Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Today I was watching The Doctors and they were talking about picking out the gender for your child. I don't think I would ever to do that because to me that is playing god and parents can or will be able to pick their child's eye colour, height etc. Whatever happened to letting your child develop as they are meant to be?
I don't see anything wrong with choosing gender if it isn't your first child, but it is weird to me to choose what they will look like.
Krissie, that sucks that AF came back so quickly for you! I think starting when your DS is a year makes perfect sense :thumbup:

I really don't care too much about the gender of Baby #2. I know my DH would really like to have a son but he will also be thrilled with another daughter. I don't think that I would ever really want to choose the gender of my child as really I don't have a preference either way :shrug:
I love my son and I would love another just as much if that's what I'm meant to have, but I would really love at least one DD that I can put in cute dresses and do girly things with. If we had a daughter the first time instead DF could have done all of the things that he could have done with a son with her, but I can't have a mother daughter relationship with my son. Dad's get the best of both world's and it's just not fair. Every woman has the daughter dream and the idea of having to give that up is saddening and frustrating. It puts a lot of pressure on me and my future child because DF has such a strict limit and he's not willing to keep trying until we have a girl. I know it isn't fair to baby #2 to have that expectation of a vulva on the ultrasound screen, but I can't help it. I would be so much more relaxed about gender if my next child wasn't possibly my last. ):
I would have allll boys if I could! Having a girl scares me... That being said, I wouldn't choose. What's meant to be will be!
Boys are great! Honestly I really only want one girl, I would love to have all of the rest of my kids be boys. I am glad that I had a boy first though because if I could only have one gender then I would rather that it be all boys. Having a boy first always felt right to me and I always knew that my first would be a boy. Well, except for when I actually got pregnant, then I was convinced that I had a girl, but I also just assumed that I would be wrong about my first being a boy. This time the idea of a girl feels right, but it could just be because I want at least one of each. Honestly if we had a 3rd though I think it would be a girl too, and if I got lucky enough to have a 4th then it would be another boy.
I was petrified of having a daughter and initially only wanted boys but now wouldn't trade my sassy little girl for anything, (I might be singing a different tune once enter the teenage years :haha:)

I can totally understand why you want that mother/daughter bond. I really hope to have a fabulous relationship with Isla, like I have with my Mom. That being said, my Mom and youngest brother are really close and do lots of things together so they also have a really strong relationship...
I am glad I had a boy first, but I really do want a girl too. I am hoping our next one is a little girl. But if it is a little boy we will likely try for #3. But if that one is a boy then we are done.

I could see myself with three little boys. So I am happy with whatever comes to pass. But I kinda hope we stop at two. We have terrible public education so we plan to send them private and that would start adding up fast!
The school we live by is actually really great for a small town. My DF actually teaches at the high school. Sometimes I want to have a girl next just so that we could have one of each and be done, but other times I think that I'd want a 3rd anyway. We both agreed on 4 maximum though.
I am the most girly girl ever, always have been, so I would love to have at least one daughter to dress in cute little dresses and tutus and stuff :) SO said he wants two kids and all girls haha
On the other side, as in my close family there has always been only girls (I have two sisters, 3 girl cousins and one of them just had her third little girl as well), i would also love to have a little boy :) I would pretty much be happy either way and anyways, you never know how the kids turn out. I mean, girls can turn out to be the biggest tomboys or a baby boy might turn out to want to do ballet and that's all fine. So you never really know anyways.
I've always wanted to have a boy first then two girls.It's been like that for a long time.
We're thinking of stopping at 2, though if I have another girl DH might be up for having one more but 3 would be our absolute limit!
Most likely we will end up having 3. Originally DF only wanted 2 and I wanted 4, but now that we have a son and he sees how fun being a dad is he wants 3 kids and I think that I would want to stop at 3 as well, haha. If my next pregnancy and labor is as awful as my first was I may decide that I don't want any more after this one, especially if we get our little princess.
Yeah, my labour wasn't that bad, it's more my age that's a factor. More risks for Mom and baby after 35. Though I am in very good health and live a healthy lifestyle so would probably be OK. My Mom got pg with my youngest brother without trying at 37 and he was perfectly healthy and she had a wonderful pregnancy :thumbup:
I just turned 23 and DF is still fairly young at 29 next month so age isn't a deciding factor for us unless we want to have huge age gaps between our kids (and we don't, haha). My mom was also "advanced maternal age" with both of my youngest siblings and they are perfectly fine and healthy. My mom has always had a very healthy reproductive system though, 5 perfectly healthy kids and not a single miscarriage. It's a little odd to have a mom that was both a teen mom and advanced maternal age, but it happens I suppose. She had two children at the age that I had my first, it's crazy. She was married to my father at 17 years old though and it's kind of a family thing on both sides to get married and have children very young. My generation is the first to start going away from that, though we all still got married and/or had kids by the time we hit 30. We actually all have boys between my grandparent's 6 great grandchildren, not a single girl. Two of my other cousins were pregnant around the same time that I was though, so DS has a bunch of boys to play with around his age on my side, it's really nice. Brandon's boy is 3 month's older and Jessica's boy is 5 months younger, then Katie's boy is 1 year older and Kevin's two boys are a few years older. Family get together's are going to be fun. :D
Oh that is lovely to have a lot of cousins to play with. My sister's son is just under 4 months younger than mine so I look forward to them playing together. I grew up 600 miles away from mine so we didn't get a lot of time to be together.

