Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

kksy9b - I'm so so sorry to hear your bad news, that's so awful :( I'm so glad that Cole is recovering though - that's amazing progress! I hope he continues to make such good progress and has a speedy recovery. :hugs:

Could you add me to the group please? :happydance: So far we've planned to start in October 2016 :)
Hello and welcome bakedbean! :wave: :flower:

Don't worry Krissie, your DS will be much different at 1 year than he is right now, it's amazing how much they grow and change in that time. Especially when he starts saying words in context and walking you won't feel like he's too young for another one. You have to add 9 months on top of that if you happen to fall pregnant on the first cycle as well and he'll grow and change even more in that 9 months. I have no doubt that I will feel ready for my next baby by the time that he/she arrives. I've been doing some research on girl swaying and honestly I feel like we were lucky to get a boy last time as we already eat a pretty girl swaying diet and I wear lavander soap and DF keeps hematite around. DF also wears briefs which is supposed to sway girl. It really looks like we won't have to change much to do even a hardcore girl sway and that makes me feel a lot less stressed out about the whole thing. We unintentionally swayed boy last time by DTD on O day and in a boy moon phase (positive ions everywhere).
KK - I'm so glad to hear that Cole is making such amazing progress and will continue to keep your family in my thoughts. :hugs:

It just blows my mind that I actually have a TTC date at all. :haha: I've been waiting so long with no end date that it's almost overwhelming to have one. I catch myself sometimes freaking out asking myself whether I'm really ready and I've still got a year and a half. :dohh: I know in my heart I am more than ready, but just knowing that's it's actually going to happen makes me a little scared. It'll get worse as the time gets closer I'm sure. lol.

I got caught by my OH on BnB yesterday. :haha: Obviously he knows I want a baby since we've had those conversations multiple times and he knows I use BnB, but I don't think he realized how much I was on the forum. But on the bright side, he didn't really say anything bad, which I see as a good sign. My OH has said that he's never really wanted kids (although I think deep down he does) but the more we've talked about it, the more open he's become to the idea and now if I mention something baby related, he doesn't freak out right away. We've even had a conversation about names. So I think the more that we talk about it, the more comfortable he gets with the idea. It's a huge relief.

Sorry for the long-winded post. :flower:
My husband always makes fun of me on bnb. Until he has a question he wants me to ask. :haha:

I am starting to think we are going to try gender swaying for a girl too. I think if we had one next dh would be okay stopping at two. I might have to start looking into that after the holidays.
I want two more babies (my OH isn't so sure :haha: ) and am considering gender swaying for the last but not my next one. I would be happy with either, especially since I already have a boy and a girl. If my next is a boy, I'd want to sway girl for my last and vice versa so my OH has one of each though.
This morning I had a dream that I was buying baby things or was going to. When I saw a woman who's pregnant at the gym I was jealous it wasn't me. That's the first time I've felt jealous in a while.
It's great that your OH has agreed to a TTC date aidensxmomma. For a while I wasn't exactly sure when my date would be either and it's really frustrating. The only reason that I'm gender swaying this time is that this one may end up being my last baby, I have no way of knowing for sure right. I'd rather sway for this one and end up having a third baby that I don't have to sway for than to leave it up to nature this time, have another boy, and then have DF tell me that he doesn't want another baby. I've always wanted at least one of each and as much as I would probably still want a third or fourth I could deal with only having two as long as I have my boy and my girl. I love the idea of a big family, but DF unfortunately does not.
kksy9b - I'm so so sorry to hear your bad news, that's so awful :( I'm so glad that Cole is recovering though - that's amazing progress! I hope he continues to make such good progress and has a speedy recovery. :hugs:

Could you add me to the group please? :happydance: So far we've planned to start in October 2016 :)

Thank you very much and welcome! I've added you to our list (the second post). Congratulations on having a date planned! Let me know if your dates change and I'll update the list!
It's great that your OH has agreed to a TTC date aidensxmomma. For a while I wasn't exactly sure when my date would be either and it's really frustrating. The only reason that I'm gender swaying this time is that this one may end up being my last baby, I have no way of knowing for sure right. I'd rather sway for this one and end up having a third baby that I don't have to sway for than to leave it up to nature this time, have another boy, and then have DF tell me that he doesn't want another baby. I've always wanted at least one of each and as much as I would probably still want a third or fourth I could deal with only having two as long as I have my boy and my girl. I love the idea of a big family, but DF unfortunately does not.

