Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Hi hoping I can join although you can evict me if you like. Me and oh (have a beautiful lb 2yrs old) decided we would.like to expand our family so in September I stopped bc. But recently we have decided we have.lots we still want to do before no#2 so are.not.actively ttc. We would like to move.to a.bigger house, buy a car and have ds fully.potty trained. We are both confident we.could do all of this with baby no#2 on the way or already here but I would feel less.pressure and would prefer no rush so have decided not to ttc just yet. But do not want to big of an age gap for my lb. So by 2016 I want to be ttc. From now until then we are.ntnp. Sori for all the fullstops. Typing quickly as lo is jumping all over me.

Hi ladies, can i join my original date was Jan 15 but not looking likely now as have to save for a deposit for house so will be more towards end of 2015. If it goes as quick as this year did it will be here in no time yay. Been waiting a long time.

Welcome ladies :flower:

How's everyone doing today? Any big plans for the week?

Tuesday is my little brother's 21st birthday, so we're all going to go out. :drunk: I'm very excited, although I won't be drinking. I volunteered as a designated driver. My brother's girlfriend is also going to be a designated driver and I figured I wouldn't make her be the only one sober even if they don't need a second DD. :thumbup:

Welcome ladies :flower:

How's everyone doing today? Any big plans for the week?

Tuesday is my little brother's 21st birthday, so we're all going to go out. :drunk: I'm very excited, although I won't be drinking. I volunteered as a designated driver. My brother's girlfriend is also going to be a designated driver and I figured I wouldn't make her be the only one sober even if they don't need a second DD. :thumbup:

No big plans, just student teaching all week...:dohh::coffee: The 21st birthday celebration sounds fun. You can still have fun without drinking. I find it hilarious watching people and their drunken antics. I can't wait until I can do that for my little sister. I went all out when she turned 16 a few months ago, I can't imagine how crazy I'll be for her 21st! :haha:
How's everyone doing today? Any big plans for the week?

Tuesday is my little brother's 21st birthday, so we're all going to go out. :drunk: I'm very excited, although I won't be drinking. I volunteered as a designated driver. My brother's girlfriend is also going to be a designated driver and I figured I wouldn't make her be the only one sober even if they don't need a second DD. :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

I'm going to the Christmas party at the blood clinic on Tuesday. We're supposed to bring a dessert so I'm going to try and make peanut butter cookies, should a a fun time. :haha:
Good morning everyone (at least in germany it's morning ;) )
I feel like time is flying by! Don't have any big plans this week, just work all week. Thursday is my cousins 16th birthday and i hope i can get off work early so i can stop by. OH will be gone all weekend, even after over 3 years i still miss him like crazy when he's not sleeping by my side! But i do like some time by myself to pamper myself, clean the house and i plan to bake some yummy christmas cookies :)
also our white christmas tree we ordered should arrive this week so we'll set it up and decorate to see if we have enough ornaments. It's our second christmas living together and last year we didn't have a tree so i'm excited!

We also already made plans for new years which i'm super excited about! It will hopefully be our last new years without any obligations or restrictions so we plan on celebrating big!
Anyone else have plans for new years already? I feel like plans to look forward to make time go by super fast!
Aww.guys you all sound super excited with plans and decorations to do. I love having a plan. But I get mega stressed trying to organise and time things. I'm obsessed with organising and no one.else.is soo it can get.difficult when family ju st. Go with the flow and I'm trying to organise around them. Where are you all spending Xmas day?? With family, inlaws, at home? Do family come to you over.the holidays or do you travel to them?
Well I have work all week, and Christmas do at weekend plus putting tree up this week. I was thinking making gingerbread cookies at weekend never done them before haha.... Hope they turn out nice. Oh I'm not sure what we will do for Nye this year. Have to think about that.
Welcome to the ladies who have recently joined :hi:

This weekend my DH and I went away together (our first time without Isla). We did a bunch of Christmas shopping and went to a friend's Stag and Doe, which was a lot of fun. Isla did great with her Grandma, which was really nice to hear.

My brother is actually getting married this New Year's so that will be a lot of fun. My sister and I are MCs and Isla is the flower girl! Will be busy but I'm very excited about it!
Awe, a wedding on nye sounds so much fun!

