Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

I was around cd 27-28 when i found out the first time. I was the same if was a surprise for OH and I. I felt very uncomfortable and was a bit worried something was wrong because i though AF was going to turn up early.

I know what you mean about peoples squinters though. it seems a lot of people get a faint line by 10dpo. But then again some people get later bfp it depends on when people ovulate and if they get it right or not !!

Thats a shame that Hubbie got hurt ! Hope he is ok. D is the same he never picks up after himself and im left with the cleaning up! Its frustrating, but i make him always do the dishes. Hes been doing a lot more since ive been back than usual! I was very surprised! hehe.

We arent doing anything tonight. I went to a Swish night last night (Girly night) and thats about it. Spending some quality time with the OH hehe.

Linny- what dpo where you this bfp? (sorry if i have asked this already) Did you do anything differently to get your :bfp: ? xxx
Blue - Swish night out and quality time with hubs sounds good! This time around I was 11dpo when i got +ve.

I did everything different hehe, basically when i found out i was accidentally pregnant the first time 2 main things bothered me. I'd been smoking (socially, but still), and also i'd been out on a few boozy nights in the 2 weeks before testing. Ontop of that i'd been working constantly, high state of anxiety, eating whatever was convenient, going to bed late and getting up early. I wasn't a good candidate for a mother at that point. So - after the mc I changed things around. I dropped a lot of work and commitments, went away with DF to relax, ate well, took vitamins & supplements i'd read about, DF did fertility massage and acupressure points, stopped drinking and smoking of course! I feel awful about how i've treated my body over the last few years now, and feel like I deserve it if things don't work out. In any case, still the best decisions i've made about my health for a long time. X
Linny-I'm glad you made some good changes for yourself but I hope you don't feel like your mc was your fault. I know people who do far worse and carry to term. But this time around it sounds like you will be more relaxed to enjoy a pregnancy and healthier to make it easier on your body.

we are also having lazy weekend. DD has a cold and it's very cold outside.
I think my OPKs are getting darker. Hoping that the trend continues today :thumbup:
Thats great of you to make all these positive changes. But please dont think you MC was your fault. It wasnt at all. Little button was just need elsewhere! He/she gave you wings to make you stronger and make all of these great changes!!!

SLG - Your poor little girl ! Hope she is alright!! the little girl next door has tonsillitis. Im taking her to the doctors tomorrow. This will be the third time in a month for her poor scone!!

OH was out fishing again all day. Been catching up on tv all day feeling sorry for myself. Took a spur of the moment urg to try Soy this month! I thought whats the harm... im not getting pregnant doing what im doing any other month so why not try. Just a small dose cd 2-7. If nothing might make me ovulate a day or two earlier or even at all!! Will try the Softcups too. only cd 2 for me a long way away from bd season!

Anyone do anything special today ? Xxx
This was the deciding piece as to why i tried Soy !! sorry if this isnt allowed !

Why would that not be allowed?

Blue - sorry you're at the boring part of your cycle. Blah.

Linny- definitely don't blame yourself for what happened. People definitely do far worse throughout their entire pregnancies and their babies are fine. But it is good you are being healthier now and giving your baby the best chance!

Slg - sorry your dd is sick but hope you enjoyed your quiet weekend.
Hi ladies. DD is just fine; she only had a cold. She seems to get worse at night though; how do our bodies always know to act up when it's time to sleep? We are also looking into getting all the air ducts in our house cleaned to see if it helps her allergies.

I had a blah day. I'm trying to make holiday plans and also plans to go meet my new nephew. It's pretty impossible since my husband and my family don't want to see each other. As always I just have to fly out with DD to see my family for a few days and leave hubby at home. For christmas my whole family is renting a beach house for a week. Same story; husband has no interest in going. Such a bummer. On top of that I just feel really moody.

