Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I think the worst thing about these vits is the smell of them. They smell like vomit and rotten cheese.

I wonder if they all smell like this, or is it just the brand I'm using?

OMG why did you have to mention this!!!! I didn't notice before but I almost gagged just now!!! Of course first I took one out and tried to smell it.... nothing... not even a hint of any kind off odor... then I stuck my nose in the bottle and it was SOOOO gross!! Lol thanks a lot ;)

Crissie - sorry about the spotting! :( Still hoping AF holds off... I think its better (though still not great) to spot for more days and have AF come on at 'normal' time than to have it come on earlier in full force.

starbex - an extra 1.5 days is good!

Jazzy - good to hear stopping the vits didn't shorten your LP like you feared.
Start with the 50 and if its not having any effect, try the 100.

AFM - temp dropped even further! :( I just feel like its over. I know there is still hope and my LP is usually at least 12 days, but my temp has dropped early like this before. I just don't understand how the higher progesterone level didn't help? Its like my corpus luteum worked its little heart out then just gave up? BFN this morning too I wouldn't be surprised if I started spotting by tonight.

Ohh Lisaf it does seem so unfair with all the positive signs going for you this cycle that it could possibly end with a bfp :hugs: I still hope every thing does turn out well for you but can see why you feel that it all over. i wish I could give advice on why the higher progesterone didn't help but I really don't know, I only hope that next cycle it does.

This afternoon I'm really bloated and gassy, I get this some times and am not sure what it's related too but it's horrid. Painful and gross!!!! Had wind ease tablets, done shoulder stands, drank cinnamon tea etc and it won't go away!!!:nope: Glad I went to the gym this morning as couldn't go like this! So I am sat in my jogging trousers on the sofa knitting while watching the other half play computer games. Going to stay in tonight and watch the baseball on TV. I hope the rest of you are up to more fun things!!

Merry :flower:
Oooh, you knit too? :) I Love knitting! :)
I need to have a knitting day, that will make me feel better.
I love knitting:) crocheting and sewing too;) A day of sitting in front of the telly watching an old film and knitting is a great way too relax:) you have any projects on the go?
I love knitting:) crocheting and sewing too;) A day of sitting in front of the telly watching an old film and knitting is a great way too relax:) you have any projects on the go?

I love doing the old movies too! Can't just sit and knit, lol.
Well I just knit a few things for friends who are expecting babies. A blanket for one (finished in a week, quite proud of myself) and a hand-knit teddy bear for the other... it KILLED my hands to knit that small an tight but I'm totally impressed with myself for the complexity and all the shaping etc.

Now I'm just working on a full-sized blanket. It was supposed to be an afghan big enough for 2 people, but I think its like a king-sized blanket now..whoops. more than halfway done so I'll just keep going.
I set it aside for over a year and just now got back to it.

I have a quilt I've been working on for ages too..I put it aside because the weather got to hot... um... 2 years ago! lol.. I also think I was overly ambitious with my stitch patterns (machine-pieced, hand quilting). Plus, we got a king-sized bed and I think its really queen-sized. I bought a super-fancy kit that cost more than I want to admit... I was supposed to work on it while I was between jobs.. but I found another job right away and havent touched it. Its perfect for a wall-hanging in a nursery (its ocean themed and crib-sized but has beads and stuff you can't put on a baby's quilt - I'm a little intimidated by it to be honest).
I have a quilt that I have been working on for at least 4 years, hehe. My quilt is also king size but have almost finished the top quilt just need to get some batting and then get the actual quilting done.

I'm knitting a cardi and crocheting some baby booties for friends. I really need to limit the number of projects I have on the go! When I get my bfp I'll go making baby clothes crazy! My stuff isn't perfect but I'm quite proud of the things I've done:) your quilt sounds lovely, perfect for a nursey:) My friends and I get together one evening a week for craft night when we gossip and get on with these projects
I have a quilt that I have been working on for at least 4 years, hehe. My quilt is also king size but have almost finished the top quilt just need to get some batting and then get the actual quilting done.

