order it online and the cheapest/best one I found was on Biovea (they say it should be organic). It's 500mg but 4:1 so technically 2000mg which is the recommended dosage. But apparently you can take as much as you like as it has no side effects (i.e. you can't OD). I'm making my DH take it too.

Still don't feel any different but maybe that's what's made me O on CD14? I think if my luteal phase is still only 10 days, of which 3 days are spotting then I'll be peeved, cause that will make my cycle only 24 days, apparently classed as short.

But then again if I get no spotting on Sat when I'm supposed to start I'll be getting my hopes up for a BFP, but it might just be my luteal phase lengthening. Oh boy, talk about friggin catch 22! :bike:

Us TTCers will always find somthing to worry about...:dohh:

Thanks for the info on Maca! Will have a look online. If I ov'd on CD14 and had my 6 day LP my cycle would be 20 days!! :dohh:

:rofl: Mrs F, you so funny! You see - we are loony about this stuff. :tease:

Haha well it would make every cycle go quicker! :haha:
Hey everyone!

The vits should not interfere at ALL with bloodwork. The only way they would influence your labwork is if they helped your progesterone enough that you got a nice high number at 7dpo.

Mrs F - Sorry AF came.. I know it can be cruel sometimes to hang on to that shred of hope. Sounds like things were looking better this round for you though!

Merry - I'm not a CBFM expert, but Crissie is right about the fact that OPKs can show that your body tried to ovulate. However, its still possible for you to ovulate 48 hours after that pos opk. Your temp dipping today is a promising sign for that. I will be stalking your chart tomorrow to see if you get a post-O rise!! I don't know if the CBFM has the same issues that OPKs have... where its possible to miss your peak or if it might not be sensitive enough for your body etc...

I hate the FF phone app too. I was so excited when they said they had one.. felt like it was a waste of money though. Even if it had all the same data entry options, you still have to 'sync' it to your web account which is annoying. They have the mobile edition which is decent, you can add specific fields to your mobile page that you need. I tend to just use the full web page though, lol. Dont' use it from my phone unless I'm traveling.

AFM - playing the waiting game right now, keeping busy.
Oh yes... Crissie - it was not very easy to convince DH to go every day. I truly thought I was close to ovulation when we started BDing... but ovulation just didn't happen as fast as I thought, lol. Basically he got very lazy and had me doing all the work. I don't think I could get him to agree to that again...
Now we go every other day or so until my pos OPK, then we go at least 2 days in a row. If we just aren't in the mood or something, we will skip a day even at peak fertility times... its good for the sperm to regenerate and its just not worth making ourselves miserable having sex.
Thanks for the positive thoughts people. I am so hoping that I get a high temp tomorrow. :flower: I have read that the temp can dip just before they go up but only in a very few women.

Looking at my chart from May on FF I didn't ov. then it thinks to CD 21 so that may be when I will ovulate this time round, if I do. Though I think I may of ovulated a few days after that as it seems to think I have a 17 day LP!!!! Which is just odd!

This ttc lark is full of waiting and wondering and trying to tell information from syptoms which are the same for every condition!!!

Mrs. F I do hope that your LP gains a few days and that you other girls get your :bfp: this cycle. I will update tomorrow with my temperature fx. I also have 4 opk left so will do one a day but don't think I'll bother buying any more as a positive obviously means little if my temp does't go up tomorrow!!
So some good news and some bad, my temp went up yesterday. So I think I may have ovulated, the cbfm didn't pick it up. The bad news, we didn't have sex yesterday. We wanted to but couldn't, which means we last had sex Sunday. So my chances of concieving with his poor quality sperm as pretty low.

I'm gutted, first time an egg had arrived since May and we missed it! I also feel particularly unattractive this morning. Guess we can try again when ever that happens.
I need tea and later a brownie!

Sorry to rant but am so down this morning, I keep welling up!
How is everyone else?
sorry the timing wasn't ideal for you! :(
If it helps, I know of a girl on here who got pregnant on a cycle where their timing was HORRIBLE. I know they'd been ttc for 5 years, she was on her 4th round of clomid and I can't remember if there was a male factor or not.

You never know...?
(sorry if thats going to give you false hope, just trying to think positive for you!)
I k ow that there is a small chance but not putting any hopes on it. I think we need to have good timing for this to work, even if the timings great the chances are pretty low:(

I just feel all the effort i've put in over the last month has gone to waste.
No point crying over spilt milk though. I just need to pull myself together!
At least the sun is shining here, might be a nice day. Try to get out in it and clear my head
Thanks ladies, it's good to know that I am not a freak wanting to devour the contents of my fridge after taking these pills. I will try eating first from now on :) good luck
Merry at the moment you feel so down but if you really really want this as much as i know you do , dont let it beat you , keep on going and keep thinking it will happen , hey and you have all of us to keep you going hun :friends:
Merry so sorry to hear about your timing - that stinks! But how awesome that you ov'd and on CD17!!! Maybe your cycles will be regularised (!) from now on! Was really happy for you when I saw your rise this morning! :happydance:
Thanks guys, was so happy about the rise despite the timing. I think either the vit B's or the vitex is working for me so will keep up both next cycle. It would be lovely if my cycle became regular and to ov. on day 17 is great too, as that means my cycle won't be too long and will have more chances per year. Though not sure how long my LP will be. Am hoping for at least 10 days, fx that it will be.

It's so great to have you guys to chat to as I have no one else.:flower:

I have been on a rollacoster of emotions these last few weeks, will hopefully have 2 weeks of calmness now until I can start over on CD1. Sorta wish :witch: would hurry up and arrive for once! Just feel in limbo.

How are things coming along for you this cycle inkdchick? Have the headaches completly cleared?

I'm in this though for the long haul, whatever it takes.
:hugs: to all.

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