On a positive note, I just had the most convincing EWCM that I've had since mc. We DTD this morning so great timing. We will get one more in tonight but hubby leaves tomorrow and doesn't come home until Thursday afternoon.
Slg - Yay for some EWCM! Hopefully tonight's BD session will be enough even if he's away for most of the week.

Sorry to hear you are having a down day. :hugs: It is too bad your family and your DH can't get along. I do hope you cheer up soon!
So happy to read some good news here! Something encouraging for all of us. :)

My AF came last Friday (3 days late), but it was only spotting, not much of heavy bleeding. Don't know how long it takes this time for my AF to go back to the regular cycle and flow. Sigh...... I hate this getting-back-on-track-again period.

slg, hope to hear some good news from you soon. :)
hope - are you going to take a month off or are you going to TTC after AF?

Slg- that's a shame that the family can't even get along for the holiday period. What are your plans for Xmas ? Xxx
Blue - Thank you for sending that link through, I found it really interesting. I had no idea Soy could be so effective, I know if I'd seen all those posts I'd have gone for it too. It's sold in Holland & Barrett so can't be that controversial, I hope this is it for you, really hope it's your cycle. I'm sorry the witch is visiting but I'm hoping you're still enjoying lots of cuddles from hubby :hugs: xx

Hopefor - I'm sorry the witch arrived but hoping this will kick start things to a normal cycle for you. It took me 6-7weeks to ovulate following my natural miscarriage and if I hadn't caught then (unfortunately ended in another m/c) AF would have shown up 2 weeks later, so making that cycle 8-9 weeks. So it's at least good yours has returned back so quickly. I hope this your lucky cycle and it ends with a BFP :flower: xxx

SLG - So pleased you got EWCM and you managed to dtd to use it too :happydance:. It's a shame families don't always get on, hopefully a new lo will bring everyone closer when you get your new BFP? Also did the OPK's getting darker continue?

Cleaning out the air ducts is a good idea, I always suffered from allergies as a child and my asthma was terrible, my mum definitely found closing off the air vents (they had blower heater ducts in the house that weren't in use for years) helped my allergies settle down, hope your daughter gets the same relief from cleaning out the air ducts :thumbup: xx

Linny - You can't say your miscarriage was expected or anything, I know someone that didn't know she was pregnant for 5 months, she was doing all sorts including drugs (I don't agree with any of that by the way) but she still had a healthy and happy little girl. Miscarriages are just nature's way of taking away a baby that wasn't ready for the world, not a reflection on the parents at all. I know it's not easy though, I blame myself for so much but I guess deep down I know I couldn't have stopped them, just as you couldn't stop yours.

I was pretty much on a seafood diet when I fell with this one unknowingly. I ate so many things you're not meant to eat and when I found out I was pregnant I cried a lot, thinking I'd lost the baby before I'd given it a chance but it's still here. I can't wait to shout about your entry into the second trimester, because it'll be here before you know it :happydance: xxx

Lindsay - So glad hubby wants to be around more with appointments etc :happydance:. I'm waiting for mine to turn that corner, all he seems to do is moan about how little I eat!:haha: I'm glad hubby is enjoying his new job and hope the shifts etc ease up so he can spend more time with you. Must be lovely to start thinking about names and imagining who the baby will look like!:baby: Men don't like shopping at the best of times, I think I'll be going without hubby a lot too when it comes down to it. He feels uncomfortable thinking about baby stuff as I can tell he's still very shielded. I guess in a sense some men's guard doesn't drop until the baby arrives.

