Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

We had a good Thanksgiving with my mom. And today we went to the festival of trees with my in-laws. It was a bit much for Christian but still fun.

I also got to see my husband's cousins day old baby. I forgot how tiny they are. And it helped me feel better about having number two as I didn't panic at the thought of having a newborn.

Keely- 24 weeks! Sure is going quickly.
So my period started this morning which was surprising because I've never had it twice in one month.The first time it started this month was four weeks ago today on the 1st but I'm not too worried about it.My cycle is usually 30 days and in the last two months it's been 28.

So how was everyone's weekend? Mine was good nothing too exciting happened. Tomorrow I'm going to a Christmas party at the blood clinic so I'm excited about that! :thumbup:
Hi all! Sorry I've been so absent from this thread lately. The charger on my computer is shot so I haven't had a computer the last few days. Hard to edit/reply on my phone. New charger should be here tomorrow so I will go through and catch up then and get the list updated.

Glad everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! Sorry you had to stay home Krissie. I hope you get to go visit your dad soon. We had to stay home as well because my parents were both pretty sick. Thankfully my BIL and SIL had enough room for us to join them for dinner. Hoping to head to my parents this weekend instead.

Hope all is well and will come back tomorrow to catch up with everyone!
I can't believe it's already December!!! :wacko: Is it just me or did this year go by way too fast?????

Anyways, I've decided to buy Roxy three more gifts for Christmas. :blush: I was going to buy her a baby book but changed my mind.Now I'm going to buy her diapers,bottle liners (Lindzy told me she uses the large Playtex ones) and a soother attachment for Roxy since she drops it almost every time we see her. I'm going to spoil her so much for Christmas. :haha: It's my right though as her aunt. <3 :haha:
Yesterday I went back into the kitchen where I did the pre-apprenticeship for cooks because the counselor I'm working with to try to find a job thought it would be a good idea. I was disappointed because most of the morning we sat in a class room reading from a book and we were in the kitchen for about an hour doing meals on wheels.It wasn't a very productive day if you ask me and I didn't go in today.Most likely I won't go tomorrow either and I'd rather do something worthwhile like go for my walk.

Today I did some more Christmas shopping for Roxy. :blush: I bought her diapers,a soother clip and bottle liners.All I need to get now is a Christmas gift bag to put the gifts in and I can't wrap a gift to save my life. :haha: She's going to be such a spoiled baby this Christmas! <3
Hi, ladies, I hope you don't mind if I join in? :laugh2: I am about to turn 36, have two boys aged 8 and 10 years old (one is adopted), and had 4 early miscarriages several years ago. We are thinking about trying for our third child early next year. Right now AF is 17 days late but I keep seeing :bfn: and no symptoms so waiting 'til Thursday to see my Dr about what's going on.
I just fade in and out of these forums. Almost winter break for me! I'm so ready to have a month off from nursing school to spend with my son!

I really should use that time to see about finding him a daycare, but if I put him in one it will be to get him (and probably mostly me) use to it. I'm so picky about it..

Side note, most likely am still WTT, but I went off my birth control for a month to see if it was contributing to something. If I did ovulate I could be pregnant because we weren't careful.... real smart if I didn't want to get pregnant! :haha: I'll be happy if I am just wanted to wait longer! We both knew and both decided to not be careful. Definitely weren't trying but if I'm anything like my mother it doesn't take any trying. Waiting on AF or I'll be testing around the 16th. Which is also my first nephew's due date!! :happydance:
I'm now trying in April 2016 instead of December! :D only 3 months and 3 weeks to go :)
How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good.I volunteered yesterday at the blood clinic and today I got to see Roxy!!! :cloud9: <3

Curtis,Lindzy and Roxy came over this afternoon for a few hours.She can now roll over from her stomach to her back all on her own,laughs more,walk a bit if someone is holding her and helping her and she smiled at me when I was holding her!! <3

Today my mom and I went to Wal-Mart to get Roxy a Fisher-Price jumparoo which she loves.It was too cute to see her play in it.I can't believe how big she is getting and she'll be five months on the 15th this month!! I can't wait until Christmas to spoil her with the gifts I bought her. :happydance: <3 :cloud9:
My weekend was terrible! Spent last night with ds in the hospital with a 103.7 degree temp. Turns out he has hand foot and mouth disease. He has a bunch of sores in his mouth which is why he hasn't been eating. He has just fallen asleep after two hours of trying to get him down.

