Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - so glad you're home! Sorry AF is on her way but at least you can get back to BDing ASAP! I am totally rooting for a Christmas BFP for you! :happydance: and congrats on your grad. :)
Thanks Lit.

Im not sure if I should try Soy this month !? What you think? X
Blue - congrats on getting home and graduation.....by soy do you mean isoflavones? Hehe one of the few supplements I never bought... I was going to try black cohosh if hadn't got bfp, think it works in the same way as soy...you just take it before O right?
blue-congratulations on your graduation! Job well done! And, welcome home. I hope you enjoy settling back in to your own space.
Yeah take it for a couple of days before O. I'm really unsure... nothing else seems to have worked. I have been using Preseed for 4-5 months now! still no luck with that! i do all the keep the hips up after Bding.... all sorts i haven't heard of Cohosh though. I have also bought soft cups to try this cycle (if they get here in time) heard they are supposed to be good too... Tried the old fashioned sex when you feel like it ... now had a month off..

New start still lost as to what to try... or if to try anything... Says on the Preseed if no success in 4 months to see professional... did that because i ovulated the last cycle i was tested they aren't doing anything...

Feels now like it wont happen. Think my last pregnancy was a fluke. Im obviously not supposed to have my own little bundle.

Its nice to be home. Will be nicer when im in a better mood haha!

Oh, Blue. So sorry you're feeling down and pessimistic about the whole thing. I totally get why you would feel that way as you really have been trying for so long already. *hugs* If you still haven't conceived after a year will you go back to your dr for more tests, such as your husband's sperm? I know it's awful and no one should have to wait so long, but I still think you have the same chance as anyone to get pregnant next month. I truly hope you get your BFP soon because I know you've tried every trick in the book and no one deserves to be pregnant more than you! You are *definitely* meant to have your own little bundle of joy...but for some sad reason it is just taking longer than anticipated. :( :hugs:
So sorry Blue. I don't think you aren't meant to be a mom!!! Maybe your persistence is just being tested. You will get there. I'm sorry your doctor isn't being more helpful. Maybe you only ovulate some months? I think that is the case for me. It's hard to remember sometimes that even healthy couples with no fertility issues only have a 1 in 4 chance of pregnancy each month. How long has it been since you were tested? Maybe a talk about Clomid or something similar is in order? Wish I could do more but I will send you a hug! :hug:
Crysshae - Welcome back :happydance:!! We've missed you tonnes and tonnes, this place isn't the same without you, please hang around, even if it's just to post now and again. I see from your chart you're just past ovulation, good luck, looks like you'll be testing or at least know before Christmas, I hope this is your cycle xxx

Blue - It's amazing to have you back :flower:. I'm so sorry hun that you're feeling down, you'll get there, I'm certain of it. Did your doctor just test for ovulation? Is there no other tests they can do? They did all sorts of tests on me, to see if I had any deficiences etc too and next step was to check the "quality" of my eggs, as it took me so long to ovulate following my May miscarriage. I'd go to the doctors and tell them how upset you are and how this is affecting you badly and you've done everything in the book and it's not working, you need more answers. It's not fair they're leaving you to keep dealing with this on your own, they CAN help, so should, we pay our taxes and this could be the only time you actually need something back, so they should give it :growlmad:.

My advice with the soy is be cautious. I know when I was looking into it, it did say taking it when you are having regular periods etc can mess your cycle up badly. It's only advised if you're not ovulating and if you ovulated during the doctor's tests then I'd be cautious. I know it's frustrating and you want to do something to help but I also believe you will get pregnant, without a doubt naturally. Hang in there :hugs: xxxx

LL - I'm trying not to jump out of my chair but my god your temps look good!! Your chart is looking like a pretty hot one to me...!!!:yipee: Really hope this is it, your symptoms sound positive too, should be kicking in more now too xx

