Hi ladies
Just a quick update, after the first small amount of red blood yesterday, it quickly got lighter and turned brown. Today it has been barely there, just a little brown mixed with normal mucus.I probably wouldnt know it was there if I wasnt checking every 5 minutes! I rang epu yesterday and they didnt seem concerned at all, because ive already had a scan at 6 weeks and they saw a heartbeat, they said unless the bleeding continued or got heavier or I started getting any pains with it then I shouldnt really worry. Although that doesnt stop me worrying at all!
I just want to say thank you so much to everyone for your lovely words of kindness and reassurance yesterday, I was in such a mess, and when hubby got home from work and saw me with my bloodshot panda eyes he felt so bad that he hadnt been able to come home earlier! But I told him it was ok, my ladies on this thread are more knowledgeable and understanding than the hospital were anyway!
I did some googling (bad I know) and it seems some bleeding at 8 weeks is common, as it can be when your normal AF would be due,which it would have been for me, to the exact day. So im just going to try my hardest to relax and stop stressing, and hope everything is fine. I still have terrible sickness and heartburn...got to count for something right?
Hope everyone is well
Lots of love x x x