Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Kim - that is wonderful that everything worked together so that they could diagnose and treat you properly. I am so happy for you! And TTC in 3-6 months sounds a lot better than a hard and fast "6 months" so I am happy for that as well! You were definitely being looked out for. :) so crazy that your condition was so rare! :hugs:

And thanks... I think someone has a "good feeling about this month" for me every month, but let's just hope that you have better intuition than all of them! ;) I do think it could be my month simply because it would be absolutely terrifying to be so early on over Christmas, so it will probably happen to me just to spite me. My body clearly hates me, so why not.

Slg - I am glad you are keeping a positive attitude about everything despite everything you've been through. :hugs:

How is everyone else?
Aleeah - Thanks! Feeling a little bit more used to it but it's a vulnerable ole time, I lost the last just a few days after where I am now....just trying to keep the faith! How are you feeling?

Lindsay - That's great! So much better you can be there together. I'm doing fine. I've been having lots of lightheaded spells during the day, I had low blood pressure at one time and fainted a lot, and i'm hoping it doesn't happen again....will speak to doc about it. Otherwise, you know the drill! Prodding my boobs to check they're still sore and knicker checking! :)

Kim - Gods! What an absolute miracle! The insanely small odds and then the serendipity to have it discovered. Amazing! congratulations!

LL - Which book is it you're reading? I got one called 'Coming to term' which was a good read. Lol, love your suspicion your body would do it just to mess with your head.
Linny -

The book is called, "Miscarriage: Women Sharing from the Heart." I am enjoying it so far. I don't necessarily appreciate that the writers sort of go at it in a sort of psychological/clinical study perspective, and it's also from the early 90s so some of the terms are not as relevant today. However, it's filled with little snippets and stories from real women who have miscarried and it had me crying away at it thinking, "I feel that way too! I'm not alone!" I mean... I can't relate to every story and I actually find any mention of someone not completely devastated by the m/c somewhat offensive. But it's really comforting to see some of my exact thoughts put into words by other women. I am not the only one who feels like I'm going crazy or will never get better! So that's nice. Hopefully I'll have the chance to read a bit more tonight!

I will have to check out "Coming to Term" as well!

That is scary that you aren't quite at the stage when you lost your last baby. I do have high hopes for you and I hope you can try to stay calm through this time. :hugs:
LL - The book sounds good! I think knowing the response, the panic, the fear is all totally normal is very soothing. Because initially you think, i'm the only person going through these horrible feelings, they must be a sign! I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy but it is a comfort to know it's very common.

Thanks love! it means a lot, i'll try and rely on some of your confidence! :)
Lindsay - I hope your 3rd lucky thing is the ultrasound too, counting down the days, only 11 to go now!!:happydance: Have you decided if you'll find out the gender or not? I can't wait to see if my guess along with everyone's else's is right, I've yet to be wrong with any guess so far but hey there's always a first time! When do we get to see your bump photo's??xx

Literati - I had a miscarriage book on order but then chickened out and cancelled it. I was very low after my miscarrige in May and wasn't sure if reading something like that would take me back there or not. It probably wouldn't, as you've all helped me so much, I honestly think I handled the last miscarriage much better because whenever I was sad I came on here and talked to you girls. I hope I feel strong enough to read a miscarriage book one day as I've heard such good reviews on so many and I think hubby would benefit from reading one too but not sure he'll go for it. Has it been upsetting to read? That's the only thing that puts me off reading one.:hugs:

It's exciting you're feeling positive, when you know, you know! I'm a firm believer of trust your instincts, if you think this could be your month, by god it could be!!:thumbup: And don't think it bad, imagine how happy you'd be to have a nice sticky baby and in 9 months time you'll forget about all the worry and stress and you know it'd all have been worth it. I hope you do get a BFP this cycle and I also believe if you do, you'll be just fine :hugs: xxx

