Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Yes, as KK said you are more than welcome to stay, I didn't mean that you should look for the 2015 thread (although you can always join that one too if you like, I'm in both groups!). :flower:

DF's only requirement now is that we have at least $5,000 saved before we start trying, I definitely think that we can reach that goal by September, maybe even by June if I get a part time job ASAP. :D
Thanks Keely! That would be awesome if you are able to have the money saved by June; then we could be TTC Buddies! :happydance:
June was when I was originally wanted to start trying after DS was born. I'm definitely hopeful that we can start trying then as I'd like our best chance at a spring or summer baby. All three of our birthdays already take up the entire fall season and winters are dreadful here (not to mention the holidays, winter is expensive and busy enough!). So that basically leaves us a window for a late February-early September due date if we don't want to enter birthday and holiday territory. I know this might sound silly but I also want my best chance at a 2016 baby because 3, 6, and 9 are all my lucky numbers and my DS is and 2013 baby (9/23/13 actually!). Then if we have a 3rd we could try for a 2019 baby and I'd have a trio of lucky babies. :haha: :blush:
I hear you, am also hoping to avoid a winter due date since the weather is nasty here too...
I wouldn't mind having a fall or spring baby since it's not too cold or hot.
Fall babies are wonderful, and I've always loved having a fall birthday. :D
My birthday is in exactly two months. I can't believe I'm going to be 30 but I do not look 29 at all.
I am 28 and someone told me today that I looked 20. I am not sure I believe them but it was nice.

In other news my sister had her baby 8 weeks early this morning on her bathroom floor. I am still in shock but he seems to be a healthy little guy.
My birthday is in exactly 4 days. I don't feel 23, but I've never felt 22 either. I don't really feel any age for that matter. I've always looked younger than I am though.

Omg! I hope that your sister and her baby boy are both doing okay. In my pregnancy group with DS the second lady to give birth also ended up having her baby on the bathroom floor (I think she was 35 or 36 weeks though) and I cannot imagine what it would be like, it must be terrifying. The hospital I gave birth in last time is two hours away now but I'd like to go there again if possible. DF is terrified that I'll give birth in the car, but considering that my labor was 11 hours with DS I highly doubt that I'll give birth in 2 or 3 hours next time. It's a much better hospital than the one closer to us and I'm willing to take the very small chance of giving birth in the car. We'll see though, I may end up having to go to the closer hospital anyway because traveling two hours for OB appointments would suck, especially when you reach biweekly and weekly appointments.
Isla was born at the end of August and it was perfect for walking, getting outside as it was not too hot but the weather was still nice. However, being heavily pregnant throughout the entire summer is something I would like to avoid if possible as that was not fun, (a lot of water retention).

I'm so old compared to the rest of you :haha: I'm 33 but I do look younger, I actually got IDed buying a lottery ticket last week; I was very flattered :thumbup:

Krissie, I hope your sister and her baby are doing well. I actually had my daughter at home too (not planned, she came faster than we expected, still thankful my midwife made it on time).
I'm 25 in about 6 weeks, but still get id'd all the time. But I work in retail and know how hard it is soI don't really mind. Except that time when I was 22 and I got id'd for lemsip as the cashier couldn't tell if I was over 12.

(P.s. I really really hope to be trying by 2016, so hope I can join you ladies here)
Yea my sister noticed "cramping" at 11:30 that she said were random and not much more painful than a period cramp. She had the baby at 1:44, by the time they knew what was happening it was to late. But he is doing well and she seems to be okay. I think it is more of the emotional trauma combined with him coming so early that is getting to her. But he looks great.

Thanks for letting me share, I needed to tell someone.
I can't remember if I already said it but I am hoping for a May or June 2016 baby. It will work out with my work schedule the best. But I am really only hoping to avoid December-February because of the holidays and cold. My son was born in July and that was pretty warm, but more manageable than winter.
I don't know why but honestly I feel like this next baby is either going to be an April or July baby. Which means that whenever we start trying I'll likely get pregnant on the second cycle. I'm not feeling optimistic about June though as at the moment I have no idea how we're going to get $5,000 saved by then when I can't seem to find a part time job. It's like staying at home with my son for his first year and while I was pregnant killed any chance of me ever working again. ):
I would love a summer baby! OH and I are fall and winter, and so is all of our family. I can't think of any June or July birthdays in our families! However, were TTC in June so unless my pregnancy is a year long......:haha: looking early year if we get pregnant right away. but, don't have any Valentine birthdays either!
From what I've heard Spring is the best season to give birth. You get a nice cool third trimester but it's not too cold or too hot to take your newborn our now and then. September was great for that too, but I had a really hot third trimester. I'd still gladly have another fall baby if it came down to it though. I really just mostly want to avoid January and December. Of course it's the opposite for different countries like Australia where their seasons are backwards from ours here in the states.

I looked it up and (if my cycles stay regular and 29 days) then if I get pregnant next October I will be due July 7, 2016. Last time I was due October 7, 2013 so maybe it's a sign that next October is my month? Also I would really love a late June baby and last time I was hoping for a late September baby and got him, so who knows! Oh, and if I conceived that month it would also be under a moon phase in favor of a girl. :winkwink:
Glad everything's OK with your nephew and your sister Krissie! Isla was born on her due date so we were shocked as well, I had assumed I was going to be late as she hadn't even dropped yet at my midwife appointment the day before and I was only 2 cm dialated. Huge shock to us both!

A late Spring/early Summer baby would definitely be my preference for the next!
I was not surprised when I had DS at 38 weeks exactly. I had my bloody show 5 days before and I was dilating a cm a week when I had my appointments and DS had already dropped a few weeks prior. What did surprise me was the high blood pressure I had when I went into labor. I don't think I had pre-e as all of my labs came back normal, but it was a shock none the less. I haven't had high blood pressure before or since.
I had to be induced, I was 39+5 and induced due to diabetes. Outside of my blood sugar I had a healthy textbook pregnancy and labor. And DS seems to be doing great. He is right on target or a little advanced on his milestones.

He has been such a great baby it makes me want another one so bad. My baby fever has been bad today. I am sure it is all the excitement of my nephew's arrival. I hope it passes really soon before I do something stupid like ntnp. :haha:
My labor was weird, I went into labor naturally but was also induced due to the high blood pressure. 9 out of 11 hours I labored naturally without pain meds and without being induced. That was not my plan, I wanted an epidural ASAP. Instead they kept me in triage for 6 hours which was enough time for my water to break entirely on its own and then they finally wheeled me over to L&D where it took another hour to get my epidural and then after my epidural they induced me. I was not a happy camper, by the time I finally got some pain relief my contractions were seconds apart and incredibly painful. They were so close together that I had two during the process of putting my epidural in. Next time I'm hoping that my labor is at least quicker, less painful, or that they get me my epidural BEFORE my water breaks and my contractions are less than 30 seconds apart. DS has been a wonderful baby though and that's probably also why I'm so eager to have another when my pregnancy and labor were awful.

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