These are the times I find myself crazy for wanting another! No way I could've handled that situation with another little one around!
Ashley I'm so sorry you've been going through that. Your poor ds. I hope he feels better soon.

Tara- I'm glad you got to see roxy again. She sounds like she's getting to be a lot of fun.

Afm, I had a busy weekend. I didn't get much done that I wanted and I'm tired. I'm hoping this week goes quickly and I can rest next weekend.
Ashley - Sorry to hear that your son isn't feeling well. I hope he starts to feel better soon :flower:

AFM - This week has just been a mess. :dohh: Since Thanksgiving, we've just had one thing after another happen and it's getting very stressful. I'm hoping that this week things start to turn around.

This weekend was eventful. My daughter got sick with some sort of stomach bug late Saturday night, so we were all up late. And of course, it was my OH's first night back to work after being on vacation for a week. Mady was running a little bit of a fever today, but seems to be feeling better. I'm keeping her home from school tomorrow just to be on the safe side, though.

Tomorrow is my nephew's first birthday. :cake: I can't believe he's so big already!
She is Krissie and I'm getting more comfortable holding her since she moves around so much.

Here's a video I took of her in the jumparoo.She's too cute!!! <3 :cloud9:

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This thread has been so quiet lately....

On Friday I have an appointment to have an eeg done and I don't have to stay up all night for it!! :happydance:

Also, last Friday my medical alert bracelet broke.Well it was the latch so I'm looking online to see where I can buy another one.The one I have now didn't last very long considering it broke only after seven months of wearing it.

Hopefully everyone else is doing good. :)
Good news about your eeg. I hope it has good results.

Not much to report on here. We are just waiting until February to get things started. Still working on losing weight and getting ready to ttc. I was to sway girl so I am doing some research. But either way I'd be happy. But dh really wants a girl and I only want two kiddos.
FINALLY sitting down to catch up on this thread! Sorry I've been so behind lately...just taking a bit of a hiatus through the holiday but back and ready to go now!

darkriver- welcome! I've added you to our list (second post). Please let me know if your dates change and I will update. Do you have any plans or goals to accomplish during your wait? Nice job on the control of Christmas gifts for your DD...I did better than last year with my DS but still not great. Main gift is a kitchen set so of course you have to have all the accessories lol.

Tara- I can't believe (or rather I can with how far north you are ;) ) that it snowed already! Have you had any more? Sounds like you'll have fun spoiling Roxy for Christmas this year! For her age, books with mirrors and touch and feel books are great. Also look into the indestructible books since everything starts going into the mouth around that age....whoops! just read you opted to not get the books :) Definitely your right as an aunt to spoil her and you did a great job picking out her gifts! Hope you enjoyed your Christmas party at the clinic! Roxy sounds like she is doing great and it's crazy she is already 5 months old! Best of luck with the eeg and that is nice you dont have to stay up for it!

Krissie- sorry again that you couldn't make it to your dads house. Are you planning another visit anytime? Your candy sounds amazing! Which one is your favorite? I'm hoping to bake this weekend to make some gifts for the neighbors and am on the hunt for new recipes! Also, I know Keely did the gender sway for a girl and I think she went into detail about it in her journal...worked for her so worth a look!