SLG - Your new baby (because there will be one so very soon, I just know it!) will be a Rainbow baby in every sense of the word. When will you be going on medication for ovulation etc? (I'm assuming that's what you take to assist with getting pregnant?) :hugs2: xx

Kim - So good to hear from you missy! You managed a nice long haul in hospital, can't have been easy but lovely to hear things are on the mend, you must be so relieved. And a very scary situation to be in but glad you're coming out of it the good end, the rest of that HCG will drop down before you know it. And 3-6 months isn't bad at all, enjoy the Christmas holidays, then January will be a blur following Christmas anyway and before you know it'll be time to TTC again! You don't have to go anywhere, we all stick around anyway, it's like our little sanctuary but if you do go, remember to come and look us back up when you get back, I'd love to know how you're getting on :hugs: xx

Linny - I think we all have milestones we 'need' to reach in our heads but you're there already, you have a little sticky bean, I just know it. I pray time flys by and before you know it you're hitting the dizzy heights of labour!!:haha: And like Lindsay said before, we'll all never stop worrying even when our rainbow's do arrive, perils of becoming parents I suppose!!:wacko:

Blue - Hope you're enjoying your gorgeous little sister? You've made me so broody, I want a little baby to cuddle over Christmas. My SIL had a little girl just before Christmas a few years ago and that was the best Christmas ever, I got so many cuddles!!:friends: She's less cuddly now she's nearly 2 though!!:haha: xx

Crysshae - We miss you, where have you gone?? How are you getting on? xxx

AFM - Same old, happy about the scan but annoyed I still can't find a thing on my doppler. Useless thing, even tried it on the cat to see if I could hear something but she is as suspected completely heartless!!:rofl: xx
Hahaha Aleeah!you tried the doppler on the cat!lol you have me in hysterics!that's the best thing ive heard all day!
Im back to work and working overtime to make my hours I had off sick post surgery,so so busy at the moment.But I always check in and read up on how everyone is,will post properly soon.
Hope everyone is doing great x x
LL, yep, hubby and I are very happy about his new job. It also means he'll start accruing some benefits for EI again so he can take some of the parental leave (which was the original plan). I hope your DH has some success with his job hunt soon too! Yes, I am guessing boy too, but who knows maybe I'm just being influenced by everyone else's guess.

Good luck with the BD marathon! I really hope this is your month, even if it means you'll be at the early stage of pregnancy over Christmas. At least if that was the case, you'd have lots of good things to distract you from your worrying so those early days will probably fly by :)

Kim, I'm so glad to hear they figured out what was going on with you, and that everything seems to have turned out okay! 3 - 6 months isn't that long, especially this time of year with so much going on :)

Linny, glad to hear things are going well :) I'm lightheaded quite often these days too... trying to remember to get up slowly with I'm sitting or lying down. Hopefully you won't have any more fainting spells, I can imagine that would be scary! Hopefully the next few days will fly by for you and you'll be past the stage of your last loss, and can relax a little bit more :hugs: Hang in there!

Aleeah, I can't believe you tried the doppler on your cat :rofl: Hopefully you didn't put the gel on the cat! I don't have a doppler, but I've read a few tips on the first tri board in the past and a bunch of people say you're more likely to have success if your bladder is full and you angle the doppler wand down to your pelvis.

Yep, I'm pretty sure I want to find out gender. I'll let you know if your guess is right. I think it's pretty funny that everyone is thinking boy. As for bump photos, there's really not much to see yet. Just a little rounder in the tummy. It seems to be starting to show a bit more the last few days though, I think my uterus has moved up more as I can see my hip bones when I lie down again and I don't have to pee quite as often (lol) so maybe that's why it's more noticeable now. Hopefully in another week or so there will be more to see... I'm getting tired of people saying things like 'you're pregnant where?', lol.

Ljs, hopefully you're not working too hard!

