Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Brighteyez, so sorry to hear of your loss :hugs: TTC after a loss can be quite scary... there's a lovely supportive group of ladies here, and you are of course welcome to join us :)

Crys, I see you've started a new cycle. Are you going to try this cycle? Thanks for letting us know you heard from Aleeah, I'm so glad to hear that everything is going well for her.

Linny, I've been much the same way at night. I usually wake up to pee around 3 or 4 and then can't go back to sleep for a while. Yes, the break was lovely... now another 10 - 12 weeks of work before my mat leave starts, it all seems pretty surreal at this point.

LL, hooray for 9 weeks!! :) hopefully your pelvic pain won't get too bad. I'm cautiously optimistic that my back won't get too sore... my mom said she didn't have much trouble right up until the last 2 - 3 weeks so hopefully I'll be the same. My biggest inconvenience at this point is that I can't breathe if I bend over to do up my shoes, lol.

Blue, so glad to hear that your OH's dad is back home and doing okay, that must be a relief. I think NTNP is a good idea, that worked for you in the past, and maybe it's the perfect thing now too :) I think the doctor should help you at this point, I've heard that often if you've been trying for a year they will offer some help. It also doesn't hurt to be a little bit pushy sometimes and let them know that you want some additional testing, etc.

Sorry to hear about your friends announcement, you'd think she could have kept that bit about debating abortion to herself :hugs: Glad it was over the phone though, a little easier to deal with that way isn't it?

As for me, I had a bit of a scare on wednesday. Woke up feeling quite short of breath, and my heart was racing. Called the on call doc who asked me to check my blood pressure which also turned out to be high so they had me come in to be checked. Fortunately after some blood tests and a non-stress test they determined that baby and I were just fine. Still not sure what caused it all but they are suspecting dehydration or maybe I was fighting a cold. In any case everything was back to normal the next day, they're going to keep a close eye on my blood pressure though as around now is the time when they would expect to see it go up a bit.
Linds that sounds like a wee scary ordeal. Im so glad its all worked out fine. Hope you keeping your getting hydrated and hope you are putting your feet up when you can and keeping the stress levels down. Roll on mat leave! Your little bun wil be here before you know it! Xxx
Blue - I think they should definitely do something for you at this point. You can always round up and saying you've been trying for about a year now, since that seems to be the magic number. Here's hoping the NTNP works in the mean time though.

Lindsay - That *is* quite the scare! I am glad you and baby are okay. Are there meds they can put you on to lower your BP while pregnant? Obviously that would not be ideal and I hope yours stays down on its own now.
Yep, definitely taking it easy since wednesday, and drinking tonnes of water (and consequently running to the bathroom constantly, lol). There are meds they can put me on for the BP if necessary - fortunately it's come right back down to low normal now and hopefully will stay that way!
Haha. When I got out of the hospital when I had hyperemisis I drank loads so that I wouldnt go in again and was constantly running to the bathroom haha.
Glad your good now. Keep taking it easy and hope that DH spoils you hehe.

Lol I know lit I should round it up. Tbh I will be nearly a year the time I get to the doctors anyway. We are waiting for the other doctor to come on. So it will be a week or so when we go and it will be just days short of a year.

Dont think the NTNP will work this month either. Im working for the next 5 nights and Dons is working for the next five days! So we will hardly see each other and when we do we will both be too tired too bd haha! Xxx
Lindsay - argh! Sorry to hear about your scare, glad you're doing ok now though! So, will they give you meds as a preventative? Wow yes, maternity leave seems to be fast approaching. So good!

Blue - I think 1 year is the magic number. It's as good as that and after your loss etc a doctor would have to be cruel to make you wait a few more weeks. Hope you don't mind me mentioning this, but re:night shift work I read a thing in the daily mail online recently saying night work can interfere with your cycles and fertility. It's the mail so obviously there's a pinch of hysteria about it but thought I'd mention just in case changing shifts was easy and would give a little boost to things?

LL - hurray for your scan coming up then! Know what you mean about announcement not having quite the same excitement any more. I got a bit nervy when I told family, like it was dangerously out of control to do sonething that confident. But, I guess we can only be in denial so long x

A question for ladies who've been pregnant before- I've been getting these twinges up my, er, vagina?? It's like a mild shooting pain, almost like a trapped nerve. I've had it very mildly on and off before but this morning it's been intermittent for a few hours. I read up that you get these later on in pregnancy so I'm a bit baffled by them turning up right now. I hope someone can relieve my worries on this!
Thanks for the information linny. Iv only really done 4 night shifts and only got 5 to go so its definitely not that. How ever this week is probably my fertile week. But im on nightshift and hes on day so I can see why it can affect the outcome haha!

I had the shooting pain sometimes throughout. I did have pregnancy thrush twice though. Xxx
Blue - ah that's good then (that night shift isn't a long term thing etc), but yeah, if you can't have sex i guess that leaves....immaculate conception? :)

The dreaded Thrush - i've had thrush once already so it may well be the culprit again, i'm going to the docs on monday to see if she'll swab me. The glamour.
Immaculate conception is a good possibility! Lol at this rate it will need to be.

Fingers crossed it's not the dreaded thrush it's a nightmare ! Xxx
Did they give you the internal suppository for it as well? They did the first time and I really didn't like it as it caused some spotting - I hope they have an alternative to a giant crumbly tablet shoved up my hoo ha.
Linny - I seem to recall my coworker mention pains like you described, and I don't think she had thrush or anything wrong with her. I have actually had a couple weird sensations down there as well, so perhaps it is normal? Good to get it checked though. And... I just did a double take when I looked at your ticker!!!!! I can't believe you made it to the 2nd trimester already! I know some people don't count it til later, but I am a firm believer in the first tri being finished ASAP! So congratulations!!!! That is sooo amazing!!!!!! Wow! You did it!!! Will you find out the gender at 20 weeks? Have you told any friends or coworkers yet? Do you have any symptoms anymore?