Has hubby started touching your tummy yet? That horrifies me, as I hate a 'no warning touch' from ANYONE!!:blush::haha:

Lit - Sorry for your friends loss, she's very welcome here and will be looked after.:hugs:

Your chart is still looking amazingly good. I didn't get sky high temperature's like some women do but still got a BFP. I'm a late one for BFPs, even with the twin pregnancy, blood tests showed really good increase but for some reason my pregnancy tests hadn't gone positive that quickly. My latest BFP was around 15dpo which was the day AF was due. But I don't bother looking at a test for very long, if it's not obvious I don't really take it as a positive (I've got funny eyes that refuse to see faint lines!!).:blush:

I hope the headaches clear up, have you tried getting hubby to give you a head massage? I can't believe how much it works for me xxx

Teacup - Welcome back! Not long till testing for you either, exciting!! I have a feeling this is yours and Lit's month!!! How wonderful would it be to go from cycle buddies to bump buddies!:happydance:xx

AFM - Same old, no real symptoms, am still a little bunged up too. Went out Saturday night and some random man told me I had the 'best rack in the whole town', I wanted to scream back I'm pregnant you moron but I don't suppose it's acceptable yet to be shouting you're pregnant at total strangers!!:haha: I'm looking forward to my scan on Thursday and hopefully relaxing even more into this pregnancy xxx
Blue - that's some pretty compelling evidence! There's no harm anyway is there? If it doesn't seem to make much difference then you can make a new decision the following month.

Slg - congrats on the ewcm! I remember being really surprised to first notice ewcm...I had never previously paid any attention to my cm at all! :) Sorry to hear your holiday situation is a bit rubbish re: family and hubs. Is there anything you can say to your family so they'll try to put in some more effort to have freindly reationship with hubs? I had similar issue with my ex-partner and my family. I was with the man for 14 years but they never got on, it was particularly him and my mum who didn't see eye to eye, made hoidays a bit of a nightmare, so I sympathise! X

Hope - Was that your first AF since mmc? AF's can be very odd after mc, I assumed mine would be super-heavy but it was lighter than usual. Still, it's good your cycle seems to be getting back on track sooner rather than later x

LL - How are you feeling today love? X

Aleeah - I know, rationally anyway, that this is the case. Certainly I know that once I found out I was pregnant I couldn't have done anything differently to change the outcome. I don't dwell on it too much, but I am glad that it turned things round. Hehe, best rack in town! Love it! So, after the scan will you start to tell people or are you waiting a little longer? x

Afm - my scan went fine today, bean is doing really good with a strong heartbeat still and measuring perfectly. I am so grateful for bean hanging in there, when i was going to pieces. No internal this time either so i'm hopeful that's the last of the spotting. I'm still getting a little red tinge to my cm, the mw said it was probably coming from the implantation site and saw no other issues. x
Hey ladies.

You all sound like you're doing so well. I'll come back later to catch up, but Linny wanted to tell you that I spotted at 7/8 weeks with my second DS, like you describe and was told it was "text book" that the placenta was imbedding. Glad your scan went so well!!

Hey slg

Sorry to hear about your holidays... I guess one way to look at it is that you don't have to worry about them being together and the stress of being constantly trying to keep the peace between them, at least with your dh not going, you won't have that stress? Just trying to pull a positive from a bad situation :)

Wanted to tell you too, that I have A LOT of allergies, I'm a severe asthmatic, very allergic to dust, so we regularily clean out the air ducts, change our furnace filter once a month and also if your dd is really allergic to dust, stuffies (stuffed animals) are the worst thing, my mom used to put all of mine in the freezer to kill the dust mites every few months :)

Good luck today with your blood test!! and good job on your good timing on the bding!!!!

Linny- YAYYYY!!!!!!!!! I am SO very pleased to hear your baby is doing well! :hugs: you must be so relieved!

Aleeah- that is funny about the rack comment. :haha: Thanka for your optimism. I am pleased with my chart but not so happy with that BFN at 9 DPO. Really trying to wait til Wednesday to test again. My headaches are mostly gone now as well. I think a weekend of relaxation helped.

How is everyone else? I read all comments but don't have much time on my lunch break to reply properly. :hugs: to all.
Hey Ladies!!

I love reading all the long comments!! Mine never turn out as in depth as yours aleeah!! ehehe i always forget what i wrote by the time i get to the reply :blush:
Memory is terrible!!

Linny thats great about your scan! its getting exciting now!!