As for me, all is good. Looking forward to the weekend, it's been a busy week! I went to my first prenatal yoga class last night and really enjoyed it... my back has been getting kinda sore lately and I think it will really help with that. I hope everyone's having a good day :)
So good to hear from you, Kim!! I'm so pleased that everything worked out as best as could be expected in the end. Hooray for a good diagnosis and keeping your uterus :happydance: I'm glad too that you won't have to wait to ttc as long as you thought you would.

My sister had a beautiful baby boy yesterday. Little Grayson is quite a chunky one! She was at the hospital NINE minutes before she gave birth. Talk about cutting it close.

I still have sharp pains near right ovary. I remember now that I had these for about a week when I took Femara to stimulate follicle growth so I'm thinking it's a good sign. OPKs are not very clear. I sometimes have problems with them anyway and now I don't have a good progression because the HCG was still showing on them until just a few days ago. I'm starting to get some sticky, creamy CM. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping I will O in the next few days. Jeff comes home today and I told him to be ready to drop his pants. He is happy to cooperate as usual :haha: Way to chip in for the team :thumbup: Let the BDing commence :headspin: He actually told me that he would call in sick to be home for ovulation if need be (he travels for work). I love that he wants this as much as I do <3
Lit: I have been reading a book on kindle called Sunshine After the Storm. It was actually free and has been amazing! It really helps to validate my feelings from my loss, but it also makes me feel somewhat lucky in some aspects. i know that sounds so crazy, but I am honestly thankful when I read some of the other ladies stories.

Aleeah: That's hilarious that you tried the doppler on your cat!!!! Too funny!

Linds: Congrats on our hubbies new job!!! That's always an exciting time!

Sig: I am so happy for your sister. I love his name! That's hilarious "Get ready to drop your pants!" It's so nice that your DH is so supportive!

Today is the CD5 for me and I am on my 3rd day of Femara. I really haven't had any side effects from it which is great. Last time I just got some headaches from it, which seem to be staying away this time. Although, today I have been having flu like symptoms. I don't think it's related at all to the femara, in fact I think it's because I just got my flu shot a couple weeks ago, and this seems to happen every time I get my flu shot. I go in on Tuesday morning for my CD10 scan to see how my follicles look and to make sure they are growing like they should. My Dr. always says it's to check and see if they are ready, but last time mine weren't even close to being ready so I ended up going back on CD15 and got the trigger shot. So we will see what happens this time! I hope everyone is having a good night! Baby dust to all!
I almost forgot. One of the ladies on another blog I am on posted this. Since I'm not pregnant, I feel like its too early for me to grab any of these offers, but some of you might want these:

"I got the leggings tonight and more promo codes!! Over the last year I have already ordered most of these items for free with just paying for shipping. Very happy with the car seat cover and the breast feeding cover!

Use Promo Code "LEGGINGS" on all four websites below for-
100% off the nursing cover of your choice (a $34.95 value) AND
100% off the Nursing Pillow of your choice (a $39.95 value)- AND
100% off the Carseat Canopy of your choice (a $49.95 value)- AND
100% off the Seven&#8482; brand baby carrier of your choice (a $39.95 value)-
while supplies last!

www.uddercovers.com www.sevenslings.com
www.nursingpillow.com www.carseatcanopy.com

Update: I got a confirmation email after my order with a different promo code...so try either!
Use Promo Code "babyleggings"
Slg huge congrats on nephew !hehe beautiful name !

aleeah glad scan went well!. I got told that i wouldnt hear heart eat on scanner untill I was 15 weeks.

Kim so glad you got a proper diagnosis which was more positive than the last one.

Linds - wooow for kicks thats so sweet! Will need to hear the sex. So exciting!