I'm knitting a cardi and crocheting some baby booties for friends. I really need to limit the number of projects I have on the go! When I get my bfp I'll go making baby clothes crazy! My stuff isn't perfect but I'm quite proud of the things I've done:) your quilt sounds lovely, perfect for a nursey:) My friends and I get together one evening a week for craft night when we gossip and get on with these projects

Feel a little pathetic for admitting this, but I have no friends left in my town. Every single friend moved away because its too expensive to live here. I MISS craft night!
I think the worst thing about these vits is the smell of them. They smell like vomit and rotten cheese.

I wonder if they all smell like this, or is it just the brand I'm using?

OMG why did you have to mention this!!!! I didn't notice before but I almost gagged just now!!! Of course first I took one out and tried to smell it.... nothing... not even a hint of any kind off odor... then I stuck my nose in the bottle and it was SOOOO gross!! Lol thanks a lot ;)
:haha: Sorry! Though you're lucky that you actually had to stick your nose in the jar to smell it... I literally open the jar the smell that wafts up is all consuming! :dohh: I'm going to look for a different brand so if anyone in the UK knows of a relatively cheap unstinky brand, then please let me know :thumbup:
That's not pathetic, I really understand as I still live in the town I went to uni in, most of my friends have moved away. One drives an hour back every week fir craft night and the others are friends of friends who I have invited in a hope they become my friends. With how people move around now adays for jobs, house prices etc it can be hard to keep friends around.

Do they have a knitting circle it stitch and bitch group near you? You could even set up one, a venue like a cafe and have people call in with thier projects. I see posters for these sort of things at my local knitting shop. One place I know even serves wine:) So much fun to share your crafts with people. I would love to see some pics of your finished projects:)
Are you on Facebook? I have pictures of some of my stuff up there.
I think I'm afraid the groups will all be older ladies, lol. I'm only 29 so not that old!
Hi Everyone

Ok, I think AF is definitely on her way, the :witch:!

I was really disappointed, I thought even if I don't get my BFP I was sure I'd hold out on the spotting for at least an extra day or so :(

The worst part is now that the BCP is working out of my system my acne is returning with a vengeance! I can't control the oil, it's so disgusting. Sorry TMI :blush:

Anyway... tomorrow is another day, or should I say next cycle is another cycle, more waiting :coffee:

Lisaf, Merry you guys are so good, knitting and sewing! A friend and I were thinking of making Christmas stockings for our friends and family this Christmas and filling them with baked goodies. Now that's my true passion! meringues, fudge, crunchies, ginger cookies, mmmm.

MrsF, which Maca did you get? I emailed Biovea, the company I ordered it from and asked them about the 4:1 ratio on the bottle and I thought it was the strength i.e. if there's 500mg in a capsule it means it's really 4:1 i.e. 2000mg! Well it's not, it just means that it takes 4 pound of Maca root to make 1 pound of extract. So Hubby and I were taking only 500mg a day! No wonder I haven't felt a difference. You're apparently supposed to take at least 2000mg a day. So now we are taking 4 capsules a day. Not very cheap! £18 for 120 capsules at 4 a day for the both of us! It's only going to last us another 10 days! I found some cheaper ones on a website called Plant Spirit. Will order from them next time.

I was wondering if my sudden increase in oil production is not a side effect of the Maca? :shrug: It's probably just the BCP officially leaving my bod, cause I suffered before I went on it. One of the reasons for using Dianette.

Jazzy, Star-bex I would definitely start by trying the B50 complex out. I think it's the entry level dose. Not sure if it has helped me thought as I've started spotting at 8DPO, my usual routine. But they say that it could take a while to build up in your system so I'll keep taking it.

Habitat you're so right, I use the Holland and Barret B50 complex and they hone! :sick: But I just open the bottle away from me and don't take a breath till I've popped it into my mouth (far back so I don't taste it either) and down it with water/juice. And Maca is worse I think, MrsF I do the same to take those too, and now I'm taking 4 of them :haha:
I just got a BFP!!! Confirmed with a blood test!
Super early but I got a 7 on a beta test this morning after a faint line on a 10miu test. Still nervous and don't want to change my status yet.
Woohoo! Soooo excited for you. :hugs: I guess the high hormones worked. Have you told your husband, bet he was over joyed. The blood test are the most reliable as well!
Gives me so much hope for my future:)
Oh my word oh my word oh my word!!!!!! :wohoo: :yipee:

CONGRATULATIONS! This bean will stick, it will it will!

