Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hey Ladies

I hope everyone is okay, and just busy :) Haven't heard from most ladies in a while :)

I had my most recent bloodwork today, and I'm down to 184 :) which is great I was 343 last week!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Hey ladies :) Just catching up on the last few days.

Blue, I'm so sorry that your father and mother in law have not been very sensitive to your feelings. What a difficult situation to be in! :hugs: I'm really glad to hear that you're staying with your grandmother for the rest of the week, and at least it's almost friday so you can go home soon!

Slg, any news on your betas? Hopefully it's 0 (or very close) by now!

Kls, glad to hear that your betas are dropping too! Hope you're doing okay.

How is everyone else doing?

Aleeah, when is your scan this week? Looking forward to your update :)

LL, how are you doing?

Ljs, I see you're in the 2 week wait...I can't remember, were you ntnp this month?

Crys and Nina, where did you ladies go? We miss you!

As for me, life has been quite busy between work and appointments. I saw internal medicine today and everything is still checking out great, and I'm off to see the OB tomorrow, so hopefully everything is good there too. Then Monday I have my 20 week ultrasound and appointment with maternal fetal medicine afterwards... so getting my usual scan anxiety, lol. Bump is definitely growing though, I've noticed quite a difference in the last week (along with a lot of stretching pains!). I hope everyone is doing well!
Hey everyone!

Kim - great news about your betas!they will be zero in no time.

Lindsay - great that your bump is growing :) hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and good luck for your scan monday!Are you finding out the sex? Yes we were ntnp and im in the tww now,im not expecting anything this month,just getting back into the swing of things!

How is everyone doing?

afm - as I said its tww time. Just trying to get to grips with charting and seeing how that goes. Cant make much sense of it yet! Not expecting anything to happen this month, we just relaxed and went with the flow.Not sure if my cycle will be straight back to normal 28 days or if it will take a while after the ectopic.

Hope everyone is well x x
Hooray for your beta Kim!!!! Must feel great to see that drop so much after all this time.

I'm sure your scan will look great, Lindsay. I'm so glad to hear that baby is growing :)

My HCG this week was 11. I'm so very close to negative. I'm working on learning to check my cervix throughout my cycle. OPKs and temping don't work well for me so I thought this might be a great way for me to watch for ovulation.
Kim - That's great news about your betas going down so significantly!!!! I am sure you're well on your way to a full recovery now. I hope you don't have to wait too long to TTC again. Thanks so much for still checking up on us!

Lindsay - That is so exciting that your bump grew so much in the last week! I remember when my co-worker was at that stage, and I kept saying "oh, wow, you really popped this week" but really she was still so small...then suddenly at 20 or 21 weeks you really started to notice a difference. I'm excited that you're almost half way there! I am sure your scan will go amazingly well, but understand your anxiety. :hugs: Hang in there!

LJ - I hope your month of NTNP ends up being the perfect formula for a rainbow BFP! :winkwink:

Slg - Yay for hCG being down to 11! :happydance: That is excellent. I am sure you will ovulate quite shortly! We might even end up TWW buddies.