Linny - I've bled after internal scans but only during this healthy pregnancy and not during any that I lost, so I guess everything really is more sensitive after a scan, as you'd expect. I know from 8 weeks all my scans were abdominal, which is a much more pleasant experience!:friends: Can't wait to hear your update on Monday, don't worry at all though, plenty of women experience bleeding following the internal scans xxx

Lindsay - More than half way there now!:dance: Must be feeling so much more "real" now baby is kicking away at you to remind you he's there? Can hubby feel the kicks from the outside yet? xx

LJsMummy - Love your Sat Nav comment, had me laughing!:rofl: I'm excited for you, I know it's a nervous time around now but just relax and time will fly by, especially with Christmas coming up and before you know it you'll be in the second trimester! xx

Kim - So pleased for your bloodwork and scan results. All sounds so positive, this should be a short journey to zero HCG now and you can get back on track. Must be such a relief to go from what they initially told you to this, I can only imagine how hard it's been but I love that you always come across so positive :hugs2:xxx

AFM - Ear infection is finally beginning to ease up, my glands have never stayed this swollen for this long before but I guess pregnancy brings your immune system down a little too. Otherwise, just having backache and not showing at all still xxx
Blue - You lost your wee boys later on didn't you? Is it possibly because it takes the body longer to recover the longer it's been pregnant for after mc? It's just a thought and by no means any kind of consolation. I don't think getting pregnant with twins is any kind of fluke love. But I understand how frustrated you must be feeling. The black cohosh i've heard a lot of good things about, same principles I think - phytoestrogenic properties cause stronger O and convert to higher progesterone in the luteal phase. I can post some study links to you when i get back home. X

Aleeah - Oh my goodness, thank you so much for letting me know this! I knew theoretically this could be the case but to have someone I know confirm it is a relief. I will be 7w 5d at the next scan so *hopefully* they can at least see enough with the abdo scan to not bother with internal. Still no more bleeding so i am cautiously hopeful that it is just irritation. Glad to hear your ear infection is over the worst of it. Yeah I think the immune defense dissappears during pregnancy - something to do with it not attacking the wee fetus?! Bodies are strange and wonderful things....the one thing that works for ear problems in kids is warmed olive oil dripped in? Dunno if you've already tried that. X
Hey girls.

I was getting tests to see if I was ovulating for like 3 months. One never came back. One came back that I didn't ovulate and the other one came back to say I did. So as soon sat the one that said I did ovulate came brought they wouldn't do any more tests and that 'everything is fine'. When I told them that we where frustrated and down about not getting pregnant she told us to stop trying then as it wouldn't work if we were frustrated. I understand that but we can t help how we feel and we where looking for help. They never once mentioned about testing his sperm. I think if they tested it and low then something can be done!

I'm thinking of trying soft cups. Not soy now. However AF was due yesterday but still not here so it's a little inconvenient. Each day it's late is a day loser to my next AF being on Xmas :'(

Ljs, I'm not familiar with the term sat nav, but if it's a good thing, I hope your baby has it too!

Linny, I'm sure the spotting gave you quite a scare! I have heard it's normal to spot after an internal exam or ultrasound. I have not had any internal exams, but I did have bleeding... quite a lot of dark red blood at just over 9 weeks and then brown to red spotting for about 2 wees after and everything was fine. Hang in there hun, the fact that everything was okay at the ultrasound bodes very well! I hope you will be reassured on monday :)

LL, your chart is looking good! I hope this is your month!! I'm so excited/impatient for all of you ladies to get your bfps (and if that's how I feel, I can only imagine how you feel).

Blue, so glad to hear your home and congrats on your graduation!! At least you can get AF out of the way quickly and get back to trying again :) Sorry to hear you're feeling rather pessimistic about the whole thing :hugs: I'm sure you are meant to have your own little one, and I'm sure he or she will come some day soon... it just sucks having to wait for so long!! How much longer do you have to wait before the doctor will do more tests? I agree with Aleeah, I'd probably go back to the doctor let them know how it is affecting you and tell them that you need more answers. I believe there's a few more blood tests they can do, and a sperm analysis is quite easy too (I was ready to march hubby down to the doctor before our first bfp for a sperm analysis, he was not impressed! lol).

