Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Glad that everything went well with the ultrasound and I hope that the results are positive. :thumbup:

DS started walking tonight! I can't believe how fast he's growing up. Also, I should have never checked Facebook today. It turns out that every woman from my pregnancy group that was also a FTM and had a boy that is pregnant again is having a girl this time. It just makes me feel like I won't be as lucky when it's my turn and that I'll be the only one that didn't get their little princess. I know it's ridiculous, but I'm fertile and my hormones are going a little nuts.
Exciting news re the house Krissie! Hope all goes well.

I actually didn't want to try to have kids until I was around 30 and then I got sick (I have Crohn's disease and had a really bad flare) so had to wait longer to try. My DH and I were/are both very career focused though and loved to travel and have social time with friends. The majority of my friends waited to have kids too, which is probably why I didn't think about it much until later. I do wish I could have had my first a bit earlier but in my 20's I never even thought about kids. Then once I started TTC I couldn't get pregnant fast enough and became baby/kid obsessed :haha:

Keely, sorry you are feeling down, hormones make things extra tough :hugs:
I agree on the hormones. Today is CD 2 and I am feeling sad about it. Even though I don't want to be pregnant just yet. Go figure. I think some of it too is all the excitement around my sister's baby. I am sure it will pass soon enough and I will make it to July!
The right age to become a mom is different for everyone. Some people feel more than ready right out of high school and others don't feel ready until their biological clock is almost up. And I suppose that there are also a rare few out there that never feel ready for kids and never want them. The broody bug started to hit a little as soon as I hit 20 and then after I met DF and we had the pregnancy scare in October 2012 that caused me to make an account here on BnB I was full blown baby crazy and super broody. There was something about meeting the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with that made me desperately want to make a baby with him. 3 months later we had the happy accident that led to DS (Tara knows this whole story as we were WTT together at the time). We were using the rhythm method and it worked out really well until my job at the time became stressful and messed with my cycles, so I couldn't predict ovulation for January and we ended up having :sex: on the one day that was the least safe.

Also I had a dream last night that DF and I were TTC. :haha:
Yea, I first got broody about 20. I got married at 19 and about that time both my best friends had babies. We tried for awhile but got discouraged. Since I was still working on my undergraduate we just ntnp until I was 22. Then I got crazy again and we tried a few things and consulted with an RE when I got my PCOS dx. But then DH lost his job and we moved 2 hours away and were really struggling for a couple years so went back to ntnp. Then we moved back to where we were originally and I was super unhappy, then we moved 2 hours away again and I had a job I really loved. So I went to the doctor who was so mean to me. She refused to help, but at least did insist DH was tested. It was then we found out he had low motility on top of my PCOS. So I was extremely discouraged and depressed. So we continued ntnp and talked about adoption in a few years. Then I finally got prescribed Clomid by an amazing doctor and on our first cycle I got pregnant. (We think the fact that DH was working 16 hour days and drinking a ton of caffeine is what helped him.) It was a really good pregnancy outside of having some blood sugar problems about midway.

That doctor is the one I really want to go back to but she is about 2 hours away as we moved back over the summer so I could take a job since I just finished graduate school. But I am on a two year contract, so either we wait two years and hope we both find a job. Or I have to deal with the doctors down here. So far what I have concluded is DH is happy with his job, I like mine and my sister and mom live here, so I am thinking we are staying put. Hence we are looking to buy a house.
Wow Krissie, so glad that you finally found a doctor that could help you. Now that you know Clomid works so well for you, I bet you'll get your BFP quickly next time!

I agree that timing is different for everyone. I didn't meet DH until I was 25 and got married when I was 28, needed the man first before I could get my BFP :rofl:
Yep and to top it all off I have been ovulating the last two cycles all on my own!! I am hoping with my weightloss and the pregnancy that I actually end up being fertile.

I think everyone's timing is different and it works for them. I really can see why we had to wait all that time to get pregnant. I was in school, hubby has been in school, ect. We have been super unstable, it is just now that I finished graduate school and hubby finished his certificate that we both have well paying jobs. I am glad things happened the way they did. It makes now so much better.
Hey ladies! I have been AWOL the last couple of weeks because my internship started and with five classes on top of that I've been beat to death! So much work and only more to come but I just have to get to December and then I'm almost done! The hubby was also gone every week in October with work...only saw him six days total so it's been a rough month all around. But he came home last night and I took a much needed day off today! So good to relax, even if it's only for a day.

How's everyone doing? We're in the holiday season! It'll be 2015 before you know it.
It's not a very nice Halloween here. It's been raining all day and this afternoon it started to get windy, still is now. Not many kids came only about 15 and we still have candy left over. :happydance:
I think this is the warmest Halloween I have ever seen here. Lots of kids, we dressed ds up and visited my mom. Now we are watching scary movies.
I love horror movies. It's 3 degrees Celsius here but I have no clue how to convert that. :haha:
Hi all. Sorry I've been gone for a few days. I am several pages behind and will catch up this weekend or early next week. Welcome to our new members! I will get you added to our list once I get caught up. Just didn't want you all thinking I had forgotten about you.

It has been a terrible, sleep deprived, week over here. My DS is getting over a cold, cutting teeth and getting ready to crawl (this is not bad but these big mikestones always interrupt his sleep patterns). All this together has meant practically zero sleep since Tuesday.

We then got some bad news about my brother Wednesday night. He has been a drug addict for 19 years, heroin user for 14 of those. He has been sober for a year and doing well. But there are still legal issues from his past he is dealing with. A very very long story short- he had a friend that died last year and he is going to be charged with 2nd degree murder in his death (all drug related). Will probably wind up pleaing to manslaughter and serve some prison time. Please realize this is a long and complicated situation that's too much to go into here. My brother is a very good person who has made a lot of stupid choices in his life. When his friend died he did everything he could to save him, including getting him to a hospital but it wasn't enough. Could go on about this for awhile but I'll stop here.