Her name is Bettye Isabella Tyn ;) shes stunning. Will try attatch photo
Love her millions already x


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Blue - What a beautiful, beautiful little girl!! She really is perfect and so wide awake too! When will you be coming home? xx

LJsMummy - Your chart is looking to settle down a little now, how are you feeling? Hope you're well and truly over the surgery? Sorry, you'll have to remind me, are you trying this cycle or waiting for AF? Either way good luck, and hope time flys by whilst you're at work, so you can get the extra hours done quickly.:hugs:

Lindsay - Excited to hear the bump might become more prominent, I'm already over the bloat phase and just want a bump already but thinking it might take a long time. I've tried all sorts of things with the doppler but maybe I'm not trying hard enough, might give it another go over the weekend, so glad I at least get the weekly ultrasounds to put my mind at ease. Impressed you've taken antenatal yoga on, I'm sure it'll be really beneficial to your back.:thumbup:

SLG - I love your nephew's name, it's gorgeous and wow 9 minutes really is cutting it! And it's lovely your hubby is so supportive and in this as much as you are, makes all the difference. Fingers and toes crossed you get that BFP real soon :hugs: xx

Lifeisbeauty - Glad you're not getting any horrible side effects from the drugs, hopefully will make it easier to relax and not have a horrible headache hanging over you too. But not good about having flu like symptoms, hope it is just after effects of the shot and you get over it quickly. Thanks for the links, unfortunately I'm in the UK, so can't take advantage of the offers but they sound amazing!!:flower: xx

How's everyone else today? Got many plans for the weekend??

AFM - Well the poor cat, she always looks petrified anyway, it's her permanent face, so sticking a doppler to her wasn't the best thing I could have done, she at least froze and let me though!!:haha: Well if it can't pick up her heartbeat, then what chance have I got of picking up my 1 inch babies heartbeat?!:wacko:

So I wasn't feeling great yesterday but didn't think anything of it and then last night I fainted, poor hubby was so worried. I called my GP this morning as I've got a nasty cold and it's affecting my sinuses but there's nothing I can take apart from steam from a hot bowl. Still having to work, as I feel bad about taking time off for my weekly appointments (I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant yet) but just want to curl up in a ball and sleep. Thank god it's Friday!! I look like a huge piece of poo!!!:haha: xx
Aleeah - to be honest, ya, the book is slightly upsetting. I personally find letting out my emotions and crying to be quite healing, so I don't mind that the book makes me cry. I am not at the point where I feel I have healed at all anyway. I still cry every couple days and am honestly in a lower place than I was a month after the m/c. So I think if I had gotten past that to a happier place I might not want to read the book and open old wounds... But since my wound is already open and bleeding, I figure I might as well get some more crying out of the way. ;) but yeah the book has actually reminded me of a few feelings and thoughts I had early on that I'd manage to suppress... So now I am working through those again. Basically, today I am really emotional because I remember how incredibly excited my dad was to become a grandpa and as soon as I found out the bad news, all I could think about was how bad I felt to be disappointing him. I know it sounds silly because obviously my excitement over becoming a mom was far greater and far more affected by the m/c... But my dad and I have never been close and we're always just on neutral terms but to see him so happy and excited that I was going to give him a grandbaby made me feel so happy and proud. I hate that I took that away from him. I am crying right now in the privacy of my office. :(

Sorry you're feeling so crappy and fainted! *gasp* I wish you could just stay home but total understand feeling guilty for the time off for appointments. :hugs:

Slg - congrats on your nephew!

Blue - Bettye is beautiful! Thanks for sharing a picture. I love her name as well. How does it feel to have a sister who is just a baby?
Blue- congratulations she is a little cutie!worth the wait I bet.hope you can go home soon?
Aleeah-oh my goodness take good care of yourself,I hope you are soon feeling much better,rest as much as you can!sending you speedy recovery thoughts.I hope hubby is running around after you!we are ntnp for now,af came 5 weeks post op,so although my chart is a little wonky I believe I am in tww now.We were told to wait 3 months after the surgery to ttc,but have both agreed just to let nature take its course for the next few months,its supposed to be fun right!I feel well and truly healed and over the surgery,and glad to be back to a normal-ish routine.