Age is a factor for me. I am 28 and DH is 30. I wanted to be done having kids at 31. DH is willing to go all the way to 37 (I would be 35) but I would rather just have our 2 maybe 3 and be done with it at the very least by 33. I don't have any concerns with having babies later, I just don't want to space them out that much more.

In other news DH and I are going to go talk to the bank about buying a house! I have been looking around at what I think our price range would be and I have found a couple that are big enough for 2-3 kids and all our stuff. One in particular has my eye so I am hoping we can get it.
Cousins being so close in age is just the cutest thing ever! I grew up with a big family, sisters, grandmas (unfortunately men in my family don't tend to live very long, which is also a factor why I would love to give my dad a grandkid fairly early so he can really actively be a part of his/her life), cousins, aunts, uncles, greataunts even haha I'm such a family person and I hope I can give that onto my children as well.

For me age isn't really an issue either, I'll be 23 when we start trying so depending on how long we'll have to try for I'll hopefully be 23/24 when I have my first. My mom had my older sister when she just turned 24, had me when she was almost 26 and then had my little sister when she was almost 29. I know it's not like super young but I always felt like my friend's moms were much older than my mom is and I always loved that my mom was relatively young.

@krissie328 oh, how exciting that you will possibly buy a house! Hope you'll get the one you have your eyes on! :)
My parents were both 21 by the time they had my brother and I. My mom was always cautioning me not to have kids under 30, but I realize now that that's just jealousy. I had always had 26 in my head for the perfect time to have my first. Have no clue why, just always thought that... And it's turning out that's going to come true!

I'm glad my OH will be 30. Not that younger men can't be great, mature fathers, it just seems men mature muuuuch later than women. I've been over the whole party, drunk scene for a couple years now and my 28yo OH is just now getting out of it (thank GOD!!)

That being said, I think I'd want to have all my children by 35ish.. I like the idea of being a young mom, but I like the idea of getting to travel, vacation, and retire by my 50's better! :thumbup:

On another note, I have been having incessant baby dreams! I mean, I get them every once and while but for the past couple weeks it's been EVERY. NIGHT! What's up with that!?
FXed that you get the house you want, Krissie! :thumbup:
We're set for at least two children here in our 3 bedroom rental house and could probably swing three or even four kids if we had two of each gender. We won't be buying a house for a long time though. We'll probably just wait to build our own house.

I had a lot of baby dreams in the two years or three years leading up to my pregnancy with with DS too. They were all either :bfp: dreams or dreams about a baby boy. You know the crazy thing? The month before I got pregnant I had a dream that I got a :bfp: on the exact kind of test I ended up using when I tested a month later and then the next night I had another dream where a male doctor told me that I was pregnant. So after I tested and got my :bfp: on the home pregnancy test I scheduled an appointment with my primary care physician to confirm and she ended up not being available so they scheduled me with a male doctor and he told me that I was definitely pregnant. Sometimes dreams can be crazy indicators. I'm hopeful that since I had a bunch of dreams about a baby girl while I was pregnant that it means that I will have a girl this time. The same thing happened to my mom. When she was pregnant with my youngest sister she dreamed about a baby boy, even though she knew that she was having a girl. Then when Bella was 13 months old she got pregnant with my youngest brother.

My family is really big too, especially my dad's side. We usually have 5 generations living at one time, 4 at the very least.
So my ultrasound went good today. It only took about 10-15 mins and I was going to ask when the results would be in but I forgot.

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