Blue - that is terrible that you'll barely have a chance this month. You never know when you'll have a surge of energy, though, and it only takes one time! So don't count yourself out quite yet.

Lindsay - that is excellent it has gone back down on its own. I was a little surprised to hear that my BP is already a bit high, but my dr wasn't concerned and I always get very anxious at the dr when they check it.

AFM - I have my coworker's baby shower to attend today even though I am terribly tired and slept til noon. Also, my boobs don't really hurt anymore but I'm trying not to fret. Perhaps their growth spurt is over with for a little while? I just so desperately want Wednesday to be good news and it makes me so uneasy knowing my life could be shattered by 9 am that day. :(
LL - I know! Its weird, just realised I am literally at the crossover if it's 40 weeks/3. I know it's hard to believe but on Wednesday you are going to be just fine!! Believe it! My boobs have annoyingly done that all the way through too, been sore then gone down for a bit- stressful I know! But ultimately meant nothing but more sore boobs a few days later.

I posted the vaginal twinge question :haha: into second tri and a lot of women seem to get it around my stage so I'll ask the doc on Monday but not too worried now.
Did they give you the internal suppository for it as well? They did the first time and I really didn't like it as it caused some spotting - I hope they have an alternative to a giant crumbly tablet shoved up my hoo ha.

Yes thats what they gave me too. Twice. I didnt get spotting but got some awful discharge! (Sorry lol).

Im pretty sure I had it linny. I can remember every little twinge here and there hehe. Woohoo for second trimester! Xxx
Blue, that's too bad about night shifts again - hopefully you can sneak in some BD here and there. I know what you mean though, it is hard when you're on opposite schedules and tired.

Linny, I have been getting twinges like that for quite a while now too. Lately I think it's baby moving and hitting my cervix - makes me stop in my tracks sometimes, but only lasts for a second. I believe that everything stretching/growing also can cause pains like that - I wouldn't worry too much about it. No, they're not going to give me any preventive meds as there is also a concern of my BP going too low and the baby not getting enough nutrition. I check it at home on a daily basis so if it's trending up they will likely start some meds, but if it stays in the low normal range as it is now, then I'll be fine without.

LL, try not to worry too much about your boobs not being very sore today - I had soreness on and off all through first tri (and they still continue to be that way). I also think you're going to be just fine at your scan on wednesday :hugs: You're going to get to see your little bean wiggling away!! My BP is always high at the doctors office too - my family doctor has stopped checking it and just asks me what readings I'm getting at home, lol.

AFM, was feeling very productive today. We did a bit more cleaning and organizing of the baby room and bought a crib - crazy!
Your at the exciting stage when its good to get organised linds!! Your pregnancy seems to be flying in lol.

Hi ladies!
Just checking in..sorry its a little late but happy new year to everyone! I spent mine in hospital with dehydration, so hope everyone else had a much better new years!Im fine now, been prescribed some anti-sickness meds which I have been reluctantly taking when it reaches its peak. Wish id never read the symptoms and side effects leaflet in the box though! They are called Buccastem...anyone used or heard of them?
I had no more spotting after the scary episode at 8 weeks.Am half expecting some again next week at 12 weeks, when next AF would be due, but im least im a little more prepared for it if it does happen.
I have my first midwife appointment today, it feels strange to have gotten this far.I never even saw a midwife last time.
Just catching up on alllll the pages, so glad youve heard from Aleeah, phew.Will do personals later on, there is so much to read! Hi and welcome to the new ladies!
Lots of love x x
I was on the Anti sickness meds when I had hyperemisis! Also spent last Xmas and new year in hosp with it. So I do sympathies for you! Hope your feeling better soon! I didn't find the meds any helpful. I was still sick lol. Are they making a difference?

ljs - I hope the meds are helping you out. You sure don't need to be dehydrated. Will you be having a scan at 12 weeks?

LL- Looking forward to your scan update.

Lindsay - Time has just flown! How are you feeling?

Linny - Those twinges are definitely normal. Everything stretches.

Blue - How are you? I hope you have a lovely surprise this month after taking it easy on the trying everything.

AFM - I'm getting to that part of my cycle where we need to get busy. Can't decide if I want to temp and watch everything or just try on the usual days. Either way, the TWW will drive me crazy, but I don't know which would be worse. Lol.
I think we are at the same time of the month. This is my usual bding time. I think today is cd17 for me. But due to my night shifts my cycle may be disturbed. Im not getting hopes up for this cycle or any other cycle now tbh haa.

What cd do you usually O? Xxx
LJ - sorry to hear you're having a rough time with illness, i hope the meds work....And hopefully it shouldn't stick around for too much longer either!

Blue - Ugh, ah well if it gets rid of it....I went to doc today and she is sending away a swab and a pee sample to test for UTI and BV...I think it's neither but might as well tick it off! Sounds awful to have spent xmas and new year in the hospital with sickness! I assume because of dehydration etc? Is hyperemisis something which repeats or is it possible you'll get away without it next time? x

Linds - hurray! Buying a crib, that's great! What colours are you doing the nursery? x

Chryss - heh, if you want a guide of how not to be on tww it's probably how i behaved. Temp, search similar charts on ff and see which % were pregnant :haha:, pee on opks twice (or more) a day, even had a hpt wrestled off me by DF one morning :haha: But seriously, I hope you make the choices that make you feel good about things X

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