Aleeah, I'm glad to hear your ear infection is slowly getting better! Totally normal not to be showing yet... I didn't look anything other than a little thicker around the middle until about 2 - 3 weeks ago. Yep, the kicks do make it feel more real... they are quite reassuring too... except when he has a quiet day (like yesterday). I can feel them from the outside, hubby has not caught them yet. I have an anterior placenta which is why I'm only feeling things low down, on my right side, and on my bladder... so they can be hard to catch from the outside at this point.

As for me, things are crazy busy at work right now as I am taking on a bunch of project work from another therapist who is going on mat leave. Hubby started this new job this tuesday and it's going really well, he loves it, which is great news. The downside is I hardly ever see him anymore as he is still doing his picket shifts too. Oh well, such is life I suppose. He's still going to be able to come to the ultrasounds... has already arranged his schedule so that he can come for the next one :) It's nice that he is getting so excited about it too. Until now he's been kinda nonchalant about ultrasounds but after the 20 week one, he wants to be around for everything... I think he was protecting himself too, just in case something went wrong. He's not ready for shopping yet though, thinks it's still too early so I'm just going to go with someone else for now.
LL- what cycle day are you on? How long until AF will be late? I really want this to happen for you! If not this month then very soon. :Hug:

Blue-Doctors can be so frustrating!!! Can you see a different doctor? I just started using soft cups. I find them easy to use. They may help and they certainly won't hurt.

Linny-I hope you can take a deep breath and try to relax just a little. I know it must be so hard. I don't think there is reason for too much concern. My sister spotted all the way through her first trimester with all three pregnancies. You are pregnant today and that is reason to be happy :hugs:
Thank you Slg! Excited to hear how you get on. Are you. Using OPK's? Xxx
I'm experimenting with my OPKs this month. Some months (this one included) my OPKs are positive all month long. I found that if I dilute my urine 1 to 10 I can get a negative test. I'm doing that for now and hoping that I will still see a spike this way. I don't think I ovulate every month either so it can be frustrating to keep testing and not see anything for months. My doctor is willing to put me back on fertility meds as soon as I get a period.
Aleeah - thanks for being so excited about your chart. Admittedly, I am a little excited as well, but don't want to get my hopes up.
I'm sure you'll start showing a bit in a couple weeks. It depends on the person but I can usually tell on people pretty early on!

Lindsay - Thanks yeah I am definitely impatient for my BFP too. Glad to hear hubby is more excited now and that you will find someone else to shop with.

Slg - let us know how your little experiment works! I am 8 DPO or cd22. I think it will officially be late Nov. 29

Blue - I agree with everyone that you should go back and demand more tests! Sorry AF is late.

AFM - My 'being less irritable than usual' definitely disappeared yesterday! :haha: I am as grouchy as ever now and am getting bad tension headaches from it. The mild cramping went away but I had a bit last night. Not really any other signs so yeah. There isn't really a way to 'know' this early anyway.
Hi everyone! :wave: Sorry I haven't been very good at keeping up with everything! :dohh:

Aleeah - That's great news about your scan! I'm so happy for you! :happydance: xx

Blue - Sorry to hear you are feeling down about TTC. I'm sure your rainbow baby is really soon! The one month we conceived we had tried OH 'finishing' from behind (I read somewhere it helps if you have a tipped cervix, I had no idea if mine was tipped or not but thought it was worth a go!) So maybe that was our trick. Although it didn't work for us again last cycle, and we didn't try that trick this cycle. Was there anything different that you tried the cycle you conceived? xxx