Ashley- how did your DS like visiting Santa? We went last week and C did great with it. Going to go back the week of Christmas with my DH and crossing my fingers it's not packed and he does just as well....oh no!! I'm so sorry that your DS has HFM...I hope he is feeling a bit better now. Charles had it at the end of the summer (just the mouth part) and it was miserable. It took almost 2 weeks to get his eating back to normal. I hope your little guy recovers quickly..it's so hard to see them sick!

Keely- so glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving hun. Just think- next year you'll have your sweet baby girl there too! I can't believe you're nearly in 3rd tri! You'll have to give Krissie your tips for swaying girl ;)

adzia36- hello! I've added you to our list (second post). Let me know when you have your dates and I will move you on there. I'm sorry to hear about your losses and hope that your rainbow baby comes soon :flower:

AliJo- good to hear from you! Keep us posted on your testing!! And enjoy the month off...it's so nice to get a breather before diving back into school again next semester

Kiki- yay!! That's awesome you get to move it up so much! I've updated you to April on the front page (same month as me!) What made you all decide to move it up?

Aidens- sorry Mady was sick and hope she is feeling better! I can't believe your nephew (Alexander right?) is a year old! You must be one proud Auntie :flower:

I think that's everyone!! Going to get the list updated now and then off to bed. Things here are going very very well. My period was much closer to normal this time and I'm hoping next month my LP lengthens even more. I'm getting nervous/excited about trying next year. We may wind up pushing it back a little to avoid a Christmas baby. And Charles is getting ready to start speech therapy to catch him up. I've realized that my attention needs to go to helping the baby I have here now...so we will see how he improves and go from there. Finally got our Christmas tree up, gifts are all bought and wrapped, letters are sent out. Next up is baking treats for the neighbors. Anyone have a favorite recipe they want to share? I'm looking for some new (not super time intensive) recipes!
Thanks Kaity. Yes, I have talked with Keely some and I have a semi plan to work from.

I don't think we will make it before summer. Dh is taking his vacation time at the end of the month so earliest would be July.

My favorite candy was probably peanut brittle. But I really like them all. :blush: seriously nuts and sugar are a weakness for me.
Good news about your eeg. I hope it has good results.

Not much to report on here. We are just waiting until February to get things started. Still working on losing weight and getting ready to ttc. I was to sway girl so I am doing some research. But either way I'd be happy. But dh really wants a girl and I only want two kiddos.

As Kaity stated I did sway for my girl. It was a really low maintenance sway too. Pretty much all I did was use RepHresh (one applicator full every 3 days as the instructions suggest) and BD as much as possible. I also only took folic acid instead of a prenatal until I got my :bfp: and then switched to a prenatal for just in case. I didn't do the diet and I did not use a cutoff, the last day we BDed was the day I got my positive OPK. RepHresh can make it harder to get pregnant in some cases but that doesn't happen often. As long as your DH has a good :spermy: count then it shouldn't hinder TTC as the RepHresh would only affect his sperm.

Kaity - I'm glad that your LP seems to be lengthening! Good luck with Charles's speech therapy, I hope it helps. I can't belive I'm almost in the 3rd Trimester as well, we haven't gotten anything done with the nursery yet and won't until January most likely. :wacko:

Tara - Good luck with your eeg! It sounds like Roxy is doing well and starting to become lots of fun. :D

Aidens - Happy belated birthday to your nephew! :cake:

Welcome to all of the ladies that have joined recently. I hope that the wait goes by quickly for you, it's so exciting that 2016 is so close and I can start following your TTC and pregnancy journeys soon. :wave: :flower:
Sorry about the your little one's illness, Ashley, hope he is feeling better by now.

aidensxmomma: hope everyone is feeling better at your place too

tverb: good luck with your eeg!

kksy9b: thanks!

kalonkiki: thanks for the welcome

I went to the Dr today and all he did was order a blood test for HCG level. He says if it's negative and I miss another AF to come back for another blood test. I presume he'll try testing some other things then like my thyroid levels maybe. Seems like an unnecessary delay to me but whatever, I wanted the HCG test and I've given blood for that now.

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