I'm actually really surprised my OH was willing to set a date with me. He was so against the idea of kids, but I think he's changing his mind. He's willing to talk to me a little about baby-related topics now and seems to be more comfortable with the idea :)

I can understand why you want to gender sway. If I didn't have one of each already, I probably would too if there was a chance my next would be my last. Is it going to make TTC more stressful do you think?

I love the idea of a big family, too, although four is going to be my max. I don't think my sanity could survive any more kids than that. :haha:
Don't get me wrong, my DF loves being a dad and is really excited to have another one, he's just sensible in the financial department and only wants to have as many children as he thinks we can comfortably afford. I can agree with him on that though, I'd only want 3 or 4 children tops anyway. He's keen on the idea of a third but isn't sure right now if we will be able to afford one, so we'd rather be safe than sorry by gender swaying this time as he really wants a girl this time as well. Right now it doesn't feel like it will be more stressful to TTC because we both feel confident that our sway will work but I'm sure that when the time gets here it will make things a bit more stressful as I'll constantly worry if we really got our timing right or if there are enough negative ions in our home or if DF is cheating on his diet or forgetting to take his supplements. I'll have to find a way to manage it though because my cycles are very sensitive to stress and O or AF tends to be postponed by it easily. I think I'll be more stressed out when I actually get pregnant though. I just know that I'll be telling myself that it's another boy so that I can get used to the idea rather than be disappointed if the ultrasound shows us obvious boy parts. I'm considering getting one of those blood tests at 8-10 weeks or whatever that are supposed to tell you gender.
I'm so sorry to hear that news, KK. How terrible..

aidensmomma, congrats on your OH coming around! I knew it was only a matter of time...

I can't seem to read my OH lately. I know he wants kids. I even asked him if I didn't want to have kids if he would support that and he flat out said no. That he wants a family. BUT, every time I bring them up I get virtually ignored.. I don't understand why. I'm not saying LET'S GET PREGNANT NOW! But, when I say stuff about being a SAHM or something like that he just doesn't respond. It's weird... Men.
I'm so sorry to hear that news, KK. How terrible..

aidensmomma, congrats on your OH coming around! I knew it was only a matter of time...

I can't seem to read my OH lately. I know he wants kids. I even asked him if I didn't want to have kids if he would support that and he flat out said no. That he wants a family. BUT, every time I bring them up I get virtually ignored.. I don't understand why. I'm not saying LET'S GET PREGNANT NOW! But, when I say stuff about being a SAHM or something like that he just doesn't respond. It's weird... Men.

Thanks MamaByrd. :)

