Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Lit it can takr sperm 30 minutes sometimes less to get where they are going. So I think your timingnis perfect. You will have some up there already to meet the egg and some on its way :) hehe it only takes one wee soldier hehe

slg I hope af comes soon for you... if thats what your waiting on.

OH is coming over on tuesday to spend two nights and then we will fly back together. I have a university graduation on Wednesday (slightly delayed haha. Should have been at the begining of the year but I was in hosp) so I will look forward to that!

P.s lit lay off the fat talk hehe. I bet your not at all! And my spelling is terrible but thats because I dont check it before I send it hehe. And also getting used to the new touchscreen! :) xx x
Blue-Thanks, I hope you're right. There'd better be one really good soldier in there. ;)

Haha, my fingers aren't that fat, but they do seem to be too big to be very precise with my touchscreen keyboard. :haha:

That will be nice to have your OH come there for a couple nights before you go back together. And yay for your University graduation! What degree do you have again?
Blue glad to hear that you'll be seeing your OH soon!!! Congrats on your graduation!!! and it's never too late!

LL Sounds like your timing was perfect!!! fingers crossed for you.

ljsmummy hope your headache is better!!!

lindsay how exciting about the kicks!! I looove that part of pregnancy... who am I fooling I looove being pregnant.. I enjoy every minute of it, even the ms.

Aleeha I loove hearing about your scans :) soo happy for you.

AFM I'm feeling okay... been really crampy since yesterday... and started bleeding today... it's really light but I don't think it can be a period... my levels were 184 on wednesday.. I called the hospital and they said if it gets heavy I need to go in ASAP... I have bloodwork, ultrasound and apt at the hospital wednesday so hopefully we'll know more. I like to think that the cramping is the mass in my uterus shrinking :) positive thinking right!!
Kim - the cramping could definitely be your uterus shrinking. I continued to have twinges and light cramps for a couple weeks after the miscarriage. I hope your bleeding doesn't get too heavy and that everything will be good for you from here on out!
Kim - Hope the twinges are all good positive signs, and the bleeding calms down. Good to hear the leves are coming right down. X

Blue - Congrats on your graduation! Hope you have a great time, you deserve it! x

Aleeah - Great to hear your scan went well! x

I had no idea it only took sperm 30 mins to get to the tubes...it's weird, sperm never seems to move anyhere fast outside of the ladybits lol. I do wonder, how do they know where to go?! It's baffling.
Lindsay - thanks for that tidbit! That does give me hope because I totally got a +OPK this morning, which means I will likely have a CD15 ovulation as well! It's definitely an 'odd' month so I do hope that means I will be more likely to conceive! :happydance:

Aleeah - thanks! As I suspected, my +OPK made it clear this morning, although I still don't have any ovulation cramps. Interestingly, the month I got my BFP I had much milder ovulation cramps than usual. Maybe this means I will ovulate from my right and conceive! :happydance:

I am thrilled to hear about your scan! It makes me sooo happy hearing the good news about your baby each week! Since your NT scan is in 2 weeks, does that mean there won't be a scan next week? Again, I am so thrilled for you!

How is everyone else?

Hi Literati! Yay for the positive opk! I got one too - slightly earlier than usual for me on cycle day 15 (which was 14th November). OH and I BD'd the night before the positive opk, and then I got the positive in the morning, so I'm hoping that was enough because we have been too tired to BD since the positive opk! :dohh: My buddy Brenn only BD'd 3 days before her positive opk and got a bfp, so I'm hoping I'm still in for a chance. :thumbup:

I dreamt last night that I had a baby girl! Lets hope it comes true! What dpo are you now? I count the day after +opk as ovulation, so I am 1 dpo today. My AF is due 30th November (15 dpo), so will test then if not before!
LL, it sounds to me like your timing was perfect :) Perhaps the more laid back approach will be the key!

Blue, glad to hear your OH will be flying out soon. Have fun at your graduation!

Ljs, your chart is looking really good... I hope you're feeling run down for a good reason! Are you planning to test, or just going to wait to see if AF is late?

Slg, hopefully you won't be waiting too long before your body makes it clear about what's going on :) I too, am hoping for a natural bfp for you, but even if AF does show, at least you know where you stand and can get a fresh start :)

Kls, I hope your cramping and bleeding is nothing serious. Hopefully as you said, just your uterus shrinking and hormone levels dropping.

Linny, how are you feeling? Weren't you going to have a follow up scan some time soon? How did it go?

Teacup, I hope your dream is a good sign! You definitely have a chance if you bd'd the night before a positive okp :)

As for me, baby was doing great at my appointment on thursday :) Makes me wish I had a doppler at home so I could check in more often... DH is glad I don't, he thinks I'd worry too much, lol. We're getting excited about the scan on monday... I've changed my guess, I've been feeling more :pink: in the last week or so - we shall see. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Any exciting plans?
Teacup - I totally forgot we were cycle buddies today! I am guessing I am 2 DPO today. Nov. 14th was the same day I got my +OPK (yay, cycle twins!) but fairly sure I ended up ovulating that same evening. Sounds like our timing was fairly similar this time. I think if you BDed the night before you ovulated, you have an excellent chance. They say the day before Ov is your most fertile day...which is why I was annoyed that my +OPK didn't give me enough warning. :( My AF is due either Nov. 28th or 29th so I will probably test the 27th? Hopefully we will be BFP buddies soon! I do hope your dream comes true as well!

