Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I have always wanted to adopt an older child (4-6) once my biological kids were in school. If we have another boy we would probably try for a girl. If we have a girl next then we would be open to either. That is a ways down the road though. It would require becoming foster parents first in our state.

krissie- Charles is 7 1/2 months old and still doesn't want anything to do with solids. He is interested in our food but then just spits it out when he gets it. Eventually he will take it so just try again in a few weeks :flower:
How old is Christian now Krissie? If he isn't 6 months yet you may consider waiting until then to really get him started on solids. That's what most doctors recommend and it worked really well for us. Lots of people think that babies don't need solids at all for the first year, but with how much DS eats there is no way that I could have gone longer than 6 months EBF with no solids. That and I've heard that if children aren't introduced to solids at 6 months then they have a much higher chance for allergies and being picky eaters.

There are some really special things about pregnancy like getting your first :bfp:, seeing your little peanut on an ultrasound screen for the first time, feeling your baby move inside you, finding out the gender, and holding your baby in your arms for the first time after you give birth. For the most part it's for the birds though, I know that every woman and pregnancy is different and some women have really easy pregnancies and love being pregnant but I fully believe that the actual baby is where it's really at. Pregnancy is really exciting when you first find out and when you're waiting for your gender ultrasound, but once you get over the :bfp: high you just kind of feel stuck in pregnancy limbo and feel big and uncomfortable and just want to meet your baby already. And then you really miss being that big and uncomfortable anywhere between days, weeks, months, or years after you give birth. Last time I was more excited by the idea of being pregnant than I was by the idea of actually having a baby. This time it's the total opposite, I'm much more excited by the idea of of having another tiny snuggle bunny than I am about being pregnant. That could be because my pregnancy was awful and my newborn was unrealistically easy though, lol. For all I know next time I could have the magical unicorn of pregnancies and the newborn from hell. It's not likely though, I think we're going to have another rough pregnancy and easy baby, but it will all be worth it. :cloud9:
Yeah, I think it's the thought of the later half - being big and pregnant, and going through birth, that never appealed to me... Because I know friends who don't coo and fuss over other people's babies (like I do haha) but just KNOW they want to eventually experience pregnancy and childbirth. I do get excited and disappointed during pregnancy scares so I'm not opposed to it at all. Just that I am not interested whether my child would look like me or my husband either, so I feel I could love any baby I choose to accept as my own. However seeing my nephew warmed me up much more to the idea of biological spawn though. He looks like my husband's BIL but sometimes when he sleeps, he looks like his mother, and by default, my husband; and I do feel a rush of fuzziness then haha. I think humans are genetically wired to have affinity for others who look like their family.
Christian is just shy of 5 months. He is interested in our food but doesn't want to eat it yet. He still doesn't eat a lot of milk either so I know he is okay right now without. I think I will just wait until after Christmas since he will then be 6 months.

I am glad I got to experience pregnancy, but I had a really good one. I also had a good labor and birth. But I totally relate to its the baby that matters. I look forward to holding #2 more than being pregnant. But that bfp and gender ultrasound are two things I just loved.
I did think about adoption; if we weren't able to have another one ourselves it is definitely something I consider. I agree fully that your child is your child, whether you give birth to them yourself or they have a different biological parent.

That being said, I did enjoy pregnancy quite a bit; except for the last month when I swelled up like a balloon :winkwink:

Krissie, I think waiting until he is more interested in food is a great idea. I don't think I started food with Isla until she was 6 months as she wasn't really interested in it either.:shrug: She is a great eater now though!
How old is Christian now Krissie? If he isn't 6 months yet you may consider waiting until then to really get him started on solids. That's what most doctors recommend and it worked really well for us. Lots of people think that babies don't need solids at all for the first year, but with how much DS eats there is no way that I could have gone longer than 6 months EBF with no solids. That and I've heard that if children aren't introduced to solids at 6 months then they have a much higher chance for allergies and being picky eaters.

