Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

How do you get a coverline on your chart? Does it appear automatically?
My temperature is doing strange things :wacko:
Also, what does it mean when the dots are hollow (like today's temp)?
Hi Habitat

It's always best to start temping on CD1 so that FF has the full month to analyse and give you crosshairs (o-day & coverline). Not sure if you'll get them this cycle, but usually you will get them automatically the day after 3 elevated temps (i.e. above average or your pre O temps). The open dot for today’s temp often means you took the temp not at your regular temp time, or you ticked the 'drinking' or 'sleep deprived' boxes? Could be why it's up and down.

What you could do is set your tuner to OPK for this cycle so that it only takes your OPK into account, I've never tried this so not sure if it will work. Click on Analysis and in the drop down menu you'll find tuning/override. Click on this and change your tuner to OPK/Monitor/OVwatch. You can always change it back to Advanced if it doesn’t do anything. Otherwise wait for tomorrows temp, if it's up again you might get the crosshairs.

Good luck :flower:
I am so excited for you guys! You're all a good way past O! Praying AF stays away for you all!!
How wierd, the spotting has stopped? Maybe it's my mind making my body do things?
The mind can make the body do amazing things! I think you should cautiously hopeful about your test tomorrow, though is 11 days still a bit early? I don't really know? I have my fingers crossed.

I've been trying to visualise things like ovulation, implantation etc to try and make it happen. I hear top atheletes do it. I'm ignoring voices and not getting my hoped up as really don't know when to expect af. Just keeping my fingers crossed:)

I'm so sleepy, busy at work today. Time for a nap on the train :)
hope the temps stay up:)
Lisaf on, there are some great budgetting tools and spreadsheets etc. I found the site really useful, it's UK based but the speadsheets should be fine to use :)

I gave up getting my hair dyed, holidays and my legs waxed, very sad but I think it was worth it in the end:) we have also been buying cheaper cuts of meat, like brisket and trying to save on the food bill as that's gone up at least 30% in the last year! I know you'll find a way :)
Don't you find taking all these vits is such a pain, I have like 8 tabs/caps to take a day and it takes 2 glasses of water to get them all down. The Maca capsules are so light they tend to get stuck halfway. :sick:

Because of my health issues, I already take a handful of pill & capsules every day, the fertility stuff on top of that's just another handful!

So, a little tip for taking capsules, take them separate from solid pills, and first. Put the capsules in your mouth, take a swig of water, then lean your head forward as if looking at your shoes and swallow. Why? Because there is air inside the capsules and so 'float' on the water, by leaning forward, you are putting them at the back of your throat, ready to swallow. I know this sounds *wrong*, but it works! No stuck capsules!

With solid pills, tilt your head back, as they are heavier than water, they sink down and towards the back of your throat.

Try it! And I hope this helps!
The mind can make the body do amazing things! I think you should cautiously hopeful about your test tomorrow, though is 11 days still a bit early? I don't really know? I have my fingers crossed.

I've been trying to visualise things like ovulation, implantation etc to try and make it happen. I hear top atheletes do it. I'm ignoring voices and not getting my hoped up as really don't know when to expect af. Just keeping my fingers crossed:)

I'm so sleepy, busy at work today. Time for a nap on the train :)
hope the temps stay up:)

Hey Merry, Good question, is 11DPO too early to test? It could just be my LP correcting, progesterone levels normalising...

Anyway, I think not knowing when AF will arrive is somehow a good thing as you don't have to worry that you are 'late'. Oh well FXed!
Crissie thats so great your spotting has stopped! Yay!!!! :dance:

Will be stalking your chart tomorrow to see how you go. You can test with a FRER test at 11dpo.... just sayin... :winkwink:

Tomorrow you will be at 12dpo!!
Hey gals, been sooo busy this morning I haven't been able to check in.
Crissie - I can't help but be excited for you.. .but if you need to quiet those voices, I can tell you I saw a beautiful quad-phasic chart that ended up with AF/BFN... and my chart was looking so crappy and I got a BFP... so the post O temps are hard to really know for sure what they mean! At 11dpo my blood level was 35 and IC was BARELY positive... like I'm not even sure if the line had color or not (as I remember it anyway). All it takes is implanting a little later than me, and you'd definitely still get BFN at 11dpo. Had several friends who were BFN at 11dpo but BFP at 12 or 13.

