Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

My mom lives in North Kansas City! We're actually planning on going there in December if the weather cooperates.
That's awesome!! If you have any time in your schedule, I'd love to meet up! We are o of town the 20-24th but otherwise pretty free :)
DF is a high school teacher, so he gets about two weeks off around that time. What part of North Kansas City do you live in? My mom lives in Excelsior Springs.
Thanks for starting the list! At this stage we will be TTC from March 2016 but I have my fingers crossed for earlier.
Ang- I've moved you to march! It's coming up quick!

Keely- We are in Kansas City city limits, but right next to Gladstone
I know that area pretty well, I lived in the Kansas City area for years and my mom has been living in the area since I was 8. I don't consider it my hometown though, I lived with my father for most of my childhood in Illinois. I haven't lived in Kansas City for about 3 years, we've been living in the Ozark area since then and I love it down here. People are much more religious, but it's also a lot more beautiful and the weather is a little nicer. We used to live in Springfield but recently moved to the very small town of Licking. It's actually a great little town with an amazing school district for such a small town. I couldn't ask for a better and more peaceful place to raise our family. Our bills are dirt cheap, our little rental house is lovely, and we live right across the street from both the elementary school and the high school. Pretty much everything here is within walking distance and the people are all so nice and welcoming, it's hard to find that in a small town. I grew up in one, but because I started there in 4th grade instead of kindergarten I never felt like I belonged, even though my father had been living there since I was 2 years old. DF loves his job, it's so nice that he can walk to work and save us a lot on our gas and insurance (we get a reduced rate since he doesn't drive as much anymore). The administration is also completely supportive of him, which was not the case at his last teaching job.
You know when we get his car payment and student loans paid off and pretty much all of our debt taken care of our bills will only amount to about $700 a month? It's crazy since if I make about what he does when I start working we'll be making between $3,000 and $4,000 a month!
KalonKiki that sounds just lovely! I grew up in rural Idaho and really liked the small town and farming community. I am hoping in a few years we can move out into the country and raise our family in that kind of environment.

Afm, I stalk the thread most every day but I just haven't had a lot to say. I really want to ttc in February, but the closer it gets the more scared I have become. I am seriously thinking of waiting until July/August and aim for a late spring or summer baby. I am thinking this would work out nice since I am a school psychologist and would have the summer off. I have a doctor's appointment in late January to check on some blood work so I think it will depend on what those results are. I think my hubby wants to ntnp now, but I cannot handle the idea of another baby quite that quickly.
That's why we're hoping for a spring or summer baby this time around too. My DF is a high school teacher so he will have the summers off and could be at home with the baby. Spring would be most ideal because then I could stay at home for the rest of the spring on maternity leave and then DF can take over in the summer when I would need to go back to work. Then once fall hit we'd either have to do daycare or I'd have to quit my job if we had enough money saved and could afford it. That is if I'm not working from home.
I hope it's alright if I join you ladies!

I'm going to start TTC #2 in July 2015. Am hoping that my DH might change his mind and want to try earlier but we'll see. Right now we're really NTNP but am excited to be able to start fully TTC again. It took about 5 months for me to fall pregnant with my DD, hoping the second time will be faster.

Looking forward to chatting with you all!
Hello and welcome! :wave: :flower:
This is actually the 2016 thread but we do have some ladies in here that might be trying in 2015 instead, I'm one of them. DF has his heart set on September 2015 around DS's second birthday but it will all depend on how many of our financial goals we can reach by then.
Hey ladies, working on catching up.

It was a few pages back when we were talking about names, but thought I'd add mine.

John Reagan (he'd be John the fifth! And OH is obsessed with Ronald Reagan and all things patriotic lol)

We like classic boy names..


Obviously need more research!
Again I will say Kaylee: you and your OH are going to make GORGEOUS babies. :blush:

We basically have no names picked out, I just have a couple that I like. It's entirely possible that we won't pick out a name until we're pregnant and maybe not even until we find out the gender! DF is just that kind of person. I'm just excited that he moved our date up. :haha:
Aww thanks, again! :blush:

Yeah, clearly by my list we don't have much picked either!

Let's start a new game!
Ooo, we could say when we are trying and what gender we think we will have and how long it will take us to get pregnant. Then they can take the information from the person above them and make the same guesses for that person! I'll go first. :D

Names: Keely and Colin

Ages: 22 and 28, we will be 23 and 29 when we start trying and possibly be 24 and 30 by the time we get pregnant.

Children: 1 :blue:, almost 13 months old.

When are you trying?: September 2015

How long do you think it will take you to get pregnant?: Sometime within the first 4 cycles.

Will you be gender swaying? Yes, for :pink:.

What conception aids do you plan to use? OPKs and BBT thermometer (temping).

What gender do you think you will have?: :pink:!

