Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

aidensxmomma.. sorry to hear your kids wont be with you on the actual xmas day, but just think, next xmas FX your whole family will include the new one you're expecting! So make the most of the couple-time you'll have with your OH this xmas hehe

I'd like an update to my date too please.. i had a talk on timelines with DH, and he said he doesnt want to NTNP because he's not ready to have a baby if it happens immediately. But he proposed actively TTC July next year! I'm thrilled but anxious now that i have an earlier date. In case unforeseen circumstances happen, im trying not to plan too much around it though!

Congrats on setting an earlier date to TTC! :happydance: There are quite of few who are getting to TTC in July. So exciting!

I'm really, really hoping that by next Christmas I'll be expecting my next LO. It would be great because next year I should have the kids for Christmas and it could be all of us. :cloud9: But you're right that I should enjoy the holiday with my OH :)

Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.

I got to go shopping for my brother's/future SILs baby shower Saturday and today I have plans to go with my friend to go get our nails done. Friday I tried working on schoolwork some but I have been procrastinating bad this week. :dohh: I'm going to have to buckle down next week, which is already going to be a very busy week for me. I have my brother's/future SILs baby shower Tuesday, Date night with my OH on Wednesday, and 2 Thanksgivings on Thursday (one with my family, one with OH's). Plus, my OH will have off Friday and Saturday and will get to spend some time home with me. I'm really glad to have so much to do though. :)

Anyone else have big plans this upcoming week?
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I join you, I am very impatiently WTT in September 2015! No chance of that date being bought forward because we are waiting to move to a bigger place next year (absolutely necessary before another baby) and we are taking our daughter to Disney World next year and I don't want to be pregnant then because I want to enjoy it and not feel sick or tired so I can have the most fun with my daughter as possible!! We plan to start trying while we are there (hoping for a baby made in Disney lol!)

I am the most impatient person ever, my little girl just turned 18 months and I miss having a baby so much, and I am so excited for her to be a big sister, she will be the best!

Hope the waiting game is not too bad for all of you!
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I join you, I am very impatiently WTT in September 2015! No chance of that date being bought forward because we are waiting to move to a bigger place next year (absolutely necessary before another baby) and we are taking our daughter to Disney World next year and I don't want to be pregnant then because I want to enjoy it and not feel sick or tired so I can have the most fun with my daughter as possible!! We plan to start trying while we are there (hoping for a baby made in Disney lol!)

I am the most impatient person ever, my little girl just turned 18 months and I miss having a baby so much, and I am so excited for her to be a big sister, she will be the best!

Hope the waiting game is not too bad for all of you!

Welcome! :flow:

Going to Disney sounds so exciting!

I'm super impatient, too. I'm also really scared; I don't remember what it's like to have a baby anymore. :haha: Even my youngest would be almost 3 already. My older two are 6 and 5 (and will be 7 and 6 when I start TTC).

I hope your wait goes by quickly, too. :)
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I join you, I am very impatiently WTT in September 2015! No chance of that date being bought forward because we are waiting to move to a bigger place next year (absolutely necessary before another baby) and we are taking our daughter to Disney World next year and I don't want to be pregnant then because I want to enjoy it and not feel sick or tired so I can have the most fun with my daughter as possible!! We plan to start trying while we are there (hoping for a baby made in Disney lol!)

I am the most impatient person ever, my little girl just turned 18 months and I miss having a baby so much, and I am so excited for her to be a big sister, she will be the best!

Hope the waiting game is not too bad for all of you!

Hi :)
disney sounds awesome! Totally understand why you woulf rather. Ot be pregnant while being there :)
I'll be ttc in august 2015, so we're really close, how exciting!
Ohhh it does look like we have a few of us in june and more following shortly! exciting! :happydance:

I was busy with work this weekend, but managed to meet up with a few friends for drinks.. Monday comes too fast!

Updated! I hope all you July gals get preggo together and stick around here too so we can follow you through :)

There are some great traditions you all mentioned! I can't wait to start our own with Charles. He will be much more "into" it next year. But he loves patting the tree with all the lights on it. We are thinking of not doing ornaments this year so that he doesn't accidentally break one or hurt himself.

thank you! if you have time, what about making origami ornaments? beautiful ones on pinterest.. maybe you could make just the basic balls but with different glossy wrapping paper?
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I join you, I am very impatiently WTT in September 2015! No chance of that date being bought forward because we are waiting to move to a bigger place next year (absolutely necessary before another baby) and we are taking our daughter to Disney World next year and I don't want to be pregnant then because I want to enjoy it and not feel sick or tired so I can have the most fun with my daughter as possible!! We plan to start trying while we are there (hoping for a baby made in Disney lol!)

I am the most impatient person ever, my little girl just turned 18 months and I miss having a baby so much, and I am so excited for her to be a big sister, she will be the best!

Hope the waiting game is not too bad for all of you!