I really suck at charting. ..hopefully next month will have a prettier pattern!I like it though,its exciting.

Hope everyone is good x x
Slg, that's exciting, sounds like ovulation is on the way!! Nice that your DH is totally on board like that.

Life, sounds like an exciting time for you too! That's good news you're not getting any side effects from the meds.

Blue, your sister is sooo cute!! I love the name too :) I hope you're enjoying lots of baby cuddles.

Aleeah, it could also be it's just too early for the doppler. I bet in another 2 or 3 weeks you'll be able to find the heartbeat on the doppler :) Sorry to hear you're under the weather! Hopefully you can get lots of relaxing in over the weekend and will feel better soon! Fainting would be scary too! Your blood pressure might be low... that is apparently very common in pregnancy. Be careful hun!

I can't wait for a proper bump as well! My mum told me that when she was pregnant with me, she was able to hide it until she was 6 months along (she was doing her PhD at the time and was trying to keep it a secret) so it seems that it may be similar for me. Having said that, hubby said last night he can really notice my bump now and he thinks it has changed a lot in the last week or 2.

LL, sending lots of hugs :hugs: Sorry you're feeling down. I think the whole family grieves a loss when there is a m/c, and it is most certainly not your fault. I have a family friend who had a baby a couple days before my m/c and my mum recently told me that she and my dad were feeling too sad to go and meet the new baby until a few months after my m/c. I had no idea that it had affected them that much as well.

As for me, I'm almost done work for the day and really looking forward to the long weekend :) Going to go shopping with hubby this afternoon as he needs some clothes for the new job (he wore a uniform at his old job) - not really looking forward to it as he is a terrible shopper, lol.

Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend?
Thanks ladies. Shes pretty amazing and soo cute. Hard though but I think she tops the badness. With her just now getting cuddles from my baby sister.... still strange saying that but im sure it wont take long to sink in.

I wont get home now till the 21st flights booked for that. I really miss my man.

Im not getting a chance to proper catch up. So please excuse me. Aleeah I hope you feel a bit better soon.

Any of you ladoes got anything planned for the weekend. Xxxx
Lindsay - Thanks. I hope shopping with your hubby isn't as much of a chore as you think it's going to be. My hubby actually enjoys shopping and is fun to shop with. We were going to go shopping today to buy me some new boots, but unfortunately he injured his ankle at work yesterday and is on crutches. I think we still wants to go...but I don't really feel like driving him to the mall and having to deal with the extra annoyance of crutches (I'm a fairly impatient shopper, and I have anxiety about driving in the winter. The roads here are terrible).

Blue - That's too bad you won't get home til the 21st. How far along in your cycle will you be by then?

AFM - I had a 90-minute massage yesterday which was nice and helped my back a lot because I carry a lot of tension, and had sort of strained it somehow...but unfortunately I found the massage therapist to be kind of abrasive and aggressive. I am quite a shy, timid, anxious person so she made me feel backed into a corner. She knew we were trying for a baby since they asked for what vitamins and supplements we were on. I avoided mentioning the miscarriage, but it was unfortunate because she was actually training to be a doula and wanted to ask all sorts of questions about my TTC experience. She did ask if it was okay first, but I have a hard time saying no to people because I want to make everyone happy. I also had to listen to her tell me how common it is "for a woman to miscarriage." I was just thinking, "I KNOW THAT ALREADY! IT HAPPENED TO ME! Stop being so nonchalant about it!!!!" and I was also annoyed that she couldn't figure out that the VERB is "miscarry" not "miscarriage." ahha. Sorry. ;) Rant over.

My temps are being weird this month. It spiked yesterday even though I took it at the normal time, but I think it was because I'd been in and out of sleep for a couple hours prior, and then when I took my temp I felt quite sick. I'll probably tell OF to ignore that temp if it gets in the way.

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