Vitamin K Injection

My baby will be having the vit k oraly.

Yes we have immune systems but they cannot fight off everything, millions of people have died from things like TB and meningitus when they are easily stopped. I could never forgive myself if i decided not to vaccinate and my child were to loose there sight or worse to something that could have been prevented.
I think immunisations are important, I would hate myself if my little man got a disease I could have prevented him getting. You just don't know what's out there, I believe developing medicine is generally for our benefits, if professionals thought they were pointless then surely they would not be advised?
I have to disgree with the article. An immune system can only become immune to something if theyy have had a form of the virus or infection. The things are children are immunized against are nasty diseases that can have VERY bad effects. Loss of limbs, eye sight etc Or even death . The immune system will not naturally protect children agaisnt certain diseases. You only have to look at history and child deaths to see the proof . Children used to die from these as their young immune systems couldn't fight the disease. Even some adults struggled to fight it. Therefore giving our children a weakend form in a vaccination elimates that risk. I have read and read and read. And the pros outwiegh the cons by far. My son has has all his immunisations and will continue to do so.

If people continue to discard what they are being told by health proffessionals we will have a epeidemic on our hands and lives will be lost or seriously affected by something an injection could have stopped

As a trainee childrens nurse. I know we are doing it in the childrens best interest and I back it 100%
It scares me to think what will start happening if people continue refusing what medical professionals advise us to do :wacko:
I wanted vit k via injection but in Newcastle they don't give it by injection apart from to premmie and poorly babies.
I can assure you health proffesionals have no hidden agenda. We go into our job to save lives.
Here is the wikipedia definition of "Herd immunisation"

Herd immunity (or community immunity) describes a type of immunity that occurs when the vaccination of a portion of the population (or herd) provides protection to unprotected individuals.[1] Herd immunity theory proposes that, in diseases passed from person to person, it is more difficult to maintain a chain of infection when large numbers of a population are immune. The higher the proportion of individuals who are immune, the lower the likelihood that a susceptible person will come into contact with an infectious individual. Vaccination acts as a sort of firebreak or firewall in the spread of the disease, slowing or preventing further transmission of the disease to others.[3] Unvaccinated individuals are indirectly protected by vaccinated individuals, as the latter will not contract and transmit the disease between infected and susceptible individuals.[2] Hence, a public health policy of herd immunity may be used to reduce spread of an illness and provide a level of protection to a vulnerable, unvaccinated subgroup. Since only a small fraction of the population (or herd) can be left unvaccinated for this method to be effective, it is considered best left for those who cannot safely receive vaccines because of a medical condition such as an immune disorder or for organ transplant recipients.

Basically, (and this is only my take on things) if you don't get your child immunised, it is unlikely that they will catch a life threatening disease because the majority of surrounding people do vaccinate. But the more people that choose not to vaccinate, the less protection there will be. Is it really fair to be benifiting from the immunity of others because you are not willing to vaccinate your own child? As I said, that's just my opinion but it seems unfair on those who are not able to vaccinate their children for medical reasons.
No it wouldnt be fair but it also wouldnt be fair to have to pump your 8 week old baby full of mercury because everyone else has.

Why has it even got mercury in it!?
I have no problem 'pumping my baby full of mercury' oh and anti freeze AND aborted fetus's :lol: ... because medical professionals advise it.

I will never ever never ever ever never take any notice of internet links, i ONLY go by what actual medical professionals tell me to do.

As Heather said, medical professionals go into their jobs to save lives, not mess them up :wacko:

Thankfully, people choosing not to immunise are in the minority, and i hope it stays that way.
Here's a quote from the attached NHS link:

"A further study, published recently in the medical journal 'The Lancet', found that ethylmercury is very rapidly eliminated from babies' bodies and did not accumulate. The paper found that the level of mercury in blood was no higher in children after vaccination than at birth. Claims of neurological damage have been based on toxicity from methyl mercury, not present in thiomersal. "
Here's a quote from the attached NHS link:

"A further study, published recently in the medical journal 'The Lancet', found that ethylmercury is very rapidly eliminated from babies' bodies and did not accumulate. The paper found that the level of mercury in blood was no higher in children after vaccination than at birth. Claims of neurological damage have been based on toxicity from methyl mercury, not present in thiomersal. "

Thanks for the link! Just thinking about it all gives me braxton hicks!
The levels of substances in the immunisations cannot harm babies. If found to do so they will be reudced

You're theroy in herd immunation is slightly floored. The more people that 'use' this method the closer we are to having a serious out break. And the less chance you're children will be immune

I would rather 'pump' my 8 week old full of murcury. Rather than put their qaulity of life or actual life at risk by not vaccinating them
The levels of substances in the immunisations cannot harm babies. If found to do so they will be rudced

Ure theroy in herd immunation is slightly floored. The more peopel that use this 'use' this method the closer we are to having a serious out break. And the less chance yoru children will be immune

I would rather 'pump' my 8 week old full of murcury. Rather than put their qaulity of life or actual life at risk by not vaccinating them

I agree completly. Some of the ingrediants may not be nice things but they are less threatening that the desises they are protecting against.

Just look at the symptoms and side effects of the illness's you are refusing to vaccinate against, surely the benifits outweight the risks.
hehe i knew this would turn into a vaccination debate! :p

p.s if anyone is thinking of giving vit k orally i really wouldnt bother. they have done studies showing that it is not absorbed properly from the gut and it isnt very effective etc.

babys bleeding to death is a pretty big risk to take for me personally when it can be prevented by a vitamin. it's not even got aborted babies or anti freeze or acid or heavy metals or ANY of that stuff that people seem to have such a problem with yet they still want to make a fuss! it just baffles me
I refused the Vit K because I didn't feel it necessary in my situation, however Holly has had her 'normal' immunisations and will continue to do so.

All of the diseases we immunise against are nasty. Not something that will make your LO a little bit ill - really nasty diseases. I refused the swine flu jab as I didn't feel enough research had been done, however the rest of them have been around for donkeys years.

I would never forgive myself if I refused them and she contracted one of the diseases. It's my job as her mummy to make decisions as I see fit and in good faith.

However - I would never criticise somebody who didn't immunise their child. It is a totally personal decision and one which should not be swayed by the opinions of others.
We had the oral (3 doses) as both mine were em-CS, I would have been happy not giving them it if their births had been straightforward. When you look at the actual risks the vit k is meant to reduce, you find for most babies it's a tiny risk. If you are happy with not giving it then don't, it doesn't mean your baby will then bleed to death.

I don't think this is the right forum for the immunisations debate.
No your right, maybe should be in natural parenting which I have just seen.
Some good threads in there which i'll read.

Should I close this off or move it or do admin do that?
that article didn't make alot of sense to me. a lot of the countries where AIDS is a big problem have much much lower vaccination rates than we have over here. it completely oversimplifies everything. vaccines do NOT supress your immune system. i have here sitting beside me a man that has been studying and practising medicine for over 3 decades and he says it isn't true
so many of you say that you would never forgive yourself if you did not vaccinate and your baby caught a illness....

but that goes for both arguments! I would never forgive myself if I caused an illness that could have been prevented by allowing it to be vaccinated!
apart from the autism debate and the mercury in the vaccine....vaccines have proven links with increased rates of asthma and diabetes....these are major and livelong illnesses compared to some very minor childhood illnesses we vaccinate against.....

each make their on decision, but please don't believe that the "other side" is not also acting the the best interest of their child!
sorry to say but its people who refuse to immunise their children that cause academics...and in general i would rather my child suffer from minor side affects that become seriously ill with something that could have been prevented

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