And then today the most horrible news I've gotten in a very long time.

My BIL and SIL are foster parents. Today one of their foster sons, Cole, was in my BILs truck.BIL had to run back inside to grab his wallet. Cole stayed in the truck and pulled the emergency brake and the truck started rolling. My BIL ran after the truck. When he got to it he pulled the door open. Cole was apparently leaning on/hanging onto the door. When it was opened, he fell out of the truck and before my BIL could do anything, the truck had rolled onto him. My BIL is a seasoned firefighter/paramedic. Cole was unresponsive but he was able to keep him alive until an air vac team arrived. He was flown to the children's hospital and immediately taken to the OR. He had made it through surgery with a fractured skull, broken eye socket (he list the eye), broken pelvic bone, his spleen removed and bleeding in his lungs. He is on a ventilator which is breathing 100 % for him. Cole is 4 years old. Him, his brother and sister have been with my in laws since late spring. I have no idea what is going to happen from here. He is alive so that is what I am focusing on. Unfortunately this is not the first family member who has been run over and had to fight for his life. This all feels uncomfortably familiar ...like a nightmare you can't wake up from. If you are one to pray, please pray for Cole. He's a little fighter but could use some massive prayer warriors behind him.

Like I said, I will be catching up over the next few days and getting our list updated. Thanks gals and hope you all have a nice weekend
Oh my gosh KK, I'm so sorry about your brother and Cole! I will be praying to any and all deities that might listen. I'm also sorry about Charles sleep patterns changing with teething and learning to crawl. We're going through the same thing with Liam right now only he's learning to walk instead of crawl. We think he's cutting molars, he already has all 8 of his front teeth. He's doing well with walking so far though and he stands up all by himself just fine. He just started doing it two days ago, it's crazy how they just hit those milestones out of nowhere. He's been doing nothing but crawling and cruising for the last 5 months and the all of a sudden just stands up and starts walking as if he knew how to do it all along.

Welcome back Symphony! It's good that you're keeping really busy, it'll make the time go a lot faster. :hugs:

Did everyone have a good Halloween? We made an appearance at a block party hosted by the downtown commity here in our town (my DF is their grant writer) and then we went home and watched scary movies and passed out candy to a few trick or treater's. We didn't dress DS up this year and last year we only put him in a Halloween onsie that a family member bought him, but next year we plan to get him a costume and take him trick or treating since he will be old enough. I mentioned to DF that we might be pregnant next Halloween and he said that indeed we might, so I'm really excited that he's so keen on trying next September. If we got pregnant on the second cycle we'd be finding out just a couple of days before Halloween if not on Halloween. I think it's likely, it only took one time DTD unprotected out of the whole month of January to get pregnant with DS, so I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that we could get pregnant in our first two cycles of actually trying for a baby.

I'm sorry about the rough journey you went through trying to get your DS Krissie! I'm glad that Clomid works well for you though and that you've been ovulating all on your own the past couple of cycles. FXed that you'll get pregnant much sooner this time. :thumbup:
Sending you some :hugs: KK. I will be keeping your brother, Cole, and your in-laws in my thoughts. :hugs:
Thank you ladies so much. Cole made it through surgery last night. He made tremendous progress and was taken off the ventilator today. The eye that they thought he had lost became responsive today. He woke up and spoke. I am flabbergasted. The amount of progress that he has come in such a short amount of time is simply a miracle. I have a close cousin that was in a hit and run several years ago. It was weeks before he was off the ventilator and months before he was at the point where Cole is at now. There is a LONG road of recovery ahead and it's not to say he isn't out of danger. But the immediate danger has passed and by the Grace of God it looks like he will survive. Please continue to keep him in your prayers along with my nephew, Max (who is 10) who was with my BIL and Cole when the accident happened and had to witness everything. He is fairly traumatized and is going to have to do a different kind of healing.
Hi ladies! Can I join? :flower:

After a chat with OH yesterday he told me that it's possible we could be TTC in a year and a half, which would be around May 2016 :happydance: I'm WTT for my fourth and my OH's first.

Welcome! I've added you to our list (the second post). Let me know if you change the month and I will update the list!

Ladies- it is NOVEMBER already! Soon it will be 2015 and some can say "i'm trying this year" and the rest can say "i'm trying next year!" I think with the last timr i was waiting when it hit that "i'm going to be trying next year" stage it seemed to go SO much faster and became so much more real!
KK I'm glad Cole is doing better. It amazes me how fast things can happen.
I'm glad that Cole is out of immediate danger and is making great progress. And poor Max! I can't imagine how traumatic that must have been for him. I hope that things only continue to get better from here on out. :hugs:

I know, it's hard to believe that November is already here! I got really giddy when I looked at my ticker and saw that I have less than 10 months to go, it's great to see a 9 on there. I've already been back in WTT for as long as I have left on my ticker and as fast as that time flew I'll be TTC before I know it. It's exciting to think that a lot of us will either be able to say that we're officially trying this year or that we only have 1 year or less to go.
i just made a ticker and got super excited since it read 8 months ! :)
Even though some days the waiting is really tough, in general I'm always stunned at how fast time goes and that August is going to be here before I know it :)
Kk- I am so sorry about everything going on right now. I am glad Cole is doing better. You all are in my prayers.

Cupcake- I saw mine said 8 months a couple days ago and was a little panicked. I am not sure I am going to be ready to ttc #2 so soon. I am sure as it gets closer I will feel less overwhelmed though.

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