Lindsay - I'm glad your baby is doing well! I'm excited for your scan on Monday as well! That's so interesting that you're feeling girl now! Dh and I just discussed this morning that we would both prefer to have a girl first, although obviously we'd be happy either way. This is a change, because DH used to want a boy first while I wanted a girl first. Then when I got pregnant, DH had a strong feeling it was a girl (and after I miscarried, I did too), so I think now we're both hoping for a girl since we feel like we "almost had one." I'm sure that sounds strange, but whatever.

Thanks - I hope the laid back approach will end up successful. The good news is I think there's a good chance I ovulated from my right! I can't be sure, but all the other times I've ovulated from my left, I had VERY pointed pain only in my left side and this time it was all over with a tendency towards the right. So I'm really hoping that is the case! I know you all think I'm crazy, but it's hard not to want to repeat all the same conditions as your first BFP because you're convinced it's your personal special formula for getting pregnant.

As for my weekend plans, I don't really have any. Last night DH and I went for a nice, romantic dinner with a gift card (although we went way over the balance :blush:) and it was just lovely! But today DH is gone all day, and tomorrow afternoon he is busy as well, so we won't really be together until we have our usual Sunday night dinner with my parents. My plan today is just to do laundry, clean up the house a bit, and hopefully rest/relax since I'm still fighting off this nasty cold.

Today, ovufriend gave me dotted lines for ovulated CD13 but I know that is wrong. Silly ovufriend. I am sure once it sees my temps go up again tomorrow, it will change it to CD14. :thumbup:

Also, I am quite crampy today. I feel mildly crampy over by my right ovary (I often get mild cramping for a few days after ovulating), but what's new this month is I also have cramps in my back! Weird. I hope it's not a bad sign. I remember being crampy non-stop after I ovulated the month I got my BFP, but then there was one other month that happened and I wasn't preg. :( So who knows!

Sorry I'm so chat-happy today. I think I'm just relieved to not be on my phone for once! :haha: Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!
Hi ladies!
A few people asked me if im going to test,and im not sure if I should or not!my cycles were always 28 days,but this is my first real cycle since the ectopic so im not sure what to expect.Today is cd28. Im 13dpo ish,if my attempt at tempting was correct. Im still feeling rough and headachey. What would you ladies do?I should just wait it out right?For a few more days at least.We weren't officially trying so I dont know why ive got myself all worked up about it!
Hope everyone is doing great,any advice from the ttc fountain of knowledge is always sooo much appreciated thank you! x x
Hi ljs. I think you should do whatever is going to keep your stress levels down the most. I know sometimes it's hard to know what that is. I would probably test but sometimes I regret testing as soon as I do.
I guess it is only right for me to join this thread. Had my D&C last month on 23rd. Am expecting my AF tomorrow going by my 28 days cycle. Hope AF would come as normal.
Lindsay - Great to hear about your little bubba kicking away, put a smile on my face reading that!:thumbup: Thanks for the reassurance, it's strange when all the symptoms go away and you just feel normal. I'll be happy if the no symptoms lasts 8 weeks.:happydance:

So pleased baby's heartbeat was good too!!! Can't wait for you to find out if little one is blue or pink!! Finally today is the day, please let us know asap xx

Literati - Don't overthink the timing, it's still hugely possible you're pregnant! Loving your chart, come on BFP come on, just want time to fly by until you test, I'm so hopeful for you this cycle :happydance:xxx

LJsMummy - Your chart looks amazing, test when you're ready, I always feel strangely calmer after testing regardless of the outcome, I just like to know, it normally keeps me away from POAS for a few days at least. But everyone is different, do what you feel is best for you, like SLG said :hugs: xxx

SLG - I hope AF or a BFP come for you soon, it all sounds promising like your body is getting back to normal though, which is fantastic.:thumbup:

Blue - So lovely you'll be reunited with OH soon, just 1 more sleep left! I can imagine you'll be dolled up to the nine's on Tuesday!!:winkwink: xx

Kim - I hope the cramping is the mass shrinking and light bleeding can't be bad, especially as your levels haven't hit zero yet, I really hope Wednesday will bring the end of the nightmare for you, so you can heal properly and move onto that Big Fat Positive in no time at all :hugs: xxx

Linnypops - How are you doing? Little bean is coming along nicely now, you're almost 7 weeks pregnant!! That's always been a huge milestone for me and I'm glad you're reaching it too.:happydance:

Teacup - Such amazing news you got a positive OPK too, I remember grinning from ear to ear the first time I got one following my miscarriage, weird as it sounds but I was happier for that positive OPK than I have been for any BFP!!!:wacko: I guess with a BFP comes worry but with an OPK comes fun and the overwhelming feeling all is well with your body. Dreams are such a good sign!! It's always been a consistent sign of pregnancy for me, good luck!! :thumbup:xxx