I'm actually really surprised that my OH even agreed to the tentative date. We only actually made our relationship official on Halloween (as in 3 days ago :haha: ) We've been exclusive FWB for a year, living together for 11 months, spent tons of time talking about a relationship and have recently started making more concrete future plans (including the possibility of marriage and babies), but didn't actually have an official relationship. :dohh: We set our tentative TTC date and discussed getting married before we started dating :rofl: Granted, my OH is my childhood sweetheart and a long-time friend, so that makes our story not quite so crazy. lol.
I think men are just like that, they generally don't talk about babies and their desire to have them much. Mine hates it when I bring up the subject even though he's made it obvious that he's excited to have another. I take ignoring it as a better sign than making it apparent that they have no interest in babies and aren't ready for them. These days he just lets me get it out of my system when I need to. :haha:
I really need to stop checking Facebook for a while, people having babies left and right. One of my old coworkers just had her second boy yesterday and while I'm very happy for her and congratulated her it made me a little jealous that we aren't quite ready to start trying for a second baby yet. Lately I've been looking at my son when he nurses back to sleep at night and remember how little he used to be and I start to think that it might not be so bad to have another little blue bundle, even if it means that I might never get my pink one. I feel like I've finally reached that point where I'm so ready to be a second time mom that I just want to be pregnant and have another tiny baby again rather than desperately wanting the opposite gender of my first. I'll see how I feel about it when our date gets a little closer and if I still feel the same way then I may just decide not to gender sway after all. Maybe I've just been so broody lately because DS is walking now and feels so much less like a baby than he used to.
Keely my DH is like yours, very financially responsible, which is why he wants to wait until Isla is a bit older so we have less time with two in full time day care. I also feel like everyone around me is getting pregnant, having second babies, am starting to get broody...
Thank you ladies so much. Cole made it through surgery last night. He made tremendous progress and was taken off the ventilator today. The eye that they thought he had lost became responsive today. He woke up and spoke. I am flabbergasted. The amount of progress that he has come in such a short amount of time is simply a miracle. I have a close cousin that was in a hit and run several years ago. It was weeks before he was off the ventilator and months before he was at the point where Cole is at now. There is a LONG road of recovery ahead and it's not to say he isn't out of danger. But the immediate danger has passed and by the Grace of God it looks like he will survive. Please continue to keep him in your prayers along with my nephew, Max (who is 10) who was with my BIL and Cole when the accident happened and had to witness everything. He is fairly traumatized and is going to have to do a different kind of healing.

I was away until today so am just reading this now. Am sending lots of prayers to your little nephew and that his recovery will go as smoothly as possible.

Thinking of you and your family. Hope things work out with your brother as well :hugs:
I had a dream last night that I had twin boys and I was so happy, DF and I were trying to figure out what to name them. DS was also such a cute big brother, it was a great dream. I'm going to take this as a sign that I shouldn't gender sway this time because I don't have to in order to be happy. This will be our first time actually TTC a baby and I really want it to be just that, trying to get pregnant with a healthy baby instead of trying to get pregnant with a girl. My second child is too soon for me to doom myself to becoming a mom of all boys if I don't sway and I'm sure that if we did have another boy this time I could convince DF to either go for one more or we could talk about adopting one. The worst that happens is that I have a troupe of healthy little boys that love me more than anything in the world. The way I see it I win either way. I know I talk about this a lot, but I need to get it out somewhere and this is the best place to do it. It's a decision I've been really struggling with because DF hasn't given me a definite on a third child, but I'm not going to worry about it anymore it won't do me any good. It actually feels pretty liberating to look less longingly at all of the cute girl clothes in the store and to feel less jealous of pink bumps simply for being pink.
I haven't gotten a call from my doctor yet about my ultra sound so I'm guessing that is a good thing. If there was something urgent I would probably get a call by now.
No news is almost always good news, so that's good to hear about your ultrasound! :thumbup:
I agree that no news is good news re the ultrasound :thumbup:

Keely, I think that's a great attitude to have. One of my best friends has twin boys (she had to do IVF) and they have pretty much decided that they are done with having kids now. She gets asked all the time if she's planning on having another kid to try for a girl and she says no, she would only try to have a third if she wanted a third CHILD, not a boy or girl. Either one is a blessing and I agree strongly with that :thumbup:
Mrs. Eddie I think that your friend has a great attitude. I do believe that all children are a blessing and it doesn't matter the gender. I would be happy with a boy or a girl. I do know DH would like a girl but he says he could see us with 3 boys!! My main goal is to have a healthy bubba.

Especially watching my sister live through having one in the NICU. It makes me appreciate my experience so much more.

I am suppose to go talk to the doctor tomorrow about getting an IUD. With less than 8 months to go I am not sure it is worth it anymore. When I made the appointment we were looking at July 2016.

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