How long do you think it will take the person above to get pregnant based on the information they have provided? What gender do you predict they will have?
Names: Kaylee and John

Ages: 24 & 28. Will probably be 26 & 30 when the first comes along.

Children: have: 0. Want: 3

When are you trying?: Summer 2016

How long do you think it will take you to get pregnant?: Probably not long. We both come from fertile Italian families :haha:

Will you be gender swaying? Probably not..

What conception aids do you plan to use? We're gonna NTNP for a while. Then, I'll probably start temping.

What gender do you think you will have?: :blue:

How long do you think it will take the person above to get pregnant based on the information they have provided? Not long! Maybe just a couple cycles

What gender do you predict they will have? :pink: GIRL!! :pink:
Fun idea!

Names: Krissie and Geoff

Ages: Currently 28 and 30.

Children: 1 , 3.5 month old.

When are you trying?: We will probably start NTNP in July 2015 and TTC in Feb. 2016.

How long do you think it will take you to get pregnant?: This is tough since we took over 8 years to get pregnant and used Clomid. I am hoping we fall pregnant in the 7 months we ntnp, if not probably within 2 cycles of Clomid.

Will you be gender swaying? I am not sure yet, I would like a girl since we already have a boy, but would be happy either way.

What conception aids do you plan to use? OPKs

What gender do you think you will have?:Girl

How long do you think it will take the person above to get pregnant based on the information they have provided? I am thinking three cycles.

What gender do you predict they will have? A little girl.
oh fun :) I've always loved these "get to know you" games, it helps me get to know the ladies I waiting with better, which is great because we are all in it for the long run :flower:

Names: Annika and Ryan

Ages: Currently 26 and 26, will be 27 and 28 when we start TTC

Children: 2, DD is 3.5 years and DS is 13 months

When are you trying?: March 2016

How long do you think it will take you to get pregnant?: Probably not long, I conceived DD after 2 months of trying and DS after just one month of trying, maybe within 3 cycles

Will you be gender swaying? No

What conception aids do you plan to use? None

What gender do you think you will have?: :blue:

How long do you think it will take the person above to get pregnant based on the information they have provided? Hopefully not long, maybe 6 cycles in your NTNP months

What gender do you predict they will have? Oh I'm so terrible at this :pink:
Hello and welcome! :wave: :flower:
This is actually the 2016 thread but we do have some ladies in here that might be trying in 2015 instead, I'm one of them. DF has his heart set on September 2015 around DS's second birthday but it will all depend on how many of our financial goals we can reach by then.

Thanks for the welcome! Ooops, when I read the title I was thinking that you ladies would be having babies in 2016, my bad :haha:

I'll go look for a 2015 thread, thanks so much for the heads up!
Mrs Eddie- I've added you to our list (its the second post)...you are more than welcome on this thread! We are really more of the "babies born/TTC in 2016" thread as there are several gals who will be trying in 2015. Please stick around if you'd like!

Keely- yay for making a plan for next Sept! Do you want me to update the list or just leave as is until next year when you know for sure?

I love these games :)

Names: Kaity and Ben

Ages: We are both 27. We will be 28 or 29 when we start TTC

Children: 1- a son who is a little over 6 months. We are only wanting 2 biological. Possibly adopt a 3rd once our youngest is in 1st/2nd grade

When are you trying?: Very tentatively July 2016. If we are able to get our house sold and move quickly next year than we will start trying earlier. If takes a long time to get into the next house, then it will be later. I just want to be settled before we start.

How long do you think it will take you to get pregnant?: Hopefully 4 months or less. It took us 3 cycles last time. Now that I know my cycles better hopefully we can catch the eggie quickly.

Will you be gender swaying? No

What conception aids do you plan to use? None

What gender do you think you will have? I think there is a strong chance of twins (runs heavily in my family and when we got pregnant with my DS, we found out I had released 2 eggs but only one fertilized). If twins, I think it will be :blue: :pink:. If a single baby, I think it will be :blue:

How long do you think it will take the person above to get pregnant based on the information they have provided? I think it will be the first month!

What gender do you predict they will have? Since I think you'll get pregnant on the first cycle, and you had a boy last time that happened... I'll say :blue:
Thanks Kaity, I would love to stick around!

I love these games too!

Names: Emily and Ryan

Ages: 33 and 36

Children: 1 DD, Isla who is 14 months today!

When are you trying?: June or July 2015

How long do you think it will take you to get pregnant?: I hope not long, it took about 5-6 cycles for us to conceive Isla!

Will you be gender swaying? No

What conception aids do you plan to use? None

What gender do you think you will have? I feel like I will have another girl

How long do you think it will take the person above to get pregnant based on the information they have provided? Hopefully not long after they start trying! :flower:

What gender do you predict they will have? Boy based on your answer above. Boy/girl twins would be awesome too!

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