Hopeforababy - I'm so sorry for your losses. This is a really supportive lovely group of ladies, I'm sure we can help you with anything you might need support with. I also hope AF comes for you quickly and painlessly so you can hopefully go onto a healthy BFP cycle :hugs: xxx

Crysshae - Still thinking of you, where have you gone?:flower: xxx

AFM - I've had this nasty cold/ear infection for 2 weeks solid now and finally went to the doctors today as my glands are now swollen on the side of my neck. And lo and behold I have a viral infection of some sort but they don't want to give me antibiotics yet. Which is fine, I just thought there might be something they could give me. Can't sleep at night, which is what's making things worse. I'm now very glad of the weekly scans as at least I know the baby is ok, it's just me that feels terrible with it!!:wacko:

Thank you all for your very kind words regarding my meltdown, I'm trying to move past it and be positive again. Like you all said, there's good days and bad and right now my hormones are without a doubt all over the place too.

Lindsey - I could imagine a doppler would either be a blessing or a curse. So - your scan must be today then?! How exciting! Let us know how it went!

LJ -I dunno love it's up to you, your temps look good and high...getting progressively higher through the tww. I agree that whatever you think will reduce your stress levels is a good plan. If you're worried about detecting a cp or something then the day AF is due seems like a sensible bet? x

Aleeah - Really sorry to hear about the infection, i've never experienced pain as bad as the time i got a raging ear infection. Awful! Can you take paracetamol to take down temp, at east reduce the pain? Yes! nearly 7 weeks, i can't believe it.. it's dragged!

The scan went really well thanks. They found a bean measuring correctly (a day ahead so ff got my ov date wrong heh) and heart beating fast. Feel so much better after seeing that. X
So pleased for you Linny!! :dance::wohoo::happydance::yipee:

You must be so relieved!! Treasure every milestone, this is so your little Rainbow! xxxx
Aleeha poor you!!! I can't remember the last time I had had an ear infection, and then I got one when I was 38 weeks with my last DS.. both ears!! wow it was painful. They put me on antibiotics, that were safe during pregnancy. Hope you feel better soon!!!
Hopeforababy - welcome here and I'm very sorry for your loss. :hugs: how long are you waiting to try?

Aleeah- thanks for all your enthusiasm. It's been long enough TTC now that I don't really expect to be pregnant yet this month.

So sorry that you're sick and have an ear infection! Those are so very unpleasant. :(

Lindsay - so excited to hear about your scan today!!
LL, I hope your right ovary is the lucky one! I'm glad you and your DH had a nice dinner out :) I hope you feel better soon.

Ljs, your chart is still looking really really good. I agree with slg, you should do whatever makes you feel the least stressed :)

Hope, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully AF will arrive soon and you can get back to square one. Are you planning on trying again right away?

Aleeah, I hope you feel better soon too!! At least you can be reassured that baby is still doing well :)

Linny, I'm so glad to hear that your scan went well and baby is measuring as it should :) When will your next scan be? Do you get a 12 week scan or do you have to wait until 20 weeks?

As for me, everyone who guessed was right, we are team :blue:!!! (Aleeah, your guessing record remains 100% :) ) He looks healthy, everything is as it should be, and he is growing right on track - hubby and I are over the moon :cloud9: The other piece of good news is that they did a uterine artery doppler study as well (as I have had high blood pressure in the past and am at increased risk for pre-eclampsia) and that was normal too, so breathing a sigh of relief over that too. They are still going to scan me monthly to check for growth, but that's okay, more chances to have a peek at the little guy :)

The best part of the whole thing was that the ultrasound tech was the mother of a girl who I went to elementary school and high school with. She spent a little over an hour with us and explained everything she was looking at, let us know all the measurements were normal, and gave us a strip of pics long enough to wallpaper with, lol. It was much appreciated as it set us both at ease very quickly.
Yay for a little boy Lindsay!! I loved knowing the sex of my baby. I felt like she was more her own person, especially after we named her.
Lindsay - SO PLEASED FOR YOU!!:yipee: I couldn't wait to log on this morning as I knew we'd have a post from you! I feel much like the Oracle from The Matrix right now... ok so maybe I don't know everything but I am feeling pretty smug! :haha:

So pleased everything is measuring as it should be and you had such a fantastic scan, you can both relax now and start the baby blue shopping!!:dance: It's going to be such fun! I'd love to see the scan photo's if everyone else is ok with that? Or if you wanted you could post to a different thread and we can have a peak?? :hugs:xxx

Kim - Thank you for your sympathy, I very naively thought only children got ear infections?!:wacko: How wrong was I! It's horrible and shows no signs of getting better this morning. The doctor did say there are antibiotics but at this stage of pregnancy they don't like giving them, plus it needs to get much worse before antibiotics will be considered because I'm pregnant. I'll just have to put with it for now and hope it clears up soon.

Fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow xx

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