Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

Really happy you are still with us lisaf, are you getting any pregnancy symptoms yet?

Starbex glad I have inspired you to try maca! Early days for me yet though to see if it does anything to my cycle, Fingers crossed! I agree that longer period probably = better lining. yay!

Habitat I was amazed by your chart as well, either you ov'd later than your opk said or your chart is looking REALLY good! Did you get much BD'ing in?

Thanks Merry I don't think O will be coming up this early but I will have some fun with DH just in case!

Have a great night everyone, I am watching underage and pregnant and imagining what my life what have been like if I'd gotten pregnant to my first boyfriend - not good I think! xx
Mrs F - Is that show like 16 and pregnant here? I can tell you it made me feel OK that it was taking a while now because at least I wasn't dealing with what those girls were dealing with!!

No real pregnancy symptoms.. an emotional wreck at the moment because DH just had a consultation with an orthodontist and needs braces :( We CANNOT afford that.
I was already stressing about how we're going to fix up some basic things in the house (carpet that isn't so thin that nails poke through, doors on our cupboards so baby can't drink chemicals etc), I'm in massive debt, etc etc... and the possibility of twins making all this so much worse.
Aw sorry to hear that lisaf, I'm sure you will have everything under control by the time bubs comes. I am impressed you are thinking about baby proofing your house already - super organised! :thumbup:

Yes it sounds like a similar show, although a lot of these mothers are 14-15! There was this one mother who got pregnant at 13, but she was really quite mature and had this lovely 16 year old boyfriend, and the boyfriend died in a car accident when she was 7 weeks pregnant, which was so sad :cry:
Merry - I'm not sure if docs will give you clomid if you've been off BCP less than 6 months.. can't remember if you recently came off or not?

Hey Lisaf,

Hope that your well. Came off BC last October, so 11 months ttc with no luck so far:nope: so hopefully they will give me some meds. I think with my irregular ovulation and short LP that they hopefully will. Some times i just feel like I've been trying forever.

I had some very light spotting earlier :( So if it turns into AF tomorrow thats 8 days post ovulation, which isn't too good. I'm staying focused on the doctor appointment and hopefully getting some help so that I will have a BFP soon. Glad I ovulated this month though, as it proves that things can work they just need a little help :)

I saw underage and pregnant, my mother would of had a fit if I had got pregnant unmarried, let alone while still at school. When I was 24 living with my other half she told me if I got pregnant she would through me out of the house. I did mention to her that she couldn't throw me out of my own house and being thrown out of her house wouldn't impact me much. She told me I was missing the point. She's a strange women!!:shrug:

Lisaf- I hope that your money worries will solve themselves out, I hope that it's a single baby for you. I know how crippling debt can be. We have worked really hard over the last few years and cut back on so much and are now almost debt free. We have the morgage on the house and my student loan, which is a UK governement thing and doesn't really count as it's not worth paying it off as the interest is currently zero! I know you will find a way to manage:hugs:

Crissie- Let us know the results if you test tomorrow morning! I have my fingers crossed for you :flower:
Hi Guys,

I posted on the FF VIP board and one of the Guides change the setting on my ovulation detector (although I thought I had tried this) and it's confirmed that I O-ed on CD15 not CD14 which means I'm only 10dpo today. So technically AF should only show tomorrow. I think to save me the disappointment I'll wait to test. If AF doesn't show tomorrow I'll test Thur Morn.

But how sad is that I started spotting at 7dpo this time :(

Anyway Lisaf I know how you feel about being in debt, it's a vicious cycle. But I'm sure with Baby on the way it's a good motivation to try and kill it.

Habitat I look forward to seeing next cycles full temps, should be interesting...

Star-bex are you charting? Congrats on the extended LP! Whoohoo :happydance:

Merry I hate spotting!!! :af:
hey girls,
i've been trying to find a B complex, and wanted to take 100mg but on all the bottles i've founf it just says take 1 a day and doesnt say how many mg, although on the boots one it said 1.4mg of B6 on the back which is nothing!!
Where did you girls get yours and has anyone got a link, pref UK so i can buy them from a shop!
Hi Guys,

I posted on the FF VIP board and one of the Guides change the setting on my ovulation detector (although I thought I had tried this) and it's confirmed that I O-ed on CD15 not CD14 which means I'm only 10dpo today. So technically AF should only show tomorrow. I think to save me the disappointment I'll wait to test. If AF doesn't show tomorrow I'll test Thur Morn.

But how sad is that I started spotting at 7dpo this time :(

Anyway Lisaf I know how you feel about being in debt, it's a vicious cycle. But I'm sure with Baby on the way it's a good motivation to try and kill it.

Habitat I look forward to seeing next cycles full temps, should be interesting...