I'm so happy for you lisaf. :happydance:
Lisaf CONGRATULATIONS I am so happy for u, give us more news.... yay i am actually so excited for u!

Will chat later didn't want to read & run. xxx
Lisaf - congratulations!!! I'm new but have read some of your posts and am so pleased for you, especially as you thought you were out this month :happydance:
OMG!!! HUGE CONGRATS!! Thats fantastic!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

Yay Lisaf!!!! :happydance:
Hi Everyone

Ok, I think AF is definitely on her way, the :witch:!

I was really disappointed, I thought even if I don't get my BFP I was sure I'd hold out on the spotting for at least an extra day or so :(

The worst part is now that the BCP is working out of my system my acne is returning with a vengeance! I can't control the oil, it's so disgusting. Sorry TMI :blush:

Anyway... tomorrow is another day, or should I say next cycle is another cycle, more waiting :coffee:

Lisaf, Merry you guys are so good, knitting and sewing! A friend and I were thinking of making Christmas stockings for our friends and family this Christmas and filling them with baked goodies. Now that's my true passion! meringues, fudge, crunchies, ginger cookies, mmmm.

MrsF, which Maca did you get? I emailed Biovea, the company I ordered it from and asked them about the 4:1 ratio on the bottle and I thought it was the strength i.e. if there's 500mg in a capsule it means it's really 4:1 i.e. 2000mg! Well it's not, it just means that it takes 4 pound of Maca root to make 1 pound of extract. So Hubby and I were taking only 500mg a day! No wonder I haven't felt a difference. You're apparently supposed to take at least 2000mg a day. So now we are taking 4 capsules a day. Not very cheap! £18 for 120 capsules at 4 a day for the both of us! It's only going to last us another 10 days! I found some cheaper ones on a website called Plant Spirit. Will order from them next time.

I was wondering if my sudden increase in oil production is not a side effect of the Maca? :shrug: It's probably just the BCP officially leaving my bod, cause I suffered before I went on it. One of the reasons for using Dianette.

Jazzy, Star-bex I would definitely start by trying the B50 complex out. I think it's the entry level dose. Not sure if it has helped me thought as I've started spotting at 8DPO, my usual routine. But they say that it could take a while to build up in your system so I'll keep taking it.

Habitat you're so right, I use the Holland and Barret B50 complex and they hone! :sick: But I just open the bottle away from me and don't take a breath till I've popped it into my mouth (far back so I don't taste it either) and down it with water/juice. And Maca is worse I think, MrsF I do the same to take those too, and now I'm taking 4 of them :haha:

Aw you guys are so talented with your crafts and your baking, I can't do any of those things!! Crissie with the maca I am using a brand called Rio Amazon and am taking 3 x 500mg capsules a day because thats what the dosage said on the jar. Maybe I should be taking 4? Yeah you are right its not cheap my jar cost me 16 pounds! It better do something. I am starting to get headaches and feeling sick in the mornings I am pretty sure its from all these pills I am taking but I don't want to cut back on anything! Maybe I am taking too much VitB? I am taking 2 x 100complex tablets, one in the morning and one at night.

Jazzy I would try the Vit B50 complex as well, the only reason I am taking so much is because I have a 6-7 day luteal phase - pathetic!! :dohh:

SOOOOO pleased to hear about lisaf's BFP!! It gives me hope! Yay Lisaf! :happydance:
Thanks everyone, I'll still try and stay in touch here and answer your questions, don't want to disappear on you. Can't wait to hear all of you announce your BFPs soon!
MrsF, I get my maca from amazon, its really good and much cheaper than 16 quid a pot! I take between 1500-2000mg a day which seems to be a good amount.

Chrissie, I used to take epo to help with my skin as when came off the pill got bad again and now I don't even need to take it as the maca after about a month has really helped clear my skin up. I'm surprised what a difference its made!

I've just started making a patchwork quilt, just handsewing it, will probably be rubbish but I like to be busy and try new things! My husband takes the mick out of me as I'm 28 and he says I'm an old lady for sewing in front of the tv lol

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