Mummy2_1, my family and OHs family don't live far away, so noone has to travel. Since we live in the same house as my mother and grandmother in law (it's a house with 3 apartments and OH and i live in one) we will spend the first half of christmas eve with OHs mom, grandma and brother for dinner and will visit my parents after that. On christmas day, we'll be at my grandmas for a big lunch and then after that probably visit my aunt and cousins for coffee.

And the 26th (still national holiday in germany, not sure about uk and us though) it'll just be the two of us :)
i just can't really comprehend how this will hopefully be the last christmas we'll have just the two of us without a LO on the way
We don't have any plans in stone yet. I think we are going to try to do Christmas Eve with my mom. My inlaws have talked about coming down for Christmas but who knows what they will do. I personally hope they don't so that DH and I can enjoy the day with DS.
Christmas is always crazy for us, we have to travel a significant distance to see both our families, (2 hours from our house to my parents and 2 hours from my parent's to my in-law's), it's always a bit of a whirlwind.

It wasn't so bad with Isla last year as she was so little but this year I think will be much more challenging. Over a week away from home is going to cause some upheaval in terms of her nap schedule, etc. I'm sure it will take us all a few weeks after the Holidays to recover :wacko:

As she gets older and especially after we have another child we might have to change up our routine a bit. Going away for that long with two kids would be a bit daunting, (I don't think we'd be able to fit all of our stuff in either of our cars) :haha: Plus, I don't know how we would transfer all of their presents to my parent's place for Christmas morning....
Would your family.not.consider coming to you?? Always hectic here trying see all of family
I'm trying to get my dad to come to us over the holidays. He's a bit of a grump and normally hides away over Xmas but I'm determined to get him t visit at least once of Xmas
Hi hoping I can join although you can evict me if you like. Me and oh (have a beautiful lb 2yrs old) decided we would.like to expand our family so in September I stopped bc. But recently we have decided we have.lots we still want to do before no#2 so are.not.actively ttc. We would like to move.to a.bigger house, buy a car and have ds fully.potty trained. We are both confident we.could do all of this with baby no#2 on the way or already here but I would feel less.pressure and would prefer no rush so have decided not to ttc just yet. But do not want to big of an age gap for my lb. So by 2016 I want to be ttc. From now until then we are.ntnp. Sori for all the fullstops. Typing quickly as lo is jumping all over me.

Hi ladies, can i join my original date was Jan 15 but not looking likely now as have to save for a deposit for house so will be more towards end of 2015. If it goes as quick as this year did it will be here in no time yay. Been waiting a long time.

Hi! :hi: You gals are more than welcome over here! I've added you to our list (the second post). Whenever you have a date just let me know and I will move you to it!
Hello ladies! Sorry that I have been gone for a few days. My parents were in town visiting so we were busy spending time with them :)

krissie- sorry that your thanksgiving didnt go as planned... I hope the redo was better :flower:

aidens- your brothers 21st will be a lot of fun! I think its sometimes better as a DD :)

jren- ypu're a good big sister for giving her a nice 16th! What all did you plan for her?

Tara- the christmas party sounds like fun! I hope your dad is still doing well

cupcake- that is sweet that you still miss him :) I'm the same way...when my DH is gone it feels so lonely! We don't really have any New Years plans. For the last 5 years I have had to work late so we haven't been able to do anything exciting. Now with Charles here I think the plan is to try to get to bed as early as we can lol. We are heading across state to visit family on New Years Day so that will be fun. What are your plans?

(Charles has finally settled in eating so hopefully I can finish catching up!)

mummy- that can be really frustrating! I am also a planner but my side of the family is not so it often falls to me. My SIL though is a super planner so she always leads the charge and I'm her minion lol. This year my SILs family is all coming in the weekend before and there are lots of activities planned out. Then Christmas Eve will go to church. Then will head to BIL/SIL house for dinner games etc. Christmas morning will be at our house. May go back to in-laws for lunch but we aren't sure. Heading across state over New Years to visit my side and my DHs other brother and his family (My MIL and FIL have both passed away so its just the 2 brothers). What are your plans?

mrs. eddie- the weekend away for the parties sounds like so much fun! I'm glad Isla did so well! That is a lot of traveling- we are much the same - 3 1/2 hours back to our famiy...though thankfully my parents and BIL only live a mile away from each other so its very easy to see everyone. We told them though that except for the years where Christmas falls on a weekend, we will be home Christmas day. We will make an extended trip in one weekend around Christmas on the years we go back (we have always alternated Thanksgiving and Christmas). But we want to build our own traditions so if they want to see us on the day, they will have to come to us (which they are more than welcome to do). Maybe you could suggest alternating you going to see them and them coming to you?