AFM - As always (but moreso than usual), my body is confusing me. My temps went back down today, so I know I didn't ovulate yet...which is great, but I still don't have a +OPK and haven't really had any ovulation cramping besides the very odd twinge here and there. I normally ovulate between cd12-14 so the fact that I don't have a +OPK yet really confuses me. Did I actually ovulate today with my temp dip and just not notice any cramps this time and I somehow missed my LH surge? Am I not going to get a +OPK until tomorrow, meaning I would ovulate shockingly at cd 15 for the first time since coming off the pill last January? Or what if I don't even get a +OPK tomorrow? Will I not ovulate at all? Would I really ovulate as late as cd16 when I normally ovulate so early? So many questions! Also confusing is that my boobs were a bit sore today, which normally happens on the day *of* or day after ovulation. But, then I looked back in my charts, and there was one month when I had tender boobs a couple days before ovulation, so it is possible. Basically, I am SURE it will all become clear like it ALWAYS does, and I'm probably just worrying for nothing - but I am *slightly* wondering if I already ovulated today, didn't have any ovulation pains for the first time in my life, and would have only BDed once during my fertile window? If so, I don't have a very good chance this month. If I will still ovulate Friday or Saturday, I probably still have a good chance though. I'll let you all know what my temps and OPKs do tomorrow. Don't worry about making sense of my weird symptoms. I am sure my chart/body will make things very clear soon. :)
LL-isn't it so hard to just let our bodies do what they will? Once you start paying attention you notice every little thing and then it seems the symptoms start contradicting themselves. It is so confusing and frustrating. I'm trying to lean to check my cervix. Today it did feel different than it has for the past few days. To me it felt lower, open, and soft. Turns out that's not at all what it's supposed to do. It should be open when it's high. Guess I have no idea what is going on :dohh: Wouldn't that be great if our cycles matched up?!
Slg - I have been checking my CP for 5 months and still cannot tell when mine is open or closed, so I've given up trying. Sometimes when it is low and firm I cheat and put "closed" on my chart because I know that should be the case. I can, however, tell the difference between soft, medium and hard now though! And it's definitely possible for it to be low and soft so maybe just record those two for now and wait until you have felt a lot of different positions to see if you can decipher the open or closed position after that? Good luck! :)

I agree - it is very difficult to just sit back and watch as your body does whatever it wants! So strange how we have no control over them at all, really.
Ljs, your chart looks good! It'll all make sense soon enough. I really like charting, makes it much easier to know what's going on. Yep, we are hoping to find out the gender :) Fingers crossed baby cooperates!

Slg, that's great news about your hcg levels!! It'll be 0 before you know it! I could never quite get the hang of checking my cervix. I could tell if it was high or low, but other than that, I had no idea, lol.

LL, don't you love it when your body decides to change things up! I'm sure you're right, and it will all become clear over the next few days. Just for the record, both of my bfp cycles I ovulated later than usual at CD 15.... for the 7 months of charting prior to my first bfp, I always ovulated between CD 11 - 13. So, I'm going to hope that a little later than normal ovulation is lucky for you too!
Sorry I've been quiet ladies, work seems to have got very busy and I've just run with it.

Kim - Glad your HCG has dropped so dramatically, you must be SO pleased. No doubt it'll be zero before you know it, mine went from 106 to ovulation and pregnant within 10 days, hoping it's the same for you!! Fingers and toes crossed.[-o<

Lindsay - Hope your appointment today goes well and can't wait for Monday! So cute looking at your ticker, little baby can now hear things, so exciting!!:happydance: I'll be refreshing constantly, so keep us posted xx

Blue - It's nearly Friday, transfer day as hubby calls it!:haha: Hoping you've had a better time at your grandfather's bet you can't wait to come home to hubby, though I'm sure it'll still be sad to say goodbye to your gorgeous little sister :hugs: xx

LJsMummy - Your chart is looking really really good, so hope this is your month. You can see you definitely ovulated so that's good. Any symptoms that might be a possibility...??:flower: I love reading about symptoms!! x

SLG - Great news about your beta, you must be so relieved! Ovulation could literally be just around the corner for you now. I found it hard to understand my cervix, just remember to check it at the same time everyday as apparently it can change so much during the day it'll distort the outcome. Mine never really made sense to me but I think that's because I didn't check it at the same time everyday, so I just gave up. Good luck, are you trying this cycle or waiting for the next? :hugs:xx

Literati - Lindsay's comment sounds really hopeful this could be your month!! I didn't temp for long enough to understand if I had a consistent day for ovulation but I'm sure it'd be normal for it to shift, especially after a miscarriage. I'll look forward to your updates, as you said your chart and OPK's should make it all clear soon enough, good luck :friends: xxxx

AFM - Scan was late yesterday, went well. Little bean was making the doctors laugh, almost looked like it was stuck it was moving around so much, very weird to see, especially as I have no symtoms at all and don't feel pregnant in the slightest now. Strange but normal for things to be tailing off I guess. Looking forward to my NT scan in 2 weeks, can't wait for hubby to finally see our little bean! xx
Lindsay - thanks for that tidbit! That does give me hope because I totally got a +OPK this morning, which means I will likely have a CD15 ovulation as well! It's definitely an 'odd' month so I do hope that means I will be more likely to conceive! :happydance:

Aleeah - thanks! As I suspected, my +OPK made it clear this morning, although I still don't have any ovulation cramps. Interestingly, the month I got my BFP I had much milder ovulation cramps than usual. Maybe this means I will ovulate from my right and conceive! :happydance:

I am thrilled to hear about your scan! It makes me sooo happy hearing the good news about your baby each week! Since your NT scan is in 2 weeks, does that mean there won't be a scan next week? Again, I am so thrilled for you!