Merry - above the coverline at all is still good! Hopefully you get a nice LP this time!

Anicecup - Interesting tip... I always took my capsules last. My trick to avoid getting anything stuck to the roof of your mouth was to put the pill under your tongue (and lift the tongue).. take some water in your mouth, then use the water, swing it around the side of your cheek to slip down your throat.... thats for those giant horsepills that my tongue doesn't like to let slip on by.
oh yeah, and if you want to quiet those voices more... I had my spotting basically disappear one cycle, but it came back later that same day... totally messed with my head!

I'm still super excited/hopeful for you though!
Thanks Lisaf, I so needed a reality check! :thumbup: I think being my first month TTC I'm still not grounded by the repeated BFNs yet.

But the biggest thing is probably my Temps cause I'm so used to them nose diving at about 9dpo, it's freaking me out a little. Oh well we'll see tomorrow.

Off to go pack for our weekend in Paris! :happydance:

Sleep tight gals :sleep:
will you keep us posted while on your trip if anything important happens? Or at least update your chart so we can stalk and see?
I'm so jealous! Paris is lovely:)
I'm off to a wedding evening do tomorrow, should be lots of fun.
Let us know if you test and the results, my fingers are crossed for you but lisaf's reality checks are worth keeping in mind:)
I'm happy my lp is longer, even if the temps are quite low. I've seen such improvements this cycle that I'm very happy. Hope they stay for next cycle.
Have a great night people:)
Hi there girls, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I came across this thread when I was searching for info on using B6 for low progesterone/LPD. Im new to the forum
and have just started charting so I apologise in advance if I know nothing!!

I was previously ttc for over 14 months with my daughter, I used B6 and Agnus Castus after speaking to my GP as he thought that I may have a luteal phase defect. Done a bit of research myself and started taking them both - couldn't believe it when 2 months later I had my BFP!! I think we had been trying for that long I had convinced myself it wasn't going to happen!!

I am sure that it was either the AC or B6 that done the trick!! Anyway, we are now ready for a sibling for our daughter - she seems to be turning into a toddler already! eeek!!
We have been actively trying for the last couple of months and no success yet, so I have decided to try 100mg of B6 and 800mg of AC.

Hope you dont mind if I jump on board as I am currently on CD4 and it would be great to get some advice and talk with others who are trying this. Im going to start temping tomorrow and could really do with some help with my charting as well!! lol at the moment none of it is making much sense!!

Thanks gals - I look forward to meeting you all! Night night x
For charting, I highly recommend using Fertility friend (you can follow the link on any of our signatures) its free and the software will interpret your temps for you!
They also have lessons and articles so you can educate yourself about temping, but most of us here are becoming experts and can probably help if you're confused at all :haha:

Welcome to the neon yellow pee club! :rofl:
OMG OMG OMG Crissie you got a BFP :) I see it on your chart above, so happy for you:) I knew it when I saw your tri pattern ;) a weekend in Paris to celebrate too. My prayers are with you:)
Hi tinks09

This is my first month with AC and B6 (though only 50mg at the mo) Been tryin for number one for a year and found out last month my progesterone is pretty low (14.5nmols/l (uk)) i suspected something was amiss, cos i have rediculously short(1-2days), light(pantyliner only) but pretty regular periods every month. Really want these herbs/vits to solve the problem!!! Currently on Day 13 and high on my monitor - though i get hi's and peaks every month (but according to the doc's no egg!)

so far AC no probs noted and a nab cyst, which i have had on my cervix since i started checking it about 10 months ago, has disappeared!

Keep intouch i will be interested to see your B6 Ac experiences
welcome tinks09 and hello to everyone else i havent chated to yet. how r we all feeling today?

Crissie any news? no i dont chart and thanks i clicked on yours looks so complicated! hope u enjoy ur time in paris a BFP would be icing on the cake!

exciting stuff everyone. i am CD 7 but dtd every other day from now. wish me luck!

lisaf thanks for the reassurance about the long bleed thing. on cd6 it got worse & i had 2 t spoons of bloody clots (TMI) does anyone think its a good sign for the cycles to come? sorry for worrying. i think its the b vits.

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