Aleeah cant wait to hear of how your next scan goes too!!

SLG- i have asthma too.. used to be really bad when i was younger. My soft toys where kept away but cleaning out the vents sounds like a great thing to do. (We didnt have vents).

Just thought that why not give it a try .. if it doesnt work then it can add to the long list of things that havent been working ! AF isnt causing me any more pain which is good. Hopefully it will be over soon!! xxx
thanks for all the thoughts on allergies and asthma. I will start calling around for prices. We have a pretty big house so I'm guessing several hundred dollars for cleaning the vents.

I did an OPK this morning and it seems lighter than the previous two days. I think it's possible that I ovulated yesterday. Hard to say for sure. We BD yesterday morning and this morning so we should be covered. Husband left for work and will be home Thursday.
slg the last time I did the vents, and I was calling around for prices, sometimes it was hard to compare, some companies would give a price on square footage, others based on number of vents... I ended up with the best price from the company that services my furnace... they gave me a discount.. good luck!

literati I wouldn't worry about a bfn at 9dpo, that's super early.. I've gotten bfps at 10-11 dpo but were always pretty light. I can't believe you are able to wait until wednesday!!

Aleeha I laughed at your rack comment.. I have a very small chest so I looove when I'm pregnant and nursing :)

blue, you're amazing, and I think your willingness to try anything is amazing, when your little bean does come, he/she will be very lucky to have you!!
Kls- I wouldnt go that far. Lol but thank you for being soo kind. Not 100% sure its going to help but I just want my little bean soo much. Getting into desperate measures now hehe . 2nd day 3 to goo! It actually makes me sleep soo well! I was in a coma last night!!! struggled to get up this morning and NO NIGHTMARES!! Added bonus!

Anyone heard from nina ? Xxx
Blue - I tend to reply when I'm meant to be working, I work really hard so take my time out to reply, only way I really switch off from work. PLUS I love to talk!!:haha: I'm sometimes so embarrassed when I see how long the post is after I've posted... I seem to have a lot to say!!!:blush::haha:

Like everyone else has said about the soy, it can't hurt and it might be the winning solution. I still think you should go back to the doctors and lay it on thick if you can, I know you wouldn't need to lay it on at all as I appreciate it's not been a nice journey for you. They HAVE to help, that's what they are there for you, you give so much back in your line of work why can't they help you for once??? Sorry, makes me angry :growlmad:, you deserve and have earnt this baby so much, doctors can help and should. I'll call them up if you like!!:haha:

Linny - So pleased your scan went well!! You must be so relieved, such exciting times for you! Has it all sunk in for hubby yet?? It's so amazing you're almost 8 weeks now. :happydance:

We don't plan (I don't plan anyway!) to tell anyone until Christmas now, I'll be around 16 weeks and believe I can hide it for a bit longer. Hubby has a big mouth though, so not sure what he'll do in the excitement following the scan. Update on the cat doppler situation too, apparently it is just the cat that's heartless :cat:, found baby a couple of times now (only looked a couple of times). Hubby said the sweetest thing last night, he told me to record it on my phone so he could listen to it over and over again when he wanted to! My husband is the least sweet man I know, he's a real man's man and doesn't do soppy but that comment melted my heart. I didn't record it though as told him I'd get the doppler out and let him listen whenever he wanted to!:thumbup:

Kim - How are you feeling now? Is everything feeling like it's going back to normal? Are you healing well? I can imagine it's been both a physical and mental rollercoaster, hopefully this is the start of a beautiful rainbow baby journey now :happydance: xx

SLG - So glad ovulation happened whilst hubby was still around, sounds like you've had all the bases covered, really hope this is your month :hugs: xx

Literati - I love logging on and checking your chart out, it's looking good still. I've got my fingers and toes and everything crossed for you testing tomorrow :thumbup: xxx

AFM - Still really bunged up and looking forward to my midwife appointment tomorrow xx

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