How is everyone else?
Lindsay - thanks for that tidbit! That does give me hope because I totally got a +OPK this morning, which means I will likely have a CD15 ovulation as well! It's definitely an 'odd' month so I do hope that means I will be more likely to conceive! :happydance:

Aleeah - thanks! As I suspected, my +OPK made it clear this morning, although I still don't have any ovulation cramps. Interestingly, the month I got my BFP I had much milder ovulation cramps than usual. Maybe this means I will ovulate from my right and conceive! :happydance:

I am thrilled to hear about your scan! It makes me sooo happy hearing the good news about your baby each week! Since your NT scan is in 2 weeks, does that mean there won't be a scan next week? Again, I am so thrilled for you!

How is everyone else?

WOOO HOOO for the positive OPK!!!! :dance::wohoo::happydance:

So pleased for you, I really really really hope this is your month, wouldn't that be the most fantastic start to 2014?!!!

Thank you, you're all so sweet about my scans. I had a bit of a meltdown earlier, miscarriage is one of those things I guess you never get over. I read my blog back following the miscarriage and it's horrible to read. I feel like I don't have a right to still be upset but sometimes it hits you regardless of how you think you should feel. I dare not tell the hubby why I've been crying as he just won't understand and I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow, today for some reason is a down day.

Still get a scan next week, I tried to cancel this weeks and next but they were insistent, baby moved back by a day this week, so 10w+3d today but not concerned about a shift of a day. I wanted to cancel the scans as they are so time consuming, getting there and back and I'm not sure work are appreciating me taking so much time off and not telling them why but having the scans is very reassuring and no doubt I'll miss them when I don't get them weekly after 12 weeks!! Next week is my last one with the recurrent miscarriage clinic but my doctor is based in the same hospital I'll have all my other appointments (have hereditary high blood pressure) and has promised to look in on me xxx
Aleeah, sooo exciting to hear about your scan!! Great news!! Totally normal for symptoms to be tailing off about now. I don't even feel pregnant anymore (and haven't for about 8 weeks). I've been told to enjoy it, as apparently I will start to get uncomfortable in a few more weeks. Sorry you're having a bit of a down day... your allowed though, you've been through a lot! I'm sure the world will look brighter tomorrow :hugs:

LL, yay for a positive OPK!!! I really hope this is your month! I'll keep everything crossed that you catch that egg :)

I'm doing well. Off to the doctor later and not as anxious as I usually am because the little one gave me a few kicks this morning as I was drinking my tea (he or she seems to be a night owl.... I usually feel a lot more in the evening/night than I do early in the day).
Aleeah - so sorry to hear about your meltdown. There really is no "getting over" a miscarriage and I'm surprised that you didn't think you should still be upset since your last one was so recent. I am still upset all the time a it's been 4 months for me. In this book I was telling you about, I was actually surprised but comforted to hear that many women grieve for a very long time and it's actually common to have delayed grief months or even years after the miscarriage. One woman said here darkest time was over 16 years after the miscarriage! Crazy... We may to move on but our bodies will heal when they are truly ready.

I am glad you didn't cancel your scan. It will be nice to have the reassurance until 12 weeks. I am sure your workplace can just get over your taking time off for appointments. They will understand eventually.

Lindsay - yay for baby kicks! I think it's common for them to sleep more during the day and kick more at night!

Hope your dr appt goes well!
Thanks for all the optimism for me, you two!
Aleeah - sorry youre having a down day,sending you hugs!dont forget your hormones are a little crazy right now too,so with everything youve been through recently,good and bad,youre entitled to feel upset. Being pregnant is an emotional rollercoaster for a person who hasnt suffered a loss beforehand,so I can only imagine how hard it must be for you right now!Things will be better soon. And you get to see that beautiful little baby on more scans soon :)

Lindsay- fingers crossed baby cooperates for you at the scan!how exciting!I really hope you get to find out. How amazing that you are getting some little kicks, it must be so reassuring.