Literati_Love - How are things going? Any symptoms yet? I don't know anything about charts because I have never done one, is yours going well? :flower:

As for me, no major symptoms, I have tender boobs (normal before AF) and haven't been sleeping well but that's pretty much it! 7/8 dpo today. (I've no idea how long after the LH surge ovulation is, I read somewhere that it's 9 hours after the surge on average).
Teacup - So nice to see you again, cycle buddy! You're so lucky you get tender boobs. I always feel like my lack of tender boobs means something is wrong with me...I NEVER get them in the TWW (except right around ovulation). I did definitely have sore boobs when I was pregnant, though (before my symptoms mysteriously disappeared, which i barely noticed), so at least my body is capable of that. :p

Usually after my +OPK, I ovulate the next day...sometimes close to 24 hours later...but this time I ovulated about 14 hours after my first positive. That is neat because we might be the exact same dpo because I am 8DPO today! When will you test? I'm testing next Wednesday.

And, to answer your question, yes, I'm quite pleased with my chart. :winkwink:

AFM - I've referred my friend newlyweds2013 to this thread. We have been TTC Buddies since back in June and she is now sadly in the process of miscarrying. :( I sent her over here because I know we can all give her the support she'll need in the weeks and months ahead.

I have a bad tension headache again today and I just want it to go away. I think I've actually been holding my jaw wrong because of some dental work I had done on Wednesday, but I can't seem to figure out how to hold it 'normally.' Other than that, I was a bit irritable today and was slightly nauseous at a few points, but that is a normal PMS or any-time-of-the-month symptom for me. I am getting to that point in the TWW where I just feel antsy and annoyed because I just want to find out already!

Hope you all have a great weekend. Any big plans?
Lit- Im anxious to find out too!! hehe love hearing your symptom spotting!! I hope your friend finds us ok ! hope she is ok too!

Teacup- Its nice to hear from you ! Im excited to see how this cycle goes for you ! i dont really know what we did differently. We where NTNP! can remember just having lots of Bding time hehe.

Slg- Are you still waiting for AF ?

How is everyone else? Anyone doing anything nice this weekend?

AFM- AF came... Im sore, grumpy and want it to be over already! But nothing new! Last months cycle was pretty long for me!!

Blue - Yuck. So sorry AF is there. It makes for such an unpleasant few days. :hugs: You must be excited to try again after a month's break!

I did originally have nice weekend plans of going out for lunch today, Christmas shopping with my hubby, and then setting up the Christmas tree together. Instead, my hubby got injured at work on Monday so he can't really get out much...so that scratched shopping and lunch off the list. Then last night I found out we couldn't get our Christmas tree for today because he used it for an event last weekend and couldn't pick it up right away so it's at someone else's house and now they are out of town for the weekend. :cry: So all my happy plans are gone. Now my plans consist of cleaning my filthy, dirty house because when dh is home he doesn't pick up after himself properly! Argh!

We *do* have a couple friends coming over around 8 tonight to have some dessert and play Dutch Blitz...which makes the cleaning all the more necessary.

Also - I was really, really bad today and got the hugest urge to POAS. I felt certain I would get a BFP already because I never woke up once to pee in the night and I slept for 11 hours. So, unable to resist, I POASed and sure enough, it's a BFN. :growlmad: Now I wish I hadn't done it so I could at least have my hopes up a bit longer. I'm only 9DPO but everyone else seems to get squinters at this stage. When was the earliest any of you got a BFP?

(Plus, my temps went down a bit today so I'm not all that hopeful anyway). I'm still having very light AF cramps. I feel like 7 DPO starting AF cramps is pretty early. Do you think this is a good sign or bad?
LL - I only ever got the early af cramps with bfp....I was preg accidentally first time so wasn't symptom watching. I was saying to DF "I have got one mother of a period coming this month". I couldn't understand why it wasn't arriving and df said it wasn't due for a week! ( DF kept track because we were using rhythm method)

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