I haven't been to Disneyw yet; I'd love to go too. Hope you get your Disney prince/princess there ;)
I hope to plan a couple of trips next year cos it sure would help with the waiting, but I already went to four different places this year so I prob have to work on my savings instead, SIGH.
Origami ornaments sounds like such a fun ideas!! I will have to suggest that to dh.
Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.

Sounds like fun! We babysat my friends boys this morning. Tomorrow is church and a family dinner. Otherwise just relaxing at home!

Actually I watched a documentary about Tania Head a woman who said she survived 9/11 when she wasn't even in the US that day. She said she was engaged to a guy named Dave who passed away that day in the North Tower the one that was hit first. He did exist but didn't know her and his family never heard of her. She said she was saved by the man wearing the red bandanna and even joined a 9/11 survivors group. Her farce went on for about five years until her story started to unravel when a New York Times writer wanted to do a story about her. I don't understand how someone could lie about surviving such a traumatic event. :shrug:

My weekend was pretty calm, went to the gym today and my walk. Next Weekend I'm going to a dinner my family is having at the nursing home my grandma is living in and next Tuesday the 2nd there's a Christmas party at the blood clinic I volunteer at. I'm still thinking of what I want to bring for a dessert.
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I join you, I am very impatiently WTT in September 2015! No chance of that date being bought forward because we are waiting to move to a bigger place next year (absolutely necessary before another baby) and we are taking our daughter to Disney World next year and I don't want to be pregnant then because I want to enjoy it and not feel sick or tired so I can have the most fun with my daughter as possible!! We plan to start trying while we are there (hoping for a baby made in Disney lol!)

I am the most impatient person ever, my little girl just turned 18 months and I miss having a baby so much, and I am so excited for her to be a big sister, she will be the best!

Hope the waiting game is not too bad for all of you!

:hi: Hello and welcome! I've added you to our list (the second post). Disney World sounds like so much fun! I've never been and my DH and I really want to take our kids there one day!
Ohhh it does look like we have a few of us in june and more following shortly! exciting! :happydance:

I was busy with work this weekend, but managed to meet up with a few friends for drinks.. Monday comes too fast!

Updated! I hope all you July gals get preggo together and stick around here too so we can follow you through :)

There are some great traditions you all mentioned! I can't wait to start our own with Charles. He will be much more "into" it next year. But he loves patting the tree with all the lights on it. We are thinking of not doing ornaments this year so that he doesn't accidentally break one or hurt himself.

thank you! if you have time, what about making origami ornaments? beautiful ones on pinterest.. maybe you could make just the basic balls but with different glossy wrapping paper?

That is such a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion! The tree really does need something to fill it in and those might do the trick!

Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.

Sounds like fun! We babysat my friends boys this morning. Tomorrow is church and a family dinner. Otherwise just relaxing at home!

Actually I watched a documentary about Tania Head a woman who said she survived 9/11 when she wasn't even in the US that day. She said she was engaged to a guy named Dave who passed away that day in the North Tower the one that was hit first. He did exist but didn't know her and his family never heard of her. She said she was saved by the man wearing the red bandanna and even joined a 9/11 survivors group. Her farce went on for about five years until her story started to unravel when a New York Times writer wanted to do a story about her. I don't understand how someone could lie about surviving such a traumatic event. :shrug:

My weekend was pretty calm, went to the gym today and my walk. Next Weekend I'm going to a dinner my family is having at the nursing home my grandma is living in and next Tuesday the 2nd there's a Christmas party at the blood clinic I volunteer at. I'm still thinking of what I want to bring for a dessert.

That is terrible. To exploit a national tragedy for your own narcissism is sick. I'm glad that she was exposed.

Sounds like you have some nice events coming up soon! Have fun!!
Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.

Sounds like fun! We babysat my friends boys this morning. Tomorrow is church and a family dinner. Otherwise just relaxing at home!

Actually I watched a documentary about Tania Head a woman who said she survived 9/11 when she wasn't even in the US that day. She said she was engaged to a guy named Dave who passed away that day in the North Tower the one that was hit first. He did exist but didn't know her and his family never heard of her. She said she was saved by the man wearing the red bandanna and even joined a 9/11 survivors group. Her farce went on for about five years until her story started to unravel when a New York Times writer wanted to do a story about her. I don't understand how someone could lie about surviving such a traumatic event. :shrug:

My weekend was pretty calm, went to the gym today and my walk. Next Weekend I'm going to a dinner my family is having at the nursing home my grandma is living in and next Tuesday the 2nd there's a Christmas party at the blood clinic I volunteer at. I'm still thinking of what I want to bring for a dessert.

I can't possibly understand how anyone could lie about something so tragic. :nope:

Sounds like you had a nice weekend, though. And a busy one coming up :)
Sorry I've been MIA ladies; I was sick at the end of last week and we were crazy busy this weekend so I didn't get a chance to log on...

Welcome Disney; a trip to Disney World sounds amazing. We are planning on going on a Disney Cruise in the winter/early spring of 2016, which I am very excited about.