AFM, it has been a crazy few days! Thanksgiving was wonderful but Charles didn't nap all day away from home.

Friday, my DH watched C in the morning while I shopped (left at almost 7, hit 5 places for various things and only had to stand in line for 5 min at the bookstore...it was great!) It was the first year where I have gone out shopping (have always just online shopped) and it was a lot of fun. Could be though because I had a few hours to myself. I love my son more than anything, but a break for a couple hours just rally helped me mentally feel more like myself again. It's been almost 3 months since I had a good break like that. Proud Momma moment! Charles started crawling Friday night! He has been close for a week but finally went for it! He has also perfected pulling up, is starting to cruise, and walks if you hold his hands. He will also let go of things and stays standing, unassisted, for a few seconds. Please tell my 7 month old to slow down!

Then my parents came to visit sat/sun and we went back to no naps :/ He just didm't ant to miss the fun! Tooth #3 popped through today and 4,5 and 6 are right behind it. At least he is getting a good chunk done and over with. Hopefully they will all be up by Christmas.

WOW! Sorry so long :) Didn't want you to think I had forgotten about you :)
I'm excited to make the peanut butter cookies tomorrow. :cake: I couldn't find any cookie icon so the cake one will do.
Mummy2_1 - For Christmas Eve and Day this year, I think my OH and I will just be spending it at home. We're going up to my mom's the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with my kids, mom, stepdad, grandparents, brother and SIL, though :) I'm not sure if my OH's dad is planning anything for Christmas yet, but if he does, I'm sure we'll be going there to celebrate, too. It's an hour and a half drive up to where our families live, so traveling isn't going to be that fun.

kk - Yay for Charles starting to crawl! :happydance:
I'd much prefer.to.stay at home this Xmas and spend.the day relaxing and not rushing. At home I know lo will have routine and a proper nap, but yet again we are going to in laws. They are very unorganised so no matter what I do it will all go t pot. I don't mind so much for us grown ups but need it for my 2yr old. He gets over tired then restless :( and then there's when it's acceptable to leave. Id like to g spend a few hours then come home and relax but we.always end up staying the whole day out of awkwardness...... What do you all spend Xmas day? How would you try to approach the going home bit if you visit fam?? Need suggestions when it comes to leaving without looking unappreciative
When does he usually nap during the day? And how well does he travel? Maybe go until nap time and then leave with the "he needs to sleep" excuse?
Hey everyone. I've only posted once in this thread, then took a break from bnb. Had some really struggling times with my sassy 2 year old. Toddlers, man....

Starting to feel left out! A lot of my friends are pregnant and I'm sitting here like ........... yup. I know I'm not 100% ready, and neither are our finances. But this jealously/guilty feelings won't go away! :(

We're staying home this year for Christmas. My husband is a funeral director, and he's on call this year, so we have to stay home. It's okay; our first Christmas home in our new house so we went and got our Christmas tree and decorated it Sunday. First REAL Christmas tree. So far, A has been doing real well with it, and so have my cats!
OMG kK, how exciting that Charles started crawling! Also awesome that you got some time to yourself to go shopping, it's amazing how much more you can get done without a little one in tow, glad that you had a great weekend.

Mummy, the problem is that all of our respective family members also live in the same cities as our parents so it makes it difficult for us to ask them to travel here. What we might eventually do is our own Christmas at home (Christmas morning) and then drive to my parent's and in-laws...

Hope everyone else is well :flower:
I promise I'll catch up later but just wanted to do a quick post before I got myself some breakfast.

Congrats on Charles crawling KK, so exciting!

Sorry I haven't been on for a little bit, we've all been sick and we also got the internet back so we've been addicted to Netflix and League of Legends. I also needed a short break from social media because there have been too many people TTC and announcing pregnancies. I'd be handling it a little better if it were people with kids that were at least 2 years old (or would be by the time the next baby was born) but it's literally all people with children younger than my only 14 month old son. When did having a less than 2 year gap become the new meta? I know that I'm not ready for another one yet and have actually been wondering lately if I even will be in 7 more months but it doesn't make it any less hard to deal with. In turn it makes me feel like an awful person because I should be nothing but happy for them, it's just hard not to feel left out or resentful towards DF for making me wait.

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