There are some really special things about pregnancy like getting your first :bfp:, seeing your little peanut on an ultrasound screen for the first time, feeling your baby move inside you, finding out the gender, and holding your baby in your arms for the first time after you give birth. For the most part it's for the birds though, I know that every woman and pregnancy is different and some women have really easy pregnancies and love being pregnant but I fully believe that the actual baby is where it's really at. Pregnancy is really exciting when you first find out and when you're waiting for your gender ultrasound, but once you get over the :bfp: high you just kind of feel stuck in pregnancy limbo and feel big and uncomfortable and just want to meet your baby already. And then you really miss being that big and uncomfortable anywhere between days, weeks, months, or years after you give birth. Last time I was more excited by the idea of being pregnant than I was by the idea of actually having a baby. This time it's the total opposite, I'm much more excited by the idea of of having another tiny snuggle bunny than I am about being pregnant. That could be because my pregnancy was awful and my newborn was unrealistically easy though, lol. For all I know next time I could have the magical unicorn of pregnancies and the newborn from hell. It's not likely though, I think we're going to have another rough pregnancy and easy baby, but it will all be worth it. :cloud9:

I'm a pretty picky eater. I do like eating but sometimes I have a hard time trying different food.
tv my DH was really picky too but after we got together he started trying lots of new food and now is much more adventurous regarding what he will eat.

You should try slowly introducing new foods or trying new cuisines and see what you think :thumbup:
I use to be really picky but I have worked really hard to force myself to try new things. It can be easy for me to cook the same few things over and over.
I was a pretty picky child as well but now I am much more open to what I will eat and I like a lot of things now that I did not as a child.
This morning my dad called me saying he spit up blood so he was going to go to the hospital and now he's doing better. My mom told me he called her at work and told her he went back home to his apartment.
Oh my goodness Tara! I'm glad that he is okay :flower:
How scary about your Dad, glad that he is feeling better!
This morning my dad called me saying he spit up blood so he was going to go to the hospital and now he's doing better. My mom told me he called her at work and told her he went back home to his apartment.

That must have been really scary! Glad he's doing better now. :hugs:

How's everyone's Thanksgiving?

I had a really good, really exhausting Thanksgiving. I had two dinners tonight and got to visit with both mine and my OH's family, which was really nice. I'm finally back home and more than ready to pass out. :haha:
We had a good Thanksgiving. Aside from the fact OH and his friends attempted to burn the house down by deep-frying a turkey. The house and all eyebrows are still intact, so I'm thankful for that.
Here in Canada we had Thanksgiving last month but last night my mom made spaghetti for supper and gave the rest to my brother when he came over. The thing is, she drank too much wine and didn't realize she gave it all to him until this morning. :haha:

Tomorrow we're going to have a turkey dinner at the nursing home my grandma lives in. It's going to be a fun and interesting time.
Hey ladies- I hope those of you that celebrated this week had a good Thanksgiving.

Mine was very disappointing so we are having a do over with my mom and sister this Sunday. I am pretty excited.

So I fed ds some cranberry sauce thinking it would be one of those funny baby moments. The kid loved it! He kept eating it and it was pretty tart. I am wondering if he might prefer more savory foods to sweet. I also let him try some sweet potatoes but he wasn't as fond of those.
Hi hoping I can join although you can evict me if you like. Me and oh (have a beautiful lb 2yrs old) decided we would.like to expand our family so in September I stopped bc. But recently we have decided we have.lots we still want to do before no#2 so are.not.actively ttc. We would like to move.to a.bigger house, buy a car and have ds fully.potty trained. We are both confident we.could do all of this with baby no#2 on the way or already here but I would feel less.pressure and would prefer no rush so have decided not to ttc just yet. But do not want to big of an age gap for my lb. So by 2016 I want to be ttc. From now until then we are.ntnp. Sori for all the fullstops. Typing quickly as lo is jumping all over me.
I'm pretty full from the turkey dinner we had tonight. My uncle cooked it in his smoker and it was very good. I also drank some wine that he made. :wine: I'm going to sleep like a :baby: tonight.
Hi ladies, can i join my original date was Jan 15 but not looking likely now as have to save for a deposit for house so will be more towards end of 2015. If it goes as quick as this year did it will be here in no time yay. Been waiting a long time.

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