Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Hi :wave:

Mrs F, it's been 5 months now since I've been off BCP and not sure what this month will bring but this spotting before AF and only 10 day LP, plus my shift not being very prominent, is making me think I have low progesterone. But I think I'm going to give it another 4/5 months of good :sex: effort before I go to the doc.

If you feeling really anxious 8-[ about it there is no harm in going to ask, and after this month of charting you'll have 3 full months to take to the doc. My motto: if you don't ask, you don't get!

I have read quite a few posts of woman who live in the UK and go to their GPs with their charts and complain about having a short LP and some docs don't like the idea of charting and don't believe in LPD. :-s :confused: guess it depends on the Doc. Anyone ever experienced that?
I think if you are still having short LP after 6 months off the pill, its worth seeing the doctor. Many doctors are skeptical about LPD but I find that they trust OPKs more than BBT charts (the skeptics anyway).

starbex - I don't think there really can be a placebo effect as most of us here right now have not seen dramatic effects (it never lengthened my LP at all but it did seem to stop my spotting).

AFM - BFN this morning on both my 20miu and my 10miu
I'm trying very hard not to lose hope with my temp drop today... its a big one! :(
Lisaf that drop had to be a fluke no? I mean you seem to have at least a 12 day LP. Mabe it was due to somthing external?

If I don't see spotting tomorrow I think I'll also test, definitley too early but what the hell. :haha:
I have a 12 day LP, but if you look at some of my older charts, you'll see my temp sometimes drops early then hovers around my coverline (I think Feb did this).
I kind of consider myself 9dpo, so thats about right for the temp to start droppig.
Thanks for the advice guys, I really appreciate it. I think I will give it a few more months and see how my body goes. I read that same thing about doctors in the UK and luteal phases Crissie. Thats the problem isn't it, you don't know what doctor you will get. You might get someone really sympathetic and helpful or someone who tells you you are being a hysterical female and shoos you out of the office! Lisaf I think your temp drop is fine, I bet it will pick up tomorrow, as Crissie says your LP is usually a lot longer than 8 days.

Crissie looking forward to seeing your test results tomorrow!! Fingers crossed for you!!
Lisaf try not to lose hope, it may rise tomorrow but even if doesn't your cycle this time round was so positive, I'm sure within a few more cycles you'll have your bfp. I have my fingers crossed for you. If AF does turn up I think you should treat your self to some thing you couldn't do if pregnant, a really nice bottle of wine, a massage with aromatherapy oils etc. Treat yourself and get those positive vibes going for next cycle.

Crissie if you give in to your poas addiction please feel free to share:) fx for you

I think if af doesn't arrive before I'll do my first test on the 28th, that's 11 days post ovulation. Is that still to early do you think. I'm going to the Rugby and would like a nice pear cider, if it's bfn might have a half:)

also ladies what brands of pregnancy tests do you use?
I use IC (internet cheapie) tests because I couldn't afford my addiction otherwise. I have an FRER as backup in case I need to confirm. Lol, I hope I'm not feeding your minor addiction Crissie!

Thanks for all the PMA guys. I know it was still a better cycle, but with 4 eggs, great progesterone etc, what more does my body want?
I always tell myself I'm going to treat myself, but instead I end up sitting at home and sulking instead and don't want to go anywhere. The treats I usually end up doing are junkfood and I've been losing a few pounds so I dont' want to derail that.
I'm spotting!!!!! :hissy:

That's so unfair! Hope you don't feel too down about it. :hugs:I was so hoping that you would get your bfp or no spotting before af. What strength b vits you on, have you thought about maybe upping the dosage.:flower:

My temp went a little higher today, 36.6 so not skimming the base line. Which is better but I too think my progesterone is too low.

Lisaf in the tcoyf book, it says a dip in temp. During the tww is common and co-incides with a second hormone boost. Also at this time you may get creamy cm. So I'm hoping this is what you temp drop was and might go upvagain. Fx :hugs: to everyone
oh crissie sorry to hear that. hope ur ok. :hugs:

how r things lisaf?

i know what everyone means about the docs. its luck of the draw who u get where i live. They done is bloods & X2 S/A & said come back in 6 mths. all docs r different. some can be really understanding & supportive.

by the way AF got me yesterday afternoon so that means i had a 11.5 lp instead of 10 so i am TRYING to see a positive.
Hello me again...may i ask a question relating to b vits?