Keely, so glad that DF is now totally on board with the July TTC date. I agree that it's going to be awesome to have so many of us trying and hopefully getting pregnant at the same time :happydance:

Hope everyone else is well :flower:
Hope you're feeling better Mrs. Eddie!
Feeling much better thanks but DH just took Isla to the doctor (for her 15 month appointment) and she now has an ear infection, poor little thing :cry: I swear it's just one illness after another when they start day care...
Sorry to hear that you were sick and that Isla has an ear infection now :hugs: Hopefully you are all healthy again soon!
Welcome DisneyDarling! :wave: :flower:

I went to Disney World once with my grandparents when I was 6. It was a lot of fun, but I'm sure that it has changed a lot since the 90's. I'm willing to bet that it's still fun though and I definitely want to take my kids some day, probably after I've decided that my family is complete and all of my kids are old enough to remember it (so when my last is at least 5).

I'm glad that you're feeling better but sorry that Isla has an ear infection MrsEddie! I hope that she starts feeling better soon and that you have a completely healthy family again in time for the holidays. :hugs:

Lately I find myself really liking the idea of adopting an adorable little Asian girl (most likely Chinese since that seems to be most common for adoption but I'm not picky about the country) if this next baby turns old to be another handsome little :blue:. I've always liked the idea of adopting a child and I love the Orient. I even have a name picked out for our theoretical Asian princess, haha. Has anyone else ever considered adopting a child at some point even without fertility issues? If so would you want to do an adoption in your home country or would you want a child from a foreign country? Would you want a baby or an older child? Personally I would just want a child that is younger than my youngest at the time when we adopt her.
I think about adoption sometimes, and while I think it would be amazing to adopt from a different country, there are just so many babies here in America that need a home too. It would be hard, I'm sure.
Ohhh it does look like we have a few of us in june and more following shortly! exciting! :happydance:

I was busy with work this weekend, but managed to meet up with a few friends for drinks.. Monday comes too fast!

Updated! I hope all you July gals get preggo together and stick around here too so we can follow you through :)

There are some great traditions you all mentioned! I can't wait to start our own with Charles. He will be much more "into" it next year. But he loves patting the tree with all the lights on it. We are thinking of not doing ornaments this year so that he doesn't accidentally break one or hurt himself.

thank you! if you have time, what about making origami ornaments? beautiful ones on pinterest.. maybe you could make just the basic balls but with different glossy wrapping paper?

That is such a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion! The tree really does need something to fill it in and those might do the trick!

Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Tonight I'm going to watch something about ghosts online.

Sounds like fun! We babysat my friends boys this morning. Tomorrow is church and a family dinner. Otherwise just relaxing at home!

Actually I watched a documentary about Tania Head a woman who said she survived 9/11 when she wasn't even in the US that day. She said she was engaged to a guy named Dave who passed away that day in the North Tower the one that was hit first. He did exist but didn't know her and his family never heard of her. She said she was saved by the man wearing the red bandanna and even joined a 9/11 survivors group. Her farce went on for about five years until her story started to unravel when a New York Times writer wanted to do a story about her. I don't understand how someone could lie about surviving such a traumatic event. :shrug:

My weekend was pretty calm, went to the gym today and my walk. Next Weekend I'm going to a dinner my family is having at the nursing home my grandma is living in and next Tuesday the 2nd there's a Christmas party at the blood clinic I volunteer at. I'm still thinking of what I want to bring for a dessert.

That is terrible. To exploit a national tragedy for your own narcissism is sick. I'm glad that she was exposed.

Sounds like you have some nice events coming up soon! Have fun!!

I am looking forward to the party at the clinic next week and this weekend. Today I had a doctor's appointment to talk about my ultrasound results and she told me she wants me to continue taking iron supplements until January. After that I'm supposed to take a break until March and get a blood test done to see how my iron is. If it's high enough I can start donating blood again. :happydance:

It's very windy here tonight and supposed to be windy all night.
We have seriously looked into adoption. Our reasoning was due to fertility though. We have discussed once our biological children are high school or older we may consider adopting a couple children. We would adopt from Utah since their laws are more favorable to my state.

I hope Isla gets better soon. I have had chronic ear infections since I was 1 so I know how unpleasant they can be.

I have never been to any Disney park but look forward to taking my kids. I hope to go when Christian is 10.

DS hasn't been sleeping well. I have been trying to introduce some solids and think it might be correlated. I think I am going to stop and wait another couple weeks. He just doesn't seem interested still.
Adoption was my first choice, but my husband wants biological children so I'm respecting his wishes. I have told him that if we are unfortunate enough to have fertility issues, I rather spend our money on adoption than any medical assistance (both options are crazy expensive where I'm at). Perhaps it's because I don't particularly feel the need to experience pregnancy, I just wish for a child. I don't think I could bond with any child over a year old though.

Hope your babies feel better soon!

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