Literati- hope this is your month!fingers crossed for you.I hope you dont get to read this yet as it means youre busy doing that dance!

Afm - I feel rough today. My head feels weird,like a tension headache but at the front of my head.Ive had heartburn all day and feeling a bit sick with it. Trying not to symptom spot but I know you ladies love it (so do I for other people!) So I thought id share.I may just be getting sick,there seems to be a lot of illness going round. Thanks for all your positivity about my chart, glad it looks good to you,it must be my untrained eye which makes it look rubbish! X x x
Hey kim_ glad your Betas are going down! Nhow are you feeling ?

Linds- so happy that everything is going well. Cant wait to here how your scan goes!

LL- woow for postive opk! Fingers crossed this is your month honey !

Glad you girls betas are still falling yous are close to neg now!

How is every one? Has anyone heard from Crys and Nina ?

Afm- I dont even know where I am in my cycle. Im waiting on AF. So glad to be saying ill be home this time next week. Im sure thats also when my next AF is due! I cant wait to get home to my man!!! Sorry if ive missed anything out. Im so rubbish at catching up on my phone!

Aleaah I didnt see you post about melt down. Hope your feeling a bit better now. Maybe next two scans wont be too bad then they will give you a break.

Lgs hope your not coming down with a bug!!!
Blue - I'm glad you get to go home soon! It will be great to get back to BDing!

AFM - okay, so...

My suspicion is that I ovulated last night (cd14 after all) because I was have major ovulation cramps around 10 pm. They were actually bad enough that I had to take painkillers to sleep! They were weird this time and more generalized everywhere and even hurt in my back, like menstrual cramps! The weird thing is I can't really tell which side I ovulated from! The pain was very generalized and there was a BIT of a tendency for it to be more on the right, but it was sort of alternating as if my body was trying to decide which side would have the preferred follicle! So I want to believe it was from the right, but it could have been the left.

This morning my temps were up slightly, I had a negative OPK, and I only have slight twinges in my ovaries so likely they've already done their work. We'll see what ovufriend puts me as but I personally think it will be wrong if it says today!

What I'm worried about is if I ovulated around 10 last night, our BD session around 5:30pm won't have been enough time for the sperm to mobilize (I've heard it takes 10 hours). Other than that, we hasn't BDed since noon-ish Tuesday. I just don't think our timing was very good this month... So I'm probably out. :( but there's still a chance, right?
blue-hooray for being home soon! I'm sure dh misses you.

LL-I think your timing sounds just fine. Even if the sperm haven't made it all the way to the tubes yet, the egg takes a while to come down and there's nowhere for that egg to go but down into the area where the sperm are swimming up.

AFM-I'm just waiting.....I'm not sure what for. Probably AF but I have no idea how long it will be. My ovary pain went away so I guess maybe I ovulated last weekend?
Slg - thanks, that makes me feel a bit better. If it were anyone else, I would tell her that the timing was great, but when it's myself I'm such a perfectionist.

That sounds logical that you could have ovulated last weekend. So maybe one more week? I do hope you get a miraculous natural BFP this time! It does sound as though you ovulated on your own. :hugs:

Btw... Sorry for all the weird spellings lately. I'm on my phone and autocorrect hates me (and so do my fat fumbling fingers :haha:)
Lit it can takr sperm 30 minutes sometimes less to get where they are going. So I think your timingnis perfect. You will have some up there already to meet the egg and some on its way :) hehe it only takes one wee soldier hehe

slg I hope af comes soon for you... if thats what your waiting on.

OH is coming over on tuesday to spend two nights and then we will fly back together. I have a university graduation on Wednesday (slightly delayed haha. Should have been at the begining of the year but I was in hosp) so I will look forward to that!

P.s lit lay off the fat talk hehe. I bet your not at all! And my spelling is terrible but thats because I dont check it before I send it hehe. And also getting used to the new touchscreen! :) xx x

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