I have been taking tesco own b vit complex containing 2.00mg of b6 & 1.6ug of b vit 12 (and all the other b vits of course) but what i would like to know is i have also started to take pregnacare conception vitamins.

these include:
10mg b6
20ug b12

plus vits, d, e, c, biotin, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodinem selenium etc.

do u think its a good thing to do? i have never taken vits (duh i know) :dohh: so really hoping this supports my reproductivive system.

thank u for listening.
Thanks for the replies girls, AF did show up yesterday but i just got on with it and tried not to let it spoil my birthday!
When i was looking at my chart today i realised i had 2 temps before ov that i had discarded and i cant remember why as i always have my alarm on for 6am, anyway when i included them FF but my O day 4 days earlier! and from a possible ov with the dotty red line to a confirmed ov, which has made my day as LP was 10 days without the b6 instead of 6 :D, which it was before i started taking the b6.
Anyway i am going to start a vit b complex tomorrow, i was taking 50mg of b6 with a LP of 10 days, do you girlies think i should try 100 of b complex?
Hey people. I think with b vits is 50mg isn't working try to up it a bit to 100mg but take two pills, one in the morning and one with dinner to spread them through out the day.

Ivthink mixing the b complex and multi vits is ok as combined the b vits dosage is still quite low. Sorry about the bits of bad news, spotting, AF and the like. However Crissie I did notice that your temp didn't really drop like it did last month. Maybe the spotting won't develop into AF, not to wanting to raise false hopes but trying to keep thinking positive.
I think the worst thing about these vits is the smell of them. They smell like vomit and rotten cheese.

I wonder if they all smell like this, or is it just the brand I'm using?
I think the worst thing about these vits is the smell of them. They smell like vomit and rotten cheese.

I wonder if they all smell like this, or is it just the brand I'm using?

Mine smell minty! I take a complex that is called Optivite, it has other things in them too but it's really nice. I have used others that smell of marmite, I love marmite though so thats ok. You could try different brands or jut gulping them down with juice?
I think the worst thing about these vits is the smell of them. They smell like vomit and rotten cheese.

I wonder if they all smell like this, or is it just the brand I'm using?

Mine smell minty! I take a complex that is called Optivite, it has other things in them too but it's really nice. I have used others that smell of marmite, I love marmite though so thats ok. You could try different brands or jut gulping them down with juice?

Oh really? I thought they'd all be smelly. Whereabouts did you get Optivite from?
I have Holland and Barratt's own brand vit b complex. I literally have to plug my nose when I open the jar to take one out!
I read about it in the fertility, cycles and nutrition book so thought I would give them a go. They are called Lambards optivite, you can get them from amazon or other online supplement places but think they might be a little more expensive than other store brands.
I'm taking maca this month and it smells the worst out of all of them!

Merry with the B 100 complex thats what I am doing this month, one in the afternoon and one before bed, to space them out. I am also taking maca, magnesium and normal pregnancy vits. I haven't felt the greatest over the last few days, I'm not sure this many pills is that good for me, even though they are supposed to make you healthier! But I will persevere, if it makes my body improve this month somewhat it will be worth it.
I think the worst thing about these vits is the smell of them. They smell like vomit and rotten cheese.

I wonder if they all smell like this, or is it just the brand I'm using?

OMG why did you have to mention this!!!! I didn't notice before but I almost gagged just now!!! Of course first I took one out and tried to smell it.... nothing... not even a hint of any kind off odor... then I stuck my nose in the bottle and it was SOOOO gross!! Lol thanks a lot ;)

Crissie - sorry about the spotting! :( Still hoping AF holds off... I think its better (though still not great) to spot for more days and have AF come on at 'normal' time than to have it come on earlier in full force.

starbex - an extra 1.5 days is good!

Jazzy - good to hear stopping the vits didn't shorten your LP like you feared.
Start with the 50 and if its not having any effect, try the 100.

AFM - temp dropped even further! :( I just feel like its over. I know there is still hope and my LP is usually at least 12 days, but my temp has dropped early like this before. I just don't understand how the higher progesterone level didn't help? Its like my corpus luteum worked its little heart out then just gave up? BFN this morning too I wouldn't be surprised if I started spotting by tonight.

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