Star-bex are you charting? Congrats on the extended LP! Whoohoo :happydance:

Merry I hate spotting!!! :af:

Yeah me too, hate spotting. Horrible thing, I'm convinced that it is AF on her way but then a little voice goes, "Well it could be implantation spotting." Stupid voice:hissy:

Going to take it as it comes, looking on the +ve side at least I'll be able to drink at the wedding Thursday, the Rugby Saturday and a party Sunday. Won't go too overboard but a glass of wine/cider won't go amiss.

You are very good waiting till Thursday to test, that must require a lot of will power!! It is very sad that the spotting started on 7DPO :hugs: I'm still praying that things work out ok for you this cycle. :flower:

I just wish that the whole 2ww could be done away with. Not too good at waiting :dohh:
hey girls,
i've been trying to find a B complex, and wanted to take 100mg but on all the bottles i've founf it just says take 1 a day and doesnt say how many mg, although on the boots one it said 1.4mg of B6 on the back which is nothing!!
Where did you girls get yours and has anyone got a link, pref UK so i can buy them from a shop!

You can get them at Holland and Barret, GNC and most health food stores. some of the larger Tesco, sainsburys boots etc will sell them. So keep an eye out. If you want to take 100mg may I reccomend taking a 50mg in the morning and a 50 mg at night. If you spread them out you are less likely to get any side effects.

Good luck:flower:
i've just looked on Holland and Barratt, superdrug and boots but i cant find any complex that say how many mg they are :S
i've found the HnB B-100 which is the B complex with 100mg in so that makes sense lol, sorry having a bit of a dumb moment!
i dont know whether to get any other vitamins to do with LP, what do you girls take?
Merry it's taking all my will power not to test! But some how deep down the sane side of me is telling me AF is on her way. :muaha:

Curse that annoying little voice!!! It's saying :test::test::test:
oh boy those little voices are so evil and tempting!!! The test voice I can't resist... but I've been there with the implantation spotting voice too! Spotting is the WORST because of that little spark of hope.

Thanks for the cheering up gals. I think I just have to get very strict with DH.. he's crap with money. As for baby-proofing, with nails poking through carpet and having cut myself on it MANY times its always been on my mind :haha:.. and if we're going to have some furniture moving around anyway, might as well do the carpet now instead of barricading baby from the dangerous carpet zone! I imagine it will be a lot harder once the kid is HERE to take care of that stuff..
We have to sort out our spending and budgets before baby gets here for sure! Its just hard to give up things like my acupuncture which helps me SO much with stress!
Hi Jazzy-NICU i started with simple tesco own b vit complex with only 1.2 b6 so not a lot but first month i started i lengthened my lp & period lasted 5 days (which i have learnt on here is good!) so all im saying is everyone is different and i am happy i started off low but thats not to say im upping the dosage if nothing happens after 3 months.

good luck.

crissie any news? i am not charting no. i have started temping but all the advice is in farenheit not centigrade so not really understanding what im doing but waiting for it to go up. cd 6 at the mo.

merry are u ok or spoting? how r things?
Crissie- I have been chart stalking on my train journey and have to say it's looking good. Almost afraid to say it but it's looking almost tri-phasic. Are you still spotting as I didn't see that on your chart. I have my fx for you and sending positive vibes your way:)
please let AF stay away!! :)

I'm still above my coverline, by a hairs breath. Feeling ok today, not overly emotional or any thing. How is every one else feeling today?
Guys you have to help me SQUASH those voices :devil:!!!!

I'm still spotting very mildly, no signs yet of AF or ... (can't even say it :sulk:).

I found sticky CM in my underwear (sorry TMI :blush:) which is strange for me cause when I spot, I really just spot and quite heavily (no need for a Tam or liner or anything but loads on the TP). My oil production has subsided - thank goodness (or not, depending on how you look at it), and I can't even tell if I have sore BB cause I went to the gym on Monday and did chest exercises so they're muscular sore. So what's up with my temps???

I should clam down...:loopy: cause it's only 11DPO the day AF should officially arrive and there is still a whole day she could show.

SHUT UP, SHUT UP! stupid voices :trouble:

Anyway, Merry so no more spotting?

Star-bex, most of us on this thread are official chart stalkers so if you are ever keen to share please do.... :)
Yes we must all take a deep breath and exhale in a calming manor! Though I am feeling positive things for you:) I think things being different is a good sign but don't want to get your hopes up as signs can be misleading. Though I can totally understand that remaining calm is hard. I hope the witch stays away today and tomorrow is testing day:)

no spotting for me today, it was really light yesterday. It might come back, though I hope it doesn't. More tinged CM really, not taking it as a sign.

As the mug in my office says, "Keep calm and carry on." Fx for you:)

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